Stop playing sexualized games

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you're not my dad

Imagine how sad your life must be if you see virtual characters as rivals


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Stop playing video games and have sex

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that one is pretty wholsome

i will play shitton of Lost Life just to make you angry op

Stop censoring my hobby


there are so many games where there's sexualized women so imo there should be way more sexualized men with tight and revealing clothes

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this is ok, instead of being prude about sexy females, just bring more sexy males

Straight men like looking at sexy women.
Gay men like looking as sexy men.
Straight women like looking at sexy men but become butthurt when they are exposed to enough sexy women who are more attractive then themselves.

I wonder what you making this shitty thread means in light of that.

I'd be OK with that.

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literally play any fighting game, smelly femcel

>current year
Ridiculous notion.

Too late

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Except there is. A lot of male protagonists have the looks of a model and are pretty ripped, even shirtless most of the time.

rude post desu
post em pls

This. It's a larping tranny

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when the fuck did i say i was a woman or a tranny? ._.
Pic related is official costume for ryu. Right is default state, left is when you hold certain button combination during loading screen. If you win, you can see ryu turning his back at the winning screen, showing his practically naked ass to loser...

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that body looks gross tho

Faggot here. You're wrong.

Its funny that op-pic is from KOF when KOF as a series sexualizes both sexy women AND men ever since kyo and iori cult characters they've been adding up all sorts of sexy gals and guys.
Guilty Gear does it as well.

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every gay men has it's preferences, i think very ripped men bodies look gross


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not complaining about that, just saying there' snot enough imo

Stop dictating what forms of entertainment I am and am not allowed to enjoy because you feel intimidated by artistic depictions of the female form with varying degrees of exaggeration and stylization.

You're pathetic, people who think like you are pathetic, and that you invest any amount of your time and mental energy criticizing others for embracing heterosexuality and praising the female form is pathetic.

Disconnect your router, turn off your data, and walk to the nearest soup kitchen.


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Whoever is that closet gay in capcom dev team, they are clearly into BARA.

I know women and some gays are into twinks, but street fighter has exactly ZERO twinks. Even fucking ED, who is supposted to be ~14 teen escaped from lab with bizon powers looks like monster outside his story images.

Tldr the game misses tall amazon buff woman / dominatrix, fat woman archetype and twink small cute boy archetype. Also loli. There is no loli or at least flat woman.

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what does sexualized mean

>No loli
Is this the true reason 60% of this board shits on fightan?

For me it's Poison.

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>street fighter has exactly ZERO twinks
That's why its shit, up there together with tekken.

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Post non-gross male character.

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>tell your class to quiet down and put away their phones
>they don't
>tell a smoker to quit
>they don't
>tell someone to cancel Netflix because they don't watch anything on there anyways
>they don't
>tell people to stop preordering games and buying yearly titles
>tell anons to stop buying games featuring sexy women
Somebody solve this mystery for me. What's the unforeseen response to that demand?

sex wrong!
flesh EVIL!!!
human body SHAMEFULL!!!!

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that ain't no man

When are we getting a proper sequel to Akiba's Trip?

Post examples?

>sexualized games
Give me another game like Leisure Suit Larry

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Topless men on every beach
Topless men in every fighting game
You don't see the sexism because you're retard

Not really interested in that desu

Well doa had for a long time exactly ONE loli character and it made /v talk about that dead series for years. So yeah. How to fix street fighter 5 for /v? Add any loli character. Short, flat, with double pony tails, skirt, stockings, cute childlish voice and moveset made around command frabs where she literally walks over her opponent and giggles during it.

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I kinda agree but if they pandering equaly men and woman
Everyone deserves eyecandys in their games

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Why? I'm neither gymnophobic nor genophobic. You need to see a doctor OP before you shoot up a place like your fellow antifa incel in Dayton. Fear of eroticism is the first sign of a psychopathic terrorist and mass shooter.

