Mario lore thread

mario lore thread

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Is he pooping?

No peach and bowser poop which is why in Mario 64 you can find Peach's fart's and Bowser's poop balls.

Ever since I was a kid I've always crouched over the cannons in such a way that it looked like he was pooping

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SM64 romhacks are always so charming to me.

Hack name?

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...the fuck? I heard the sounds.

I hope these get better with the decompilation. I worry that romhackers are too set in their ways/not creative enough.

deepest lore shitfests are the best thing that came out of this autist series for kids

well stop standing around and discuss lore

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I'm going to come to your house and fucking kill you


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who are they?

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What decompilation?

The M in Mario stands for Mario. The character was developed with Mussolini in mind. Nobody. It's so weird that mutated fucking turtles steals the only girl in his world. A girl which he has bo chance of scoring with. Luigi is a bigger fan of tomatoes than Mario. But they never actually eat pasta. Or pizza. Their entire universe 90% consists of Bulgarien concrete or vacuum deviced pipes. That has hostile fucking meat eating and fireball spitting flowers in them. Which seems to be on the same team as the mutated helmet-wearing turtles, but they're actually not. And the spikeys have their completely unique agenda, but lets not go their today.


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There's a project that's successfully decompiled Mario 64 into C. They've even got function and variable names in most cases; it's very readable.
They're keeping it quiet until they finish so Nintendo doesn't DMCA them, but it's still a google search away.

If you don't know programming, that means that what used to take a turboautist months to do in assembly will now take almost anybody a week at most.
Also a PC source port can't be far.

post the image

Attached: Bowser room.png (1748x1242, 1.79M)

holy shit it was real all along

Mario only saved Peach from Bowser once. Most early mainline Mario games after Super Mario Bros are adaptations of the original feat.

Mario 3 is a stage show.
Mario World is a theme park ride.
Mario 64 is a live show.

more sm64 hack webms?

mario is red
luigi is green

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What would Wario's W stand for?

Wide obviously


mario world is explicitly a vacation with intentional callbacks to 3 such as the ghost ship being a sunken SMB3 airship.
These two stuck out to me the most.
Pic related became Dry Bowser.

Attached: SMBTLL_Blue_Bowser.png (501x526, 585K)

American Yoshi got those cheeks your grandma can pinch

He's got thicker cheeks

The real question is what does Γ stand for?

haha what if his other cheeks also got thicker

me nigga

Fuck that was so satisfying


Aliens man

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That's the method for unlocking Luigi

Didn't like how they did this room in the DS version

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Is SwankyBox autistic? Why does he sound like Solid Snake?

an airship which really was part of a stage play

Inside out long

I hope you mean his face.


Does Peach taste like peaches?

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Can't get Last Impact to work, it says emulation started but never loads the game. Can't find anyone else online experiencing this problem.

did you set it to 8 mb

>t. NostialgicRageHQ

Which emulator? Try Mupen, with a front end if you can't into command line.

Does toad have legs? All other sources show his feet attached directly to his body.

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You probably autistically persisted in failure in SM64 so much that the sound is permanently hard wired into your head. Shame on you.

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Madame Clairvoya in Luigi's Mansion just straight up implies Mario killed Bowser, probably in 64, going off her bewilderment that Bowser is still active during the events of Luigi's Mansion.
Now this does make sense seeing as how in NSMB even prolonged lava exposure can harm Bowser, and in that same game you see Dry Bowser being magicked back to life.

I think Bowser Jr might just be a clone of Bowser the magikoopas kept around just in case and when they figured out how to bring Bowser back they just let him raise him as his kid.

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How big do you think Marios dick is? and what would it smell like?

oh shit that worked now I feel stupid

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Case closed.

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If those are shoes then what do their legs look like

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Imagine Wario driving this thing and killing dozens

It's the same damn texture, it's just mapped differently.

what if we're all the same texture but just mapped differently

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Koichi Hayashida says Toads are genderless entities that take on gendered characteristics. Which kind of makes sense since they're mushroom people and fungi reproduce asexually, but at the same time that is a weirdly specific kind of biological lore that has never served a role in any Mario game ever.

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This is stupid headcanon

So just like people.

Why did he join Captain Syrup instead of Bowser's army?

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Weird that they were still using the 64 renders for that game. They'll have been 6 years old by that point.

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>This is stupid headcanon

Yeah. I guess Miyamoto made the intro of Mario 3 be a stage show curtain rising up by accident, huh.

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i thought he was italian

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He's in some faraway place now.

I really liked that brief connection Mario and Wario had. No telling what this game would have offered. Mario vs. Donkey Kong didn't do for me and they dropped the vs. anyway. I want to see more of Gunpei's take on Mario, it's why I love SML2 and 3 so much, you really won't see anything like it today. Not even Odyssey would take a risk like it.

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>Time and again, Bowser kidnaps Peach. Why do Mario and Peach still race go-karts and play tennis with him?
>SM: If you're familiar with things like Popeye and some of the old comic characters, you would oftentimes see this cast of characters that takes on different roles depending on the comic or cartoon. They might be businessman in one [cartoon] or a pirate in another. Depending on the story that was being told, they would change roles. So, to a certain degree, I look at our characters in a similar way and feel that they can take on different roles in different games. It's more like they're one big family, or maybe a troupe of actors.

Required reading for any Mario lorelet:


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The residents of New Donk City aren't "human" by the game's logic, they're New Donkers.

