Any games where religion is actually good for once and the church isn't evil?
Any games where religion is actually good for once and the church isn't evil?
Religion IS good but the Church is also definitely evil bro
almost all western games
>Church charges as if they're providing a service and not doing their holy duty
Yeah nah
I like games with good and evil gods and many religions like Everquest.
Where does the church get their funds then retard
praise okran
The best games are the ones where religion and God aren’t evil, but the people corrupting an organised religion are.
They should get them from donations which they should receive if they genuinely do good work for the community. Access to god shouldn't be determined by your physical wealth. Do you also believe in selling indulgences?
I liked conan because of this, the cannibal god was pretty interesting.
Dirty pr*testant
This guy understands why Jesus whipped those kikes.
In videogames god is real and actually does something.
In real life church doesn't do much. If you're sick you visit a doctor.
How many times do you need to make this thread?
A church is not built upon good will or anything, you need money and resources, and that doesn't even include the bills, tax, manpower and maintenance for the services they provide. Are you suggesting they maintain all that just from donations?
Church is good in Kiseki, kinda. Just lying to everyone and hoarding their artifacts.
Once since this is the only time i've ever made a thread like this, good snarky reply though 7/10.
Who doesn’t god just create a couple million for them?
Yes. Hundreds of thousands if not millions of churches, temples, monasteries, etc. have survived this way throughout history.
Catholics don't sell indulgences anymore either bro. Even they admitted that was wrong.
oh i'm laffin
>Are you suggesting they maintain all that just from donations?
I honestly have never heard of a church doing things different to what you've just described.
>Access to god shouldn't be determined by your physical wealth.
For rich people, there can be no greater Hell than having to share Heaven with all the poor people.
Rise up...
i swear every weeabo who thinks this rpg maker tier shit is worth any cash at all need some serious brain transplantation because this thing stinks. one and only Yea Forums recommendation which was real hot garbage.
Religion isn't good anymore
I remember seeing an article saying that many churches get closed down, if they don't receive enough funding or donations? Or was it bullshit and churches really live on with just meager donations. I can see how some churches are large or popular enough to the point that they can sustain themselves with just those donations though.
Not yet, Jesus hasn't come back. He sure is taking his sweet time.
What if the Rapture already happened and the amount of people actually worthy to get Raptured was so small that nobody noticed them vanishing?
Just because it's slow paced doesn't mean it's bad.
>I remember seeing an article saying that many churches get closed down, if they don't receive enough funding or donations?
I have no fucking idea what your question is, but yes that happens often.
I phrased it as a question to imply that churches cannot live on donations alone. Except for big churches I guess.
>he doesnt know
Where do you think half your gold goes to when you die?
Cannibal God? Explain?
slow paced was suikoden 5, this is just a slog trough and trough. i know why you like it, because of the cute girls in there with the funny lines ( fuck even yakuza was more funny ) and the easy difficulty ( you don´t even need to equip the stones, games easy as fuck ) and the fantastic story ( the same shit which you see every next anime, orobourus, puppets, and a big evil which you have to hunt next game ) go fuck yourself and play some decent games
>I phrased it as a question to imply that churches cannot live on donations alone.
Oh, I see. I suppose that a lot of pastors end up also working other jobs to support the church, but every church I've ever heard of relies on donations. You say they "cannot live on donations alone" but that's exactly what's been happening for a long ass time now.
There's a god of cannibals that you can worship and prey to while offering sacrifices for meat based healing items.
I mean yes user, sometimes the donations aren't enough and they close. I would assume that was a given. It doesn't change that many remain open on donations alone. user there is shit like the 700 club where careful manipulation brings in enough donations to not just run a church but a an entire Christian broadcasting network whose hosts fly on private jets to their incredibly expensive vacation homes. Obviously some institutions fail to get enough donations but the reverse is also true, you can make so much through donations that you make more than most businesses. You also have to remember that donations don't have to be money. Many sects of Buddhism have survived for centuries because locals donate a portion of their food to them. A local carpenter might help build a church, etc. The only reason so many religious institutions run businesses int he US is because they are tax exempt. It's a scam here.
