>~11 servers on launch
>Layering is worse
>40,000 people on a single AH
>Dynamic respawns
>More streamers than servers
>Game still has queues even with layering
Game is dead after a month, at least blizzard got that much right.
WoW dead on launch
Other urls found in this thread:
>the zoomer eceleb shit is real
not planning to play classic but i hope all these retards end up on one server for everyone elses sake
With only like 10 servers at launch, the autism is confined to everyone.
I cant wait until the sub numbers come in and we see that retail lost to classic.
Your tears will be remembered for all eternity.
Welp, I guess its time to learn LUA and make a fitler addon that auto ignores players who use twitch speak and does shit like this.
FF trannys and retaillets are literally shaking now that classic is the only thing people are talking about. Actually comical.
>all streamers going to NA
Feels good being europoor
When you give zoomers everything they want, sure you will get the moneys. But they are doing a self fulfilling prophesy by saying they will lose all interest in a month and then intentionally sabotage their game.
>mfw rolling on an EU RP server
There will be 0 streamers on there
Classicucks would defend layering
Enjoy the TWO servers.
well uh have fun with that buddy, say hi to the trannies and furfags for me
What is layering?
FF human to orc tranny here. My pronouns are lok and tar. I think that the low number of servers is intentional sabotage because the WoW team is terrified that classic is going to do well. I'm still going to check it out. Classic has the potential to be ultracomfy even if half the classes are dogshit.
>intentional sabotage
100% this.
when you are in the middle of a gay sandwich sex position
wow... i'm thinking based
different dimension in an alternate reality or vice-versa.
holy shit. 50k per month? what the fuck? why?
> streamer from X faction should join server with streamer from Y faction
it would be best for everyone
11 servers? I thought it would be 4 max
Nvm, the streamers won’t be a problem then
You mean only one since there are no Spanish servers so one of those 2 pvp realms will be Spain realm and the last one is probably twitch meme realm
With 11 servers and over 25 streamers it is impossible for this not to happen.
In b4 asmongold rolls RP-PVP to troll everyone.
Not gonna happen since each streamer wants to rule a server, also there are only 11 servers and like +20 large american streamers
25 ?
well...i dont think about playing classic again, it was cool when i was young, good luck for all brave user who will have to deal with the goblins
shit, do NONE of those players know how to do a /shout?
Usually it's something like LFM> Somesorta Dungeon, 3/10, Do you need it? Looking for Healers and DPS, /tell BobtheDruid
or whatever
do those cunts seriously expect to get invited to something by spamming "INV!!!!!!!"
They're only looking for a group invite so they can get on the layer they want, not to do a dungeon or anything
>playing WoW
>tfw aussie and get my own servers AND have no eceleb cancer
Streamers are saying they’re all gonna roll on one server together, they may be lying but what would be the point in that other to troll? The non-asmon streamers need him to stay relevant so they will follow him to wherever he goes.
Apprently, vanilla mechanic
>>Playing any MMO
>Brendan un-just'd
>thought it was funny then
>tfw still stuck on Yea Forums
>own servers
>a single fucking pvp server
The delusion is real.
>guaranteed super high pop action packed PVP server with no ecelebs
>11 medium pop servers with the only full server being a streamer server with 3 hour queues and constant requests to be invited to asmons layer
stay mad nigger
Your levels of stupidity are staggering.
>only full server being a streamer server
Autism levels of retard?
Yeah with each server having like 1k pop because everything will be split between layers anyway
is it impossible to play multiplayer games without running into a streamer now?
i was playing casual csgo tonight and a streamer chick was on my team
checked out if she was live and she was with like 200 people watching her
i said "Nigger" i the mic and she immediately tried to kick me but the team voted no since i was carrying the pub match
>Yeah with each server having like 1k pop because everything will be split between layers anyway
>can't math correctly
Enjoy being on sodapoppins blacklist for having a low social score buttmad nigger
Are you retarded? Oh wait you are just shitposting because you are from australia. Well enjoy your 1k pop server with hundred of layers.
>No central time zone server
>Multiple servers for each coast
u sound mad.
Why do people keep saying servers are going to have 1k pop? Are you guys dumb?
>WoW Classic
More like WoW Streamer edition.
Because courts insist its important that ex-wives keep living as comfortably as they did during the marriage for some reason
Why would I be mad that I don't have to deal with potential streamers and you do?
>seething this hard
>says is not mad
>continues to prove he is mad
>is already planning on joining a guild that follows around asmongold
lol yikes pal, miss me with that shit
Continue to prove my point
>streamers bad
Why aren't you glad for the attention? The people who only play the game for the streamer will leave soon, and the people who don't will increase the player base, making the chances of classic succeeding better and bringing more money for the devs. It's a non-problem. And let me remind you that most of the people here - me included - were kids when Vanilla hit. The players then didn't make fun of me and actually helped me. It's part of why I remember it so fondly. Now it's our turn. As long as a kid isnt too annoying and good at the game, I'm not gonna look down on him. It's our turn.
enjoy your malays, pinoys and indos
based Ezaron
U are seriously mad dude chill. Go take a bath and relax.
Single pvp server avoids the problem of having 1 horde dominated and 1 alliance dominated. Arugal is going to go off
Everyone here is lying to themselves. This is going to be the best shit ever. Streamer servers are going to be a 24/7 party and pure hype every single second. Anyone who says otherwise is a lying faggot or overloaded on meds.
>projecting madness
Streamers are not bad, streamers on every server guaranteed is fucking stupid.
Since there are 5~ PVP servers every server will be a "streamer" server.
Each reply you make further shows how mad you are, but if you have to have the last word because you are angry you can have it.
This, the OCE PVP server is going to be an absolute fucking bloodbath whereas the NA servers will split into horde/ally dominated servers just like Tich/Illidan etc in retail
>2 (two) english EU pvp servers
>spanish are rolling on one
>polish are rolling on the other
>forsen and his fanboys
>method and their fanboys
Pick your cancer.
