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mobile gaming lol

Oh no no.. gaymers what do we do now?

>it doesn't count because I say so!!!

This btfo's the incel. You go queen!

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Roblox, Minecraft and Fortnite

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How old is that article now?


Bros how do we fix this problem? Vidya is male territory only


Some glue to help with all the social justice influence!

>women in gamers increase
>gamers cause more shooting massacre

Why do women get molested as adults so often or claim men "tricked" them?

Someone so versed in videogames (which are essentially puzzles) should be smart enough to avoid being constantly tricked, right?

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Mobile games are gay

Mostly women who use manipulation. Never understood that accusation.

>People play casual football in their yard
>Now considered professional athletes according to the guardian

Source: dude trust me

Alright, what percent of gamers are women?

When the man is hot, woman brain turns off. It's really great.

Yea Forums is equivalent to football in their yard too. its not like mobile games like match 3 require zero skill.

>phone garbage

This image is posted every single day and it always gets hundreds of replies.


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Mobile trash is not video games. Bye bye!

have sex incel you freaks

I played nier automata if that counts.

At least type sage as shown to not bump the thread you dumb fuckers.

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When boomers complain about millenials and zoomers dumping so much time in vidya than social security but they on hand play Farmville and primordial RTSes Spider Solitaire

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>52% of gamers are women
>Gamers are violent racist and exclusionary

Which one is it?

>incels can't stop getting mad at the truth

can't believe that women are massive racists
whudda thunk

>but gamers are sexist bigots
>but we also need more women because they're the minority while being the majority.
>but we also need to appeal more to women because they're marginalized, and while being the majority?
Can they fucking stick with a single narrative already? Are gamers the source of all the fucking problems in the world or not? If so, where are the calls to deal with all these problematic women, which are the majority of gamers?

uh no
its game that you play too

>announcing sage
Um, sweetie...

I like how he cropped out the date which is conveniently right there on the left

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Don't question the narrative sweetie.

>it counts because I say so!!!!
this is how retarded you sound, and you'll never be a real female

My moral compass!!! Bros!!! Oh no!!!!

Bejeweled and Sims 4 don't count

Mobile games are shitty games but still games, change my mind

women make up 50% of the gaming population but 0% of the pro players

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>girls play games too you know
>it's actually guys pretending to be gilrs
every time

oh and that's an OPINION and not a fact. OP sucks cocks again

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What the fuck is your problem.

Why is Yea Forums so ridden with reposts?

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I drive a car, that makes me practically an F1 driver.

Look up Ghislaine Maxwell.

Most molestation incidents involve an older woman grooming a younger woman for her alpha male. Women have a very defined part in the abuse of other women.

Attached: Ghislaine Maxwell, molestation groomer for Jeff Epstein.jpg (1200x630, 83K)

>you have to train to be a Gamer
lol incel

Sounds hot as fuck

>all gamers are misogynistic, homophobic, racist bigoted scum
>also ACTUALLY most of gamers are women
Oy vey, something doesn't add up here!

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Its bots. The only way these shitty websites can stay afloat nowadays.

You'll never be a woman as long as you have a Y chromosome You can cope by dilating and spamming Yea Forums with lefty bait but it won't change the reality of things.

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how many are speedrunners?

See also

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based and really fucking redpilled

Women respect authority/an alpha male to the point where they'd do anything for them.

All you have to do is be that male.

Read up on pick related and all of the things he got 50+ females to do. Fucked the entire cast of Battlestar Galactica and Smallville, too.

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Not with you, freak

Holy shit that means that probably 90% of gamers are women now! But wait werent all gamers sexist and toxic pieces of shit ruining every community according to that same website and others like shittaku? Or are they implying that a 10% minority is somehow responsible for doing almost all racist,sexist and harassment campaigns across all video games...

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I’ve met some who play FF14, mostly French. Hell the majority of my FC are female(the non-tranny variant).

Because this board is filled with fucking idiots looking for things to get upset about so it's hundreds of unironic replies every time.

If someone casually has a basketball hoop/trashcan in their office and throws paper down it, that person isnt considered on the same level as someone who plays pickup games at the park everyday or people who train to go pro.
Mobile games are games but its 100% a casual experience and the vast majority of console and competitive games are male dominated

>a small minority is responsible for the majority of mischief
I mean it works in real life too.

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Despite being 48% of the population...

so Trump want to fuck up gamers, so he can easily rape every woman at will because they are the majority in this case?

yeah fucking right.

You know, if there are so many girl gamers, then that must mean those girls like the existing content in games. So why try making games more appealing to them if what you were doing was already getting those customers?

The sad thing is that a lot of more non casual games are being made for smartphones, because zoomers are too retarded to put down their phone and enjoy a game on their console or play on a desktop

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I think I read somewhere girls make up about 30% of the community in FFXIV.

It's done to appeal to like ten twitter screeching cunts, not to actual customers.

