H-hey updooters, epic reddit meme man here!

>h-hey updooters, epic reddit meme man here!
Why do we like him again?

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Other urls found in this thread:


>hating reddit
dang is it 2011 again already

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he's trying to fit in

hey hey black cocks, OP here

How is sseth reddit? The jew jokes? The black jokes? The women jokes? Reddit sure has a lot of those

>weeb toon
You opinion is as worthless as your life.

>Why do we like him again?
goblin porn

Post any good obscure youtubers
ill start: NeverKnowsBest

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>instantly remakes the thread after the old one gets deleted


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my favorite sub-reddit is /r/KillAllNiggers and /r/JewishConglomerates, how about you guys?


>he took the bait

>he took the bait

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Dunkey is Reddit.

keep saying it

cuz he regurgitates the same memes as my secret club, duh. i am easy to appeal to

>How is sseth reddit?
He uses d*scord, he's an eceleb, he is racist to appeal to underage kids, he endorses porn and he uses stale memes.

He shares pirated versions of shitty niche games with normalfags. The normalfags then go to Yea Forums to pretend to have always known about the shitty old games he talks about.

>inb4 "but why would a normalfag go to Yea Forums?"
you're all normalfags

>laughing at racist jokes
Ah yes I rember being 12 too.

I like him because he uses Yea Forums memes and doesn't abide by the dictatorial PC comedy limitations imposed online. He's absolutely redpilled, and can help redpill more people to our side.

>he endorses porn
spotted the /pol/tard

>redpill more people to our side
trump was a mistake

What are you talking about? Ive definitely known was star sector was for the last 9 years. I actually dont mind because this game is fucking awesome

>spams porn in every video

He steals content from based people who actually play these obscure games and then acts like he plays them himself

>wahwah /pol/ is bad, porn is good and normal!

Remember when "redpilled" used to mean "enlightened" and not "it's not true of I don't like it"?

4 more years

I remember that he never actually played a good handful of the games he reviewed and took the footage from others.

If not him, and I mean it honestly, who would you recommend to watch who plays and reviews extremely niche, lewd games?

It's the niche content what makes him interesting. If not him, I would never have played Kamidori

he triggers /pol/tards which automatically makes him based and redpilled aswell as /ourguy/

I like how he got caught doing that for his Dorf Fort vid and nobody says a word about it on Yea Forums
I guess kikery is okay if it's /ourgoy/!

Honestly, he's not so much Reddit as he is completely pandering in the most blatant, tongue-in-cheek way possible. There are plenty of YouTubers who can make a reference or two and not seem like all they know is old memes. That's all Ssseth does and people throw money his way because honestly, the God Hand porn commission was legitimately awesome and funny, I wish I could do something similar snd I have to give him credit because he postures like some sort of renegade edgelord while in reality, his entire taste outside of a few titles consist of WRPG staples that wouldn't be out of place here. For someone who likes to portray himself as a maverick, he sure doesn't have any opinions that would be out of place on here.

He's just a Yea Forums version to iSorrowProductions reddit edgy-lite. Slightly funnier, but somehow even more obnoxious when you get the joke and it's the same one over and over.


>trump was a mistake
America deserves him.

he has my tastes horribly accurately on lock and uses his revenue to commission porn

>nobody says a word about it on Yea Forums
here's your (you)

>obscure games
Every single game on his channel from 2018-2020 is Yea Forums core except for 3.

I wonder how many visitors can name them? Ignore the obvious one, pick the next 3.


9/11 2.0 when?

Nation of fatso cucks needs to be taken down a peg once more.

everything that is popular now!
i must hate!

Reddit has plenty of those if you don't browse the biggest subreddits, reddit also hates women and all reddit incels have migrated to Yea Forums after /r/incels was shut down.

>liking swedecuck youtubers
I bet you watch Pewdiepie too.

Mandalore will never, EVER do a lewd game.

go back new nigger

>lewd games

but sseeth is a slav living in denmark

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You literally cannot name a more based youtuber.

