Why are Westacucks against splitting Yea Forums into East/West? They are the minority there...

Why are Westacucks against splitting Yea Forums into East/West? They are the minority there. Threads that aren't about the latest AAA Western release that is fueled by massive shitposting get drowned out by all the discussion centered around Japanese games. Why don't you want a board where you can talk about your Western stuff without having to wade through all the "weebshit"? The tricky part is that the e-celebs, clickbait articles, twitter screencaps and most of the talk about SJWs would go to you guys as well since all that stuff is technically Western-related, but it's not like it would be any different than what you're already used to seeing on Yea Forums.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Westcucks already have their own board, it's called /pol/. They're not interested in games after all only drama around celebs and politics.

>discussion centered around Japanese game


Why can't people enjoy and dislike vidya from both?

This. What a funny, funny joke.

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as expected, the westcucks are all from reddit

Because you can use Yea Forums to discuss any fucking video game. It's just that you apes can't seem to do it without throwing shit everywhere. You can split it into ten fucking sub-boards the result will still be the same. It's a website-wide problem, the culture of low quality single sentence ironic shitposts that came here with the normalfag phoneposts that treat this place as their dumping ground.

>the culture of low quality single sentence ironic shitposts that came here with the normalfag phoneposts that treat this place as their dumping ground
so westcucks like him

Split will probably kill Yea Forums so it will never happen
West Yea Forums will be s󠛡o󠛡yboy wojaks, steam vs epic and endless shitposting and baiting
East Yea Forums would be /e/ or /h/ lite
Actual vidya discussion would quickly die out

basedboy got unfiltered?

Only weebs are egotistical enough to try lumping every single game developer on the planet into "western". I wasn't aware that Slovaks considered themselves "western" for example.

are you retarded?

Don't forget the constant asmongold and other western e-celeb threads.

Imagine worshipping a foreign nation who's people openly despise you instead of loving your own country and trying to better it.

A disgusting foreign nation full of corporate slaves and degenerate media to compensate for their shitty lives at that.

Why would they despise me? We were allies in the world war. I do despise americans though.

The Japs openly despise all goyjin and you've fallen into their trap by worshipping them and consuming their emasculating media.


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Are you a weeb?

>/pol/ shit buzzwords
Into the trash it goes westcuck.

slovakia is not a real country

>muh /pol/ boogieman
yep, you've been brainwashed by the slanty eyes and you have no pre programmed response to it being pointed out

>weebs think a board full of xenoblade 2 tier cringey shit would be better than western Yea Forums
I honestly welcome the split, these basedboys sicken me

Try being less obvious next time /pol/tard if you try to pretend that you aren't one.

>splitting Yea Forums between east and west
That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard.

Either you're being pedantic about the Slovak Republic or you're a retard.

>noooo think of my balkanised slavshit country that switches allegiances as the wind blows!
lol retard

those "slavshit" countries have 100x more history and culture than your shithole has
t. not even slav but close

we kinda have /jp/ already right?

yeah a history of being rapebabies with caveman tier folklore

>not even slav but close
lmao wewuzing mutt

We already have boards for nip games. They're called /h/ /e/ /c/ and /jp/.

>oh man being an amerimutt with no culture sucks
>I wonder what heritage my ancestors have...
>getting raped and being irrelevant

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seethe harder mongrel

>slavshit mutt calling anyone a mongrel

not enough
nobody cares about westacuck garbage


Can't we just separate Yea Forums into good threads and garbage?

but that's what OP is proposing, a board for wojaks, e-celebs and politics and a board for people who care about video games

As much as I prefer nip weeb games I don't want to create a bubble safe space.
They're still plenty of great westcunt games and I don't want to have yet another board open for that.
Also that just create yet another board where normalfag scums will feel safe on Yea Forums and that's also a bad thing.

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So east/west?

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Then why the split?

To remove the tumor in its infancy.

I'd rather it be split into "talks about videogames" and "blasted off the face of the fucking earth".

The only board split that has done the board any good was /vp/.

Westacucks don't make video games anymore. Just propaganda filled moviegames and censorship.

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I, of course, should have foreseen this incredibly predictable response, but both of those boards would just be 99% different flavours of shit. Honestly, the weeb jizzheads deserve the raging incels. They're probably the same people anyway.

>a board about Japanese video game
>a board about twitter drama, streamer gossip, etc

But nobody cares about west trash? Do you lobotimize yourself over a cold? Because it seems like it.

Cry more westcuck, you're literally incapable of posting about games, all you ever do is whinge while spamming wojaks and buzzwords.

Yeah, fuck off out of here you retarded fucking tourist. You're a blight. You do not belong here. Fuck off back to trannyera you stupid piece of shit.

Well then they get blasted, it's a win/win.

Hit a nerve?

>no arguments
As expected of a westcuck off topic spammer.

>westacucks and eastashits fighting again
Europe wins again, baby!

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No, you just outed yourself as a newfag and a cuckold. Disgust is a natural response.

Kill yourself.

Europe is the west.

السَّلَامُ عَلَيْكُمْ

lel u mad

You definitely both fit in the garbage board ;^)

>the west is America

Mashallah brother.