Hopefully we'll get some women shooting up some schools now

And the other 70% is guys pretending to be girls.

>primordial RTSes
all the boomers I know play at least 3 rounds of Red Alert 2 every week, holy shit

there's something about anime that attracts a lot of f*males

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>muh no scope
>muh fps skill
imagine taking playing video game a serious and professional hobby

This is the mental state of a person who does nothing but gaming, it's so toxic and I often view these addicts as a warning to myself

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have gay sex


One of my friend does that, he's 30 like me. I'm more of an early 3d rts guy though, I play Generals, Ground Control 2 and Emperor the battle for Dune at least once a month.

Is that why most men that watch anime end up becoming trannies?

>52% of women are c󠛡u󠛡m󠛡b󠛡r󠛡a󠛡i󠛡ns
Incels must be SEETHING right now

>says the frogposter
>on Yea Forums of all things
fuck you m8

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feminism is just like zionism

>"Why aren't companies making games for us? We make up for 52% of the gamer community!"
>Companies start making games catered to females
>They flop because females either would rather play with mobile games or they're not into games that much
>They start making games for the 48%
>"Why aren't companies making games for us? We make up for 52% of the gamer community!"

Companies only care about the percentage that actually gives money.

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Are you mentally handicapped? Try reading it again. 52% of all females play games, not 52% of the gaming community consists of females.

you forgot something in your cropping

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>52% of all females play games, not 52% of the gaming community consists of females.
are... are you handicapped?
the article is "52% of gamers are women"

baste lazy cunts at the guardian

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>inb4 Bloodborne
I wish.

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here you go fellas

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theres more!

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Your reading comprehension is awful.

And video games apparently also cause violence.
Which means women are violent now.
How do we stop the violent female problem, guys?

>let me redefine gaming until it's so broad that it encompasses anyone who has ever been in the vicinity of a smartphone
>lel it's a female hobby now, have sex

the best part is they cropped the obvious fossil phone that would be obsolete by 2014 as these stock pictures were taken in the late 2000s

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women are extremely racist and exclusionary

>Jamal's so big!

>playing videogames

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Explains why games suck ass these days.

that means 52% of gamers are now trash and will be all-around terrible at games - making multiplayer even more terrible unless it's an FFA which they'll get their shit stomped. But then again this article doesn't hold weight since it's only one data point from a shit source.

>C- for bait effort - see me after class

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>The state of today journalism.

the opinion piece you retards are getting triggered by is from 2014


Fuck off back to twitter.


no wonder gamers are toxic lol

>implying women play FFA games where they can't get teammates to praise them just for contributing

you sound triggered, its ok to fall for OP's bait lil' zoom, but don't sperg once you get corrected. im just trying to help you and others not fall for this shit in the future

If only 52% of women play games then why are 80% of mmo characters female?

>52% of woman are gamers
>women are now the majority among game users
These are not the same thing.


That article is 5 years old.
Five years.
How many newfriends do we have in this thread?

Reddit is that way frog nigger

2014 isn't really that long ago

There are 1000 new threads made on Yea Forums every day.

>mobile gaming is mostly women
>so lets change non mobile games for women


How many times will this articles be posted?

No it's less than 5 years ago.

Anons should remember it's possible to flag posts as Spam.

That's nice, but what about $$$? How much do the gamers spend?

now youre just splitting hairs, its off by a month

>he thinks that mobile gaming is compatible to PC

Fucking idiot

Well you have to be accurate about these things, especially in journalism.

Mobile is believable, in fact I would have thought higher yet. Consoles, its not that high, no where near. Even when you take the trannies and trolls who pretend to be girls into account, it still wouldn't be over 50

this is an opinion piece written by a woman, they don't know the meaning of the word

I don't suspect that changes my perspective.

5 years ago:
>Mincraft got bought by microsoft
>gears of war acquired by microsoft
>facebook bought oculus vr
>twitch bought by amazon
>dark souls 2 release
>far cry 4 release
>diablo expansion release
>destiny release
>hearthstone release

heres your gamer opinion piece bro

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Not as a female you don't. The pussy pass will see you through no matter what kind of bullshit you make up.

And if I'm not attracted to pussy?

Oh yes. There are a sizable portion of women who are wicked and evil. Everyone gives them extra leeway because they're females, but, really, they can be just as bad, if not worse, than men. They know they can simply cry a bit or put on a show and others will take them at their word, evidence be damned.

"women" "female" and "girl" should be wordfiltered on Yea Forums, prove me wrong

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Then you're a faggot whose opinion is irrelevant


Big man, can't admit to a diverse workforce. Really afraid of you now!

What a fucking bigot that person must be!

Just genocide them and the world would be a better place overnight.

>Women are now the majority
Awesome! Sexism is now over

>diverse workforce
usually nothing wrong with this until you start making your gender/racial/sexuality politics the focal point of a person's qualifications, then normal people tune right out

Bigot isn't the word to describe a fashionable narrow mindedness.

