esrb.org/ratings/36411/A Hat in Time/

Attached: Pehj2Mr.png (582x662, 75K)


Yeah at 30fps.

Do people actually memetext outside of Yea Forums? Is it just autism?

I thought this was old news.

Yeah it’s kids that think 4channel is cool. They also join the Yea Forums steam groups.

And people want these faggots to do a Banjo-Threeie?

Already played Odyssey two years ago, don't give a shit about a shat in time.

Yeah. I've seen it a lot in multiplayer games or on youtube.
They think they're cool for browsing Yea Forums.

happens a lot on discord

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But Yea Forums told me Switch can't run Unreal Engine 3

Who runs their twitter account?That's embarrassing.

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Rocket League is UE3

all the time. i see it on twitter and youtube comments all the time. I unironically hope they die.

The actual creator. He flipped out over the porn. It was funny.

>He flipped out over the porn
Where can I see this?

But will they remove the politics and tranny shit?

The porn or the guy flipping out?


Is it too much to ask for both?

>love letter for

Attached: 1534161565783.png (211x286, 131K)

The sad part is that Gears would be that incompetent.

I don't think anybody wants that
>a mumbo transformation with a 40% chance of insta death
>"bear and bird you must remember
>you can't assume my sister's gender!"
>kazooie subplot about transitioning from bird to dragon
I can see the potential

He flips out about everything. I wish I had those tweets he made calling people toxic but he deleted them.

The game is 30fps on PS4.

op it seems you were too busy sucking cocks to hear about this when everyone else did huh

>retard flag removed because of nintendo's policies
>switch version is now definitive


Is it a good game? The footage I've seen looks like just another Unity mess like Yooka-Laylee.

>because of nintendo's policies
Nintendo doesn't enforce policies on third parties.

It's short, but great

The game already runs like shit on PC so the switch port is probably gonna look like real ass and go below 30fps.

>love letter for Nintendo's GameCube
Fucking what did he mean by this

Hasn't yet been a need to.

I can't wait for the exclusive trans level where you dilate using the joycons!

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Yes I use meme arrows when I text my friends memes and tell them stories in greentext all the time. I also make meme arrows with my hands and do greentext irl, everyone thinks I'm really funny especially my girlfriend.

It's on the Twitter bio of the game

I need a source on that so I can ridicule him forever.

Super mario sunshine influence.

If it's a Yea Forums server then it's fine IMO

Only reason I've yet to play AHiT is because of Yea Forums because so fucking autistic about it.

is this how you meme arrows irl
pew pew

Attached: raw.png (404x252, 225K)

All they had to do was explain why porting it over to the Switch would be difficult.
They could lie an say that they wanted to, but couldn't.
Instead, they decided to go about it like cunts.
Why is not sounding a cunt so hard for some people?

Yeah, you wouldn't want to accidentally have fun. That is not the Yea Forums way.

Yea Forums didn't invent memearrows

It's naturally what happens when you put anti-social retards in charge of PR for your games.

because nintendo fans on twitter are extremely insufferable.

Watching PR Twitter accounts have autistic tantrum meltdowns will never not be hilarious.

but was it cute too?

Personally, I'm excited for the powerup where Hat Kid gets a chunk of meat cut off of her leg and fashioned into a flesh tube that's then stitched onto her crotch. However I read that when you get it there's a really high chance she'll lose all of her health and die for some reason. Must be a bug!

I bet you're one of those people that think that awful fanbases can't ruin something.

It's never happened to me. I've definitely got unseasonably buttmad that loads of people like something I think is only okay, but it hasn't lessened my opinion of said thing.

Surprise, surprise. The people with childlike sensibilities are actually adult children themselves.

I shill for cool indie shit no one's heard of all the time, I like people getting to discover cool games that don't have marketing.

Like CONSORTIUM. That's a good as fuck game.