It makes sense if you have children and you both have joint custody. It's kinda fucked for a kid to associate living with one parent with living in a mansion with everything they want and another with living in a shitty apartment with nothing. Or even worse money being used to control the future of the child. Even in that situation though there needs to be more control. I had a friend in highschool whose mom got alimony for supposedly that reason and she used it to constantly take vacations with her boyfriend leaving her highschool aged daughter home alone all the time sometimes without money for food. Shit like that should not only cease the payments but be illegal.
owned faggot, thanks
Then classic WoW might actually be the biggest MMO in existence. My guess is gonna be ~20mill subs in the first 3 months. With the power of Twitch chat this shit is going through the roof.
Whats more likely? A single server that is unbalanced. Or 5 servers all being unbalanced?
Your logic makes no sense. It is far more likely a single server would become unbalanced.
>My guess is gonna be ~20mill subs in the first 3 months
You are insane if you believe that 20 million people will play this, maybe around 2 mill at max
Server list 1.
Ok? So what? If the game is successful then layering is put on a pedestal as a success. It is a lose lose.
Take the RP-PVP pill with the rest of us Zandalar chads.
Server list 2.
So many people are going RP-PVP I doubt it will even be RP anymore.
When do servers start off unbalanced? When I played vanilla they were extremely balanced despite what some people may have claimed. The imbalance in servers is what follows later, it's why high rated PVPers all move to certain realms together, look at the state of factions in retail PVE
absolutely based
You under estimate the hype drought. My guesses are still 1.5-3mill views on Twitch (during launch) and 20-30m subscribers while the hype train gets rolling and everyone who has played WoW resub for this once in a lifetime experience.
All it takes is a few top tier guilds to faction change or move to a different server and you will get mass migration, it already happened on retail when you have PVP guilds moving to Tichondrius etc
Server balance was really fucked up on some servers. This was very apparent in Korea where people hated playing ugly horde characters.
(until BC came out and Blood Elfs made it swing the other way)
I'm just trying to make the point that its more likely a single server becomes unbalanced than every single US realm becoming unbalanced.
With 5 servers, even if an entire guild + a steamer moved it would barely be even a dent in the population.
You are using 150 server logic, each with 2500 people on it, when you should be using 5 server logic, with 50,000+ people on it.
20-30m is straight delusional, WoW at its absolute peak had 12m.
>5 pvp realms
>25+ streamers
WTF is math?
lol btfo
Played like a fiddle.
Except the lesser streamers orbit the bigger ones. And theres only two super cancer streamers in Sodapoppin and Asmongold
dude... It's been 15 years. By having Asmongold stream during launch hes gonna pull in 1million players by himself. That's not including the other streamers and old school players. Twitch owns the gaming scene now and Classic is super hot.
>tfw EU
just need to find out where that nigger forsen is playing and im good
Sub numbers will never come in. You can play classic by subbing to modern WoW.
>dynamic respawns
Calling bullshit on that. link source.
theyre all going to the same server unless asmon goes elsewhere
20million - 1 million = 19million
What about the rest. And that is assuming everyone that watches him will play.
I have yet to meet someone who posts this stupid dancing flavor of the month character that isn't a massive shit eating faggot
After Stress Test 2, we were as concerned as many of you were about the inability to find enough spawns in the starting zones, so we double-checked our spawn logic, and it turns out there was a bug.
In the original 1.12 data, different spawn regions have different thresholds at which automatic respawning is triggered, but the bug was causing it to ignore these population thresholds. This affects the starting zones more than other zones because they have very aggressive thresholds for triggering respawns, to make sure that you can always progress through your first introduction to the game.
As you level up throughout the later zones, the respawn thresholds aren’t as aggressive, and you start having to compete more in higher level zones. We have verified that we’ve correctly reproduced the 1.12 spawn rates and thresholds throughout the game now, and while the respawn rates you see in Northshire aren’t the same as they are in Un’Goro, they will both be accurate to patch 1.12.
Thanks so much for your feedback, and for helping us find and fix this bug!
Ever heard about things going viral? You must be a boomer. It's like a fucking bomb you don't expect.
its fixed, dumbass.
Welcome to women.
There is such a thing as server rules though. Enough people on RP-PvP servers will care about the RP aspect and will shame/report people who ignore it such as me
I think the servers will be fine because a lot of people still see RP as cringe garbage.
So your logic is that Asmongold and his 1 million viewers will create that bomb?
I'd imagine that anybody interested in WoW Classic is already planning on playing, there won't be a huge explosion of it after the fact without advertising on Blizzard's part seeing as there've already been streams.
definitely rolling grobbulus, i've been on ravenholdt and love it.
> only two super cancer streamers in Sodapoppin and Asmongold
and forsen
Not him but doubling the playercount that WotlK had is so beyond the realm of possibility, i get that you're hyped, I am too.. but come on
I doubt Forsen will be as bad. I doubt he's gonna play a lot of Classic.
>believes everything they say
>random "bug" found weeks before release that magically adds dynamic re-spawns to classic. How convenient.
Max fucking stupidity.
Not just Asmongold but Twitch chat combined with Reddit, Twitter, etc. Asmongold's stream is the key to all of it though.
>Asmongold's stream is the key to all of it though.
>playing a new strange tumor on a decaying corpse
>why is the gaem dying?!
Das right when they get to wotlk classic will we truly be H O M E
Not going makes up for having to be an Australian though. I would kill myself. Based American here. Kill all subhuman non-American pieces of shit.
Will streamers even be allowed to stream on rp servers? I imagine it'll break rp all the time with their shit fanbase spamming.
wtf are you retards on about the people who would play classic would of played it regardless of asmon gold anyway you fucking tard
Hey it's less common but dudes do it too or similar shit. My aunt was raped at 16, forced to mary her rapist and have his child and then forced to live with him. He beat her and my cousin while bringing in almost 0 money (he was "in a band") until she was 18 and finally able to get a divorce. He didn't take custody under the agreement he would pay child support, and really no one wanted him to have custody because it was an open secret he beat my cousin. He then proceeded to spend the next 30 years dodging his child support payments in anyway he could.
his community is more autistic than asmon and soda combined
I think they might find one or two other "bugs" very soon
>Playing on a PvP server
Enjoy getting ganked and corpse camped by incels who poopsocked to 60 and your play time you paid for stolen. Moron.
