Watch this video and tell me, with a straight face, video games do not cause violence
Protip: you can't
Watch this video and tell me, with a straight face, video games do not cause violence
Other urls found in this thread:
a fuckload of studies were conducted, and the results were very conclusive: videogames do not cause violence and Diamond is the hardest metal known to man
diamond is nothing next to the might of TouMAN
not really
nice bait
Yea Forums has changed
so this is what drumpf voters are like
Just because they depict violence doesn't mean they're causing it.
Sorry but I'm actually Presbyterian
I'm surprised they haven't turned on the violent vidya angle as of yet since it's GRUMPFL who said it. Last time they made a 180 on it once he uttered the words that vidya makes violent.
what is dumbpf doing
Playing femdom game
Does it glamorize and use violence in excess? yeah kinda, does it mean you'll start killing people cause of it? no. Videogames are tasteless low brow grindhouse-type entertainment but not actually dangerous.
>video is so embarrassing it’s now unlisted
Watch this video and tell me, with a straight face, that you wouldn't buy a Carrot Juicer 5000
Protip: you can't
remember when hitler and stalin and fdr all streamed apex legends on twitch?
That video is from March 2018. I can't believe how many people have forgotten that we've been through this whole routine before and absolutely nothing happened.
Basically this. They always wanted to tackle on videogame violence as well, they changed their mind only because Trump said it.
They're just like little children.
How many more times are you reposting this shit? you must be desperate for views.
based nra
that meme is much older than that, from a gameFAQs post from like 2004 or so.
Now, where is my walker?
wasn’t jeffrey dahmer a minecraft streaker?
before that walmart didnt take down vidya shit
now gop is super outspoken about violent vidya and a bunch of stuff are taken down to protect muh kids
>oh no how could they possibly maybe be thinking about contradicting DADDY?!
Seriously, go fuck yourself with a rake, you goddamn trailer trash.
so many mass shootings in japan. fucking horrible
Walmart is a company, not the government, although I can see how you Americans might be confused about that. A company choosing to remove ads from it's own stores about violent videogames is completely irrelevant to this.
Americans have incredible short attention spans. Noticed how many liberals who were outraged more than ever about the initial ICE raids forgot about it a week later.
You sure you guys wanna try this one again? Because it always ends with crime stats being posted proving that it's not guns but a certain something else that is responsible for the high crime rate in American compared to Japan.
fucking niggers mounting eachother and using eachother to shoot down entire places.
Why are you here? Don't you have a trump fanfiction to jerk off to?
I like trump but that was a fucked thing he said. Although it's just as bad as the "Yea Forums and guns kill people mindset" so whatever
Gaming journalists will never turn against violence in video games. It's an integral element in at least 80% of all games. They would fuck up their very own industry.
There are still protests all over the country. The only moron who forgot to check was you, because Fox news stopped reporting them.
What a fucking jackass.
>game SHOWS violence
>game CAUSES violence
Yeah studies are the ultimate form of jewery. Why should you trust something that was made by people whose lives were dedicated to research when I can trust people who know what they're saying intuitively?
>I like trump
Kill yourself, retard.
>/pol/tard immediately plays the strawman card
Just like the palybook tells you to.
Uh no, people moved on to the next thing like they always do. No one talks about the Ice raids anymore.
Next you're gonna tell me that CNN and MSNBC are still talking about that kid from Covington, KY.
They've tried this same shit with music and movies over the decades, to no effect. When every bit of research shows that violent fictional media doesn't cause violence. This is and always has been a scapegoat for hillbillies who think the guvmint is going to take away their guns if they regulate them and stop selling them to crazy retards and convicted felons.
You were BEGGING for trump back in 2016. Dilate, nigger.
>Uh no, people moved on to the next thing like they always do.
Uh yes, there are protests at ice concentration camps every week. People in communities are helping to hide possible targets.
Just because you don't like it, it doesn't mean it's not happening. Covering your ears isn't going to help, either.
Nobody but trailer trash and obese virgins were begging for that fat pedo fuck. Go jump off a cliff, cockbreath.
all those people who make video games are also companies. one company does one thing others will follow. the domino effect isnt something to fuck with. walmart is a giant seller of video games if amazon decides to follow suit, vidya companies will no longer be interested in making violent vidya and all we got from now on will be telletubbie shit.
>studies are the ultimate form of jewery
This is what the trumpanzee is reduced to when confronted with reality. Crikey, what a beautiful animal.
Yeah, but it's not being reported like it initially was. Everyone literally has moved on outside of the occasional protests and that is what I'm saying. Which is something that is hard for you to grasp.
ok boomer retard
>hyper violence in games
>yeah ok this is fine
>tits in games
>only virgins and rednecks
Holy shit are you retarded
You forgot the /pol/tards
Maybe for physical copies, which sadly are on their way out. The PC market is hitting record numbers without even worrying about physical copies anymore., consoles make up most of their sales from their online stores.
Wal-mart is a big time distributor, but it's not essential for the survival of the industry. The proof is in how Gamestop is doing these days, compared to 10 years ago.
Like I said, only fat LARPers, rednecks and russian bots.
Imaging taking bait seriously.
Fucking zoomer.
If a tiny % of bad people can abuse a gun.
A tiny % of people can become radicalized by
violent video games.
It's important to remember that the video game industry has already admitted video games influence real life by removing sexualized content from their games, because they say it makes men treat women worse.
Sorry kid, but that's just a compilation of out of contact cut scenes. Might want to learn to evaluate actual data
videogames cause as much violence as it does misogyny
literal facebook mom argument, you should do the same as them and stab yourself with a rusty nail after not vaccinating yourself
Would be great if they really went after all the garbage "mature games" for 11 yo mature gamers like CoD and GTA, but they won't, because all the shooty crap is where all the money in this industry is being made.
It's always been unlisted.
Left wing retardation causes violence.
I honestly want to know how many of these mass shooters haven't played video games. I'm willing to bet that it's a good chunk of them.
Are people really this stupid, or is this just bait?
Haven't most of the shooters been right wingers though?
how does that contradict my statement?
... Proceed.
Japan fakes their statistics
Its actually more violent than any country in the world
Dude, just admit that video games cause violence and it’ll blow over soon
t. /k/
>When all the data says you're solidly and objectively wrong, just shriek "Fake News!"
I hope you're memein' lad
We must ban movies because of horror movies.
I thought you faggots were all for no government restrictions on shit and censorship?
video games don't cause violence
Gaming companies don't want this ban, so Yea Forums contrarianism means anons on Yea Forums want censorship.
>Japan fakes their statistics
Lefties causing social tensions leads directly to normal people being pushed towards extremes. Some less mentally stable persons will inevitably be pushed over the edge and snap.
Although I'm more inclined to believe all this "right wing violence" against random innocents has been false flag after false flag by gun grabbers. What's the point of attacking randoms if you could just as well target those responsible for the shit our society is in?
Given the fact that there are people who do not care in the slightest about human life and just see manipulation as a tool to fulfill their own goals, it's not really that far out to imagine these "terrorists" being groomed and manipulated into executing these attacks by some other party that has its own agenda (which would most likely be neither left wing nor right wing. The goal is to sow division)
Based black man telling it like it is.
I keep getting redirected to Yea Forums wtf
I like that speech. I wish my country had people like him.
They don't cause violence, but they do cause mental illness, have you SEEN speedrunners?
No he didn't.
>Lefties saying words and being annoying makes people shoot randoms
>But they're actually super secret government operations to take out guns.
Do you realize how absurd you sound? Are you that intent on trying to clean the conservative extremist's image?
>March 8, 2018
The Trump administration put out anti-video game propaganda and there was no major outcry on Yea Forums. Why is that?
WTF, I hate video games now!
>100% of terrorist attacks in the US in 2019 have been committed by white nationalists
>Their manifestos, when present, are literally copy pasted from Fox news segments and Trump's speeches
>Lefties causing social tension
>Lefties causing
Aw shit, lad, you just fucked up big time. Quick, call it fake news!