>westcuck is confirmed redditfag
Just the usual.

>NA/JP brain

It's "westacuck" senpai.
A more coarse usage of a now olden "westaboo".


Because I...

Structure my posts like


Weebs can't meme

It's an insult I invented by myself, it combines the word "west" describing shitty games and "cuck" describing the retarded person who cares about said shitty games.


Why are election tourists always so quick to give themselves away?

It does feel nice when EU wins over two shitty parts of the world without even trying.

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Weeb website. You parasite.

I've been lurking since 2006

EU are westacucks too due to their cuckoldry, self-hatred, coal/sandburning, censorship and shit games.


Then why would you ever need a Western vidya board?

I don't care about board splitting, we just need flags

Same reason we have pony board and lgbt board.
They're containment boards. You stupid fucking newfag.

>low IQ eastadogeaters and westaschoolshooter buttblasted by their own stupidity

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Name 5 japanese games that are discussed here.
Note: games

You wish ;^)

Yea Forums is already a containment board you double newfag

name 1 (one) westacuck game
note: games

fallout 2

I said games

god i want her to swallow me whole

Why the fuck do you care?

and I gave you one.
you however have not given me any, which is further proof that eastern ''game'' discussion belongs on /e/ or /h/

This, I want the leafs to get exposed again like they did with /vint/

westacucks are actually mentally ill, they come to a website centered around japanese culture, then to a board centered around japanese games and then complain about japanese stuff, instead of just staying on r/gaming where they belong

Yeah bro, I sure love my nier autismo

nah you didn't, westacucks don't have games

don't shit talk r/gaming faggot.
It's better than this shit hole.

>/vint/ is 3 years ago

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>that pig nose
Do nip dickriders find this shit attractive lmao

stay in there westacuck

Shitposting aside, I really don’t get the people who come to this site of all places and then complain about weebs and fanservice. There are a lot of other websites for people like that.

Hey, where the fuck did you go? We were having such high quality on topic discussion on account of you two gentlemen being such distinguished connoisseurs of weebshit

Why is the board called Yea Forums - Video Games instead of /jv/ - Japanese Video Games then?

whats up bro do you know when the narwhal bacons too xD i love Valve xD

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you already forfeited the "discussion" by outing yourself as a retarded election tourist, there's nothing more to add

I don’t think any one cares
I say go a step further and make a e-celebrity board as well.

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it doesn't need to be called japanese video games. if you were not a newfag you would know it was only for discussion of japanese games. only a redditard newfag would need everything spelling out like that

>why is the website called Yea Forums and not r/gaming

Flags and IDs on all boards would be heaven but the traffic would crash over night and that would make Chinese Moot very sad

Do you ever stop thinking about dickriding you flaming faggotron?

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>better games than these two shitty regions
>games don't have lootboxes/gachashit
Why are European games so based? Dabbin' on westacucks and eastashitters at the same time.

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So Yea Forums is suppose to be about Japanese TV shows only then?


Do you ever plan to post a attractive bug women or is that too hard for you nigger?

no it's a containment board for blacked spammers, nigger lovers and cuckolds. a perfect gathering place for election tourists, MAGApedes and redditors

Even more reason why you should want a split. Now your board will be free of weeb degeneracy.

buddy look

Because of retards like

>still dodging the question
careful you don't piss and shit yourself in anger, cumhead

thread should've ended here. fucking hell

westcucks have spent the last week harassing us, my indifference towards them and their games just turned into disdain at this point

I think just having a moderated Yea Forums would be better.
Splitting it into east/west is idiotic. Its not like all good things can be separated that way. Eastern Yea Forums would just constantly be porn/waifu/VN shit and western Yea Forums would be politics, twitter screen caps, and eceleb shit.
Without moderation the issue would persist.
Obviously mods arent going to do shit though so enjoy your circle jerk friends.

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>noooo my autistic game gut turned on me!
cry more

>two of reddits top 3 are nipshit
Go back trannies :^)

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>T-They started it!
>getting so assblasted by anons on Yea Forums you sperg out this hard
Get over yourself snowflake

>ask a westacuck to name some good westacuck games
>"f-fallout t-two a-and uhhh... d-doom?"
Every time. You're just admitting defeat by listing ancient Mesozoic era video games. West is dead now. Not just your gaming industry, I mean in general.

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hmm nah I'll rather just return the favor and constantly shit on westcucks from now on

Why can't westacucks and eastaseethers comprehend that their games are shit and EU chads are better at making games?

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Waifu threads are better than e-celeb and mutt politics niggerdom.
With that said however eastern Yea Forums would still have actually good games to fall back on. Because surprise surprise nips also make good games. We'd retain FROM threads, Ace Combat threads, RE threads, Platinum threads, DMC threads, Monster Hunter threads etc.
Westacucks would be left alone in their tranny shittery.

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he said games not movies about gay horses

>he says while refusing to name good nipshit and resorting to "Y-You first"

liking japanese shit does not make you a weeb, being obnoxious about it does
manga is superior in every way by the way, anime posters need not apply

buddy look

Westerncucks are so obsessed and lacking any fun games to play that they’ll STILL crossboard just to shitpost about japanese games.

