Does Yea Forums play gacha games?

Does Yea Forums play gacha games?

Any you would recommend others to play?

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The only gacha games I can really recommend are gacha rhythm games. Forget about anything else.

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honkai impact is the only one i ever played

it is very high quality, but it's a gacha game, so it's constantly fucking with your head to play more and spend more

What's the game on the left?

>love gacha because I have a neanderthal brain addicted to skinnerbox and gambling
>all the "good" gacha games are anime shit
last gacha game I got really into was Marvel Future Fight but then that started getting pretty shit pretty quickly

Now one of my friends plays Epic 7 and wants me to play but I feel like if I don't play within a few months of release, there is just no point playing at all

Destiny Child
lots of freebies
lots of good vidya collabs


neck already you braindead tranny fag

I'm glad Senketsu is still alive.

Sometimes Dokkan, and I just redownloaded FHGO

I used to play Dungeon Hunter Champions religiously. I haven’t played recently but it might be worth peeking at for anybody who’s in to diablo clones


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the only gacha I play now is FGO. I've removed Destiny's Child, Azure Lane, Gundam Wars, Langrisser, FEH, GBF. All of those takes too much time to do the dailies. In FGO, it only takes me 10 minutes at best,1 hour at most to spend all my AP for the day.

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I wanted to play this but the story seems like generic battle harem anime shlock and I hate the faggot MC, which is a shame because otherwise the game looks pretty cool

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What's wrong with streaming? Are you one of those fags that insist on downloading episodes? I'm not going to fill my hard drive with shit I'm going to watch only once and never again. Or one of the more obnoxious "DVD/Bluray only" fags?

don't even bother. The girls are sexy but 99% of the battle, youll be just looking at the screen like this. Its a perfect example of just download the png of the girls online

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>Oh no my account only has 300 something dollars in it I gotta make this last a month!
>Up until that point they constantly show they're rolling Gacha games
Honestly fuck off.

don't come back to /krg/ you fucking faggot

I play Brave Exvius religiously. It's actually a lot like older turn based RPGs if you can get over the gacha element. Helps if you're a big FF fan, too

I too think /krg/ is full of faggots.

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I don't live off my mom's credit card and I took the VR pill. Much better than this blueball trashfest of endorphin overdrive.

This. Even when I was somewhat digging the gameplay at first, being able to do things like taking a 2 star pixie and making her into a rape machine because she can drive for far less then anyone else could and it was AoE nuke at that, the game just is a chore to do and you don't even 'play' it after a while.
>The general gameplay evolves around just running a single stage on endless and selling off all of the useless junk after a few hours, and doing the daily runs for the hope of sub-decent gear to at last progress a little farther.
It also sucks that units do not scale very well into 6*'s if they weren't already 5*'s, with only a few key exceptions. Also only two valid 'tanks' really fucks with it.

>Azure Lane
Not gacha.

i like astral stairway
i can raise chickens and feed them to the cat bastet

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>gacha games
Kill yourself.

>Chaining is retarded
>Best characters are donut steels not FF chars
Shit game and I say this as someone with a better account than most people

Maybe your ice cream would quit melting if you would stop using that blow dryer on it.

what anime?
is it good?

Please play Dragalia Lost.

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Seconded. The gameplay is, by mobile standards, fantastic, and it runs at 60FPS pretty consistently. The problem is that the monetization and mobage mechanics drown out all this quality. If they sold the content outright as a $10-15 game I'd buy it.

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I guess Teppen counts because it has card packs. I'm really enjoying it, and I basically never play mobage and never got deep into any TCG.

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cope harder you stupid nigger

just doing Mobile Legends Adventure

can we discuss the hairdryer


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Try Epic Seven op

I fucking hate granblue fantasy but iam so addicted to grinding big numbers and i still love the story and characters
So even when i quit i come back to read the new event story and then i grind again


>unironically playing gachashit on your PC
delete yourself

>iam so addicted to grinding big numbers
Just play Disgaea, faggot.

Fgo is pretty good if you have godluck or money

King's Raid. Its actually one of the best gacha, basically no stamina and you can get literally everything for free(characters, gear, etc). Play it.

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What game is this friend

I've quit after saving for months for Ieyasu then failing to get him TWICE. I know it's all luck and all, but I took it as the way of the game telling me to quit.