People are being made extremist. Both left and right are being played. Don't underestimate how psychopathic some powerful people are. They would throw their own mother under the bus if they could get something out of it.
They control the media, and thus the entire narrative normies get to hear.
The FBI is known for manufacturing terrorists and then swooping in at the last second to claim the credit for stopping yet another terrorist.
It just doesn't make a lick of sense for some young guy to just go shoot up a bunch of randoms for no reason all on their own.
Gun ownership of the common people is a threat to the elites, so it makes a lot of sense for them to try to turn public opinion against gun rights. What better way to achieve maximum public outrage than attacking random innocents?
And we know the US government isn't shy of manipulating people for nefarious purposes, just look at mkultra.
It's not absurd, it's just having a modicum of critical thought.
Or maybe mass shootings inspire violent video games? Why is it always a case of life imitating art with these Philistines.
I think it was sarcastic
>Lefties causing social tensions leads directly to normal people being pushed towards extremes.
I love this complete disregard of responsibility. This is like saying "Racism started when that nigger moved in and we had to lynch him. Why would the north do this?"
>Although I'm more inclined to believe all this "right wing violence" against random innocents has been false flag after false flag by gun grabbers.
Oh a schizoposter. That explains it.
>What's the point of attacking randoms if you could just as well target those responsible for the shit our society is in?
The El Paso shooter laid out his reasoning and specifically targeted an area he thought would be full of illegals. The Garlic Festival shooter's motives are unknown but he said he was angry, and the Dayton shooter likely had a psychotic break brought on by his sister and her friend inviting an angry incel to go clubbing and "have sex". This idea that everyone with guns are perfectly reasonable and sane good boys who dindu nuffin is absurd.
Well, Epstein killed himself.
Trump is safe. Party on r/The_Donald and you're all invited!
That's not true. I used to be able to search for it easily.
Most of them are cutscenes.
Ban movies and series at this point.
It's "Diamonds are the hardest metal known the man."
> “I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy,” Trump booms from a speakerphone. “He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it — Jeffrey enjoys his social life.”
>It just doesn't make a lick of sense for some young guy to just go shoot up a bunch of randoms for no reason all on their own.
Except he did have a reason: He hated immigrants. When the guy went on a shooting spree, he went and killed a bunch of people of Mexican descent. He knew what he was doing, he said what he was doing, at what point did his actions not make sense?
This isn't contained to the US either: An Australian literally moved to a different country in order to shoot some Muslims. Citing the same sort of references only more overtly. These are the sort of people Right-Wing echo chambers breed, and these shootings were only a few months separated from each other, so you can't even deny they're of the same cloth.
I'm not defending the left and their obsession with sex and being a pretend superhero. I'm just saying that the right is no better, and just express their unique flaws in a different way.
Fake News. There's no source for this. Trump said he didn't know Epstein.
>Never met him in my life!
>They control the media, and thus the entire narrative normies get to hear.
It's just weird because all the top people in media are Republicans. Why do they spread left wing propaganda? I don't get it.
He also said that he didn't know anything about wikileaks and that it's not his thing despite campaigning on how much he loves wikileaks.
Is this real??
You don't actually believe that
>video games don't cause violence
>words are basically assault and must be banned!
So which is it?
It's fun to watch Fox and Friends for moments like crowds of fat white people "rocking out" to Skillet while giant banners of smiling news anchors look down at them and bringing on a low tier "country legend" to get made about a salon article that gets introspective about patriotism and then 10 seconds later turn it into a marketing pitch for $150 American flag shoes so you can trigger liberals. It's cartoonish.
Are you even trying? Here's your (you)
> lying good
>>words are basically assault and must be banned!
who are you quoting?
He cut ties with Epstein over something he should have reported to the authorities. Trump let him get away with heinous shit and had someone on his staff who helped him.
Oh and he sees video game censorship as a way of stopping gun violence.
I love how you don't mention the antifa shooter or the shooters who aren't white. The right murders less people, which is why the media won't show it
Abort! Abort!
If you're talking about hate speech laws, the logic is that you're inciting violence against people. If you spend time putting together information about your neighbor and outlining why people should day of the rope them, legal action can be taken against you. The words you used to try to get them killed aren't band individually, but the intent of them all together can be called into question.
The entire media who screams that every word is white supremacy including August 8
if video games dont cause violence why come the army uses them to recruit?
so you're admitting that in my posts i never said anything about words being assault? then why did you quote me as if i said that when my point was clear as crystal in my post?
Who cares? We're not talking about the Antifa shooter, we're talking about the shooter from last week. You were too until you apparently felt you were in a weak position.
Why do you guys always resort to "What about..." when someone corners you?
He's talking about two shooters with clear motives. He didn't mention Dayton because that was likely a case of psychosis and wasn't politically motivated or premeditated. The media has been talking about the Dayton shooting and showed footage and celebrated the heroes and talked about the the shooter is a leftist. Infact, for the little bit of MSNBC I watched one night say Chris Hayes mention the politics of the Dayton shooter twice the day before Trump tweets "it'd be great if the left-wing media won't mention the Dayton shooter's politics! Thanks!"
His ties with Epstein are well documented. Legally and in the media. And yes, he claims he threw Epstein out of Mar-a-lago over some incident, no proof of THAT. The papers unsealed yesterday show Trump flew with Epstein multiple times over the following 5 years. He didn't cut ties.
As far as blaming video games, he's lying there, too. He has to blame something other than guns or his own hateful rhetoric. Everyone jumping on the 'blame games' train is simply trying to shore up the lie to keep the Republican agenda strong.
If you wanna act superior in the game of semantics, go for it. But you know very well there seems to be a scream for censorship in the media because it causes violence against xxx victim group, but they also vocalize that games don't contribute to violence. Seems odd don't you think? I wonder why that is.
Because they don't have much moral ground to stand on with Trump who himself tried to compare the El Paso shooting to Sandy Hook to bitch about Obama.
Wow it's almost like new things happen everyday and need to be reported too
And all actual studies done (even by the FBI, a fairly conservative group, led by a Trump apponted guy) show that right-wing and white supremacist violence far, FAR exceeds any left wing violence. Both in damage, frequency, etc. Lie all you want about the supposed antifa boogieman, but you and your ilk are the aggressors.
i am not acting superior, i just want to confirm that you're an idiot and what you quote has no relation to what i say.
also media is always stupid, what else did you expect?
>But you know very well there seems to be a scream for censorship in the media because it causes violence against xxx victim group,
Examples? I don't doubt that there's clickbait bullshit opinions out there to rustle jimmies for clicks, but even Anita said that video games don't cause violence and "won't magically turn you into a raging misogynist".
>blacks commit 50% of the murders
>blacks overwhelmingly vote Democrat
Or are you going use some bullshit definitions like the ADL to make it seem all violence is rightwing?
>black on black crime is left-wing black supremacist violence
You really don't remember when GTA was removed from Target during the initial "gamergate" controversy?
based black man
>ignores black on white crime
>ignores that blacks and all minorities are over-represented in mass shooters
I see you are playing the ADL game
Ah yes, the conservative organization that texted with each other about how they wouldn't let Trump win and they'd 'take care of him' if he did
>articles reporting on an event is a call for censorship
Australia has stricter gun control laws and major retailers have always been careful with the games they sell. It's a loose connection.
The entire FBI organization texted itself?
You really don't see the "deceptions of violence against women" quote?
>blacks overwhelmingly vote Democrat
But black people mostly live in red states.
95% of journalists polled say they either are left, lean left, or are straight up Democrats.
Hell even most of fox are. Tucker, Hannity, and a couple others are the only exceptions. Top staff at Fox has wanted to get rid of Tucker but they can't because he's too popular now and it would completely sink their news channel if they fired him for anything short of sexual misconduct
>think "hey gimmie yo money" is the same as "you look like an illegal immigrant and need to die"
>thinks drive by shooting and gang violence is the same as a mass shooting with random targets
That's the good shit right there.