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You cant make anything that isnt a gorilla with SFV's artstyle. Even poison looks like a gorilla in-game.

KOF is full of husbandos

t. incel who spends all day seething about white women having casual sex

KOF has something for everyone.

You're several layers of stupid OP. First off fuck off you don't get to tell me or ANYONE else what they can or cannot play. Just because you're threatened by fictional characters in an entertainment art media. You are NOT my parent that is not a decision you get to make for me or anyone else. Secondly do everyone a favor and get the fuck off the internet. We have enough retarded dipshits thinking being "opinionated" makes them smart as is. We don't need your irrelevant ass too so kindly fuck off. You're not a real gamer and that's clear from this garbage ass thread. Delete this thread it's insulting to the gaming community. We don't need more thinking this type of retarded shit is acceptable behavior.

I remembed Rainbow Dash looking better.

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Makoto is cute.
Based and antipsychotic-pilled.
I for some reason forgot about her because she's so inoffensive. She's literally 18 and just looks like Monroe Sweet.
Wrong. "Representation" in media is a cancerous farce that needs to end ASAP. Nobody deserves a guillotine hovering over their neck because they didn't or refuse to pander.

Untrue. You can easily make cute loli with bigger hands and feet. You just need capable artist.

I'm sure Mai wouldn't be against sexualizing her.


Feminists are mad that they can't get any easy dick. There's also gymnophobe and genophobe Feminists who share these traits with religious folk, a Puritanism which Feminism adopted.
That's why Feminists hate gaming and the Alyssa Milano sex-strike for instance was laughed at by all of society. Gamers are desensitized, would rather jack off than rape a bitch, and unfortunately-for-gamers they can't get it up to ugly women due to the higher quality of female appearance they are used to seeing. Meanwhile ugly women constitute the majority of Feminism. Feminists only have a chance with lower-tier males. Chads wouldn't be Chads if they lowered their standard to date a Feminist. Lower-tier males meanwhile have found an outlet that's better than involving themselves with ugly women, a historical precedent made possible by technology and taken to levels impossible in past history when males had to clench their teeth to have sex with ugly bitches or didn't even know any better because they never saw proper beauty.
>gamers are voluntary celibates when it comes to ugly feminists
>ugly feminists are involuntary celibates when it comes to gamers
>the roles are actually reversed, Feminists throwing the incel label is a projection
>feminists are buttmad and want to destroy the system which has caused their dick-deficiency - digital entertainment

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>Wrong. "Representation" in media is a cancerous farce that needs to end ASAP. Nobody deserves a guillotine hovering over their neck because they didn't or refuse to pander.
I would simply encourage women to be more vocal about wanting attractive/sexualized men in video games so that it can be clear if there's demand for that. Companies WILL do it if there's demand.
Anything to stop the bitching about waifus desu.

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DOA has men wearing speedos and shit

Get a load of this fascist telling people what to do.

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Trump said sexualized video games are degenerate so now we all HAVE to play them.

Who are the current audience for Japanese games outside of incels and weebs?

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not bad for a weaboo leaf

Chun Li is a semen demon in SFV.

Try stop me tranny.

What artist would be capable of this?

>Female hue gorilla
Proving my point

Japanese people, probably.

>Final Fantasy
>Seiken Densetsu
Looking at your picture, literally everyone?

PedoEra beckons for you, diddler.

No one. It killed video games for me for about the last decade. Damn shame.

>""""sexualized"""" games are more or less fighting-games and other weeb shit
>I don't play weeb shit
Not a problem if you have actual taste in games.


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this is the best solution

>Final Fantasy
>Seiken Densetsu
>All the waifus are from the 90s or the franchises that started in the 90s there

Japan sure has a long history of waifuism...

Yeah, particularly with waifus like Cloud and Link.

>liking waifus

They hate women in any form.

nah ill keep playing them to piss you off

I downloaded kof 98 the other day just for mai alone kek.