You are the fucking retard. I'm trying to explain how Classic is going to go viral.
you think im stupid because i believe blizzard fixed a bug that they said they fixed, and dont think this is some cover-up conspiracy to secretly make classic like retail.
You should be in jail for using hate speech racist scum.
My only problem with this is that someone had to stare into the abyss to find all of these retarded Twitch terms... and who is to say, that the abyss did not stare back?
chatting shit about asmon gold is the key to gettting an extra 1 million players fuck off idiot
Them catering to Zoomers is unpossible.
>implying i'm not a neet who wont be poopsocking to 60 with my boiz before the people who wish to camp me
fucking norman
I'm a streamer and I will go on Zandalar Chad Rp-PvP server what now?
I'm glad FFXIV doesn't have this.
I'm mad that you subhuman non-American pieces of shit are on my board. This is an American board for Americans only fucko.
If people cause the server to crash don't streamers get blamed for it and get banned?
Fucking yanks
swifty was banned for this a decade ago before streaming was even a thing
K. You will understand when Classic gets released at how out of touch you are with the internet.
Maybe he won't play that much, not sure what's he said, but his fanbase are definitively the worst.
>you think im stupid because i believe blizzard fixed a bug
Yeah that pretty much sums it up
>american calling someone subhuman
Nostalgia faggots are the worst. I am glad this is flopping.
Right, but, if he's not playing it that much what's the issue? He's not like Soda or Asmon who'll play it every day. That's exclusively an NA issue and it's what they deserve.
Ahh...Shard 7....Layer 4...Asmon group...Home...
>mfw br
>will be playing on americlap servers just to spam the chat with BR HUE?
>not even looking for other brazilians
Swifty was streaming and that's probably why people flocked to him and it crashed.
>if he's not playing it that much
he might, he hasn't talked about it yet, but his fanbase will still roam the server and destroy it with their autism i'm sure
>sodapoppin faggots
sending prayers to my NA brethren, stay strong
God I fucking hate video games
Anyone got updates on the EU realms? I hope there's an unofficial english speaking realm
iirc he crashed the server multiple times in tbc which also got him banned
your an idiot
>actually posting the quote that proves you're wrong
jesus christ you have to be a bot, no way any living human being is this stupid.
Most BR are rolling Thalnos
only thing I can't deal with
Then go away. You're not allowed here.
can someone give me a quick rundown on these apes autists?
Child support is reasonable but Brendan had to pay alimony
What's the deal with this Asmongoloid guy and why are zoomers so obsessed with him?
Why don't they make individual servers? Do they have to have sharding? Is this so other servers dont feel empty? This is stupid.
They play WoW
This will happen, but for how many months? Classic pop will drop like a stone, quickly.
they're on golemagg
they make people butthurt as fuck, but I think the main reason people dislike them is they've been involved in some sort of devilsaur mafia shit on their servers
that source proves your wrong you dumb fuck
>Blizzdrone detected
Wish we lived in a world where streamers just got banned from playing games.
based. our servers are going to be legit
He's the savior of WoW. Sort of like Jesus Christ, he's gonna die for our sins (us abandoning WoW in the first place). He himself alone has the power to make WoW be good again.
what a powerful argument
Explain. Because it looks like dynamic re-spawn to me?
Looks like shit.
Smells like shit.
Probably is shit.
yeah but it only applies if you´re a muhhammad or jammal, even gonzalez has enough brain to avoid such situations
I want to eat the shit out of his plastic bimbo girlfriends ass
That doesn't really mean much, retail is losing to XIV at this point.
>We have verified that we’ve correctly reproduced the 1.12 spawn rates and thresholds throughout the game now, and while the respawn rates you see in Northshire aren’t the same as they are in Un’Goro, they will both be accurate to patch 1.12.
Unless they're just straight up lying of course.
The most ironic thing is your post:
>no way any living human being is this stupid.
This can't be real.
Only 2 EU PvP realms? Are they fucking joking?!
>Mark Kern, Kevin Jordan and John Staats say that dynamic respawns existed in vanilla
But sure, believe it's a fucking tinfoil hat conspiracy Alex.
looks like just a guild playing wow, how is this comparable to streamers and their autistic hordes?
4 innit?
There's techincally five (2 eng pvp, french, german and rp-pvp) but there should be at least 4 eng pvp servers (not including rp-pvp).
I only see Shazzrah and Golemagg, unless you count the RP-PvP which makes it 3.
They aren't comparable, but as I said they have been involved in some shady cross faction shit (devilsaur mafia) on their private servers. I think they way they WPVP and shit on people is what vanilla is all about and they're gods in that sense
How vindicated do you think the
>You think you do but you don't
guy will feel?
Considering the old server cap was something like 5000 players, they're expecting only about 40 000 players to play Vanilla, and only 10 000 english speaking in Europe for PvP.
No fucking way.
Because blizzard NEVER lies PvP transfers.
-Aerial combat.
-They announce Iron Starlette pet will be made unobtainable after WoD - infact it is
-New dances.
-In the Cataclysm post-mortem, Ghostcrawler said"Legendaries are supposed to be rare and exciting, not a bar you fill up like some reputation grind," And then made the next Legendary Item have three quests which require reputation grinds.
" we don't mix game and store mounts. If someone buys a mount off the Shop we don't want there to then be confusion as to whether it's the Shop version, or a recolor obtained through in-game means."us.battle.net
-They said they wouldn't allow you to roll both factions on PvP servers to try and prevent /tell harassment, they went back on that.
-They say they only release a product when they are happy with it, yet we are still playing a game with more bugs than most betas.