There are no hate speech laws. You're referring to calls to action, which are extremely difficult to prosecute and the intent needs to be explicit and obvious, like the girl that kept calling her ex a coward if he didn't kill himself and was pushing him to do it text after text after text, pretending to confide in him and act like she cared about his plight while giving him the advice to end his life.
Yeah and I really don't see the call for censorship, I see Australian retailers being retarded. I'm glad you replied though.
Top investigators into the Russia conspiracy yeah
This only happened in your head, shit for brains.
>hillbillies who think the guvmint is going to take away their guns if they regulate them and stop selling them to crazy retards and convicted felons.
to be fair, they're not wrong since most of them ARE crazy retards and/or convicted felons
>we must stop the gloryfication of violence in our society
>except for when we bomb Syria and Iran
>"the FBI is conservative!"
>When Comey loathed Trump from day 1, constantly kept notes trying to dig up dirt, leaked conversations with Trump to the media, went out of his way to get Hillary off the hook etc.
>or when I speak
Convicted felons can't buy guns you retards. Even non violent felons, which is retarded.
Learn a thing or two about fun laws.
>Convicted felons can't buy guns you retards.
This isn't true in every state,
If you want to see it as retardation instead of a call to action, I guess that's the way you see it.
hamberder helper
What the fuck are you even asking? They don't use them to recruit because they cause violence, you retarded fuckwad.
>diamond is a metal
>wojack poster doesn't know about the hardest metal known to man
based black man
>hurgh i'm new to the inter-nette
>le wojak meam xd
Go choke on a tide pod, kid.
The first pic is of the same article three times covering the same event. It literally isn't a call to action. This new one even says they don't cause mass shootings.
2016 Election tourists are Redditfags who just go along everything Trump says, even if it is contradictory to the beliefs they held 2 months before.
lurk moar, faggot
Well might as well outlaw guns and /pol/ for causing the shootings too then
Do you even remember the argument? I was saying how the media hypocritically says games don't contribute to violence, but games also contribute to violence against xxx victim group?
Chapter 44 of Title 18 of the United States Code (U.S.C.), federal law bans convicted felons from possessing firearms or ammunition
You can restore your gun rights later in life but good luck, because most judges will say fuck off unless you can afford an amazing lawyer
>you live in a world where there are people that actually believe what trump says
How do you feel about the democrats practically handing trump reelection on a silver platter?
>well tulsi and yang-
C'mon now. You know the DNC will never give either of them the nomination.
Yeah and remember how you haven't posted anything to back that up?
>But you know very well there seems to be a scream for censorship in the media because it causes violence against xxx victim group,
If there's been a scream for censorship, why are you having trouble finding it?
the last two guys were left nuts
>"it's not guns"
>country where every mass shooting is carried out with a gun
>country where most murders are done by gun
Ok dumbass
Don't care. I'm not American. Democrats are a different brand of retards. I'm talking about the /ptg/ and r/the_donald niggers.
Hey, guns don't kill people... but they sure help.
>I'm not American
I'm sorry.
>How do you feel about the democrats practically handing trump reelection on a silver platter?
This is what your entire life is riding on. I hope you commit to it and kill yourself next year.
>well I was going to kill some people but guns are banned so I guess I won't
Said no one ever.
And they'd be done with a knife without guns.
America is a violent country with broken culture and huge poverty rates in certain areas that drives high crime rate and high rates of violence, along with o d of the largest populations of inner city gangs worldwide. Trying to fix our problems with guns is like putting a band-aid on gaping infected wound
>I'm not American
how does it feel to be a inferior subhuman
What? Are you sure you replied to the right post?
I give up, it seems nothing will live up to your definitions
The biggest threat to america is unironically the mainstream media.
>I'm not American.
How did you manage to type that without being shot?
Reminder it was proven tifa's breasts weren't actually changed. Keep spreading fake news though.
That's actually why that shooting happened in New Zealand. Australia's gun laws were too strict. The point of gun laws into to erase murder, but to make it harder to do so, especially when it comes to murdering crowds of people in a quick and efficient manner. There's a reason we don't hunt with knives or jars of acid but that is quickly forgotten in these debates.
How did you without authorities barging in and arresting you for something you said online?
How did you manage to type that with acid in your face?
>because it causes violence
>Tifa's breasts
>country where every mass shooting is carried out with a gun
Do other places have mass shootings with bows or something?
It's lag and the self perception that you're not good enough that tilts people instead of violent scenes in vidya.
Ever seen speedrunners get assmad at Mario?
How did you manage to type that without being raped by a pack of mudslime niggers armed with acid and trucks and being run over by the acid truck and then being forced to watch your mommy being raped by the acid truck mudslime while your shit commie governmnet keeps importing niggers and leaving you homeless because niggers deserve more stuff than you so you can get truck acid raped more easily by nigger mudslimes that your mom was raped by because nigger mudslimes have no souls but have acid and trucks to rape you with
99% of murder is either gang related or domestic issues and not having guns wouldn't change that at all. Hell if anything you'd probably just increase home invasions and crime from gangs towards non gangs due to the huge black market.
Somewhere between 800k - 3 million crimes are stopped by the defensive use of firearms yearly. All you'd really do is get rid of that
>dude just ban guns and all the mas murders will stop
Well thank goodness guns are banned in japan. Imagine all the lives that would've been lost at kyoani if that crazy autist had shown up with an AR instead of a gas can and some matches.
so now that trump and the republicans want to ban video games, which 2020 Dem candidate will Yea Forums be supporting?
>thinks acid attacks are statistically anything like gun violence
I love this retard logic. "So many people are stabbed in the UK it's sad" says president of country where more people are shot.
I laugh at bongs getting arrested for "hate speech" but I cry on the inside. i feel for you, euro bros.
This but unironically.
What was that quote from the poo mayor if the great city of london? Terror attacks are part and parcel of living in a city, or some such. Sounds like muslims acting up is a common occurrence to me.
What the fuck is your retarded logic? A dead person is dead, and when more people seem to be getting killed due to a change a demographics, a concern should be going through your head.
Okay? If you can reduce murder, what percentage is domestic or gang related are irrelevant.
That's not the point at all and Japanese murder and mass murder is still much lower than America's.
Common sense gun control, red flag laws, and making it harder to own "assault style" weapons isn't a call to ban everything and you know this.
>people die in every mass shooting
Ban death itself.
>that sudden cut to No Russian
made me giggle
Mentally insane people that cant distinguish between reality and pixels should be locked up.
>game has you get shot 6 times
>survive by smearing a bunch of jam across your eyes
>completely realistic and teaches people how to kill,operate a gun and murder irl
Riddle me this retard faggot, i have played "violent" video games for basically all my life and i have NEVER been in a single fight nor have i hurt anyone physically.
Please define common sense gun control and assault style weapons
Well, he's not very elegant.
>That's not the point
The point was ban guns to make mass murder harder. Banning guns won't make mass murder harder, it just changes the means. Stop moving goal posts.
>Okay? If you can reduce murder, what percentage is domestic or gang related are irrelevant.
You aren't going to reduce shit though
Domestic disputes will still end in murder and gang crime will neither end, not will gun crime within gangs. 80% of guns used in homicides are already illegally owned
Yeah they don't, this video proved that movies cause violence.
My logic is that guns facilitate the process of killing and we all know this. Some guns are made with the express purpose of killing as many people as possible in the shortest amount of time. It takes a whole lot of intellectual dishonesty to spin acid and knife attacks as being the same thing so nothing should ever be done.
>"assault style" weapons
translation: anything black that looks tacticool
Why did NZ shooter just not shoot up Australia?
>Your Movie "Dogfucker" Sucks is the top comment
Guess Trumpet got a point.
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Remember all those machete gangs in Australia and how they did fucking nothing?
>Some guns are made with the express purpose of killing as many people as possible in the shortest amount of time.
The only guns that remotely fall under this category would be a mini gun / Gau 8, and civilians can't get those.
