what happened
>fire emblem is popular now
It got a mobile gatcha game.
Flopped in Japan
Its been popular since Awakening, retard.
How are the sales? I know it sold worse than Fates and Awakening and Japan and people say digital vouchers are the reason, and that it sold 15 times more than Path of Radiance in the UK did(which isn’t really saying much) but what about US? Nintendo usually releases early sales figures to rub themselves off if it sells well
This. Where the fuck have you been, OP?
It finally got its first good game
It pandered to normalfags.
Yea Forums loves to post those graphs showing how little fire emblem has sold compared to other Nintendo franchises. but they're misleading as fuck. They include shit from 20 years ago when fire emblem didn't even get western releases and doesn't include the millions heroes as made.
It's Probably Nintendo's biggest B franchise now. Only behind Mario, Zelda, Pokemon, and Splatoon.
smash bros is more popular
It's always been popular, and crazy popular in Japan. And I've heard nothing but good things about Fire Emblem Awakening
After playing Awakening and Fates and reading all those stuff about Three Houses, I had zero to none expectations. But, after watching treehouse gameplay, I changed my mind.
Definitely worth buying and playing.
>Massive saving through the voucher program to the point where you're an idiot if you buy physical
>Been number 1 on the eshop for 5 weeks straight
Come October I'm going to have fun humiliating you flopfags when Nintendo gives us the total physical+digital sales
Incels and ***brains in the rise.
>literally hitler
>it's okay when cute anime girls do it
Because they're insane in the ***brain
(not the guy you quoted)
I'm actually thinking about buying vouchers. Both DQ11 and Astral Chain are 60 euros, and with vouchers I will save 20. I mean, I will spend them on some indie game. Probably Fell Seal.
some people were in denial and thought that Awakening was a fluke and Fates bombed, so now, presented with Three Houses, another game in the series that is doing well, the only logical conclusion to go to is that this all happened out of the blue after the series has been dead for 15 years.
Edelgard should be captured and raped by bandits.
Might want to wait for reviews on Astral Chain. But otherwise yeah.
In Japan Fire Emblem is the equivalent of about $80/$90 at retail, so you save a shitload of cash paying with vouchers.
>not liking villainesses
>Sold 80% of inital shipment in Japan
*sips* Yeah it sure failed alright