Which one of you was it?

Which one of you was it?

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>wanting to remove anime degeneracy is illegal now
We are a ruined species.

it says his name was kenichi hiratsuka right there user

>Gamers threatening game companies with shootings and bombing
>Game companies sending goons to gamers house because they said a thing about their cartoon looter shooter

Holy shit why are we in this timeline

Wow so cool and edgy zoomer xD

what a hero

Because the average gamer (likely including yourself) was perfectly happy with always-online, more and more invasive DRM, DLCs, microtransactions and now games as service. Give them a finger and they'll enslave your entire family to breed them and sell their organs on a black market.

I mean shit have you tried

That's why you stop making threats and you follow through with promises you've made to yourself.

you could have just linked to /vg/ in general
that entire board has been lost to gamers

Back to your containment board

trains > anime

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This is what happens when someone spends thousands of dollars on FF Brave Exvius and can't even pull a 7* Cloud

I like that webm in theory but in practice it just isn't satisfying at all.

Not me; I would've gone for Gamefreak.

Well that's just embarrassing

>Square Enix's offices are the subject of another attack
>hundreds dead, thousands in property damage
>all work is suspended
>months of mourning
>and yet their production cycle isn't slowed in the least

m u h d e g e n e r a c y

upboated praise kek XD

>hates anime
>visits anime website

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Yea Forums isn't an anime website you retard.
>it started as one
So? Things change, get over it.

>get over it
>says the Yea Forumsirgin SEETHING over chinese cartoons
baww boo boo boooo, poor user

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>le little chingchong cartoon girl reaction image
kys youre'selve

there there user, will you feel better if you fuck my ass? will you stop crying about cartoons then?

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How about this?

oh no no no anime bros what do we do...

That's pretty based.

Ahhh.... wishful thinking as it's finest

BASTE and TASTE pilled

Is there anything you guys don't think is degeneracy?

Based, delete anime.

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not him but yes

If you ever try to post in a FFXV thread here, it could be almost anybody.

Seething tranny

How the fuck am I meant to respond to this?

Based Boomer

With your dick duh

>the guy who burned kyoani was also 40 y/o
Man, 40 years old sure is a rough age.

>Yea Forums isn't an anime website you retard.

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>So? Things change, get over it.
>t. illegal immigrant

Doujins with Iori anal gapping?

>Things change, get over it.
Sounds like left wing talk, kill yourself, pinko scum

You won't change into a woman though

>So? Things change, get over it.
Wherever you're from, if mass migration takes place, don't complain. Things change, get over it,

>responding to the most obvious bait

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everyone is a big discord tranny with anime avatars

daddy worked hard for his faggot son to waste away on anime

>Half the boards are literally Japanese named
>Not anime site


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>The repeat of Tokyo Animation fire on Square Enix
>Burn all the artwork, burn all the equipment, burn all the servers
>All FFXIV cat tranny children fuckers on suicide watch after their trash MMO disappears for good


>Burn all Final Fantasy versus 13 prototype

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They probably already did.

Wants to get rid anime because he thinks its "degenerate", but cant get rid his degenerate habits of shoving poostained dildos in his ass and jacking off secretly his uncle under the table on every family dinner

Did they have borrowed some of Bioware's magic lmao

Animu website


Haha epic post fellow magapede. SJWs libcucks btfo

God I want to mating press darjeeling

>all of these butthurt libs


>burn all FFXIV assets, backups, everything
>ffxiv fags lost their only game where they invest hundreds of both hours and dollars
>start a gofundme campaign for people to donate to SE
>those ffxiv whales throw millions of dollars. dwarfing Star Citizens numbers, hoping their game could come back

Just fuck him in the ass you gaylord.

Squeenix deserves it because they won't let Eidos to work on Deus Ex.

>throwing libtards in there just because

Ye, I'm thinking he based.

SquareEnix deserves it. FF15 is a crime.

If you're not degenerate why are you here?

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They're in denial probably.

wtf they told me if we ban guns these crazies doing mass killings would stop. we have to ban fire now

No because your ass is probably hairy and therefore gross.

Happiness lies in ignorance

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based retard

gay sex

>they called us devil worshippers
>they blamed us for the actions of others
>they attacked our hobby
>they even joked about us rising up
>it was too late for them before they realised it wasn't a joke

You deserve this (You) for triggering this many tranies

>All those anime trannies ITT
Dilate since you can't have sex without sexual organs

This place is not degenerate wtf, there are more harsh content on twitter than here

Considering how much stormnigs like traps, plain fags, furry, MLP and the like? More like he is deluded that there are "good" and "bad" kinds of deviancy. Hypocrisy is human nature, after all.

Pretty much all trannies are weebs

That building looks like it has modern fire safety features
There's no way it'd go down like kyoani

>Which one of you was it?
Kenichi Hiratsuka.

Settle down Heather your post-op regret will go away any day now. No need to go around projecting at random nerds online.

Stormniggers aren't very concerned with true objective really.

Any mamezou doujin.

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