You have no idea how firearms work or their intentions
>Australian gang culture and US gang culture are the same!
Go watch the John Wick trilogy and tell me with a straight face that shooting people doesn't looks fun.
Australia is a nation of pussies. Of course they did nothing. They lost a war to fucking emus ffs.
Based schizo
Just FYI, fully automatic weapons are already banned.
>Weapons are made to kill people
Wow you're a genius. So you want to ban guns so Muslims kill you less? Great logic.
Yeah I'm pretty sure gang culture changes drastically when you remove one of the most efficient means to carry out murder. I fucking wish we had machete gangs.
Not him but I can't tell if you're being sarcastic.
>guns are the problem
If an ISIS recruit was shopping around online for a good weapon to spread peace with and asking questions about how to get one, no one could do anything. It'd be great if some action could be taken.
1. You aren't removing anything, the black market would still exist and that's not going away ever.
2. Again, murder rate would not go down. Homicide rate stays virtually the same whenever gun control is enacted anywhere in the world, methods just change
It's true. Machete gangs are the after effects of removing guns. You turn gangsters into posers who don't do shit.
Do non americans really think buying a gun is as easy as going to amazon, searching AR-15, and hitting buy now?
Canada has second place in that ranking, I bet it's those filthy burger immigrants fault.
Except that's wrong.
People suspected of terrorism are already put on federal waits for gun purchases and the FBI has the opportunity of investigating the individual further before the wait time reaches a conclusion
South american machete gangs fuck shit up just fine. Sounds like Ausfailians being pussies to me.
It worked in Australia, continues to work in Australia, and countries with high gun ownership can actually make fun safety laws easier than they can in America.
americans are the problem
ban americans
It didn't so shit in Australia you retard. The homicide rate in the 10 years following Australian gun control saw a sharper decline in the US than Australia.
If people are so paranoid about mass shootings, why don't they start concealed carrying?
>when you are a politician who says violence is caused by video games but then you realise many of those video games are depictions of your own country's military and the kind of things you make 19 year olds, who cant be responsible enough to buy booze, do to innocent Iraqis half a world away.
>needs to research how to get one
>clicking buy
Yeah there's extra steps to going to a gun show.
Build a wall around every american
Violence isn't a bad thing
>t. brainlet
This. Every day should be a deathmatch.
I don't think that they do. The oversaturation of violent video games, TV and movies aren't a symptom of a degenerate society they are a product of it. We create violent media because we are diseased.
You've never been to a gun show
So that's where ISIS is getting all their bubba'd rifles.
thats a pretty good speech and the fact of the matter is that america isnt the only country in the world with guns, and while an argument can be made about what kind of guns americans are allowed to buy, the fact of the matter is that there are other countries with guns and hardly any mass shootings
if you shoot up a mall, a school, etc, it means only one thing,you have mental issues, you live an unfulfilled life which you did not hesitate to throw away, and if you didnt buy a gun you wouldve driven a truck through a group of people or something
what these people need is help, connections, a reason to not toss their life away in a bloodbath
so how about if, instead of restricting gun ownership even more, which may i remind you has yet to do anything to stop mass shootings, lets try helping these people
Ah yes, the ol' gun show loophole. Is brady still pushing that?
you think a politician would ever do that? lie in your face?
America tried helping blacks for decades and the only reward is being told whites should be replaced.
There's different charts to show different changes. Then there's the decrease in mass shootings and school shootings. Yes, if someone is going to go on a stabbing spree that's still going to happen, but will they kill as the Vegas shooter from the comfort of their hotel room?
>America tried helping blacks for decades
You mean democrats turned them into perpetual victims who rely on them for gibs.
Who said whites should be replaced?
what do you call "helping"? if you mean welfare state, that shit is not helping, it does the opposite of help
I wonder if China wouldn't try to take over Hong Kong if they had guns
>but will they kill as the Vegas shooter from the comfort of their hotel room?
Guns aren't the only way to kill a lot of people. Just ask any shithole country with a muslim population, or oklahoma city.
Is there any country on the planet more stupid than the USA?
The primaries
What did they say?
even assuming they ever said this and its not in your head
how do you expect the black population to replace whites when both growth at roughly the same rate, its like trying you catch up your older brother in age, its not going to happen
oh and before you say
>"muh mexicans"
mexican births are going down as well, its the magic of democraphic transition, when the living standards of a population improves their birth rates plummets, this stuff happens in north america, south america, africa, europe, asia, the middle east, etc
White people suck, tax them to death to fund minorities
Not him but I started laughing when beto started speaking spanish during one of the debates, then booker did the same thing after him. Then when asked if they believed illegal immigrants should get free healthcare, all of them said yes.
>implying there is no bomb control
Now that you mention it, there aren't that many bombings in America. Why?
Who cares about irrelevant spectacle?
The murder rate doesn't go down. You aren't saving lives, you're just changing the method of the madness to try and ignore the problem
So you just going to ignore the millions of illegal aliens invading?
And that's white replacement? This level of retard logic could be used to justify anything.
>mexican births are going down as well,
They ain't making new ones, they are importing old ones.
oh that the same platform as GOP except replace minorities with israel
Timothy McVeigh
All it would take to get the same materials he had is a bit of patience, stretching out your 'gardening' for a year or two. Alternatively there are plenty of similar just as explosive materials which aren't controlled
Because there's less steps involved in buying a gun and pulling the trigger vs googling how 2 maek bomb, then going to walmart to buy the ingredients.
Post yfw you don't live in Gunmerica
>guns are the problem
>games are the problem
what if it was something else that was the problem?
I didn't say anything about replacement, but you can't deny the majority of dems are pandering to non americans.
If I had to fund Israel kikes vs funding USA kikes,muslims,spics, and niggers, I'd pick the former. I won't disagree that funding kikes sucks though.
I'm pretty sure those unkilled by machete gang niggers are doing pretty well. An Australian carried out a shooting in NZ because they had more lax gun laws there. Mass shootings going down does save lives and the data could imply that thing would be getting worse in Australia if it weren't for gun laws.
I honestly wouldn't want to live anywhere else.
>An Australian carried out a shooting in NZ because they had more lax gun laws there.
Wait, the christchurch guy flew to NZ specifically to carry out a mass shooting?
So maybe a two year wait period for gun ownership will result in less gun crime. You're showing how bomb control works. Is it a 100% fix? No, but the fact that American bombings are so low is telling. If guns and control don't contribute, it wouldn't matter. Actually bombs should be preferable.
Mass shootings going down doesn't save shit, you just have more vehicular rampage and no change whatsoever in generic homicide. Basic statistics can show you the homicide rate stays the same
He carried out a shooting in NZ because he wanted to spark outrage and create a push for gun control and division in the US, which if he had done it in Aussie land there wouldn't be pushes for gun control since they already have it, read his manifesto he points this out
Video games don't cause violence.
A combination of vidya and psychotropic drugs do.
Year or two wait period?
So you move to a crime ridden neighborhood or you have someone stalking you and you should have to fend for yourself for 1-2 years? Are you fucking stupid?
The point of guns being quickly accessed is sometimes you fucking need it quickly for your own safety.
>the fact that American bombings are so low is telling
It would only be telling if guns in america weren't a thing.
>Actually bombs should be preferable
Holy shit no, you fucking retard. At least you can try and run away from a shooter. You can't run from a fucking bomb. Goddamn, how stupid are you?
Well I have good news for you. You probably won't be living for much longer anyway.
When bombs and arson becomes preferable these mass homicides will go from an average of 6-7 deaths to an average of 30 deaths
Good luck protecting violent video games when there's nothing to just slap a magic ban on
>So you just going to ignore the millions of illegal aliens invading?
Well why is Trump letting them in? He's let more in than Obama.
Surely you can explain that one.
I'll die free, exercising my first amendment right by saying the n-word with my dying breath.
There's only one study I've seen which shows a negative impact on brain activity regarding video games and it's a very specific thing.