>only one RP-PvP realm
So they know it's not going to be a repeat of the original and build any sort of enduring community, it's just going to be a quick cash crab.
Ah right I was looking irrespective of the language
The anti-Classic faggots are worse than the fags who spent the last 10 years begging for Classic servers.
You literally lost every argument against them making classic servers, even Blizzard lost, fuck off and go back to retail.
I'm not an /int/let, what county is that? Or are you saying fucking Brasilians will be playing on the EU servers? Fuck that shit, if this is true.
What makes you think it will be Golemagg?
What's a good warlock build for raiding? I only ever played Demo lock.
ffxiv cant even break 1,5 mio subscribers
feminist justice system
fucking retards making the stress test active account only. why did they do it?
>If people cause the server to crash don't streamers get blamed for it and get banned?
So it's settled then, create bots and crash servers streamers play on so blizzard will force them to play offstream or they will get banned. This way we will trully get real vanilla experience. Even streamers will get true vanilla experience being forced to play offstream. Works great.
>and another with living in a shitty apartment with nothing
You mean living like the rest of us?
women should not have to work for being able to affort cheap wine and complaining to the kids about how horrible their father is
I'm considering rolling RP-PVP just to avoid streamers. Fuck this gay earth
Again. Do you believe Mark Kern, Kevin Jordan and John Staats. Who all worked on vanilla WoW. To be lying when they stated dynamic respawns existed back in vanilla.
So PvP is normal, RP is no-PvP, and RP-PvP is RP with normal PvP rules?
>implying wow is above 1.5 million subs at this point
this constant streamer spamming on my put me off so much i feel like i am going to have to force myself to even play this shit on launch. we truly cant have nice things in this age
Nah the dude was white my friend. I'm from an almost all white town in the rural north east.
Define dynamic respawns. Most of us understand it to mean that the respawn rates increase automatically according to zone population. We don't mean that respawn rates vary between zones based on expected zone population. That's the very opposite of "dynamic".
We don't know how many layers a server has or its cap. Each server could have a 10k cap with each layer being capped at 3.5k, who knows. They will add more servers at launch, you just know it.
At least 10,000 people from UK will play, there's no way that less than 50,000 people from the EU will be playing classic. Launch is going to be a shitshow.
Do we know which "English" servers will have infestation of Spaintards and which Poltards?
Instant classic
No PVP is PVP and Normal is PVE.
But the layering thing is supposed to be a temporary solution only for launch. They are supposed to remove it about 2 weeks in. Not that I it against them to keep it permanently.
I don't believe a single thing blizzard says right now. They have destroyed the integrity of the game multiple times and unless they show me the snippet of code they actually "fixed" no I won't believe them - because in the past devs have lied. In real life, people lie. Companies most definitely lie.
In stress test 1 people were complaining about respawn times. And just now, two weeks before the game comes out, they 'find' the dynamic re-spawn bug.
Yeah I think it's a bunch of bullshit.
no fucking way
that guy?!
Considering there are only 2 english pvp servers, i guess you don't have much fucking choice
What are the odds of there being an actual RP scene and RP realms not just being the pissbaby servers
>The absolute state of whiteoids
>(of a process or system) characterized by constant change, activity, or progress.
>We don't mean that respawn rates vary between zones based on expected zone population
>Vary between zones based on expected zone population
>Zones change spawn rates based on zone population
>characterized by constant change
The insulin shots made me cry. I hope no one experiences diabetes.
oh yeah, she became completely irrelevant and then realised she could use asmongold for clout and now she's the queen of the orbiters
They said they would remove it phase 2 not two weeks in you retard and that is 3 months+ down the line.
the respawns RATES (plural) are not dynamic if they're fixed to every zone. dynamic means they would change automatically based on whatever factor, which it seems like they won't.
Can you prove that they have less than 1.5 million subs?
he cant be that retard.
is she at least not inserting herself into the streams like that batshit cunt robyn?
How do I convince my fiance to play with me? She 'likes' video games, meaning mobage and animal crossing.
WHAT? source??
Considering there is a single RP-PVP realm and everyone is rolling on it. I highly doubt that.
something feels really off about her face
>dynamic means they would change automatically based on whatever factor
>respawn rates vary between zones based on expected zone population
You are arguing with yourself.
shes eh as fuck. most of the 30+ girls i fucked would look better if they put so much makeup, filters and good lingerie for a pic
if you have to convince her to play chances are she's not going to enjoy it anyway
>he cant be that retard.
asmongold is a hideous skeleton, with no hair and rotten teeth, if he has a fucking brain he knows she is using him but how could he say no? he may even get to fuck her, its not like he can do any better.
She isn't on his streams from what I can gather, but they IRL stream together and she gets all his viewers naturally
Imagine spending calories making these anti-classic threads on Yea Forums every day. I wonder what sad excuse for a life people like that live.
Care to indulge OP?
Apparently Spainards are looking to go Golemagg, either way we'll find out tomorrow before the name reservation.
RP =/= RP-PvP
>shes eh as fuck
no doubt, but compared to her partner she is a goddess
he knows she wont leave him unless he runs out of money
Even though there's only two english servers I'd rather play with spainards, pols, dutch etc than on NA with INV TO ASMON LAIR
That's what they have said in the past? Just google it and there are posts on the forums about it. Esfand says it multiple times in his videos.
anyone else gonna shit up classic for a laugh? i'm gonna spam asmon shit & sodanigger layer requests in general for months
One if you like PvP hue hue hue hue
he literally looks like an insane homeless person
That's it, I'm waiting 2-3 weeks to confirm where the Europe niggers are settling before starting.
the rates are constant and don't change. they've been manually set by blizzard. you can't possibly be this niggertier retarded
>implying he actually has any say whether she posts shit like that or not
lul, people LARPing as tradcons.
How does he have such perfect skin with that lifestyle?
