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im sorry youre such a cuck
Who is this man and what happened?
Your game sucks, it sucked on paper and it sucks in execution.
The second that "infinite procgen-universe exploration with a very low cap on character progression" escaped your lips it was destined to suck. It sucks just as much now that your team has given up on its sucky vision to add a bunch of sucky frigate and base building in the game instead.
Game is still utter shit and boring. Calling it a game is a stretch, too. There's hardly any real gameplay in NMS.
Except that they never gave up and Sean redeemed himself
I bet you never made a mistake in your life, right?
Get out of your house once in a while
Even if somehow the game is amazing now that doesn't redeem them, retard.
He sold an early access game as a finished product. No amount of updates can change that, even if they are free.
No. Your game was shit at release making it shit forever no matter how much he tries to fix it.
hey I make mistakes, too. but not as big as Sean's lole.
Why the fuck would I do that when not only has HE never apologized, he never even acknowledged that they did anything wrong. Fuck off.
Beucase they didn't do anything wrong.
They just had too much ambition, basically like Peter Molyneux. They were just too ambitious but they reached their aimbitions now.
>Except that they never gave up and Sean redeemed himself
He didn't redeem shit. The lied, didn't deliver on his promise of the game (false advertising).
It took them years to even get the game to a passable state where it isn't complete garbage and sort of starts to resemble the game he initially promised.
He didn't even apologize or admit that he fucked up or lied.
Now cock goblins like you slurp up his dick.
>I bet you never made a mistake in your life, right?
Admitting you made a mistake and taking responsibility for it is what you do. He didn't.
He never admitted he made a mistake (after lying several times and falsely advertised his game).
Then upon release he was silent and just tried to save the sinking ship out of self-interest, not out of responsibility.
>they dindu nuffin
for what lmao
I honestly am having a fun time playing this game. Comfy as fuck.
I like this game, but HAVE they? Until they fix the atrocious/samey looking fauna I can't say they reached their ambitions.
There is making a mistake and outright lying you bootlicking fag, barely any of what he said in marketing was in the game at launch
Nah. he sold me a premise and that premise isn't in the end product. All of the updates didn't address the main issue of NMS which was the boring gameplay loop.
Lesson learned: always lie and then try to fix it.
Sony basically sold off an Early Access indie game as a complete AAA release
and then took away my anime tiddies
luckily Murray hinted at NMS on switch so this time when i pay 60 dollars it'll be worth it.
This trash is nothing compared to what they've been advertising.
Why? He hasn't.
>imagine THIS is VR....
Why? I didn't make that pile of shit and lie about its features
His game is still bad. He didn't redeem anything.
One nms shill posting these every day
pls kys
This is total bullshit. They didn't have too much ambition. They had too much press. Every single fucking interview with that faggot you could witness each moment he had to quantify the lie he would let answer with. He's a weasely little shit.
A group of people spent a lot of time and hard work on something they're passionate about and yet you have this virgin filled shithole with people who never did anything productive to begin with shitting on them.
Don't play it if you don't like it.
Kill yourself communist.
The guy swindled millions of people. The fact that he never got seriously injured shows how weak gamers are in this world.
Go work on the game instead of shitposting on here Sean
>People are STILL mad about No Man's Sky
>Yet Todd still get praised and people here still play EA garbage