Prolonged use of waypoint markers leads to a decreased effectiveness of the hippocampus and decreased spatial awareness. This isn't localized to video games, it's also caused by overuse of GPS navigation and similar tools. Basically quest markers do in fact make you stupid.
Nothing else has a permanent effect on the brain.
>So you just going to ignore the millions of illegal aliens invading?
given the fact their birth rates are plummeting no replacement is going to take place
arguments for and against immigration can be made but the position of "replacement" is indefensible because the data shows its simply not going to happen
>They ain't making new ones, they are importing old ones.
alright but obviously the entirety of mexico is not leaving mexico, and the ones that do, are on average having less and less kids, specially if they improve their living conditions, you can see this in your own family i bet, your grand parents probably had a shitton of kids, your parents far less and you yourself probably dont have any
t. mass shooter
>Well why is Trump letting them in?
Not him but trump isn't. Why do you think the news is filled with out detention centers are over crowed and ICE is deporting good immigrants who dindu nuffin?
The problem is incels.
It should be illegal to be an incel, any virgin over the age of 21 should be made to copulate with a state designated partner by law to prevent any further violence from incels.
Epstein "committed suicide" while the cameras were conveniently malfunctioning and every single one of you will accept this as the truth.
You'll still be dead, and without ever having sex either.
I guess you won't die free of your virginity. So are you truly free?
He'll never be finished so long as there are millions of double digit IQ people living in America.
The USA is the stupidest country on the planet and everyone else laughs at them.
Thank god I'll die before having my life drained by some roastie.
>Why do you think the news is filled with out detention centers are over crowed and ICE is deporting good immigrants who dindu nuffin?
Because Trump let a bunch in and he has to do something to pretend that he's against illegal immigrants.
>Prolonged use of waypoint markers leads to a decreased effectiveness of the hippocampus and decreased spatial awareness
well yes, if you remove the need to think then the people will stop thinking.
If they ban guns, they'll just move on to banning knoives and foiks from being easily purchased like in good ol' bongland because no one pushing for bans actually wants to blame the people who carry out these acts and do things to mitigate the mindset behind their bloodlust. Better to just disarm and neuter every law-abiding citizen and then have the police kill or jail them instead if the decide they actually want things to defend themselves with.
Then why not just end it all? You might as well die free right now.
>The USA is the stupidest country on the planet and everyone else laughs at them.
Yet we rule the world. Feels good having retard strength.
Here's your high IQ resistance bro
No it's not decrease while in use, it's a lasting effect. Even some time after you stop playing the game your brain is less able to remember locations and directions as a result of waypoint markers. It's lasting brain damage.
>replacement isn't going to happen
>american went from mostly white to 56%
I mean bombs should be the method of choice for mass killers but they aren't for some reason. Probably because of bomb control. Didn't you hear? You have to wait two years for the materials to make a bomb and America has a low bomb homicide rate. But also control doesn't work and doesn't matter. And you just said bombs are better than guns. The logic should follow that most mass killers should have an even split among guns, knives, bombs, and acid but for some reason there aren't many bombings in America.
Yes, people on the left are stupid as well. America is fucking stupid. You just proved my point even further. Righties and lefties are exactly the same people.
You don't even rule Canada. If you can't rule fucking Canada you're not strong at all.
If trump was letting them in, they wouldn't be in detention centers if getting deported by ICE.
>Yet we rule the world.
No we don't, that's Israel.
Shut the fuck up Boomer.
A valid point. The USA cares so much about Isreal. I thought they only cared about America?
... and also shipped out to American cities.
Ah I see you are also an erudite centrist.
>but they aren't for some reason
You know why, you disingenuous faggot. I already told you. I'm done with you. Begone.
>Pope Francis called for a united Europe in an interview published by Italian daily La Stampa on Friday, saying recent political rhetoric has echoed that of Nazi Germany.
“I am concerned because we hear speeches that resemble those of Hitler in 1934,” he said.
wtf Christian Trumpkino bros. How could he say that?
I'm actually the head of the Anti-Human Party.
>room temperature IQ american in charge of reading comprehension
sanctuary cities
>Yet we rule the world.
>this is what mutts actually believe
You don't have to wait two years you dumbass, you could go to home depot and make one right now.
You have to wait two years if you wanted to make a fertilizer bomb the size that McVeigh did with the same stuff he used. There are plenty of substitutes and other materials that can be used instantly.
Not to even mention a fucking chemical attack. You could fill an office building with nerve gas for like $100 and kill dozens / permanently cripple them.
Laws have nothing to do with it. It's lazyness, and you should be happy people are lazy because if they were forced to not be things would get a lot worse
I'm already bored of video games so I'm fine if they ban it. Zoomers just can't handle violent video games, that's apparent. I'm all for a ban of it.
Isn't it weird how both the left and right love teaming up together to attack "centrists"?
Now that really makes me think.
I have vidya to play.
that's actually a really good point. Add pcgamer to the image as well.
Because bomb control works shows clear positive results? I mean why would killers not use a more efficient way of carrying out murder?
>walmart shooter supposedly a /pol/ user.
>doesn't name the jew once in his manifesto
Anyone else thought this was suspicious?
>aws have nothing to do with it. It's lazyness, and you should be happy people are lazy because if they were forced to not be things would get a lot worse
So since knife attacks require a lot more effort than shootings you agree that gun control is effective ?
that's what i'm saying. remove the need to think and the thinking bone in the brain with atrophy, meaning you will need to flex that thinking bone harder next time you do get a need to think. same deal with muscles or other shit in our human bodies: you always have to keep a certain upkeep so the skills and memories and strengths don't deteriorate and become weaknesses, know what i mean?
And all those extra steps make it harder thus it happens less. But sure, video games have more to do with gun violence than any sort of gun law.
>Anyone else thought this was suspicious?
No? Supporting Trump is supporting Israel.
Real Trump supporters know that.
>>american went from mostly white to 56%
you are aware that the american census counted mexicans as whites until the 1960s right?
i mean its possible america was once this mostly white paradise, but i wouldnt trust older census to determine that
but EVEN ASSUMING it was indeed once a mostly white country that has now been reduced to le meme percent, that does not imply the rate of """replacement""" is consistent or increasing, and if the birth rates in mexico are decreasing, the naturally it means no replacement can take place
>know what i mean?
Sure it makes sense but the point I was making is that studies have show violent tendencies DURING gameplay like increased aggression and heart rate but those symptoms vanish about 5 minutes after the game ends. There's no study that shows a permanent growth in violence due to games. There are studies that show a lasting negative effect from waypoint markers though. Honestly I would support a ban because they make games shit but the fact that there's scientific evidence that shows them as harmful is genuinely concerning. Unlike the violence thing which isn't concerning due to not being real.
definitely far right right wing. didn't mention jew but is 100% supporter of being an ethno-state and felt like driving 9 hours to wal-mart to shoot up mexicans was the best course of action
>you are aware that the american census counted mexicans as whites until the 1960s right?
Jesus Christ.
The American dream is a sham.
/pol/ in charge of predicting birth rates. its why i invested in disco sales and new coke
No you dumbass.
The homicide rate wouldn't change and mass death would get worse because the method would change to explosives
>Your evidence is actually evidence that I'm right because of people I have no clue who conducted them, being not me, therefore all the studies are actually an agenda for this thing I believe in but have 0 evidence for nor the capability to actually acquire any evidence
>Someone who thinks a news article and a scientific paper are essentially the same thing
>>Someone who thinks a news opinion article and a scientific paper are essentially the same thing
Pray tell, why did these things not happen in the 60s, 70s, and 80s when guns were cheaper and more easily accessible?
>And all actual studies done
Post some.
uhhh 70's and 80's were when the most people in america were dying from guns
>The American dream is a sham.
not really, the dream is not based on race but on opportunity, the opportunity of individuals to grow and improve their lives by excising their freedoms and through the free market
however the dream has been co opted by populist that undermine personal freedoms and the freedom of the market based on some misguided moral grounds
mexicans are not killing the american dream, welfare, taxes, tariffs and regulations are
Mass shootings retard
People in the 80s were getting shot because of the drug epidemic
Video games are clearly the problem.