If there are 5 numbers and I choose randomly from those numbers. That is dynamic. If there are 5 numbers and I choose 3 every time. That is static.
shes got a nice body, her face is tranny tier though
>when you don't have stream angles to make you look somewhat normal
>not having an aura on
>If there are 5 numbers and I choose randomly from those numbers
but you don't randomly choose.. the numbers are already preset for each zone. each zone has 1 respawn rate that doesn't change. that's not dynamic.
I'm genuinely curious about this. Do you fags know that much of the life of this guy? did you look for this info? you are one of his followers? or you guys are being ironic and are making all this up.
he said that that caption was his idea
nice body and fake tits but her face looks off.
I knew you would say this.
I have 5 numbers, I pick a number based on how many people are in the zone.
That's still fucking dynamic.
you sound like a retarded faggot
No one wants to play your mtx tranny game
>I have 5 numbers, I pick a number based on how many people are in the zone.
you don't have 5 numbers. you have 1 number for each zone.
at least she knows shes going to be completely useless at 40, wonder what her retirement plan is
People obsessing on here about muhh streamers is a far bigger problem than the streamers themselves
If you don't like them can you please shut the fuck up about them
She comes from a rich family and probably makes more off investments than your entire family, incel.
Forsen is going to play on EU, the biggest normalfag zoomer streamer there is.
jesus this looks like shit
The way it works with the bug fix is if there are too many people in the zone and no mobs it autospawns the mobs. That is not static. That is not the same spawn rate as when you started, you have dynamically changed it.
>biggest normalfag zoomer streamer there is.
Forsen. It really is. I really can't get the appeal behind him. He is genuinely so boring, you can watch a streamer with 5 viewers and you will not notice any difference. It's the community itself that provides entertainment, I really think he doesn't realize his stream basically works as a discord server, if they all decide to move to a random 0 viewer stream they won't even notice the difference.
It looks good tho
Are you sure? If that's the case, he's one of the few but definitely one of the worst. I know a lot of streamers from outside of NA are going NA just to play on the streamer server.
shes not going to fuck you
It looks like a PS2 game
Lmao subhuman r9k trash I hope you get decapitated by one of the countless mentally vulnerable people you manipulated you genetic freak
And WoW looks like a late PS1 game, who cares
And I don't give a fuck about that. I just wanted to call you an incel.
Imagine wasting your time doing this for MONTHS
ayy that was my first server, it was awesome during BC and Wrath but seemed to wither near the end of Mists
>Americans zoomers are brazilian kids playing f2p games tier of annoying
What happened to you guys
ok retard?
We could have on average 1 million or more classic players.
And you stupid fucking idiots think some guy on Twitch who gets 20,000 views is relevant at all in that pool of people?
Considering that the server can hold up to 20k people? Yes, literally whole server could be Asmongolds Twitch Chat.
>MFW Going to RP server that literally no streamer will touch because lolRP
Reminder to all EU
Shazz is your Jazz.
Unless you're from Southern Europe.
based and vanillapilled
>mfw no PvP
What's the best spec in retail?
>they tried to make him pay child support for 30 years
yeah I'd dodge that shit too
Fuck retail.
Alimony is an obsolete system. When it was a thing women couldn't/generally didn't work and their finances were entirely dependent on the working husband. Not to mention divorce was incredibly rare at the time. In a world where women can make just as much, or even more than men, 50% of marriages end in divorce and children's upbringings are heavily state subsidized the system only persists due to feminists and their unrelenting desire to fleece men for everything they got.
Women want equality, we should give them it.
Eastern severs are in Chicago
>Arguing about dynamic respawns when on the stress test that shit was only a factor for the first 6 levels
the fuck is this autism
Did you guys just not try it?
Demonic sacrifice / Ruin
Then you mash SB until the end of time, later on you will be able to play affli
i'm late but this was confirmed to be a photoshop and the dude was simply giving him 2 gold, not exactly 222. no one will give a fuck but i felt it need be said
no i don't watch streamers but i've seen it said before on Yea Forums
No changes fags are braindead
>60+ Second sheeps
>60+ Second saps
>Literally no DR
>Items that one shot other players
>Rogues able to one shot any class at any level while wearing no items
For me it's the
>Tomorrow I promise
That guy is never going to turn his life around.
I'm alright with it being there for Valley of Trials. Mobs were being camped for quests individually by multiple people because of how damn crowded it was.
After getting past the ~500 zerg in VoT there was definitely not any dynamic respawning with how long I had to wait to get my raptor eggs and makrura eyes.
have sex
literally first google link you sperg
i did man, im gonna be a dad in december. you need to calm down.
>He says in a thread about an early N64 game
wew lad.
This. I'm taking a break from the internet for the first week of classic. When I come back I'll pissbottle to 60 on the most based server
How long until the stress test ends?
Literally noy gona make it past 20, retailfags are pathethic
What's assmongold?
Congrats user.
what a fucking ghoul
Holy fucking based, I thought RP was cringe until now. But the futa cock perspective changes everything
Rolling on Zandalar
are private server autists who camp farm spots and instance entrances 24/7.
do you not realize that you can easily hit level 15 in one sitting, user? you should be more realistic and say most people won't hit 40. It's piss the fuck easy to hit 20. It's after 20 that will be taxing on retailfags because they are conditioned to already have mounts by then. let's try to be realistic with our assumptions.
thanks man!
Sorry bros, but this is gonna be epic.
How did asmongold get to be so popular? I'll always remember him as a greasy mumbling skeleton showing off the maggots growing in his months-old fast food containers.