What would even be capable of having such an effect anymore though? America is too desensitized to terrorshit at this point that I don't think the can ever be s 9/11 2.0 since any crazy shit you can come up with would probably be brushed aside with a "meh" just like the daily shootings and gang wars

seconding on this, who the fuck reviews hentai games?

i like his accent


I don't want people "on our side". I want Yea Forums to be less popular, because the entire appeal of coming to this site is that everyone hates us. But now it's fucking mainstream to like Yea Forums. We need to go back.

He does great job wrapping the feel of the game into memes instead of just throwing random jokes here and there like some ecelebs do. His reviews are like those playthroughs when you give your character some retarded placeholder name and Shrek's appearance but you're getting so immersed in the game that your brain transforms it into coherent narrative. Same for how he describes exploits and cheesy tactics pretending that this is natural part of the game's world.

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>Reddit has plenty of those if you don't browse the biggest subreddits, reddit also hates women and all reddit incels have migrated to Yea Forums after /r/incels was shut down.
so it's not opinions that reddit support and they censor them, again how is it reddit?
you understand that guilt by association is a fallacy right?

>muh sekrit club

The guy is literally an oldfag
If you hate him you are either a butthurt redditor or a retarded zoomer

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>It's good because memes

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You realize it's the same guy, right?

>Yea Forums loves him
>Gets a modicum of popularity
>Yea Forums now hates him and claims to always have hated him
Like fucking clockwork. This place is more predictable than the sun.

>wojak and frogposters defending Sseth
Only proving OP's point

>we need to go back
No, YOU need to go back to ResetERA if Yea Forums is too popular, edgy and """racist""" for you

Don't want to burst your bubble, but there are boards besides /pol/ that would tell you porn is bad.

He sounds like a teenacher during vocal change with his normal voice.

This, his autism is quite entertaining.
>In Fable divorce is wrost than murder.

>redpill more people to our side.
Yes please, if we just get enough underaged newfags spamming in here, the board will eventually become better

nah it's the same trannies being assblasted 24/7

>he sure doesn't have any opinions that would be out of place on here
I'd say he's got more that RU-Yea Forums board's taste. For every accessible title like Gothic or Fable, there sure are a bunch of Might and Magic games in there.

I don't mind Yea Forums being a bunch of living memes, the only trouble with this board is there's too many goddamn scandal-driven, twitter screencaps and e-celeb threads. Even that's been dying down since the youtube LP bubble popped.
I'd say the only real bad thing that Sseth has brought to this board has been threads about Sseth. Which I understand is hypocritical, posting in one, but the other thread I was posting in just got archived so I'll be leaving now.

>he is racist to appeal to underage kids
ah, yes. zoomers are so well known for their racism.

I hear this thrown around a lot. Is there any proof of this or something, I'm actually curious

shut the fuck up tranny

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He said not him, retard

>zoomers are so well known for their racism.
They are tho. They're also addicted to porn, like Sseth.

>autistic screeching
Hello Sseth

>completely missing the point

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>r/SsethTzeentach/ is a thing
>zoomers still love him
I can't wait for summer to end.

His Dwarf Fortress video literally rips someone's playthrough footage and story.

Don't think he's stolen any other content though, not to my knowledge.

>the entire appeal of coming to this site is that everyone hates us
Fucking underage. The point is you can share opinions without the consequences of going by a handle derailing discussion.
Of course, people managed to cock that up real quick and we're all trapped here with morons baiting morons.

Yeah he took a load of footage and stories from various smallish youtubers in his DF review. When one of the larger ones Kruggsmash called him out for it in the comments he sent some email that said. "Heh yeah those stories happened to me but a long time ago so i dont remember them!" and put the bigger youtubers in the description and deleted the comment calling him out for it. He didnt do anything about lots of the other smaller youtubers with like maybe under a thousand subs

I enjoy Mr. Avidan's content because he makes Yea Forums seethe.