>get slaughtered en masse for no real reason on behalf of an incel king
>be a pirate, travel the cool ass Mario universe stealing shit and being your own man

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So Mario still feels the pain of the lava, but isn't actually damaged by it in metal form?

It stands for Women's Underwear, which is what Wario wears underneath his overalls.

>Shiggy uses the analogy of older cartoons like Popeye, Mickey Mouse and Bugs Bunny, having no concrete continuity and putting their characters in roles like "Hero: Popeye/Mario" "love interest: Olive/Peach" and "villainous brute: Bluto/Bowser" that can readapted for any context(e.g. Bugs Bunny evading a hunter, Bugs Bunny at the opera, or in the wild west), dating back to the renaissance as the commedia dell'arte
>retards misinterpret this as a literal statement and run with it to mean that everything is just a stage play

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Is VB Wario Land any good? There's probably only a thousand people that have even played it

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It was always great to see Wario related things get referenced in Mario games, too bad they barely do it anymore
Despite being smaller, Captain Syrup's troops seem to be much more equipped compared to Bowser

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It's decent, plays closer to the first Wario Land on GB than anything that came after, just with an extra layer of gameplay where you can leap into the background. It's kind of short though.

I bet Wario is a documentary about all the fraud surrounding his Warioware enterprises and his history of thievery.

It's basically a faster, better looking version of WL1. Before most of the puzzle stuff. Some really nice sprites.

>Rosalina's official MK8 render has a burning WTC in the bike's reflection

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It's worth a play through but it's not some sort of hidden gem or anything.

> Mario has had Arabian influences since SMB1
And people complain about representation.

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Homo means human. Every human falls under the "homo" genus.


I love that game


Honestly wouldn't surprise me if that dirty bastard Wario did exactly that.

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It stands for Waluigi.

user just killed racism wtf


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What game?

Superstar Saga

I always did this


WTF, proof?

Bruh we told you already, collect all stars and go there riding Yoshi to unlock L U I G I M O D E


Toads are manlets because they have unbelievably short legs

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Mario has a shadow

Goddammit everytime you post that atrocity it blows my mind

that and Teleroboxer are the only worthwhile games on the VB

Guess that much equipment is unnescesary when Mario warfare is mostly bumping and poking with spikes or spear, along random projectilrs


Her nectar does

Only those 2?

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Like a record, baby

This is a Cyrillic "G", so Grand or Grande.
>WaLuigi's reach is longer than this comparison

>Every human falls under the "homo" genus.
especially you lmao

its a backwards 7, because Waluigi is 7 feet tall

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Г stands for Гoвнюк

this motherfucker solidified that game as one of my favorite games of all time.
then shortly after this, you storm bowser's castle, and as you escape shy guys around you are trying to escape and dying brutally as the black paint floods and destroys everything.

I don't get it.

Mario has Epilepsy

I'm out of the loop

To be a shyguy is to truly know the meaning of futility


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It's an edit. It can't be real.

No fucking way

>searching states of Mario
This reads like some kind of alien experiment.

What am I not seeing?

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>Every human falls under the "homo" genus.
Yes, but not everything that falls under the "homo" genus must be human, much like a square is a rectangle but not all rectangles are squares.

>american translation

Are you by any chance a retard?


does that mean there's a S brother?

Super Circuit came out in July 2001 in Japan and MK64 came out in December 1996 in Japan, was less than 5 years old at the time.

Honestly might explain why we never find out how bowser lost his virginity, because he didn’t.

>HURRR he doesn't know my childrens game he must be a retard!
get some awareness, autist

>americans are fatter

so you are

what level is this from?

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Is her body covered in Peach fuzz?

wtf is he lookin at

he's a big guy


It stands for Γενος, Homeric greek for offspring, befitting his role as a Luigi clone.

that's still a massive amount of time, considering the quickly accelerating industry.

also super circuit is underrated. better than the snes original imo.


this has to be an edit lol

>they're New Donkers.
New Donkers isn't a species, it's just a name given to the people that reside in New Donk City. They're still human retard. It's like saying New Yorkers aren't human

>"Being a bad guy sure sucks. I bet we're gonna have to fight at some point in the distant future."
>5 minutes later
>"Hey guy, remember me? I'm that guy you talked to WAY back forever ago. See? I told you we'd fight."
That's not how you set an emotional "reluctant bad guy" sequence. It was fucking shallow and terrible, and you're all assclowns for pretending otherwise.

dilate transphobe

wumbology, the study of wumbo

The inside joke

I honestly wish we got Mario styled humans instead of the realistic ones in new donk. They were funny at first when the game was revealed, but not as memorable as they could've been now.

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What's his real motive?

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Huge, the length of his torso.

>Nee Yorkers

Finding the ghost of his dead wife/son/daughter

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The cut stuff from 64 DS was interesting, too bad it'll never see the light of day. If they did all of these changes it would've made 64 DS way more noticed as it's own thing rather than "64 but with some added content and worse controls".

why is this important?

What nintendo means by this?

what'd they cut from the game?


Ladies and Gentlemen, we got 'im.

please answer user

Not him but the only relevant thing is the ability to play with 4-player in Story mode


it's wombo you hack

come on! you know! I wumbo, you wumbo, he, she, me wumbo! Wumbo, wumboing, we'll have the wumbo, Wumborama... Wumbology, the study of wumbo? It's first grade, user!

that doesn't make the rest of your retarded theory accurate. it's literally the only thing you're correct about.


too bad the game overall was fucking garbage.