Yea Forums and 2chan use > because everyone in the 90s and early 2000s used > to quote in emails and forums, dumb nigger.

hmm.... what could this image be?....
*opens it up*

Attached: 1554970888234.png (677x605, 270K)

What the fuck am I supposed to do then, faggot? Use bullet points? "Memetext" is too goddamn convenient to leave on Yea Forums. You can use it to respond to individual sentences without trying to format it as a quotation, you can use it to expedite a long story leaving in only the essential details without it reading like shit, and you can use them to convey more abstract ideas and emotions. It's not a secret club thing, you fucking slack-jawed retard. Kill yourself.

Who hurt you?

They literally just ask.

>tranny flag made the game get a T rating

Need archive link or screenshot of him flipping out, plz. I wanna see

Multiplayer games, perhaps. But single player games? Nah. You're just being a gigantic vagina. We aren't responsible for your enjoyment.

So how do you go about saving your copypasta? How do you organize texts along with images? Do you just memorize which image goes with which text? Or do you give image and text their own folders?

literally a transcript of me but unironically

fuck off retarded memekid

Why are nu-devs so onions and sensitive?

Are you actually mentally disabled to think that such things take effort?

I just want to know how you keep it organized.
Like, I have a folder of hot girls, right? Sometimes I want to pull out a specific file, but it's lost in the rabble, so I can't find it in a timely fashion. Sometimes giving up the search.

I can't imagine how one not only finds the specific image they want, but the text to go along with it too. That would mean you know exactly what files to look for, even when they're in two different locations. Or perhaps do you keep them in the same location? How does it work?

I *Clap* Don't *Clap* Have *Can't keep doing this just image I clapped after each word* to justify myself to you

do you not save images

It can't. Most games run and look like shit.

Save image, make shit up.

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Do you not read?

How do you keep it so consistent though?

Why does Yea Forums hate Celeste because a tranny worked on the soundtrack, but love AHiT which has actual tranny propaganda in-game?

A Hat in Time is cute and funny, Celeste is tumblr-arts.

What are you talking about? Yea Forums never stops ragging on Celeste. Celeste supporters around here are small.

Celeste has better mechanics and more challenge though. I thought we only cared about gameplay?


Holy shit, fucking kill yourself

AHiT also pissed off trannies who hated JonTron (who only had one line, via inconsequential NPC), so it balances out.

No, retard. not everything is about trannies. Jon pissed people off by saying something racist. Which bothered all hardcore lefties and SJWs.

Not him

Celeste is good by is grossly overrated by people who pretend Celeste is the first "precise difficult 2d platformer" game there is. The story isn't even anything special.

Same shit to me.

Attached: shrugborn.png (800x800, 136K)

Not buying this game, because it seems like they are faggots.

It's not the first precision platformer but it is one of the best. Skill ceiling is much higher than something like meat boy thanks to advanced movement tech

I mean, sure, if you just ignore all the differences.

What I don’t get is this:
If they were going to eventually port it to the Switch anyway, why did they act like such bitches about not porting it? Like, I get they didn’t wanna ruin the surprise or whatever, but they could’ve just been professional about it and be like, “there are currently no plans for it.”

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I heard memearrows are used as the [quote] command on reddit, but I'm not sure it's actually true

Yea Forums "hates" celeste because it's one of those popular indie darlings.

They're used as the quote command fucking everywhere you terminal faggot, where do you think Yea Forums got greentext arrows from?

Probs because they were getting asked by eighty billion people every day desu

Yea Forums didn't invent "meme arrows" you tards, it's the old way of quoting things on a computer, specifically emails but it was extremely common on other forums a decade or two ago.

Is it so hard to hire some PR person? this shit was embarrassing.

>We really want your game in this console we wanna play it!

don't buy it. unless you like tranny propaganda in your childrens games

I look forward to when Genshin Impact gets a Switch announcement just for the total 180 on the tone of the threads exposing Nintardation completely.

Those tweets are like 18 months old. Hell, they may go back 20 months. IDK. Point is, they're hella old tweets. The devs didn't have plans to bring it to the switch then. But they've since change their mind. But they announced a Switch port was coming like half a year ago now. Back in January. And they still don't have a release date for it.

Fact is, they aren't equipped to make the switch port. They probably should have never promised to do it. Now they're backed into a corner.