What kind of dad wouldn't be happy his son is turning straight and ask for a copy for himself?

Fanservice isn't bad if the game would still be good without it. But trying to sell a shitty game through sex appeal is a scummy tactic that needs to stop.

is the meme meant to be gigachad has shit taste?

Humans evolved to be sexual, sexual elements in video games is good.

Most incels just seem to be too brainlet to have a waifu desu. It takes a certain degree of abstract thinking.

>caring this much about what other people do
We're going to hate you if we meet you in real life regardless of if we have vidya women standards or not.
Face it, you fucking suck.

>japanese woman
>those tits and legs

kek nips are so delusional.


>Dizzy gets to go home to that everyday
Lucky bitch

Lek, no man. give me a good game instead of politics if you want me to stay away from sexualization. Fuckin brainlets. I want to be entertained lol

I wish to impregnate the degenerate autist brony girl.
Only if she looked like that though.

have gay sex

Why do game "journalists" want to stop straight men and lesbians having nice things?

You sound like the incels can be trapfags.

This is the least accurate post I have seen in the whole of Yea Forums. You tumblr/reddit kike shills are so insane in regards to your thinking of us that I refuse to believe that your bait comments arent signs of legitmate retardation.

Gay sex is primal and has no aspect of emotion longevity.

name of the girl? I want to look up art

Best Mai Is from fatal fury imo


Can tf2 count as a Sexualized game?

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Watch some thigh jav porn and you will be surprised

Ky is the lucky one.

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But sex is good it makes more people and more people means more video game sales.

I'll do it just because and I mostly play games that deal with none of that. Women should 100% be told that they have that power rather than having to be informed in their 40's so they go "oh, fuck.."

I love the pussy okay? Why is this considered bad?

not giving a fuck CHADS

>All the waifus are from the 90s
>2017 redesign of a 1986 character
>2019 design
>2019 redesign of a 1997 character
>2019 redesign of a 1995 character
>2019 design

Really old huh

But Jin is a twink. Kinda.

But two of those are not redesigns, and the one redesign was already cute back then.

DoA has all those and yet you guys aren't supporting it.

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>>Final Fantasy
>>Seiken Densetsu
>implying anyone but incel weebs cares about these in the west

Let's all agree that if Sin doesn't have six more siblings in GG2020, then Ky and Dizzy are seriously wasting their good fortunes.

I dont care about Final Fantasy or Atelier, but man, if there isnt at least one Mana game you like, you just dont like videogames at all.

Imagine how schizo your mind must be to think the poster is a woman

Stop being a prudish media fascist.

I have asian (not sea) gf, I don't care about what white girls do or don't.

Innovate at the cost of success.

SJWs need to die.

seething femcel

>asian (not sea) gf
>(not sea)
>he thinks non SE-Asian girls (Japanese or Korean perhaps?) are some premiere gf materials

Do you realize how horribly cringy you are to put those in your post there?
You're just a loser who can't date a woman from your own race.

imagine getting mad in a thread created for the sole purpose of getting replies

no, it's made by what straight men see as hot/manly, not what the average gay man or straight girl finds hot. This is the same with most male fanservice characters.

>implying those are women
retard summerfag

Can you make any compeling arguments?

>are some premiere gf materials
That's right.
>He thinks I never dated white girls
Talking about cringe.

Nice projection. Who is mad? I'm not; Yea Forums is full of retarded 14 year olds larping as trannies and faggots.

>developers stop putting in sexy fanservice for men
>modders put them in anyway

you literally cannot win

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Seems like an accurate assessment.

They killed him.

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I'm fascinated by what people otherwise think of straight men. Do go on. It like when I talked about gay people in middle school.

It's pretty simple what makes males attractive. It's just biology. Women are attracted to evolutionarily fit males. They want their offspring to be advantaged (understandably).
And gays, well, who the fuck knows or cares desu.

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