You could suffer attitudinized, or hyperbolic, even surrogate has its demonstrations.

Nah I just cant take serious a "man" who has cock breath & smells like shit from a caved in arsehole

That's okay. I don't think it's a relatively difficult thing to do either.

>women become the majority of gamers in 2014
>gg happens
>trump gets elected
>gamers shoot up walmarts
I finally see it's all women's fault.

Guess we re already past stage 5 in our hobby. What a shame, fighting games will be the only place where these attention seeking sluts will never touch, because they can't.

Only girls that actually like fightan and aren't there for the uncontested attention can get somewhat out of the pools.

>just a straight up lie
Where did everything go so wrong with journalism?

I don't know how I'm gonna recover after that. Absolutely defeated.

They started to let females in. And just like everything else they infest it grows cancerous and dies.


mobile trash aren't games
its straight up gambling

>What? Does it threaten your masculinity?
How the ACTUAL FUCK do I respond to this?

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I'd first ask why he's focused on me while peeing.

>Mobile adiction to non will beings


Tell them you have a real gamer girl gf (boy) that is insulted by being compared to mobile gamers

>woman math

You dont. Be a man and move on, let them fuck themselves. Which they will

So, there's no problem with gamers, right? Or rather, if there's problem with gamers, it reflects on the obvious majority?

Are you legally blind? It literally says "52% of women are gamers" That's literally what it says in the article title.


Okay, in fact, I just want somebody to accept me. Video games, anime, plastic models, photography as shared interests would be wonderful.

>trump trying to ban a female hobby
we must stop him liberalbros!

Crush the patriarchy!

alright retard, very funny

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>Is wrong, calls someone out for being wrong but is themselves wrong
>Gets called out for being wrong

Classic user.

mass replying is a leading cause of mass shootings

>90% of gamers are women now
I wouldn't even be surprised with all the tranny shit rampant nowadays.

>more females in gaming
>mass shooters getting associated with gaming
>females are mass shooters
anyone who disagrees is a bigot

We're all looking. Stay strong.

If playing candy crush makes you a gamer, then watching Instagram stories makes you a film buff

Absolute bullshit

i can't believe you're this brain damaged

don't sully my journalism bigotread my blog and donate

Good luck with that, Anons, hope you really do get what you were expecting. I found it myself yet I also found out that I'm fundamentally fucked in the head and wanna be left alone most of the time even with someone that shares my interests. I don't care now, but goddamn is it embarrassing to have to back out of that after hyping it up in your head for so long.

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It doesn't because there's very little overlap between mobile and console/pc/handheld. Sure, market mobile games to mostly women, that's the biggest market there, but trying to do the same to consoles is retarded. It's like seeing that books are mostly read by women and then marketing non-fiction and historical books to them when they mostly read romance and teen fiction. You're just going to alienate the audience that buys non-fiction and history (men).

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they're all playing mobile games tho. mobile

>Most men
Not even 0.01%. Most men who watch anime end up becoming nerds that post on Yea Forums.

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I've been noticing that top animes always have at least 1 tranny character. I have watched 3 animes and:
>steins gate had ruka
>Cowboy bebop had that tranny child
>Berserk had stronk black wimmin casca(not tranny tho)

/r9k/ unironically worked for me desu senpai. Though 99% of /r9k/ is male (including tranies) and almost everyone is under 18, and those that aren't are complete sluts (both male and female) pretending they're so ronery.
Point is, miracles do happen.
Keep trying, I believe in you user.

>Gamers are women now!
>Also gamers are misogynistic sexists!

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>>Cowboy bebop had that tranny child
are you fucking retarded? ed was a 13 year old tomboy

crossdresser/ androgynous leads to becoming a tranny

Giod boy, Thanks for proving my point

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If you wanted an example for Bebop, you could have taken that trucker from Heavy Metal Queen.

The worst you can call Ed is being >Lol soepicrandumb! She's a girl.

man you are just fucking retarded. girls would dress like boys forever the term tomboy goes back to the 16th century, the problem is we now normalize acting like the opposite sex

We come a long way

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I agree women have ruined gaming.

stfu future tranny

actual retard
trannies need to kys, but you need to join them

>girl named ed
Wow no trannyness intended hehe.
This is like the 400 year old loli argument


Are fat-ass Ameritards going to turn the Guardian into a meme? Still better than American """""journalism"""".

I still admit that even as a leftie the Guardian can be completely irrelevant at times, but the Guardian isn't really left - it's more left-centre. At least it's better than the Daily Mail, or any other crap newspaper, even if that's not saying much.

t.crossdressing closet tranny

Stop posting this thread you fucking retard

But what would he do without all those (you)s? Surely he would break down into a fit if his routine was broken, he is on the spectrum after all.

Yeah I'm thinking based