Why is it impossible to play a pure knight character like in DeS, DaS and DaS II...

Why is it impossible to play a pure knight character like in DeS, DaS and DaS II? Why is the game trying to force me to roll twenty times every micro second?

Attached: Dark_souls_3_cover_art.jpg (289x345, 48K)

Not sure how you would avoid dodging in DS3 but DS1 I beat as a complete tank on my first time. DS2 I'm not sure.

>why is it impossible to be a muscle-bound human and compete with muscle-bound giants

>Why is the game trying to force me to roll twenty times every micro second?
Get a medium shield or a large shield and you're golden.

Why is it impossible for you to stop sucking dicks

This. Get a strong shield and you can do it.

>pump stamina
enjoy your blocking adventure
hell, in DaS1 you can use the fucking kite shield you get at the start to block even the Taurus Demon's swings and it DaS2 you can play with nothing but a greatshield because it doubles as a weapon.

but you can

the game wouldnt exist if not for bloodborne the only reason it was made is so they could cash in on the reason of the platforms

Oh wait, sorry, I misread. Let me rephrase that then.
>magic shield
>pump stamina
There you go.

That's not true, From had a 3 game contract with Bamco for the Dark Souls series.

You can newfriend.
Why is that people who constantly bash DS3 haven’t even played the game properly? Not always of course but I’ve been noticing this more often on Yea Forums.

because thy wanted to make it more like bloodborne but in the end its not that good and miss the feel of former heavy dark sousl games.

Because "pure" knights died like bitches back in the days and a "pure" knight can hardly deal with something like a 10 meter giant slamming an oversized machete on his ass without dodging the thing.

This. Shields and passive playstyles are still very good in 3, they just don't trivialize the entire game like DS1 poise and shields did.

Literally the only fight you can’t tank in the series is Ancient Dragon.

Knights were fully mobile and could roll around just fine.
Also you can totally do DaS3 as a Knight in heavy armor. It's pretty fuckin' easy mode.

"pure knights" were the heavy tanks "back in the day". Just about the only way to fight them was to tackle them and pull out a dagger. The fuck are you on about?

>the only way to fight them was to tackle them and pull out a dagger
Uh, no.

Attached: aa_wham_d.jpg (800x600, 35K)

>start III, pick Knight
>get to the first Lothric Knight
>deplete all my stamina, break guard, continue their combo, shield bash, hit me like 4 more times, keep hitting me while I'm dead
>can totally play without rolling bro :)

>It's pretty fuckin' easy mode
The whole game is an easy mode.

just parry or use a shield

Use a shield bruh

So what part of
>break guard
you didn't get? I'm past that area, on to the Catacumbs of Carthus, but it's undeniable that the early game as a pure Knight without rolling is impossible

Rollspam Souls 3 always had this problem

Main reason this game is bad (besides the level design) is that enemies are Blodborne fast, while you play as a slow Dark Souls dude. It's the worst of both worlds.
Also rushed and tried to appeal to reddit.

>why can't i just tank hits from two story monsters with weapons 4 times the size of me?

Why does it work on the previous three games? Why does it work with bosses? Why are enemies like the Hollow Manservant the ones that have a 5+ hit combo with seemingly infinite stamina?

it doesnt
try tanking iron golem with a medium shield, or smough, or witch of izalith and report back

Already did it, with the Crest Shield especifically, and it works. Dark Souls 1 doesn't try to be Bloodborne with his enemies, and that translates to the bosses too