>Ugh I hate when people give me shit for not conforming to the black stereotype
Ugh I hate when people give me shit for not conforming to the black stereotype
Woolie is just a liberal white guy with a blackface. He gets triggered by stereotypes yet he can only act in stereotypes.
>Is above average at best in fighting games, but gets absolutely demolished in actual tournaments
>Is trying to make himself look like a massive advocate for fighting games and that he knows everything about anything related
I'm really goddamn sick of everyone taking the opinions of those with large followings as complete and absolute fact.
He honestly believes he's an ambassador for fighting games because he plays 40 minutes of a game with some Montreal literal who every week
Woolie thinks he's an ambassador for everything despite having utter garbage tastes and opinions.
>I'm a huge fan of X, I love it!
>Talk about it for a month then never again
>"I'm a huge fan of X, I love it!"
>Demonstrates basic as fuck entry level tier knowledge that he heard in some Youtube video and spouts as his own
These chucklefucks have killed jojo for me
>Has to delay the podcast because there's roadwork outside his apartment
How about you just go to bed at a normal hour
I'm jealous that that's what killed JoJo for you, because the rest of the internet can be a thousand times more obnoxious and annoying about it
I typically don't get exposed to normie shit, and mostly browse Yea Forums and most of the stuff there is fine.
But hearing JOOOOOJOOOOOOO every fucking week on the podcast for over 4 years now has fucking grinded down any love I have of the show.
This is coming from a person who bought araki's physical copy books on how to draw manga and about his artstyle
I miss days when DUWANG was the most prominent JoJo meme.
Liam did nothing wrong.
Hell Matt did nothing wrong too, those two are better than what Pat and Woolie are now (annoying fucks).
This a thousand times desu. I actually gave up on the part 5 anime because of those fucking idiots.
I dropped Woolie's channel recently as I just couldnt handle the bullshit that came out of his dumb mouth anymore. I've abandoned Pat's streams a long, long time ago, he is just so fucking obnoxious these days. I'm still subscribed to Matt because while I dont care about rest of his shit, I sometimes enjoy his What happened videos. Never followed Liam after he left, that little shit rat never deserved any attention.
>I'm an omnivert, sometimes I'm introverted and sometimes extroverted
Woolie is an insufferable hipster faggot
>letting dumb memes ruin your enjoyment of something
How frail are you faggots?
These guys make me want to try and go back to Giantbomb but then I remember that Ben and Abby exist.
There was an episode of the Beastcast a few weeks ago without Abby and it was pretty alright.
>Oh boy, Woolie's playing games on his own channel!
>Has to bring on the most insufferable goddamn people to play games with him with the most grating voices I've ever heard
It's bizarre how long they've been doing this stuff as full time jobs and yet none of them, Woolie especially, are any good at it or understand what's entertaining. Are awkward long pauses really necessary? Why do none of these fucks know or understand how to cut a video down?
I regret not going up to him at Evo and making fun of him. I only saw him once and it was the line to get into Evo, so I couldn't stop to speak to him.
Its was pretty bad for the channel when Eyepatch Wolf played Goemon on the channel with Woolie. Since it revealed that all of Woolie's regular friends are completely charisma voids that cant speak english right.
>above average
Woolie sucks at almost every fighting game I've seen him play except for SF4
I missed it when it was just ZA WARUDO being said every once in a while
No, it's about THEIR enjoyment and you can fuck off if you don't like THEIR personal enjoyment being the focus, even if the game is shit or boring
Are there any video game related podcasts where the hosts aren't brainwashed liberal tranny shills?
Someone called him shitlocks at a con once and he thought it was a joke about "haha dreads are dumb". He was in a Yea Forums thread and when people explained it was a comment on how he smelled like shit he went all quiet and stopped posting.
No, I've looked for years
Video games.
These guys play video games and talk about them
I wanted to go up to him and say I love when you sniff and cough into the mic, it really adds to the experience.
Would be nice if Yea Forums did that too.
I work with a black guy that has dreads, plays fighting games, watches jojo and other meme anime, and has a soundcloud page where he posts his shitty rap. He's also literally the only person I work with that I don't outright hate
>That time Matt got extremely agitated at people for not enjoying the Double Dragon Fisticuffs video or whatever
Themed weeks were always terrible because most of everything was unwatchable because of how fucking bad it was. The only time it was good was the Superhero Month or whatever.
