I fell in love with kyoko Yea Forums. i can't stop thinking about her 24/7. she gives me butterflies...

i fell in love with kyoko Yea Forums. i can't stop thinking about her 24/7. she gives me butterflies, i feel warm and fuzzy just looking at her.

but at the same time i can't deal with the fact that she has a boyfriend. what am i supposed to do? i just can't anymore

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Youre a cuck
The only option is suicide

Where THE FUCK are her lewds?

This. Chug the whole bottle and livestream it. Give your worthless life some entertainment value at least.

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Shut the fuck up about the NTR and post lewds got damn it

Play the original game first, then you are the boyfriend. Problem solved.

Another japanese franchise ruined by the west.

Be glad you fucks are even getting a new kunio-kun game, one with cute girls at that.

i recall loving the gba game on emulation which was my very first River city game by accident since i dled lot of rom back then.
can't wait for this game to come out.

how many River city game (playable for westerners) are out there?
considering playing them now that i keep hearing about the new one. tho i heard the one currently on steam is pretty trash or something

girls in college jackets make my pp diamonds

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Stay mad

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You just KNOW an american made this game

Who fucking cares?

Pretty sure they weren't invented for this game user.

yeah same user i hope this game good

I am going to buy this game WITH MY DICK

>Riki broke up with Mami so he could date Kyoko

How can one man have such shit taste.

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explain? not real japanese names or what

He's just shitposting to shitpost.

>he fell for the worse Kyoko

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Self insert as Riki. It's easy, just play as him in good old RCR

wake up in Kyouko's body and realize that Riki wants rescue sex

My gf is gonna cosplay as her at the local con next month. I honestly dont know how I pulled this tier a woman, oh wait its my income

How do I find porn of this series?

How much you make? What you do? Penis size? Height?

>92k (oil and gas money is the shit)
>6.2 in. long, my girth is where it at tho (6 in)
>6'3" my best feature

Tbh i had the hardest time veing comfortable with women in general until fucked some chubbies.

Commander and the leader

Patrician taste and gets me diamonds

Drones are shilling this game pretty hard. Once it's released, though, the posting will dry up. It always does.

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She's fucking a black man

take that back

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