The original.
Crash Team Racing
I ain't doing the whole Grand Prix bar this month, I only cared about unlocking the 3 characters and the 3 cars. I already got the mammoth and I'm about to unlock the wheels. After the wheels is the next thing a decal for the mammoth?
I played the original but I don't remember anything about it. Who is this guy?
The next 2 are mammoth decals followed by a baby t sticker
new character that can only be obtained with real money
made to promote microtransactions
fuck activision
How the hell do you do the N. Gin Labs skip?
After you jump off the side make sure you get a boost by pressing X. If you don't boost it doesn't work.
I'm retarded I just realized its a stupid glitch
Wow, I can't believe it was really that simple
Thanks for the help
Now I can maximize my coin profit when wumpa time rolls around again
>A glitch looks like a Crash character.
This is a prophesy.
Yeah I kinda had to put 2 and 2 together when I couldn't figure out why it failed.
works on my machine but i pm'd you the fix hope it helps
Why do people say that Crash is not an iconic character?
>Getting sniped by multiple potions in a row
I'll fucking burn your house down.
No, this was the first abomination spotted.
I lost my will to play this game and it hurts
Butthurt nintendies
Fuck Deep Sea Driving. Why is the camera so fucked in the tube?
I hate this game
I hate my life
I wish I was dead
Make these actual characters