I miss the analog button :(
I miss the analog button :(
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Just don't touch the analog sticks fat fingers.
I don't
But then again I'm not 35
Zoomers think they're cool now? huh
I don't remember pressing it. was on by default right?
Just the button? Could you even bring up a game which used that button without consulting a wiki?
But no game "used" that button user...
every game
I miss this nigga like you wouldn't believe, so unbelievably comfortable in the hands without the backs of the sticks in the way of your fingers
What the fuck was this even for, why would you want to toggle them?
No, you fucking don't.
Some games turned it on by default, especially on the PS2. Some older games flat out didn't work if you turned it on.
It was for compatibility, kind of like how some Sega genesis games wouldn't work with the 6 button controller until you put it into 3 button mode.
It was basically a compatibility button for older PS1 games that didn't support analog.
What does this button do?
starts the "anal on gamer" functionality
The playstation originally didn't have sticks, see So games released before the sticks weren't programmed with them in mind
Which means, without this toggle, the sticks would be useless for a lot of older games as they don't do anything
But this way, you can map the D-Pad to the left stick
It was for compatibility button for older PS1 games like how some Sega genesis
>that off-white color, almost a beige
peak nostalgia
No, it wasn't compatibility, it's just that not every game is more confortable with the analog stick
It's called light grey
anyone remember playing console fps without analog? using R1/R2 for looking up and down. Jesus Christ those were bad times
In most games, the dpad still works when analog mode is on. Some games (particularly pre-analog PS1 games) don't recognize the controller if analog mode is on though.
yea...you're colorblind
hells yeah
It's called gray.
I never played an fps on PS1 but according to a certain e-celeb dual analog controls for fps weren't a thing until late in the consoles life just before the ps2 was released.
Further more there was a games magazine that gave the first game with this control scheme a bad review because they were used to shoulder button strafing.
Fix the colors on your monitor. or fix your eyes.
Sure do. Remember when reviewers blasted a FPS for actually using the analogs sticks in a way that would become the norm in the future?
Why yes, I do watch guru larry. How could you tell?
Original PS1 gamepad looked cheap as fuck, though. Almost a throwback to NES controller how slapdash it felt.
He's not entirely wrong. The plastic will eventually yellow as it ages, but I don't think it'll be beige.
get your eyes checked nigga
why wouldn’t they?
You toggle the red light
Not as much as boomers
It's a home button when I use on my PS3.
I don't believe any single one of you, nostalgiafags
There is nothing to be nostalgic about when you still have access and can use perfectly every single controller or game from any era if you wish, thanks to adapters and emulators. Its not real nostalgia for, say, a country or town that you no longer live in, its just fake faggotry because you don't want to admit that you don't have the same excitement and stupidity/naivety as when you were a kid
calm your tits, retard
I just liked having options, why is it so hard to understand
Half the anons here never even pressed this button. Man I feel old now.
Is that you Patrick? You're sweating.
>that one kid who thought the button turned vibration on/off
>why is it so hard to understand
because you still do, I have no fucking idea what "liked having options" means at all. Anything that you could do back then you still can do perfectly and you are a fucking faggot for pretending it is not so
>because you still do
so what? go seethe somewhere else
>so what?
so why do you cry
Your generation is notorious for having shit taste and eating Tide Pods. Not exactly things to be proud of.
I miss using off-brand memory cards that routinely corrupted all my save files.
beat me to it
Who else here was too dumb to know about PS1 memory cards?
this sounds like crying to me, dumbo
Considering when it was released, this game looked amazing.
Shame it sucked ass.
My cheap Defender gamepad has that. Amazing how it survived all these years and still functions perfectly and is recognized by nearly all games without any additional software, I payed like $5 for it.
You can get one and use adapters to play on pretty much anything.
I had the official one. It's a habit I developed early on - only buying official gaming accessories or ones from reputable brands or after some research.
And what do Boomers have to be proud of? If you only focus on the stupid of the generations then they all sound stupid. You're the one still talking about Tide Pods, which most Zoomers didn't do.