The absolute state of the US
The absolute state of the US
The only thing the white man has left in this world is videogames. Take that away, and he can no longer run from his problems.
Westacucks literally shooting themselves in the foot again.
>Death stranding
>Probably one of the safest and anti violence game that will release next year
I hope this means we go back to the far right hating videogames and being the censorous retards instead of the left/SJWS
when the right did it everybody rightfully made fun of them, instead of taking it seriously when SJWs did it
but orange man is good...!!
i vote... vote trmp!!!TRU !OP!!
dilate have sex cope seethe #trump
??? what!! orange man say ISRAEL is GOOD?!! no!! JOOS BAD XD islam good???
ummm WTF trumpf say videogame bad? violcen?!! NO!!!!!!!!!!NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! SAVE MEEE TRUMPYYY
the right always hated video games but when they were on the backfoot they courted internet nerds just to then quickly stab them in the back
Degenerate American corporate fascists have nothing to do with our civilisation, thank you very much.
Australia and New Zealand have more freedom than the USA
yeah, but they're full of Australians.
*gets arrested for drawings*
Dont do drugs Kids
It's about time someone stood up to gamers.
>games """""journalists""""" are retarded
Based mongrel monsters getting conditioned to shoot each other for the world's amusement.
So they're removing promotions to mostly Triple A titles... Sounds fine to me.
So a private company decides to not display certain images in the wake of a tragedy, whats the issue?
*Goes anywhere*
*Gets shot*
*Has to tip gunman*
*With his final breath gasps "I'm Mclovin™ it" so he can get his Mcdonalds™ insured burial*
*Bans DayZ
>no more shitty console fps
Is this supposed to be a bad thing?
Yet Wal-Mart will continue to fucking sell guns - the entire reason any of this shit fucking happens. The us is a joke
The wrongly apportioned blame in a hypocritical and politically motivated move to appease the gun lobby
yeah that much better fuck where is my fucking m4
>Walmart removes all violent games
>No more people get shot there since
Care to explain Yea Forums?
>the entire reason any of this shit fucking happens
haha o wow. prevent kids to go online and get immediate results instead of playing the "what could a desperate terrorist can use to kill people" game
Literally I don't think Spain can recover from this
Are you OK?
the fuck are you even talking about
>tfw it's safer to pirate games than go out to buy them
I'm sure someone was shot in a wal-mart since, it's just that when no one died from it or it wasn't a whole lot of people, it doesn't make it to the news and is just a normal daily thing.
Also if a black or hispanic did it.
Its the neocon boomer right that does this shit, the nationalist new right panders to gamers because they know what nerd outrage can do when it’s on their side.
see:gamergate, milo/steve bannon, and all the trump shilling that continues to this day
or how Jair Bolsonaro tweets about E3 and anime and shit.
It’s insincere and just cynical political pandering, but those people understand that nerds control the online conversation and that it’s very beneficial to have them on your side
If anything Trump pushing the bideo
games talking point only confirma that he’s a part of the neocon establishment and that anybody who voted for him expecting more got conned. after all there’s a reason bannon quit the admin to fuck off to other countries, Trump is an incompetent moron and the epitome of American false consciousness
Death Stranding will be a game which encourages players to not perform acts of violence, and can be described as an "anti violence game." The article's statement that a "ban on promoting... violent content in media" will make it a "tough sell" therefore doesn't make sense.
That's some extra lewd midriff, and with vagina bones too!