>retailfags good at the game and know how to speed level
top of livestreamfails
featured in pewdiepie video
dozens of russian kids upload bits of his stream every day to youtube
>dude this guy is totally like me haha
Back in Legion during the Project 60/70 stuff he was streaming with Soda a lot which brought a load of new viewers. He was pretty good before he got his sub button and got big but now he plays up to his new audience way too much.
this also looks like shit
there was nothing else to do in the latter half of Legion, watching him and playing made the game a bit more fun, it was like doing dumb shit with your friends but then he blew up with zoomers trying to outzoom each other
you can have a mount at lvl 1 in retail wow
At least it got past this 3 I'm posting
Fucking christ
They didn't actually I exaggerated because I don't quite remember the actual timeline. I just meant to imply he spent the entire time he was supposed to pay child support not paying it.
tfw no early Legion Asmongold now
I unironically want McConnell to stream again because he used to purposefully scare away the normalfags
>50% of marriages end in divorce
I agree with a lot of what you said but this is a misleading statistic. This number is driven up by the losers and hicks who get married 15 times.
>tries to convince others to play his shit weeb game
>posts a screenshot of a furry
/vg/ is nextdoor
>More streamers than servers
Who the fuck cares?
>Dynamic respawns
On a serious note, dynamic respawns and public questing were the best things that happened to WoW. Tagging was retarded and discouraged cooperation
apparently it's wow player thing to live in shit
what the fuck is gwa?
>Tagging was retarded and discouraged cooperation
t.mop babby shitter scared of competition
dude has those senpaku eyes fucking serial killer looking mother fucker
i wish him the best, hes not a bad guy, but hes completely unwatchable now
>instead of cleaning the disgusting shit right in front of me i'm going to ignore it and never touch it
that mount is shitty and locked to 60% ms, the only upside i think it even has is you don't get daze dismounted
>ugly balding ginger with shit hygiene
>omg look at him hahahaha omegalul hahahaha
basically baited donations and subscriptions, monetised his lack of looks and hygiene
It really requires 0 self respect but since you get millions of $ it's like becoming a prostitute and a lot of women do it so who can really blame him.
The problem with him though is that:
>omg old wow GOOD, new wow BAD
>proceed to hold TRANSMOG and MOUNT collection competitions
>omg no content in new wow, no endgame in new wow, old wow BETTER
>proceed to farm 1 fucking rare spawn to get a stupid mount
>proceed to use LFM system to play with viewers to get more donations and views while shitting on LFM system
Idiot lacks self awareness and every opinion of his regarding game is invalid and retarded.
There's really only one other big streamer who can compete with his level of lack of self-awareness and false image of being good at the game.
user, he could do better by having an average looking girl, who would actually be willing to do things for him and care about him.
>Liking Soda
Sodapoppin thought this through now, He will literally NOT INVITE any other druid to his guild. And YOU WILL PASS every gear a millionaire boy wants or you get kicked out and blacklisted so you won't get any gear ever since no other guild will invite you.
Upper lip injections. It always looks fucking awful
Jesus that's not even the clip I was thinking of, there's one where he has a tupperware full of Little Debbies and he opens it up to find a colony of maggots crawling around.
stays out of the sun and dont do drugs.
>10 years ago
>Hate Sodapoppin
>Sodapoppin is the only streamer who is not entitled and is willing to give up streaming to enjoy playing WoW
Who knew he was so based.
is this all ironic? this doesn't really happen does it? i thought all this asmon layer shit was just memes
get friends.
>autist chooses video games over money
wow... so based...
There is no use for 2nd druid in any raiding guild
Layering is as bad as it ever has been.
not him but i like playing in a server where game time is the same as irl time, EST will mean game is 1 hour ahead and PST will mean game is 2 hours behind and it will bother me every day
>stressing out over which server has the least digital influencers and peruvians
>or he could just take the rp-pvpill
Are you an American or American't?
they're all joining one now, they're just being retarded about releasing this info to the rest of us. if there werent so few servers, it wouldnt be a big deal
lmao what sub numbers? the subscription fee is fucking shared so the shareholders cum over the increase regardless of its size
Hi soda, I agree, actually there's no use in any leather user in your guild if you have 1 druid.
warcraft census
Dumb fuck retail and classic share the same sub
>tfw east coast
>streamers are going east coast
>brazilians will also infest east coast
>no central time servers to fall back on
>actually considering pve or rp pvp
and here i was looking forward to classic
>>Sodapoppin is the only streamer who is not entitled and is willing to give up streaming to enjoy playing WoW
He always says he don't care about money and would prefer enjoy game. But he is just virtue signalling. Streaming was never part of Vanilla experience. If he cared about pure vanilla experience he simply wouldn't stream. But he doesn't, he cares about his appearance a lot more than Asmongold. He wants you to think he doesn't care about his image, money, viewer count, sub count, social status. But HE DOES CARE A LOT. He literally cries if he looses a duel because HE IMBA GLADIATOR PVP GOD DRUID MOST HARD CLASS TO PLAY.
He literally wants to blacklist people
they said they fixed the legendary droprate bug in legion about a dozen times, pretty sure it was never fixed.
that is, the bug where after you got one legendary your drop rates for future legendary drops were way way higher than they should have been (once you got one, you'd get way more way frequently)
>playing as a druid in classic and expecting to be able to raid Nax.
Does this sodafag even know that his class during vanilla is literally just hybrid shit and the only thing they can do moderately decent at in raids is healing? So he's either gonna get carried like crazy or he'll get kicked outta raid groups for being a druid. Every "serious" raid group is just gonna roll with these classes.
The only way his class get's better is if nu-blizz buffs his class to all hell, which let's face it. They prob will because those faggots listen more to streamers then their own community.
moonkin aura for the mages
Because a lot of relationships a log time ago were "hey don't worry about your career just be my baby machine", then when they walk away the woman is fucked with no income because the man lied or was such a shitbag the woman had to leave
>succeeding better
It's not better if half your pop is meme spouting retards
It doesn't matter, he'll get his dick sucked because he's a streamer, there was a ret paladin who got his balls gargles throughout all the raiding tiers because he was le stream guy lol so funee
Who here played on The Underbog? Remember our low pop awful economy and LOLBOOSTER
Says literal by-definition cuck which sole exsistance reduced to padding quatery earnings numbers for BfA
Not worth mage spot
ive noticed the same thing, feels like only literaly manchildren like it
Too few servers to avoid the streamers
You need a retail sub to play classic you dolt.
