Tfw you have finally started breaking free from video game addiction and start trying to develop worthwhile hobbies...

>Tfw you have finally started breaking free from video game addiction and start trying to develop worthwhile hobbies, skills and ambitions.

Anyone else breaking free from the cancer that is video games?

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>when you break free, get a qt gf, a comfy wellpaid job, and you and your gf fall into videogame autism together
Comfiest plot twist


You won’t break free from shitposting on a video game board though

No, i'm just expanding my autism into other hobbies
>fighting games

This is one of the hobbies I'll never understand.

It’s one girls use to make it seem like they have a hobby other than Netflix

Its actually a lie to make it seem like i have more hobbies than i really do. You see user, i like to look at things so i can take pictures of things that i think look nice.

>paying to be moved around
>experiencing other cultures aka being stuck in tourist areas with 0 locals, only to scape the area to be an obnoxious tourist that is a nuisance wherever he goes

Thats a fair point, but that is not really a hobby, just a byproduct of another hobby

I wish I spent more time playing vidya than visiting here. Space Station 13 has helped a lot with that.
I've recently started learning the piano.

>guys i stopped playing video games
>takes time to post it like people would care

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That may be true, but i alwaya wanted to travel when i was young and my best friend was still alive. So it lets me do it for him too.

More like games are shit so there's no reason to play them anymore.
>No servers. Every match is the exact same. Matchmaking forces you in to groups of passive-aggressive millennial faggots who care about nothing in their life than their ranking.
>Skill floor and ceiling of every game is now 1cm apart so 70 IQ koko the gorillas can get their epic plays of the game.
>Streamer fags everywhere trying desperately to be the next ninja/summit1g/cockfuck69xx420. Literally advertising their channel to people in their same match.
>Devs: FUCK gamers, you are literally hitler for being white and existing!! TRANNIES RISE UP!
I'm sick of gamers, I'm sick of games, I'm sick of millenials. I even hate all of you faggots on here with your cringe cope incel have sex yikes talk behind 10 layers of irony despite it attracting actual retards. It all needs to crash and burn. Fuck gamers, fuck trannies, fuck sjws, I'm going to put them all in the dirt my genocide crusade begins here.

>I'm sick of gamers
I was sick of the word gamer as soon as microsoft created it, as it was clear it would lead to today's AAA games

So leave

I'm about to. Got a new comfy job with a future. Gonna get a girl and put a few kids in her. Im excited to be a Dad soon.


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It's the only joy of a ultra wageslave to spend their only week of unpaid vacation.

Is this pasta, or did a person really type all of this. I commend you all for kicking an addiction, but don't blame videogames for your very apparent shortcomings.

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No because I work 20 hours a week and if I spend energy on hobbies then I won't have any for work.

Been gaymang since I was 3, when granddad got a PC from his dying factory. X-Wing Alliance, Quake 1, a fucking pre-alpha of Doom for some reason, cutting-edge strategies like Sudden Strike and Call to Power 2 and, last but not least, Putt-Putt.

Back then, game CDs were only sold in three or so places in the whole city, but in just a few years they were everywhere - subterranean road crossings, markets, shops, tiny stalls that littered the roads, so I've been trying out several games per week and returned them as "not working" to get more in return. By the time Unreal and Homeworld came around, I've already become a maestro of autismo, especially thanks to pirated CDs throwing out errors and hardware faults in English. And around then, we got dial-up and I managed to get a taste of multiplayer, outside an internet cafe that is.

I'd say that shit gave me a legit mental deformation.
Gaming took up over 50% of my waking hours, so I managed to miss every single essential step of socialization. My classmates have been out fucking girls and doing drugs, and I've stayed in and played UT, NFS:HP2, Q3 and other greatest hits and misses. Parents did their best to distance me from that devil machine, but all that did was make me frustrated. I fucking hated almost every moment I've spent not playing or reading, not being helped by almost every kid my age being a sadistic asshole, the rest sharing my addiction. The breaking point was when the boys saw that I didn't know what hash was, I legit thought it was a chunk of nail dirt or something. By the time I graduated, I've been a militant anti-alcohol anti-drug virgin, I've literally been declining girls' "signals" because of strong anti-vidya stigma common back then, and because I was clueless. I got fed up with games after 2007, but guess what... Once you go /vg/, there's nowhere else you'd wanna be.
Now I am 29, and although I caught up on sex and booze, it just doesn't bring me the happiness it does to others.

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>I'm addicted, therefore videogames are cancer
lmao faggot.

What do people even do except video games if they arent boomers watching tv

>thinking drugs and sex with random sluts brings anyone happiness
lmaoing at your life senpai

I've gone back more to reading books than playing games. Some games just make you feel like your wasting your life while you play, they aren't worth it.

Video games now are fucking shit, only ones worth a damn are JP developed titles.

Things that never happened

Books are equally as much of a waste of time as video games are. Both are meant to be time-sinkers in the form of entertainment. You aren't any more special for spending your time reading them. This is coming from a guy who also enjoys reading fairly often.

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Maybe you should stop reading Jap shit

No, I read a variety of things. That immediate defensiveness on your part is funny though.

Knowing how to travel is a skill user, if you hang out in gringo land that’s your fault. Idk about other cultures but Latin Americans in particular are very welcoming and if you aren’t a dick then its very easy to befriend locals and have them show you around their homes.

Yes yes, quite amusing. *Scoffs*

ya games are dead so im trying to get into anime manga and books

>Anyone else breaking free from the cancer that is video games?

So we can show our superiority to you all.

Yes, but only because I am too busy and I am too tired in my little free time to really game like I used to.
This extends to any possible pasttime, so while I am free from games I am still a friendless loser.
Why does America push this idea of moving out asap? I’m the youngest son of 3 as well so my parents are pretty much done supporting kids and want me to be 100% self sustaining. I’m honestly tempted to take out a student loan, live at a college dorm, and just cross my fingers on the next democrat president canceling student loan debt because while I don’t mind working full time, I do mind working so much that I can’t enjoy my youth.

It's too early for these feels man

Man, you are really taking this personally. Alright, user, sure, reading books is so much better than video games if that makes you feel better.

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Bruv, right now, for me - no, it doesn't. But if I've spent my childhood and adolescence differently, they would. I KNOW that thinking "I'd rather be home alone" in a weed and pill-fueled party, or while thrusting into a reasonably hot girl, is not normal and probably not healthy.

Although I spend more and more time just looking out of the window than even gaming these days. I guess that being able to switch through games like I did made it easier for me to get bored of anything, including games.

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>hates AAA games because they're trash
>too stupid to find good AA or indie games

AAA is where you belong you dumb mother fucker.

You can't expect me to take the word of someone who watches anime and believes that video games are equal to literature, do you? It would be like listening to the advice of children.

Go study abroad instead of gambling your future on both being able to sit through 4 years of drivel AND having a president who'd throw away one of the biggest leverages the business and gubmint have over you peasants.

Czechia has some baller programs for exchange students, for instance.

>Oh hey, that guy started his post with "It's actually a lie", wonder what that means?

50 Shades of Gay is a book, Twilight is a book, just like Overwatch, Terrorist Takedown 4 or Daikatana are games.

There are good, worthwhile books that leave you a better and wiser person, and there are games that are educational as well. It's just that there's so few of them.

i really don't go full gamer addiction till nov. summer is boring for me