The only way to rectify this is by nuking the moderation team that time and time again have proven they hate the very foundation of this site.

and where's your threads about rdr2 now? you spammed some shitty
>I guess I'm wojak edit :|
thread for a week or two and then gave up

The more you sperg out like a resetera tranny the more pic related seems accurate.

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Though my enemy may hate me, I know he cannot harm me.

>twitter screenshot
>reddit filename
not even gonna read it, kill yourself westcuck

You have to go back.

>retards vs insects fighting again
meanwhile Europe connoisseurs win again

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>still dodging the question
>thinks I'm the fag talking about trash like rdr2
I'd imagine you must be one of those trannies who enjoys playing female characters in games considering the skills you have at mental gymnastics.

Why are you spamming?

>noooo my autistic game gut turned on me!
cry more

Sneeding trannies mad at getting exposed. Back to cuckera with your degenerate trash.

This whole thread is full of spamming

back to r/donald with you election tourist subhuman trash

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he´s good in my book, it´s cause your thread sucks ass

>nooo you can't just use the same shitty loaded question that I used!
keep crying

hahahahahahahahaha why the fuck do you care what games are talked about on Yea Forums hahahaha nigga just ignore the threads nigga the mods don't care so why should you haha

Im bored and in the mood to play the game where i name a title and you give me a green text reply so lets go
Hollow knight

>tranny calling anyone else subhuman
That wasn't very PC of you xer! I forgot how quick you racetraitors (assuming you aren't a mutt that is) show yourselfs to be hypocrites.

>more /pol/ garbage
go back already retarded teen

Unironically most based post in this thread

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based. fuck japchinks and fuck burgerlovers

>Why yes I just play and enjoy whatever vidya interests me regardless if its east or west, how could you tell?

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it's only westacucks who come into threads they don't like to whine though

EU chad opinion right here

The OP is a eastfag getting mad about westshit. You are never going to remove western games discussion from Yea Forums no matter how much you complain, so you're just shitting up the place as much as you claim they do.

we're mad about westfags coming into our threads to shitpost and spam, have your own board where you can whinge about celebs and spam wojaks all you want without bothering us

>this thread
>mfw mostly just play slav shit these days anyway

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>shitposters shit up thread
>get so mad take it out on everyone else
Stop falling for bait and just continue discussing the game then. I understand that's hard to do since this is Yea Forums but you could at least try.

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how about I just start shitting on westacucks instead, sounds better to me

yes please. let's contaminate /v-e/ somewhere else

well, Yea Forums?

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Sounds like something a triggered tranny would do but if you insist on acting like one, go ahead. I don't give a fuck.

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back to r/donald you go election tourist

Then you're just giving the shitposters what they want, but it sounds more like you're one of said shitposters using the weakest of excuses to justify your own shitposting.


The tranny remark seemed to have hit a nerve with you huh?

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Eat shit you useless fucking jannigger.

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nah, go fuck yourself westcuck
>actually starts posting r/donald shit with reddit filenames
every time, election tourists can't conceal themselves for a split second

>wants mods and jannies to do their job
>throws a tantrum when they do their job and remove the trash

Sneeding, dilate sweetie :^)

why do you /pol/tards even try to hide at all when you just expose yourselves straight away anyways?

Because it infuriates trannies like yourself.

>doing his "job"
>when shit like this is still up
Eat shit. All of you.

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it's always the /pol/tards who start sperging out when they're exposed though

Absolutely SEETHING weebtard

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>stop caring
>spends all his day whining

This thread sure did a good job showing that, with the tranny weebs getting mad over nothing didn't it?

This thread sure did a good job showing that, with the tranny weebs getting mad over nothing didn't it?

>thread about nothing
>half of the posters don't know a weeb from a gamer
>janitor wants praise for keeping shit threads up

yep another day on Yea Forums

it sure showed that westacucks are all raging election tourists, not that we didn't know that already

Says the avatarfag who constantly enters non weeb shit threads to bitch about them not being weeb? I've seen you around you dumb nigger, you aren't fooling me. Enjoy the last (You) and your bug "women" :)

tit for that wojakspamming redditshit

Not even the same user you demented schizo.

You know those threads are up because you brainlets give them (You)'s every single time right? You retards are as bad as snoyniggers when some shits on Death Stranding or Nintendies when someone badmouths BotW.

I didn't give (You) to any of them your projecting nigger. I usually report these threads. One jannigger even banned me once for reporting literal CP spam here.

Fuck yourself.

Are you retarded? I have 3 internet connections with dynamic IPs, if I want I can keep a thread bumped all day until it picks up heat. Shitposters do the same.

>One jannigger even banned me once for reporting literal CP spam here.
Based, fuck snitches.


>gacha and mobage, waifu dumps, smash threads
>eceleb worship, AAA games, twitter screencaps

>EU wins again

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because half of their posts involve shitting on weebs. Imagine if we just stopped showing up, who would they try to look better than then?


They'd just talk about vidya unlike you kumbrains

I dab on jannies' fucking graves

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e-celebs and twitter screenshots are not vidya

Europe is based and dabz on insects.

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