Sseth is not afraid to name the Jew.

Attached: jewmonke.jpg (1600x900, 128K)

Pretty sure blowing up some major landmark would leave quite the impression

He actually gets interest in video games going, so he's better than most of the contrarian shitters on this site.

Because he gives me free shit and makes porn so get fucked


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>makes porn
The fuck are you talking about.

What is racism?

The fuck. That's so scummy and lazy

hate to burst your bubble but 99% of this site is porn and the only boards that hate it are completely devoid of oc and shitty aka /pol/ and /fit/

commissioned god hand porn


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Because he appeals to old fags and the stuff he shills is all anti zoomer. I also appreciate the occasional oldfag humor and frankness of his videos.

Since when did secret clubs become a bad thing?

daily starsector threads since his review

>dude oc xd
Memes are r*ddit and you need to fuck off

Why the fuck would you bother playing the game and recording it when you can just take existing footage?

Nobody cares about "authenticity", people just want entertaining content. That's why content aggregators are so popular.

>daily threads

>devoid of oc

it can't get worse


>make money from stolen content
>"it's okay to jew other people if based epic redpillers do it"
I want Yea Forums to talk themselves out of this hypocrisy.

>t.has never been to /fit/

The part where he claims its his footage when it isnt doesnt ring you a bell on why that's a scumbag move and everyone should know it?

>complains people don't talk about video games
>complains people are talking about video games too much

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You said daily threads yourself fag
Those belong in /vg/ so you can fuck yourself

He has gotten rather big, therefor you need to shit on him in Yea Forums's contrarian fashion.

>No don't start discussion of game I like, my secret club
I think people might actually be enjoying having anons to talk about Starsector with over their hate that the evil reddit might also play it.

>everything must be black or white


Huh, is he? I kinda unconsciously thought he's Swede too because he sounds like Everman

It's publicly available content, and the effort of bringing the content to the viewer is worth more money than making content that nobody watches.

It's the same way someone who sells goods makes more money and is more worthwhile than someone who makes the goods in a factory.

Go be a communist somewhere else.

What disappoints me more than the stolen footage is how shitty the DF video was relative to his other content
Anyone who has played for any length of time will realize how short he sold it and regurgitated old as fuck stories and straight up falsehoods in the current version

Yes, glad you understand

He's clearly an African mercenary, the fuck?

He does more good than bad

t. Yea Forumseddit

I wouldn't mind occassional threads like EDF,doing it everday however is wishing to get in the /vg/ purgatory

>implying I want Britain to be dragged into another illegal war with them

So violating copyright law is okay as long as it saves you some effort and/or entertains people?
I assume you have never created anything yoursey.

You have to be retarded to not immediately notice that all of his footage is taken in different resolutions, bitrates, from different sources, etc.
I always knew he just takes existing footage, stories, etc. and packages them in a nice format, bringing his humor with him. And that's fine.

I bet you get mad when a store sells you an item that they didn't personally make.

There's this thing called copyright infringement.

I don't want to defend user, he's a massive fag, bit /h/ and especially /aco/ do have oc

Thought so. You retards are hypocrites.

Who on earth are you talking about?

>reviews games in a comedic way using anarcocapitialist jokes
I find him entertaining. As a person who played SS13 from the very beginning I appreciated his review and not so much the server lag his retards caused.

Stores usually buy their product before selling it to you.

the threads have moved to /vg/ anyway

Copyright only applies when it is enforced.

Those 100 sub channels sure don't have that kind of clout, so it's a valid tactic to take content from them. It's not like any of you fucks would have even watched those original videos in the first place, but you did watch sseth's videos, because the way he presents the content is more entertaining.

That sounds exactly like Yea Forums, save for the eceleb part.

And before that....WAY before that

Yeah, but youtube videos are free.
You just download them.

I'm pretty scummy and lazy myself, I didn't ask permission from their original creators of the images I post. I pirate video games, tv shows and music. I'm not gonna throw the first stone just because people voluntarily surrender their money to this guy.