Post a pic of the creators.

You're kinda slow, aren't you? This was confirmed months ago

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Yes but it isn't so common anymore, except on image boards like these.

we didn't create memetext. normalfags used it unironically before we started using it ironically

user...while that's true, 99.99% of people using > outside of Yea Forums are doing it because of Yea Forums.

I don't know this game and do not care for it, opened the thread because I misread the title, but looking at this tweet chain, this is the gayest shit ever.
>Customer grovelling like an emasculated little bitch boy
>Faggot dev replies with his faggot life philosophy of unconditional love
>fucking clap emojis
>Like a fucking bitch, another "fan" grabs his ankles and asks the same question
>Filthy faggot niggerspeak-spewing developer who probably has a cunt that's looser than even her sumo wrestler waistline shuts him down
Everything about this is gay and disgusting and all of these people should be butchered

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it's teenagers, always has been. a decade ago they'd spam desu in chats

it's actually unreal 3

I couldn't believe it either

I like yooka laylee better

it was mostly used in usenet. in emails you tended to reply at the top as you do now. but in usenet that was against netiquette

Cool, glad Nintendo player can experience this game.

yes, its really sad.

first level looks like a cross between mario sunshine and wind waker

thats about it

>life philosophy of unconditional love
This is a stretch from that post

This is very old news.
>Resident Evil 4 will definitely release only on GameCube, not on another console, if it happens, I will cut my head off.
An actual funny time of this shit happening

This desu. I remember being a dumb 14 year old so absolutely ready to fight on the internet battlefields under the flag of Yea Forums. Gamergate was 90% teen retardation, I'd stake my life on it.

Yeah, people do. You avoid those people.

they could have just kickstarted the port, and had someone talented do it

Honestly they're fine IRL. Harmless memers.

> T for Tranny
what's wrong?

This could happen but the customers would have to roast the shit out of these faggots first and faggot central Twitter dot com ain't about to let that happen anytime soon. Braindead zomboids with no inner voice are playing foot soldiers for large corporations right now and it makes it impossible to get anything in the way of actual progress.

did they call them meme arrows a decade or two ago?

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Is discord worth the effort? I heard the moderation is twitch tier stupid.

>memetext outside of Yea Forums
get your head out of moot's ass, Yea Forums didn't invent the then-standard way of quoting shit online.

you sound upset lad. show me where the Hat In Time dev hurt you.

>hand-emoji word hand-emoji word hand-emoji

What's the matter with this shit?

>Must be a bug!

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Oh shut the fuck up, when you see someone with a pepe profile pic using meme arrows on the comments section of a Dunkey video he's not copying your dad's model train forum from the early 2000s.

It’s been so long ago that I wouldn’t have any idea when to look, someone was using Hat Kid pictures and he freaked out because it was cropped porn.

>hat in time
oooh nooo what a loss, how will life go on

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Trying to figure out twitter right now, it’s actually not that different from any other messageboard, the drama is just amplified by people with IRL clout. Aside from actual event coverage and company announcements it’s useless. I don’t understand the popularity.

>pepe profile pic
>dunkey video comments
these are far better tells of how much you should avoid someone. "memearrows" are used by plenty of people who aren't autismos.

He hurt me on my soul because goddamn was hat in time an awful scam. Bastard didn't even include that older version of the girl. Just a few shitty levels and then the moustache girl is the evil final boss out of nowhere.

>"memearrows" are used by plenty of people who aren't autismos.

nobody else uses memearrows though

discord spies on you, so better not say anything offensive

He’s right dude, some people have really grown up using BBS almost solely for their online communications so their posting behavior is completely tailored in this format. I can’t find fault in that.

>Comes into thread and completely fails to understand the subject of said thread
It is coming to the switch you retard op is posting that pic because the dev got autistic about people asking him for a switch port like a year ago. Nothing is lost. Read the thread before commenting

>still being mad about a .png in an indie game

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Do what that one 14 year old kid to the people who translate senran kagura, post a picture of you pirating the game to get back at them

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So it still worth using even with that caveat? I’m not amazing at self censorship so I’d be looking for places where people kinda just let lose. Can you find that kinda atmosphere there?