Religious structures do not pay tax, bills are minimal usually due to use of candles and other low-tech solutions that are more cost effective, and churches are often maintained by the people who go there
>can’t separate organized religion from actual religious beliefs
Here for a retard like u
>church bad
>Satan good
Okay understand
most rpg games frame the money aspect of church services as the players giving donations. In universe, your player is donating. Out of universe, it's a game balance thing
>Pretty much have to save a trapped god in about half of the games
>Rest tend to just say "I can't do it myself I'm not powerful enough so you do it"
Not much a god/goddess are they...
The rapture is something Bible Belt fundies made up
Any one that tries to be unrealistic, of course.
Funerals are for non chosen ones. If you die and get buried god have 0 love for you
I Wana piss on gods faggot face
I guess I just can't wrap my head around how they don't actually sell anything at the church to maintain the place. Actually its kinda cool how religion lets you build a community that cleans after itself without being told to or needing a fund.
I can separate institutions from beliefs, never hinted the opposite.
Religious beliefs aren't good anymore.
Is that better for your little brain?
Dragon's Dogma
>everybody at the church is good
>Holy magic is strong
>cult leader that worships Grigori is killed by him for being an "upjumped zealot"
>you meet God and despite testing you he's ultimately a cool guy theta willing to tell you how the world works
Only the vikings had it right, pyre at sea or get out.
*tips respectfully*
Actually it's in line with the Eastern belief that gods are just as flawed as mortals are.
>jesus won't rise again
>we won't be thrown in the middle of a literal holy war
>we're not gonna be left behind in a post apoc scenario to fend for ourselves and be eternally damned
Fuck off that's metal as fuck and i'm waiting for it.
>treating people better and following a doctrine that abides by simple humanitarian principles isn't good anymore
God that dancer outfit is amazing, i just wish she was barefoot instead of having those stupid sandals, my dick would explode.
A pity it's so weak
>lashing your kid because he lied to you, which makes God allow it isn't good anymore
>religion is actually good
Impossible. Religion states that the impossible is real and our lives mean next to nothing except as a proving ground for the afterlife. It is impossible to create something good from something so horribly flawed.
As someone much, much older than all of you and having been born not in religion but lured into it later in life and discovering what utter tripe it is in so many facets of life, there's nothing "edgy" about the idea that religion is garbage. It's common sense and should be the actual prevailing viewpoint, yet religious people still brainwashed into that cult world will continuously fight against it because they are fighting their programming.
Trust me, kids. I'm trying to help you. I'm trying to fix your lives. Listen to me.
Kiseki probably has the coolest church in vidya. Don't know if they ever turned out to be "evil all along" in the course of the franchise though.
According to Jesus, the church is your fellowship. It is not a building.
Dante's Inferno? Also the only game I can think of that uses horsecock physics.
Dragon Age has the most nuanced take on a vidya church
>He missed the entire point of religion
If you try to be a goodie goodie just to get your reward you're treating religion the wrong way albeit that's what most people do.
>literally nothing matters
That's atheism.
>B-but our time here is more valued and important if it's finite
Why can't this be applied to religion where you live day to day not for the afterlife but to improve your own quality of life and quality of life of others while you're here.
The Rapture is that "Left Behind" Bullshit.
The stuff in revelation is Biblical
We should go back to stoning cheating thots too, what's your point?
Also Greek where they are just assholes that make others do their deeds for them.
Greek gods were based except for zeus, the original furry.
And the Norse gods too. Man, why is the most popular religion the blandest one?
No, the Rapture is that underwater city built by that guy who jerks off to Ayn Rand and doesn't want the government wiping sweat off his face.
Religion is only an emotional need, which makes people actively avoid using logic when thinking about what they believe. Whatever your beliefs are, they're completely biased, and reached you thanks to the institutions, which you claim to be able to separate from the belief itself now. Every religion in the world was financed by political powers throughout history. There is no way you could have your "own, personal" knowledge, shared through exclusive media. You can't seriously argue in favour of religion. You also won't listen to logic against it. What a faggot.
