Speedrunning is for complete autists, don't let anyone try to convince you otherwise

>Some guy did a 20+ hour "world record run" of Pokemon Stadium and you can actually see it go from morning to night as the video progresses

Imagine people actually this autistic; and he doesn't even sound excited at the end when he supposedly wins. He really could have done anything with his day, like take out the dog for a walk or go on a date with his gf/wife, but he chose to do this

Attached: pokemon stadium speedrun.jpg (1639x841, 262K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>making the same thread over and over
>calling others autistic

You sound more autistic than OP

>Hating based Werster
Nah op you are the autist

t. browses Yea Forums

imagine a marching band

It's a special kind of autism to speedrun an RPG. The only skill required is menuing speed. 99% comes down to RNG

hi op

Hi autist

Wasn't good enough for you the first four times?

In this case there's more to it than that. Pokemon takes a lot of situational knowledge to run on Werster's level. He often brings up specific percentages to kill due to damage ranges for example.

Yeah it takes way more skill than Gen 1 runs, but it's still autistic to take 20 hours to do it

im sub to this guy on YouTube and im following his twitch
guys great at what he does and speedruns sonic games aswell

also r8 my cat

Attached: EF377D9B-85A1-42AD-BC34-B3BF82080322.jpg (4032x3024, 1.06M)

I give your cat a 4/10.
His fur doesn't look nearly as soft as my cat's.

GTA 5 speedruns are super fun to watch. I once watched Witwix complete one on his stream and it was pretty fun.

I will say though, you have to be fucked in the mind to find speedrunning fun to do yourself. I tried getting into speedrunning for Shovel Knight and that's just a simple ass platformer. I felt like I was literally dying just practicing routes.

Any % speedruns are the only legitimate speedruns.
100 % speedruns are meaningless made up garbage.
The only thing that matters is who get's to the credits fastest no matter how they get there.

>100 % speedruns are meaningless made up garbage.
One of them beats the game.
The other one completes the game.

Don't make it more complicated than it needs to be.

cats are for faggots/10

He did pocket monster stadium 2 yesterday. Also fuck off OP

>using "lol" on Yea Forums
>admitting to being a follower on youtube/twitch
>"rate my cat guise :D"

what the fuck did you just make your first post

>so obsessed you have to make another thread about him
OP is such a gay faggot

Shhh. Don't disturb the wildlife, user.
He's just fine the way he is. Just let him be and observe.


her fur looks bad because she's old as fuck, 18 years
shes older then 56% of Yea Forums and older then op by 3 years

Bullshit, my cat is 14 years old and still has the fur of a kitten. Your cat probably just sucks.

Yet you're the one making these threads for daily basis.

Cry more

lmao what a fucking looser

Still not even as close to pathetic as wester

Does he use rentals or cartridge Pokemon?

>Speedrunning is for complete autists, don't let anyone try to convince you otherwise

Who is trying to convince otherwise? I think a lot of speedrunners would probably say they're on the spectrum if you asked them.

Attached: 1273982547808.gif (150x113, 635K)

Maybe, idk, maybe these people enjoy playing the game


There's a lot of cringe YouTubers trying to justify speedrunning

'Glad I don't watch cringe YouTubers.

A lot of Yea Forums does

That's pretty cringe.


I know, but what are you gonna do?

How many times are you gonna make this thread? You have a personal grudge against the dude or something? Not your personal army


Nothing, people being cringe isn't the worst thing.

Fuck speedrunners

did a speedrunner fuck your gf or something

They're just untalented soicucks

Forgot to mention: Untalented soicucks with a high chance of trannyism


Always feels like just a poor excuse to play video games.

Attached: agdq compressed.jpg (1280x720, 80K)

this dude is the reason I was finally able to beat those games with rentals only, such a big help since Ive had horrrifically bad luck with all the transfer paks Ive bought and tried to use.

There's no link, keep crying


How could speedrunning not be someones job?

Gay cat



Posting the same thread five times is for complete autists; don't let anyone try to convince you otherwise.

>you can actually see it go from morning to night as the video progresses
Yeah that's what happens when time passes. Did you expect that NOT to happen in a 20-hour video?

imagine being cucked by this site so much that you feel you have to alert everyone anytime someone posts an image you've seen before as if you're not just replying to a bot at best and an equivalent turbovirgin like yourself at worst

>54 replies
>30 posters
You don't have to reply to every post, OP.

Is it just be or has his content kind of died? I used to like getting his take on Poke news and shit and watching him play the games for the first time.
Is he going to fastplay Swords?