>Whenever they'd play something super shit and boring and because they never dropped games, we'd get entire playthroughs of shit nobody fucking watched
>Sometimes there would be more than one LP that wasn't worth watching going on at the same time as another
woolie and pat are good.
>The only time it was good was the Superhero Month or whatever.
fuck no. At least they have some basic knowledge on video games. Whenever they talk about comics my fucking head implodes
Let us remember some of the good LP's from the old channel, one's that may have slipped under peoples radars.
Binary Domain was great. Short and sweet, came out early 2018.
I really hate how with every character that has a ghost or some shit around him you're bound to hear "OMG HE HAS A STANDDD"
Pat: "Yeah Fist of the North Star totally ripped of Jojo. And Fallout totally ripped of Fist of the North Star. Because of the water."
Reminder: they only broke up because Pat started dating the hooters girl Liam was stalking and Liam turned Matts trans wife and her orbiters like mothers basement against Pat and Matts choice was be a cuck or get brendan'ed.
>Whenever they would have intros that lasted longer than a handful of seconds
The MechaWeek intro I think it was by Cranky was the actual worst.
God those were all such indulgent wankery.
>cranky two years ago: i-i'll never draw lewd things, only cute things
>cranky now: heres my hyperbreast OC's with a shota and cake, graph and all the other titnomancers are my new best friends
Its like when a 'chubby' artist says 'but i'll never draw fatties!' and they end up exclusively drawing immobile 'bbw' mlp porn.
>Character points
>Anything related to there being a drill in any way, shape, or form
>watching older TBF video
>reach end of episode
>*Matt on camera shilling t-shirts in his "Boss Man" persona"
One of the more pathetic things I've ever seen.
>"T-Shirts! Get your T-Shirts here!"
Remember when Matt adopted Zach and tried making him into the channel's mascot and failed miserably?
>Their merchandise line was short-lived
>Their website fucking died and became a money sink until they cut the cord
>Whenever they would watch some dumb meme movie and Matt would completely ruin it by spouting the same fucking line every five seconds
>Whenever Matt tried to act like he was this big respected boss of the channel but had the thinnest skin this side of Liam
>Brawls got cut out of the schedule because of a single incident involving Liam's first appearance with the footage being lost
>They just completely stopped doing Mystery Boxes one day for whatever reason
Thats dumb, both Fallout and FotS ripped of Mad Max.
>Their website fucking died and became a money sink until they cut the cord
Fug, that shitshow was incredible. "We're making a website guys, we'll be able to do exclusive videos unrestricted by copyright like our MGS4 watchalong!", and they didn't do shit with the site. What was the point, then? It doesn't even work for archival purposes as the site is fucking gone now.
What a bunch of retard monkeys.
Omai wa mo shindeiru
>"Send us things guys!"
>"wtf why are you sending us things?? STOP!!!"
They hired a team to manage the website but they treated them like the walking vagina Canadians they are and fucked them. They took the money and refused to work.
Technically Sleepycabin, but it’s more of a variety show, and it’s not active atm, but everyone there has mad chemistry with each other.
>we won’t get a return episode where everyone, including crazy-ass Stamper, gets together to collectively shit on Egoraptor
I would pay good money to hear it.
>Anyone want this gay ass lifesize sword that you could easily flip on eBay for $150?
>They "hired" people to edit their videos
>The most the editing was was adding a clip or two here and there
>They would never show visual references to whatever it was that they were referencing
>You get moments like them literally pausing the game for like five minutes and taking a bathroom break, or that entire episode of the worst Kingdom Hearts playthrough to ever grace Youtube where Matt wandered around Agrabah looking for a secret boss that wasn't even there yet
I still stand by saying that the KH LP is the absolute worst thing on the channel. You could really tell just how hard Matt was phoning it in at that point.
>Woolie’s supposedly great at JRPGs & Persona-likes
>can’t figure out the FE weapon triangle or bows beat fliers after roughly 50 hours of game
>Matt being an absolute vacuum of joy & intrigue
>no Pat to bounce his weeb opinions off of Woolie
>no Liam because he’s a little bitch who quit the team years ago & he would’ve actually been perfect for this specific situation
How the fuck did I make it through every episode of that playthrough?
Why the shit did I go and buy the game afterwards?