Any Yea Forums collectors out there get any new pick ups recently? This is my latest haul.
Also collection thread.
Any Yea Forums collectors out there get any new pick ups recently? This is my latest haul
What if like being a virgin
you bought two shit games and donkey kong 64. great job.
i collect vita games. i only have about 50 though. havent bought anything in a while because play-asia has jacked up their prices to the point of absurdity.
uhh how about you actually play the games for once
I try not to game hoard anymore but if I happen to see something out in the wild for cheap I'll pick it up.
Found a boxed Sega 32X with everything included for 4 dollars a few weeks ago.
Probably going to sell it on ebay to retarded collectorfags for an easy $200. It's not like the piece of shit has any games worth playing on it.
No u
Do you not like SMASH at all or just Melee?
I unironically was playing DK64 and Melee moments after buying it. Only game there I won't be playing is the sealed SA2 (which is fine cause I have Battle for my GC)
32x sucks massive donkey dick
Where did you find them and how much it was?
imagine wasting hundreds if not thousands for shitty games
A used gamestore called Gameplus.
Because I bought them at once the shop owner cut me a great deal on the sealed SA2 for 65 bucks. Considering its worth a 100 I'll take the win.
The DK64 was like 40 which again for cib pretty good.
The Melee cost like 70 which is a lot but I love that game and it looks great in 480p upscaled through the EON mkii.
Dreamcast with everything was 65 bucks.
AHAHAHAHAHA holy shit you dumb zoomer bitch you got ripped off hardcore
You motherfucker. I've been looking for a Dreamcast everywhere.
Not like I ripped off ya mum.
you got memed dude
>WHite dreamcast
Dude, my dreamcast is yellowed as fuck and takes AGES to read any discs, i have to fuck around with it forever before it starts reading them, then it reads it perfectly fine until i turn off the system for a long time.
This shit has to be the most unreliable system ever.
A small price to pay for no copy protection
>that spacing
Zoom zoom fag
smash is trash
Clean the lens. You don't even need to take the console apart to do that.
yo shut the fuck up
>implying that DK64 isn't the worst of those games
imagine being proud of being old on a site that was always for teenagers and early adults
Got this for 60 bucks
Enjoy ur virginity
>the shop owner cut me a great deal
>SA2 for 65 bucks. Considering its worth a 100 I'll take the win.
>The Melee cost like 70 which is a lot but I love that game
Ive never seen someone so casually admit to being raped, like it was no big deal.
Picked up a super slim PS3 off of craigslist for 40 bucks does that count?