Can Druid make for a great gathering class? I really just want a alt for herb/mining
This is beyond delusional, this is plainly retarded. If there were even a tiny remote chance of that many people playing, Blizzard's analysts would anticipate it and they would prepare more servers for launch. Yet there is only few servers, because they know they won't pull any big numbers and after a month it will be down to 100k max.
Yes, stealth and roots lets you get any node you want.
are you insane ?
i was totally done with classic wow the minute blizzard said they would ask for 15$/Mo
people are not biting the game, i would say at MOST 3M
a lot of ex subscribers are done with blizzard for good
Just remember that in vanilla track minerals and track herbs cant be active at the same time
>Blizzard's analysts would anticipate it
Blizzard are retards. Why do you think they find things in the "code" of the original classic all the time? Because they fired old devs and replaced them with trannies and women. Now those fucking SJW devs try to back-engineer code real men developers made.
Blizzard literally think no one will play classic because transmog isn't there so no one will line up for Asmongold.
So is Asmon starting from scratch or is blizz gonna boost him?
literally the only point of having a druid alt in vanilla->current
I know. But how far do I need to level my druid if I only just want to use it for mat farming?
please euro poor fag
Private server experts probably know the meta better but if you are that lazy you can probably get away with farming Iron. So 40 or something. All relevant stuff is 60 though. And druids have worse stealth so I am not sure how they farm thorium in slithus and dark iron in mc.
All the way to 60, nobody cares about anything but arcane crystals and lotus in the end game and you need to be pretty high area to reliably pick those
why the fuck would they do that
>paying for a game from 2004
are you swimming on money user ?
He will start with 100 of his chat subscribers, every and each one of them will gather mats and items, sell them and trade him gold so he can get mount at 40 and 60 instantly while you idiots will have to earn it on your own. Just like in real life losers, you will have to go to work while he "works" while playing WoW. If he doesn't get rank 14 when his actual job is to play on stream it really shows how bad he is at the game.
Why use a shadowpriest when you can just have a healing priest run with a Shadow Weaving Build.
akschully the build is PI+Shadow Weaving
>while you idiots will have to earn it on your own
lmao, you think id ever give blizzard money again? i cashed in my 3m gold over a year ago and am waiting on something being worth purchasing on their shitty store
What do you think about this move now that token is twice as cheap?
>it's another 'people with LITERALLY zero insight into how many people played the beta or any other internal data to gauge interest acting as if they know how many servers classic should have at launch' episode
Look at it like this
Would you rather watch forsen or asmongold
if you do watch streams of course, the lowest possible entertainment source there is
To promote streamers promoting their game?
McCool stopped streaming ?
he was based
what do i think about currency that didnt mean anything to me to begin with in a game i have no interest in playing again that could be exchanged for a store that has nothing i want?
youre fucking dumb
apparently he is like a fluffer but for streamers, starts streaming, gets viewers then hosts his internet friend
Lol just get a job and don't be a waste of flesh.
What do you mean "I'm dumb?" Companies do that shit all the god damn time. Why would it be any different for Asmongold and his literal horde of viewers?
Because he is blacklisted. What kind of influencer worshiping game you came from?
Neither. Both are boring. And if I want a community I can meme with I have Yea Forums, not some 9gaggers from Forsen stream.
They were told they don't need a job then abandoned
blizzard has never done that, nor would they. that isnt promoting fucking anything.
>boost streamers to end game
>everyone else still at level 1
what the FUCK would they stream, afking in capital cities while everyone else level grinds?
you are dumb
Are there any discord channels for servers?
Zandalar Tribe would be nice for extra RP
Reminder that PvP and RP-PvP is the only server that will survive, and that of all the realms only 2 - 3 will retain full pops while all the others die off. Don't fuck yourself by starting on a dead server just to avoid zoomers and streamers, they'll quit after a couple weeks. Just tough it out and start on a full server.
discord is a botnet. there is a guild being set up on zandalar tribe though, add Steadman#11317 on bnet
Will RP-PvP EU server be a safe haven from all the streamers and subhumans?
My favourite one is the Wrath of the Lich King box having screenshots of aerial combat.
Layering is just sharding with a fancy name. It will be the same exact community killer it has been for retail. Since vanilla was only a success because of the community, you can figure out how classic will go.
She is right. If her bf started dating a slut then he will know she will act as one.
dont join these servers
What is this on his face? I never understood some of the Forsaken facial features, is it stone?
apparently people interpret those ud jaws as metal jaws
its fucking bone where the skin has gone away you dipshit
>Based American here. Kill all subhuman non-American pieces of shit.
Na it's just incompetence.
>dont join these servers
why? I think admins are pretty based because there's already drama about them being racist, must be 4channels then
correct shazzrah will be the pol server 100%
golefaggs BTFO
Shit man, I hope your cousin is doing better today
Golemagg: Big ass rock dude, based as fuck
Shazzrah: Lame ass snake dude, unbased as fuck
>tfw friends are playing on Shazzrah
>correct shazzrah will be the pol server 100%
top kek
A fine adaptation of a classic.
Shitposters sure cares about streamers more than about game itself
>they falseflag in both WoW and XIV threads
but well this is their job
Europeans are the spawn of successive waves of rape.
There is a metal one that looks cool but this one is weird, not as weird as the brown on
why is bone grey?
>last word
It's already established Golemaggots are redditors while Shazchads are Yea Forums gentlemen.
Wait, Brendan Fraser was un-JUST'ed?
I don't care about MMOs but this is one thing i'm interested in hearing
That's literally all Asmongold does. Afk and watch videos on YouTube
Does this guy have downs syndrome? I feel uncomfortable looking at him.
Reminder to join the streamer-hunters that operate across all realms.
He is actually. My aunt is someone I admire, she moved out from that shitty situation. Moved in with my mom who was without kids at the time and was able to help her out while she got through college and then law school. By the time my cousin was like 15 she had become a fairly successful lawyer on retainer for a big company meaning he had a fairly stable life financially. My dad has also been a great uncle being there since for him since he lived with him for a little bit and knows how shitty it can be to grow up with no male role model.