>Proceeds to create an ancap state that fails completely
religion is for retards
Humanizing them. Every Greek god are made to look like petty shitheads. Hephaestus might be the only one that isn't but they made him a ugly disabled god.
>I can't interpret the bible or eastern religion however i want
>I'm not allowed to have my own relationship with god
>i NEED to follow the church and believe everything that's spewed at me because lol religious people r dumb, us atheists amiright?
That's really unrealistic
You're just proving to me that religious people can't make any sense of anything
And that's a depressing truth.
In Age of Wonders 3 the religious faction is by default the good guys. Even if they're racially goblins or orcs.
You're proving to me that atheists are in the same vein as bible thumpers, just plug your ears and go "I KNOW BETTER" and act like a snarky cunt when a debate doesn't go your way.
>Age of Wonders 3 the religious faction is by default the good guys.
Well it it called Age of WONDERS, not Age of Realism.
You're spouting out nonsense, how is this a debate?
religion is false by definition. it can't be good. religion that isn't false would not be known as religion, it would just be 100% universally accepted fact of life. like magic in most fantasy settings - the church may offer some particular stupid non-falsifiable explanation for the magic (which people are expected to accept as a matter of faith; religion), but nobody denies the magic itself existing.
Dishonored does this well. The Abbey of the Everyman is also a damn good example of a 'justified religion', just due to how absurdly evil their enemies really are (literally idly torturing people to death for fun, literally eating babies, deliberately spreading plague just for the lulz, etc.).
I brought up valid points and you're refusing to address them. You have a rigid idea of religion and religious people and cookie cut them into one category.
Claiming your points are "valid" doesn't make them valid lol
If you can explain to me how this connects to this then I'll continue replying, otherwise, suck my asshole
Most if not all games that have the church being evil has some believers/priests and whatever who are good. It's just that the organization is corrupted/evil. It's not like holy spells stop being considered holy or whatever
Church is DQ is just there to heal/save anyways.
Except for the actual ruler being a piece of shit who is just trying to get in your way of doing what you're supposed to do.
Grigori basically tells that everyone is a fuckhead and that the Arisen should stop fucking around and come fight him
>>literally nothing matters
>That's atheism.
Are you an idiot?
The earth not being flat isn't 100% universally accepted so i guess the earth is flat. What now?
It actually is 100% accepted by any competent organization, you just keep drowning, bud
your only hope is to act like you were trolling all along
>emotional needs aren't important
Global warming isn't 100% universally accepted as fact by all competent organizations. What now? Keep nitpicking when you completely understand the point bud.
>which makes people actively avoid using logic
this is the bit that's important, and anyone with more than a brain cell got it
>implying the cold hard logic of our inevitable death doesnt fucking suck
double autism
It's no surprise you're religious, you can't even use logic on a simple exchange of ideas
So you make your beliefs based on what you like or dislike? what are you, 5?
So no rebuttal, gotcha.
Stolen by goblins?
no rebuttal on climate change? who gives a shit about that, you were trying to defend your retarded and pretentious ideas, remember? Are you afraid to think or what?
>implying i'm religious
>implying i don't simply understand the need to escape from reality when it sucks shit
>implying i don't understand how useful this for an extended period to literally every society that lasted any amount of time
>implying that need isn't still relevant
>implying you're not autistic
Imagine going into battle with a cameltoe
The church is the friends you made in the journey all along.
The irony of you saying this after claiming atheists are the same as bible thumping religious fundamentalists.
I don't need to imply that you're retarded if you think that justifies religion now
this board is an embarrassment
You're seething and not even reading the reply chain. Take a break for awhile and go outside for once. I'm not copy pasting all that shit you wrote when it comes down to
>Religion is irrational therefor worthless and you've been influenced by the church
Wow what an original thought.
Amen. Just like real life.
>admits that need is still relevant
>insists religion is not justified despite that
maybe not autism? definitely some higher functions missing
not yet, but it's pretty obvious to me that zemuria will turn out to be a massive religious cult and all the prior events of the games are their shared delusions.
