do you buy second hand games?
Do you buy second hand games?
Some black dude was selling obviously stolen consoles and redbox games and movies on craigslist so I set up a meeting then tipped the cops. Dude got arrested and went to jail for like 5 burglaries LOL
wowo dude ur so badass and cool!!!!!
>order used game
>it doesn't come in the official xbox bluray case
Never again.
>t. nigger
you average mutt aka the cops warm body who likes to watch his wife get fucked by other dudes
Good stuff, man.
>Fat, dumb, and ugly
A bit redundant. You’d have to be stupid to get fat and fat is ugly.
yeah, uh, that’s gonna be a based from me
im sure that actually happened and ur not just making it up to seem cool to ur internet friends lol
Based, unfortunately the negros penchant for stealing can never truly be curtailed
Go on craigslist right now and look for consoles being sold with no cords/no controller/no games. All of those are stolen, and you can tell if a disk is from redbox by the paper identifier on the middle circle. People who steal shit and sell it online are stupid.
t. nazi
nazis > niggers
>niggnoggin steals stuff
>is dumb enough to sell it on Craigslist of all things
>gets arrested
>hurr durr so lame
>gets Called out for shit behaviour
>butt naziiiiii reee
Okay retard why don’t u go back to tumblr
>grown ass adult
>sleeps on a fucking twin sized bed
Dude have some self respect, jesus christ. It's one thing to be black, it's another to be an idiot.
based and obviously fucking fake. stupid white person
>cant see the edge of bed
>twin sized.
Glad you got that bullshit disease
>a black person has never done something stupid
Shit you got him
Its incredibly easy to tell that's a twin sized be you poor faggot.
What kind of a person gets angry at other peoples beds online? Do you need a friend or something?
Never for more than $15 unless I’m buying for an unrelated purpose (after a special edition cover, etc)
>Pretends he's got a bed larger than a twin
>Get shit on
Did he died
Not for any games that are recent enough where the used price is barely any cheaper than just getting it new. But when a console is obsolete and stores sell those games for dirt cheap to get rid of them then yeah. Like right now you can find used PS3 and 360 games for like $2.50 so I don't see why not
>*immediately posts a picture that shows it's a twin size in another thread*
Is $15 ok for most of those older ps4 AAA exclusives like horizon zero dawn? Even found some unpacked for that price, feel like I'd rather get a physical when it's the same price as digital
I'll drop by EB Games and check out what they've got used when I'm paying my phone bill. Usually I walk out empty-handed but sometimes I'll find a decent deal.
Oh now he wants to put his hands up and act all meek? Violent criminals should not be allowed to surrender.
i'll get a snes cartridge every now and then, super comfy to sit down and play a real snes
though i dont give a shit about authenticity or value of my collection; i have a bunch of german carts since they are usually very cheap
also, had to get medievil 2 to play on my ps3 since i couldn't get it to work properly by emulation or other means; cost me like 60-70 bucks for PAL with case and manual
yes, i buy keys from resellers
>looking up ps4 games ads
>see guy selling original games for all PS systems
>pic related
what do you think happened to him