>mexicans are not killing the american dream
>gun violence only counts if you kill multiple people at once
The only one with a chance is Bernie. He pulls the best in swing states and rural areas.
Does this refer to Clinton murders?
For fuck's sake, way to move the goal posts.
Okay then faggot, why target assault weapons when they kill less people a year than hammers?
>why target something that's specifically only used for murder
>instead of a tool used for construction
hold on bro lemme get that nail for you *pulls out AR*
Murders in El Paso. It has a relatively low homicide rate for a city of its size.
If violent videogames cause violent tendencies, do games like Kirby's Epic Yarn cause the urge to knit? What about Cooking Mama? Do those who play those games develop compulsive cooking tendencies, being no longer able to tell the difference between real cooking and virtual cooking?
>he didn’t build his house with a gun
Fucking commie socialist libertarian piece of shit.
may i direct you to this video of Milton Friedman on immigration
i think it gets the point across better than i could ever do
I came home to visit my mother after college and I found her house filled with this sticky rainbow powder. Turns out she had spent the last 6 months compulsively smashing candy. We had to send her to the mental ward. Candy crush didn’t just get her to crush candy, it crushed her mind.
I've played violent video games all my life. I have easy access to guns. I've never once gone on a shooting spree or had any serious thoughts about doing so. If video games cause violence, how do you explain that?
You lie. Everyone that has played a violent videogame has killed at least ten people.
Yeah i can though actually cause Im not fucking stupid.
Why would I want to listen to a fake economist?
Google Tiananmen Square, Mao, or Stalin and tell me with a straight face that communist doen't cause violence.
Protip: You can't
t. PragerU graduate
What needs to be done is mental health (Which the Republicans under Reagan fucked up royally in the 1980s) AND gun control measures.
Idiots don't realize we need to o everything to address the problem.
Why would Trump have Epstein killed since there isn’t any REAL connection other than some bullshots and that it was slamdunk case to imprison the clintons?
yea but taxes is theft tho
unless its to increase the army budget by trillions
>Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences
>described by the economist as "the most influential economist of the second half of the 20th century ... possibly of all of it"
get a brain
These plus fixing income inequality would do a lot. If people weren’t so poor, their mental health would be better and they wouldn’t commit so many crimes. People that grow up in these crime ridden areas often end up doing bad shit even if they happen to become rich. Fixing these destitute environments over time would kill crime culture.
how about we start with mental health, like i said gun control has failed in the past many times, nearly every time there a shooting spree gun control tightens but nothing ever changes
Video games undeniably creates alt-right soldiers for Trump but I don't think it's the fantasy violence. I think it warrants further investigation.
The heads of the military industrial complex should be hung for treason. That was what the founding fathers intended for war profiteers.
not a real nobel prize
alfred nobel hated economists
Videogames don't cause violence, you fucking dipshit
Mental illnesses do
Mental illnesses such as whatever the trump supporters there still are have
>These plus fixing income inequality would do a lot.
shut your mouth
income inequality is the biggest non-issue to ever exist, the implication is that the economy is a zero-sum game and thats just not true
over the past couple of decades the richer have gotten richer true, but the poor have also become richer
any and all government backed "income inequality" solutions, involve stealing someone else's money while the government DECIDES who get a piece while they charge a fee for their oh so helpful services
this isnt just immoral, its been proven time and time again to negatively affect the economy which restricts the work opportunities of the citizens, less and worse jobs INCREASE poverty
poverty is a real problem, income inequality isnt, stop treating them as equivalent
too bad the economy is an inseparable aspect of society
and like it or not, Milton Friedman was a great economist
>its been proven time and time again to negatively affect the economy which restricts the work opportunities of the citizens, less and worse jobs INCREASE poverty
>even though every time UBI has been tested the opposite was true
>latest test in canada was cancelled by incoming conservative government a few months before it was ready to release report on results
wonder why. although i agree its not a silver bullet and more needs to be done, its definitely better than nothing like putting flex seal over your boat hole while you look for something to weld over it
The real fun fact is that economists are "right" and "wrong" based on what is needed to justify current political climate. You can have one economist who can prove that "x is bad" and other than proves the opposite, but that is not important. What is important that you champion the one who fits your political goals.
Milton is perfect example because "inflation is always and everywhere a monetary phenomenon" is not actually real, but it is a good mouthful of words to pretend it is real. And if you ever notice it being fake, you just move along instead of reflecting on it.
ok ill be exceedingly open here, what solutions do you think would help reduce this "income inequality"
Video games are global
Mass shootings are American
letting monopolies fail for one instead of giving out subsidies and also making sure companies pay taxes. remember both amazon and google pay 0 income tax
>Milton is perfect example because "inflation is always and everywhere a monetary phenomenon" is not actually real, but it is a good mouthful of words to pretend it is real. And if you ever notice it being fake, you just move along instead of reflecting on it.
ok lets have a thought experiment, lets have the government print 1 million dollars for every american citizen, can you tell me whats going to happen after everyone gets their 1 million dollars?
>it`s BLARMPS fault eps and the gang raped all those girls, and TRUNTFS is raycis because I was told so and that`s worse than vivisecting babies.
>Gun control failed.
You're wrong, it only hasn't been as effective as it could be because of the flow of guns from gun dealers through interstate trafficking (This is why Cities like Chicago have a major gun violence problem still, all the guns flow in from Indiana) and the secondary gun market which is unrelated.
Address those with mental health and the income gap >the implication is that the economy is a zero-sum game and thats just not true
Is that why under the conservative system, a few people get the entire pizza pie and everyone else is stuck with eating the card board box?
The economy IS a zero sum game. 30 years of trickle down economics and the rich hoarding all the money proves that.
Government would be doing a helicopter drop, basically giving everyone a massive free WAGE INCREASE, which is quite different from the QE.
You see, you can create a monetary phenomenon that creates inflation, funny thing, there are ALSO A LOT OF MONETARY PHENOMENA THAT DO NOT CAUSE INFLATION. LIKE QUANTITATIVE EASING.
Raise the minimum wage and start a single payer healthcare system. Taxes should move back to post depression rates and cutting most of the taxpayer dollars funnelled into the military industrial complex. The latter two would cover the healthcare and then some. Businesses would have to pay their employees more, but they don’t have to pay for their healthcare anymore so that would be more affordable than it is now.
>single payer healthcare system
that would decrease government a spending a lot but not taxes and i wouldn't expect amerilards to see the benefit of this as they shop around for doctors that are covered by their specific insurance plan if they even have insurance
The real problem is digital distribution and the damage is does to the psyche of people that accept it.
Why does no one talk about the damage paid digital distribution has done?
It is conditioning. It is the kikes' wet dream, money for something that is infinite. People say that the climate change narrative is just a way to eventually tax people for breathing, but that applies to the acceptance of digital distribution even more. Digital distribution has 0 scarcity and infinite supply, it should be worth $0 yet paying for it has been not only accepted, but normalized and most people don't think twice about it. It should either be buy a physical copy or pirate. It is also conditioning to redirect attention away from legalizing unauthorized copy and pasting - commonly wrongly called piracy, and doing away with a lot of our broken IP and copyright system. Paying for digital distribution is a mental illness. Paying for digital distribution is nothing more than giving a donation to a company, and the company doesn't even have the decency to admit it is a download.
It is also Marxist - see Karl Marx' labor theory of value.
It negatively affects video games more than other entertainment. The person that pushed it harder than any others in the video game industry, (((Gabe Newell))), is a Jew and used typical Jew tactics to push it.
The acceptance of being charged for digital distribution shows how sick and degenerated most people are.
"The establishment of a platform from which customers find it difficult or inconvenient to leave is a powerful strategy that underpins almost every successful technology giant. "
Says it like it is normal and there is nothing wrong with it. Further proves that paying for digital distribution is a mental illness.