It's worth it for the same reason Facebook is worth it: if you want to communicate with people who only use Discord to communicate.

they revealed this in april...

Attached: 1565440023688.jpg (635x2060, 630K)

Yeah man I'm absolutely fuming over here, anyone who cracks jokes about something must be absolutely buttblasted

Attached: 1560972472297.gif (200x150, 2.11M)

This is the most based 14 year old I've seen.

>no you won't
Though to be honest $40 seems overpriced

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Attached: ce2.png (636x746, 260K)

ever server I've been in has been full of assholes. think namefag forums on steroids

Attached: shad.jpg (316x483, 63K)

So it only appeals to a certain demograph of people. Is that community worth the investment of time? Can you find positive experiences in the use of it?

Oh... That sounds lame and shitty. I’ve been using IRC lately and to be honest it’s full of that same bullshit. Wish I could find something with a completely anonymous community.


>Flipped out

Hyperbole is the only way to get responses around here.


It's where a lot of people hang out these days. For example, you're more likely to get official help with a game on Discord than anywhere else, nowadays. It's also where all the online roleplaying games are run nowadays.

>caring about fps's
what a fucking nerd

How does he even know unless he saw the full picture himself.


its not based at all

Yes, I'm sure these people use them because they used to do it 2 decades ago.

Fucking idiot.

>caring about a hat in time
It was mediocre, move on

Yep, pretty much. I love the anonymity of Yea Forums -- it lets you talk without any pressure at all, whether from getting banned or from those stupid forum cliques you get (which 100% exist on Discord). But normies don't like it. They repeat the dumb "anonymity = mean people" meme even though it's as far from the truth as you can get.
So if you wanna talk about Rain World or Caves of Qud or Cultist Simulator or any other game which doesn't have its own general and barely has a sub on reddit then you've gotta go to discord.


When you create something, it's like your child. And when it does porn, everyone wants to let you know and show you.

I mean, what the fuck are they gonna do? He's the policeman.

>eighty billion people every day desu
It was like 8 at best until they started being pissy about it

There's no need to answer every single one of them though?
They could've just ignored the inquiries and pin the message where they explain that there are currently no plans for it.

Because he saw the full picture for himself.
A lot of people did. It was drawn by Shadman and he memed about it at great length.
>he probably fapped to it too if he saw it!!

Attached: 91b.png (606x834, 496K)

You've gotta remember it's like one guy and he's not a professional PR person. Allt hings considered, there are worse ways a normal person could've reacted.

Not by much, though.
The guy has zero social grace dealing with people interested in giving him money, yet takes social stands in his work?
Why is it that activists for social causes are always bad-tempered, sassy and fundamentally think people are stupid?

>make a thing
>release it
>wtf people drawn porn?????
What year is it?
You have to either embrace it, learn to ignore it, or give up on making it in the first place.
Personally I'd choose the third option.

memearrowing on nu4chan

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>caring about sjw games coming to tablets
yikes should they make a mobile gamers forum for people like you

Are you talking about Usenet quotes?

it's good on PC because modding so you can remove all the awful shit the devs put in, also really fun multiplayer, the console versions do not have these features

like every console.

Yes all console cucks are pathetic. Nintendo is worse though. As shown through your post.

Do you really think people didnt use ">" like that before 2004? Dumb zoomer

literally already fucking announced

Remember when he shilled hard here and got caught doing it

They could’ve said
“Switch ports are expensive and we honestly don’t have the experience nor the man power to spare sorry”

Jesus Christ these stupid fucks don’t know how to do anything right.

>2D Loli is child porn
Can we check your computer sir?

I’m going to pirate it just because of those faggot hand emojis

It's my goty, it's not perfect but has a lot of charm and its very fun.

Will nintendo remove the trans rights flag/

Probably not. Unless they're directly involved with the game they don't care what's in it as long as the ESRB rating is given.

Couldn't have made a more retarded post, user.