DESU I wish there was organized and powerful guild that is solely dedicated to hunting, killing and camping streamers to ruin their game. I'd join that and have so much fun.
yeah hes unjusted, getting his life back together. He was in doom patrol and it was actually a really good show. He doesn't have to worry about alimony either.
He only did this during the stress tests you ultra negro faggots
the issue is not the streamers but the cancer army following them
Fucking noice.
scalping knifes at the ready boys
>imagine playing an MMO where you cant give more money to your devs
A bunch of faggots obsessing over a faggot. There is nothing weird about it.
>I lived to see zoomer twitch children become more cancerous than BRs in MMOs
feels good man
maybe now my kind will stop being discriminated against
Remember classic bros, the retail fag is in the 9 stages of denial, soon they will reach acceptance and join us in glorious classic wow.
and that's why Classic is worse than XIV.
Dude, your character looks awful. I play this game and nobody cares about what your stupid character looks like.
ignore retards dude no spoonfeeding
Ye they don't have to worry about ecelebs that's for sure
That's factually wrong. They specified layering to be removed within the first couple of weeks to a month.
Flyover cucks BTFO
>Shazz Discord server is already a Yea Forums colony
>I refuse to get a job so pay me $50000 per month
>not entitled
Are you fucking joken m8
I didn't even know it came out until I saw this thread.
literally part of the problem. fuck off.
I would get so fucking pissed off if I could never know peace again while streaming, if that's what I enjoyed doing
fuck off asmon
I’m rolling on whitemane and there is no stoping me
>man fuck all those idiots shitting up the server by centering their entire play around one faggot, let's center our play around the same faggot but on the other side!!
kys you fucking no self awareness retard
The fuck does she need 50k a month for to live comfortably?
rate my orc warrior spec
Does anyone know if old Laughing Skull NA server was Eastern or Pac?
>arms war orc
my man . . .
Where is your improved overpower?
Was this law specifically designed to make people murder each other or kill themselves?
Sodapoppin is the most entitled wow streamer, even asmongold sometimes gets honest and admits he's bad. Soda genuinely think he's good because he got some title when no one was playing game because most players quit at Wotlk rendering any achievement post Wotlk worthless. But he keeps raiding his highhorse.
Didn't noticed I fucked that up. Thanks.
I enjoy griefing. If I grief some no-name guy he's gonna get angry and log out and don't give a shit, maybe send me some angry cross-faction whispers from alternative account if I get him angry enough. But if I grief a streamer, then that's something that all thousands of his viewers will see, he will be humiliated and dominated. If I can't avoid streamers then I might as well have some fun with that.
It's 2019, if you do that, you'll get your ass banned. Mind your pronouns, blizzard is watching kekstein
im just waiting some sale to try it, just waiting while im chilling watching the world burn
How big are the servers going to be?
What's the difference between this and that special vanilla server?
t. MMO retard
Literally who?
The beauty of RP servers is normalfags will go "lol roleplay" in an RPG and stay away from them. This includes poopsock raiders, tryhard underage PvPers, streamers and their cretinous followers and other people not interested in playing the game. The only downside is you get a Goldshire but that shit's centralized, and even then any normalfag migrants will go there, laugh and then leave.
what fucking special vanilla server?
So you are a pathetic subhuman incel? Mkay. Glad I won't be playing with you. Incels are the third lowest form of life behind pedos and rapists. Kill yourself before you shoot up a school.
>If I ignore it will go away
Step aside and let real players deal with a problem, pussy
Wasn't there a vanilla server that was WoW without the expansions?
It was a "fan" "emulator". This is the first official release.
the streamers are going to get scarab lord, every item drop in raids, free shit from fangays, etc.
the only way to counter that is to establish the equivalent of devilsaur mafia, but instead of hunting devilsaurs we hunt streamers.
>non-Americans thinking they are human
Hilarious. How delusional and mentally ill can you be? Americans are the pinnacle of human life. We are superior to every other single 'person' on the planet. We have never lost a war, have the richest country on the disc, control the planer's economy, have the greatest leader in the history of humanity in Trump and most of all we can kill every single one of you subhumans and there is literally nothing you can do about it.
zoomer please
Yeah that's what they mean by vanilla. Original, Vanilla, Classic, it's all the same thing. WoW before TBC.
Nost? It was real vanilla based on vanilla client
Classic on the other hand is abomination made from vanilla content being backported into retail client with retail mechanics like layering and reporting added on top to ensure that retail players would stay
I think both retail and classic are fucked lol. Nobody is going to play either.
That's a man.
private servers yeah nothing to do with blizz
Who cares about PvP? Lol. Fucking mongoloid.
unironic cringe. thanks for ruining classic before it even releases, now i don't even have to waste a cent!
half the game hahahahaha who cares lololol real chads play PVP you pussy meets me at org gates
who cares about pve?
let me spend hours fighting against ai to get better gear so that i can continue to spend hours fighting against ai
wow so interesting
zoom zoom
Entire classic is about pvp, retard. PvE is much better in retail.
you have 10 seconds to explain how thats a zoomer post
hehe m'cringe back to playing WoW retail with your kids fag.
There's an unlimited free trial.
Only retail player would have trouble with streamers over layering
>defends streamers
>not a zoomer
go tip assmongol $50 from your mother's boyfriend credit card
people are saying if you start free trial you can fuck up your acc on steam, i wanted to play there
okay highlight where i defended them, i'll wait.
There's nothing wrong with Steam version other than you're locked into buying future expansions from Steam so you can't buy from Amazon, Gamestop, etc.
Also everyone shares the same servers regardless of platform.
thanks for the heads up user, gonna try it later
no one knows who you are and you won't gain viewers, you're just a retard playing for an audience of 0. you're not a streamer.
your move 3rd world sack of shit, go get some aids in an alleyway