He obviously lives in Denmark because of clips of his apartment in a bunch of his videos, but him being a slav is speculated based on his bido gam taste and in one vid he mentioned something about his previous place and showed a couple of photos of a fairly slav looking village

You do know DMCA claims these days have been loose as fuck right?
a guy filed a DMCA claim over another guy for using his footage that lasted 5 seconds.

All it takes is just one of the people he stole content from to file a DMCA claim and his video gets removed

There is nothing more based than a man who makes Yea Forums seethe eternally

He always displays purchases in zloty and linked to a polish website for patches of a game.

Amen fellow rojopillulado user

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He's pretty safe since his videos aren't demonitized and he gets his money through his Patreon.

>nobody says a word about it on Yea Forums
except the retards who keep making threads like this


i miss his stupid lol videos

my game tastes are eternally stuck in 2010-2011 Yea Forums era and sseth really does pander to me perfectly in that regard
he kinda feels like a relic of that time with an extra thick coating or irony on the memes, which i approve of desu
there's no malevolence to his humor either, unlike the modern-day Yea Forums
the memes, though very abundant, are not used distastefully and don't really ever get jarring or out-of-place

dunno, man, he's quite good at what he does and it fits my tastes just right

holy fucking shit go back to resetera

Don't let redditers get away with this type of shitposting.

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I like the fact he throws giantess porn every now and then in his videos for no real reason.

Why? Can't handle the truth?

>It's okay to steal intellectual property, as long as it's entertaining and it saves you work
It's okay stealing intellectual property, as long as it's publicly available and obscure.
It's okay to steal intellectual property, as long as the person you're stealing from can't afford to sue you for it. And also if you're better at selling said content then the original creator.
Are you all retarded? It's one thing to not care about it and/or enjoy him regardless, but actually defending him for blatant plagiarism is pushing it a little, don't you think?

It's how the free market works.

so you admit that you are from that fucking website?

Reminder that Sseth will always be our guy and anyone who shills against him is a false-flagging leftist faggot who got his fee-fees hurt by his jokes


mandalore and sseth is our guy

I don't even know that site, you obsessed faggot. I just said that you're butthurt about me pointing out the truth why Sseth is reddit.

yeah right
fuck off tranny.

Why do you think about trannies the whole day?

>He's absolutely redpilled, and can help redpill more people to our side

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why can't he pronounce and make a "th" sound?

If there was a pile of shit on your carpet, you'd think about it too.

we must apply a final solution to the tranny problem

why do you think about my cock all day, faggot?

Because I'm your mother and checking what you're posting about

why does reddit think that they're singlehandedly responsible for everything on the internet, even when it's provably untrue

right on both accounts

Imagine thinking that watching a video of other men fucking women is normal

>not masturbating to 2d
>in current year
you are your own problem

It's normal, but not good for ya.

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>not fucking 3d girls

2D is just as bad

you can tell who's mindless zoomer npc when after he uploads a video about a specific game they suddenly begin playing it and talking about it

I both like the fact he's spreading the good word about good vidya, but it'd be better if the majority of his audience weren't so fucking embarrassing.

It's not, it's worse.

I just like him because hes funny and isnt obnoxious with his jokes but more subtle quick with it

>you can tell who's mindless zoomer npc when after he uploads a video about a specific game they suddenly begin playing it and talking about it

>sseth brings publicity to a good game
>people who trust sseth's taste in vidya decde to try it out on his recommendation
>they see it's good and discuss it, expanding the community
what part of this is "mindless zoomer" to you?
does following your friends' suggestion to see a movie make you a "mindless zoomer"?
how is this any different?

>a youtube eceleb is the equivalent to one of your friends
proved my point

actually eceleb shit is very much 2019 Yea Forums

>it's how the free market works
>still screeching about jews
Hypocrisy in its purest form.