>People say that the climate change narrative is just a way to eventually tax people for breathing
Yes, fucking idiots say that. Take your slippery slope logic somewhere else.
>money for something that is infinite
the 14th century called and want you back to back to scream about the printing press and jews
>flow of guns from gun dealers through interstate trafficking
It's already illegal to conduct a private sale across state lines without going through an FFL. You're just proving the point that gun control doesn't work further
>letting monopolies fail for one instead of giving out subsidies
now thats something i can get behind, government subsidies interfere with the free market and makes it harder for the best products and services to reach the customer
>and also making sure companies pay taxes. remember both amazon and google pay 0 income tax
i have a fundamental issue with taxes, i think A VERY SELECT FEW are necessary, but heres the fundamental issue with it, there are 4 ways to spend money
1) you can spend your money on yourself, this is the most efficient one, you know how much you earn and you know precisely what you need
2) spend your money on someone else, this is also efficient, you want to spend the least amount of money while also looking good in front of others, you know the limits of how much you can spend
3) spend someone else's money on yourself, heres where the problem starts, you dont know the limits of how much you can spend because its not your money, but you atleast know what you need, and you could convince yourself the right thing is to only spend on yourself what you need
4) spend someone else's money on someone else, all hell breaks lose, here you dont know what the recipient needs or how much the donor can give, you cant even control your spending based on whats right because you are "helping someone"
this makes government spending inherently inefficient, its designed to be inefficient, and any inefficient system always ends up being inhumane
now when it comes to income taxes to these big companies, there are only 3 possible outcomes
1) they will pass the bill down to you, the consumer, products and services get more expensive, you can see this on steam, valve doesnt pay for the taxes imposed upon games, you do, you pay the extra cash
2) the company will grow less, this means it will offer less products/services than it would normally do, or they will be of worse quality, or even worse, they might be inclined to let go of personnel
3) the company will move out of the country
and all for what? just so the government will collect more taxes, money that as we already determined will be inefficiently spent
or 4, the reality of whats happening right now, company just hoards the money and doesn't spend it along with not paying taxes. why is it companies stayed in america in the 50's despite paying the highest taxes in the world?
but QE is literally used mostly when inflation is low or negative because it induces inflation
>Through the FFL
Meaning it can still be done, thanks for proving we need stronger gun laws to fix it.
There is no inflation
1%-2% is nothing
Why do Trump supporters do this?
>the right murders less people
Nope. If we’re talking about shooters with clear political motives it is overwhelmingly white supremacists who kill in droves. The Dayton shooter was more likely an “incel” shooter and calling him Antifa is just you doing identity politics. You might as well blame anime for inspiring the shooting as well. It is just you looking at the identity of the shooter and blaming that for the shooting even if it is completely unrelated
Also the MSM never shut the fuck about about how HURR DURR HE WAS A LEFTIST so you might as well put the DA LEFT CONTROL DA MEDIA narrative to rest
The only thing you have left is
>The Congressional baseball shooting, where the shooter had no ties to Antifa
>The attempted arson of an ICE facility that only led to 1 casualty (the perpetrator)
Anifa being a massive threat to anything and anyone is fucking laughable. The worst they do, both in and out of the United States is beat people up and commit vandalism. Meanwhile for right wing/white supremacists you have
>The Knoxville Unitarian Church shooting
>The 2009 shooting of Pittsburgh police
>The Oakland freeway shootout
>Wisconsin Sikh shooting
>Overland Park Jewish Community Center shooting
>The 2014 Las Vegas shootings
>Charleston Church shooting
>Lafayette shooting
>Portland train attack
>Unite the Right rally
>Murder of Timothy Caughman, and Blaze Bernstein
>Pittsburgh synagogue shooting
>Jefferstontown Kroger shooting
>Poway Synagogue shooting
>The El Paso Cielo shooting
All of which had clear political motives, and that’s just within the US. Outside the US you have
>Anders Breivik
>the Florence shooting
>The Quebec City mosque shooting
>The Macareta shooting
>The Christchurch shooting
All of which the perpetrator had very clear political motives
So no, this is a disingenuous both sides bad argument where you resort to identity politics.
I got a Noble Prize winning economist saying Milton was a moron in shareholders should only be focused on destructive, short term profits. Which is how the American economy is run.
What now?
Even the president is playing that retarded game of "I don't watch liberal media because it's bad also I know exactly what is and is not covered on liberal media".
>guy argues companies can and should be charitable
>interpret this as obviously everything milton says is a lie and to be ignored now
double digit IQ
>>Gun control failed.
>You're wrong, it only hasn't been as effective as it could be because of the flow of guns from gun dealers through interstate trafficking (This is why Cities like Chicago have a major gun violence problem still, all the guns flow in from Indiana) and the secondary gun market which is unrelated.
>Address those with mental health and the income gap
like said, the fact interstate trafficking exists at all proves it does not work
>Is that why under the conservative system, a few people get the entire pizza pie and everyone else is stuck with eating the card board box?
>The economy IS a zero sum game. 30 years of trickle down economics and the rich hoarding all the money proves that.
i think the best way to refute this notion is to use a country that is not the USA
lets use a sad little country, Rwanda, only 20 years ago they had a horrible genocide and the people in the region have always lived in the most miserable poverty
if the economy was a zero-sum game theres no way this country could ever improve, theres just no enough wealth to spread around and make everyone live better
and yet they do, under Paul Kagame, the country has undergone free market reforms inspired by the ones transpired in Singapore, the result? the country is one of the most rapidly growing in africa, between 2006 and 2011 poverty went from 57% to 45%
and yet they did the opposite of what collectivists say, they made doing business much easier, they increase economic freedoms, it is the most economically free country in africa
and its interesting the domino effect a better economy has on people's lives the country has half as many homicides as the US, mortality rates drops, the capital is one of the cleanest in africa
the only way to reduce poverty is by giving individuals the freedom they need to pursue their goals and become valuable members of society
again, 20 years ago, genocide, today, prosperity, safely and growth
i rest my case
>or 4, the reality of whats happening right now, company just hoards the money and doesn't spend it along with not paying taxes. why is it companies stayed in america in the 50's despite paying the highest taxes in the world?
ill put it like this, if you had a ton of money, would you be content with that, or would you try to use this money to create even more money?
companies do not hoard money, they invest it into creating more money making machines, and since life is full of amazing coincidences, these money making machines also happen to be job making machines
low inflation is not 0 inflation, and in fact many economists consider a small amount of inflation healthy for the economy
>Wolfenstein series all about killing Nazis violently
>left always going on about punching Nazis
>right wants to ban violent video games
>right wants to ban Wolfenstein
Many economists predicted QE to cause hyperinflation
Of course they were wrong because they used history to predict the future, which fails reliably.
That doesn't make any sense because before Tucker O'Reily was the most popular on Fox and they got rid of him.
You might have serious autism. Get that checked out.
>companies do not hoard money, they invest it into creating more money making machines, and since life is full of amazing coincidences, these money making machines also happen to be job making machines
min. wage job making machines. companies ethos have changed. they don't run themselves like ford used to of treating the worker well to get good pr and drive loyalty. now they treat and pay employees like shit and wonder why people just go for the cheapest shit with no brand loyalty
Video games do not cause violence. Also, love the fact that we're back to square one with this shit. I thought we already passed the blaming new current media for the woes of society. What's next? VR? Maybe augmented reality? Honestly, I'm thinking machine learning/AI is going to be the next one to be blamed for whatever tragedy happens in the next few decades.
>Many economists predicted QE to cause hyperinflation
it did create inflation but not hyperinflation, in the end we still reach the conclusion that inflation is always and everywhere a monetary phenomenon, however determining how much it is affected by different kinds of currency manipulation is a different discussion entirely
and i do agree trying to accurately and consistently predict the market is a fool's errant, if you could consistently and accurately predict things such as devaluation, inflation, etc, the soviet union wouldnt have fallen and price controls would work, which they dont
Yeah, my super cushy big corporate job just lowered how much they pay for sick leave by 25%. It'll only get worse for everyone.