The thought doesn't have to be original to be correct.
Just grab some popcorn and pull up a chair, bad theological discussion is a hallmark of this christian board.
They are important. But facts don't care about your fee fees when push comes to shove. As far as I'm concerned, keep your delusional beliefs to yourself, stop ramming this shit down everyone's throat, stop expecting everyone to walk on eggshells around your religion and you're free to believe whatever comforting bullshit you want. Everyone does it to some extent after all ("what goes around comes around", "women REALLY care about personality", "I've platinumed every Souls game and it wasn't an incredibly tedious and frustrating waste of time" ect). But religion is the only way people are allowed to do it and act like they're 100% in the right to do so and get violently butthurt when someone disagrees.
Seething trannie itt
>trying to use logic on one of these retards
We both know it doesn't work that way.
what does originality have to do with anything? see, you just can't make any sense
it was never about the "relevancy" of needs, retard, read the thread again. Even if it was "relevant", whatever the fuck that means to you, it wouldn't make religion justifified by any means, so try again
>discards points he doesn't like by simply saying it's not about them
no yeah definitely autism
in a sane religion, what the actual religious text says is hardly important compared to the sense of camaraderie and comfort that it gives people, as well as what it does to give back to the community. i'm not particularly religious myself, but you'd have to be a reddit-tier fedora neckbeard to not understand that.
Existence is irrational, why do you continue to live when there's absolutely no point behind it? Oh right you've been influenced by your biological needs and the world as to keep living. I guess life is wrong, do yourself a favor and drink bleach.
>inb4 "you're not using logic" like some downs syndrome spock
You know what i mean, don't pretend to be retarded again.
>Existence is irrational
leave this board, fucking hippie
>inb4 "you're not using logic" like some downs syndrome spock
Ladies and gentlemen: the religioncuck's honest thoughts about logic. These are the people you are debating.
He's a perma cucked Christ fag, perma means forever
i'll take this post as your concession autist
Just played through the part in Kingdom Come Deliverance where Johanka is accused of heresy. I thought it was great. It didn't make the inquisitor some evil villain. I actually liked him.
sure, as usual, you take anything as you like, butterfly
>ignores my point yet again
Wow this gives me big thinks.
This is why you don't bother actually debating them and just mock their brainletry. The best part is when they get all insecure and butthurt because you won't take their arguments seriously. They simultaneously want to play the game and break the rules with impunity. You might as well be playing an competitive FPS with someone using an aimbot who genuinely feels like you're mistreating them every time you tell them to stop cheating and fight fair.
>lmao i'm not even trying haha those christfags r dumb
But the religion of Dragon's Dogma sucks. When the old god gets bored of being god he causes calamities until someone strong enough to become the new god comes to kill them and take over.
Based hamtaro satanist
>not following satan sempai
Actually digusting
How do we all feel about demons and succubi?
End them with a cleansing holy light.
I would like a succubus to ride my face, but I worry she would crush my skull with her thighs
wot if, hear me out, wot if lucifer was in the right and god is actually just a dick, tyrant and lucifer offered us freedom from his rule. Wtf i'm a satanist now.
Sorry that you have to live your life with terminal shit taste.
>but I worry she would crush my skull with her thighs
That's the best part
So you'd turn down a literal semon demon? I highly doubt that coming from an anime thot posting jizzbrain.
>he doesn't play WRPGs
You doubt many things because you're trying to force some meme. The Lord will provide me with tiddies.
Since most people are retards religion is still needed, then. The fear of eternal damnation keeps a lot of nutters from going on murder rampages and that's a genuine good thing.
>church hates the protagonists
>weird deity thing is final boss
>he's actually right in what he says and does
>the protagonists are committing evil acts although they are mostly unaware of it
>protagonists win
>everything goes to shit
Name 23 games that do this.
>religion is full of good, altruistic people who help others and protect the peace
>their "gods" turn out to be phonies, liars and murderers
Morrowind sure loved to play with tropes