George Bush did 9/11
We need more regulation to deal with the secondary markets. Also, just because they're approved, doesn't mean they still can't be used for crimes. All the more reason for tighter regulations.
You mean the country where 63% of the population still live in extreme poverty?
Thanks for proving an economy is zero sum since if it weren't you'd see more people in Rwanda be lifted out of extreme poverty.
Government intervention would be a good start since you cannot trust the the for profit industries to do it.
Also, how much of their economy is reliant of foreign aid? And what would happen if it all suddenly dried up? Sounds like less your prosperity is a house of cards one strong wind away from collapsing.
Again, economies are Zero-Sum. A few winners, a whole lot of losers. The only question is what degree of a loser are going to be since the system will never allow you to be a winner.
Like I said, 1-2% inflation is nothing
QE was too much money to pretend that inflation rose when it was basically frozen in place
>The White House has a youtube account
doesnt feel right desu
place i work for cut wages in half 5 years ago and are grappling with trying to figure out why workplace accidents went up 1000%
Existing foreign investment is concentrated in commercial establishments, mining, tea, coffee, and tourism. Minimum wage and social security regulations are in force, and the four prewar independent trade unions are back in operation. The largest union, CESTRAR, was created as an organ of the government but became fully independent with the political reforms introduced by the 1991 constitution.
>Strong unions
>Social security
>Minimum wage
Rwanda is doing everything corporate America is fighting tooth and nail.
I hope violent videogames get banned in America and they had to keep finding excuses for mass shooting, while we in the rest of the world, can enjoy our videogames and mass murder free countries.
>min. wage job making machines. companies ethos have changed. they don't run themselves like ford used to of treating the worker well to get good pr and drive loyalty. now they treat and pay employees like shit and wonder why people just go for the cheapest shit with no brand loyalty
i think theres a fundamental understanding with the nature of jobs
it helps if you visualize jobs as services, every worker is a merchant selling his services, you can compete by offering a better service or by doing the same job for less
if the job is easy to do and has a low skill ceiling, the everyone is competing with prices, its the nature of minimum wage jobs (and btw minimum wage is a scam in on itself)
a company will always make use of more skill intensive jobs which is why you as a worker, as a merchant of services, must be flexible enough to improve the quality of the services you provide, acquire more skills, so your payment can improve
ford could get away with improving assembly line jobs simply because, well back then the supply of workers who could do that job wasnt as big as it is today, if he wanted to keep his higher quality service providers, he had to pay a premium, like you and i do when we want better quality anything
1 and 2 are not 0, we have to keep that in mind
1% and 2% is not even inconsequential, but its a percentage that the general population can manage
This video is over a year old. We never progressed, we just turned out focus on feminism because it's more hip and cool to get mad about them for some reason.
“These are quote-unquote video games, and they’re forced down our throats under the guise of protected speech,” says Bevin. “It’s garbage. It’s the same as pornography. They have desensitized people to the value of human life, to the dignity of women, to the dignity of human decency.”
Where has the outcry been? Why do we hold twitter bitches to a higher standard than the people we elect?
The solution would be forcing billionaires to pay up if they don't invest.
Go back to a top marginal income tax rate of 91%. That's one of the reasons why we saw a boom in the 1950s, corporations and millionaires couldn't just hoard their money, otherwise they'd be taxed to hell in back, so they had to spend it, they did that by investing in their companies and workers which is improved quality of life for everyone.
Had 30 years of trickle down economics failing not been enough proof that letting the rich have all the money with no strings attached only leads to economic crashes?
Hell, we had a blood red, Republican state try this and it got so bad, they elected a democrat to be governor in the next election.
I'd love to see you defend the Kansas Experiment.
Remove crime ridden neighborhoods. Declare all buildings to be on the brink of colapse and send everyone from there to some monitored place. Take money for this whole operation from amazon.
>We need more regulation to deal with the secondary markets. Also, just because they're approved, doesn't mean they still can't be used for crimes. All the more reason for tighter regulations.
ok lets use a similar case here, did prohibition end the manufacture, consumption and trafficking of alcohol?
these gun regulation have not been minimal, if they worked we should see SOME improvement regarding mass shooting, and yet they only seems to get worse and more violent each time
>You mean the country where 63% of the population still live in extreme poverty?
>Thanks for proving an economy is zero sum since if it weren't you'd see more people in Rwanda be lifted out of extreme poverty.
so since some Rwandas but not ALL Rwandas are getting out of poverty then the economy is a zero sum game? ok where did the money to lift some of the Rwandans out of poverty came from?
>Government intervention would be a good start since you cannot trust the the for profit industries to do it.
why didnt that work in east europe then?
>Also, how much of their economy is reliant of foreign aid? And what would happen if it all suddenly dried up? Sounds like less your prosperity is a house of cards one strong wind away from collapsing.
they receive 285 million dollars in terms of aid, their GDP is 9.511 billion dollars
its not the aid, its the free market
>Again, economies are Zero-Sum. A few winners, a whole lot of losers. The only question is what degree of a loser are going to be since the system will never allow you to be a winner.
why is poverty is general across the world decreasing? we have more people on earth than ever and yet the percentage of poor people is less than ever before in history, where did all this money come from in this supposedly zero sum game? did the aliens give us a loan?
No. But I'm well aware of the ever present machete gangs in Honduras.
Based boomer retard.
Just forbid them from moving out.
what regulations? Rwanda ranks 29 in the ease of doing business index, for comparison is harder to do business in spain and russia
minimum wage does not work, minimum wage is the government placing a tax on your labor
nobody is really opposing social security, the problem is the idea that social security should be paid with someone else's cash, that is inefficient, unsustainable and in my opinion, inmoral
as for unions, i dont oppose unions, i dont like em at all, but they are far from the problem, however i dont think you should be FORCED to belong to a union, and what happens often is that labor conditions improve only for those belonging to the union at the expense of those outside the union
>All these 'hip' right wing youtubers who need to claim games don't cause shootings to keep their teenage audience while also showing how Trump was right
>making guns is same as making moonshine
Baka thumbnail poster.
>nobody is really opposing social security
>the problem is the idea that social security should be paid with someone else's cash
yea that's uh...that's arguing against social security and kind of essential to how it works. like this idea that you want healthcare but oppose single payer healthcare because more people would be covered. its just because it's opposes the idea that we're all unequal and some deserve to die
>Just forbid them from moving out.
>be company
>the united soviet states of america decides you are an enemy of the people, wants to destroy you with taxes and forbids you from leaving the country
>liquidate company
>get the money
>move out of the country
>create new company in europe with the money
it's what society does to gamers
They really are in a tough spot because the denial machine can only push a narrative so hard before it loses credibility. Yes, there will always be those terminally cynical types, but those left over will push out the more sane voters.
>destroy you with taxes even though you wreck infrastructure with your transportation vehicles the most
>"i shouldn't have to pay my fair share"
Based and goblinpilled.
It will never not be funny knowing there are people with honest to God victim complexes about this.
>Baka thumbnail poster.
ok lets say on top of regulating guns you also ban he manufacture of new guns
what are you going to do with the bazillion guns already in the country?
>yea that's uh...that's arguing against social security and kind of essential to how it works. like this idea that you want healthcare but oppose single payer healthcare because more people would be covered. its just because it's opposes the idea that we're all unequal and some deserve to die
not really you could have private social security, chile has private pensions and it works, private health care is also a thing
if you deregulate the market you allow companies to provide these services which are always of better quality than anything the government offers, are sustainable and more often than not, cheaper for the common citizen
oh but im not being taxed just for the roads am i?
I think there's truth to it in that if your kid spends 16 hours a day playing vidya he's going to have some psych problems.
But it's not the video games; it's the parents who refuse to socialize the child.