I will rape your corpse after I make you choke on my dick

>isnt obnoxious with his jokes

>new Sseth shilling thread instantly after the first one got deleted by mods
>second one is still up

>recruit more people to our side
Fuck off retard

Jokes on you, I prefer solo girl or lesbian stuff.

I want her to step on my dick so bad

>a person whose opinion you respect is equivalent to a person whose opinion you respect
gee user, you sure do lack reading comprehension

>being so insecure about your sexuality that you cannot even see a penis
Just admit that you are gay and move on.

Because its an inside joke to a certain degree its funny to those in on it and isnt really a joke but I find his other jokes to be witty

Nobody here is making you like him.

>merchants guild
>referencing jews and pretending to be a lol jews club
>inside joke

I was just describing what the point of it is but I still find him witty simply because he fills a niche of rapid edgy jokes I cant find elsewhere

you trust an ecelebs opinion so much he's like a friend to you

>anti-PC jokes are now niche

>if I use greentext I win because I dont present any arguments
He isnt funny in the laughing sense I find him funny because hes enjoyable to watch I like his game choices and the way he goes about presenting them

you are a dense faggot, user
let me re-word the sentence so you don't have to use your brain for anything

does following a suggestion of someone whose opinion you respect make you a "mindless zoomer"?

Jokes on you, I only watch tranny solo vids

I feel I'd like him if I were 19 or 20 still but not now
Which begs the question why's his humor still so adolescent when he sounds like he's in his late 20s

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he has a charisma, you don't

I don't want to debate you about a cringey youtuber

but you did say "how is it any different?", therefore you think an eceleb is like a friend to you, unless you do think there's a difference.

you are a dense faggot, user
let me re-word the sentence so you don't have to use your brain for anything

does following a suggestion of someone whose opinion you respect make you a "mindless zoomer"?

npc script has been activated

if you watch this faggot you have to go back, he clearly makes videos for edgy trying to fit in teenagers with attention spam of 2 seconds.
>B-But donate to the patreon just like that JEW meme from /pol/ hahahaha based right?

>im going to spew the most contrarian bullshit i can think of do i fit in yet guise

I think he's amusing in short bursts and his content is both decent and deals with games I already like, but at the same time using the footage of others without proper credit and denying it, is a pretty scummy thing. But he's /ourguy/ so if he does it, it's fine, because I guess that's how it works.

its funny watching shit get popular and how Yea Forums will go from liking to pretending they vehemetly hated it from the start for some form of street cred

There's nothing more cringeworthy on Yea Forums than admitting you unironically like something.

old fags from Yea Forums fled a long time ago and now its just faggots trying to fit into the flanderized stereotype of "haha we hate everything haha" and is by far more cringy

hating something requires a higher level of thinking than consuming nu-fun

I was a mod on his discord. But I quit because I couldn't take the constant negativity.

The mod room was always chaos and hellfire. I know Sseth wanted a self-sustaining Discord with no rules, but that can't happen. Every few days there was some goddamn drama between a small collection of brainlets (who were usually mods), when after they were removed, Sseth put them back into power a month later. That shit was a show for him.

Sseth is one of the funniest men on the internet, but he is a piss poor leader. Every time he got into chat it was like he was trying to keep at least three feet away from his fans (who also pay money, fyi). The words he chose when he talked to people felt like he was trying VERY hard to keep his internet persona safe.

I'm less comfortable watching his videos after being there.

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I like him because he makes reference to porn.

>goblin porn
surely you mean god hand porn?

>spends sponsor money to commission porn
he's a good guy in my book

this,I don't know why people whine about stolen content, he immediately reinvests everything like a proper scholar

this entire thread is reddit
thank god i only use Yea Forums for persona threads which cannot be ruined

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>Every time he got into chat it was like he was trying to keep at least three feet away from his fans (who also pay money, fyi)
Good for him. Like most ecelebs he makes content for people younger than him who mistakingly assume he's just like them and sort of a friend, when in reality what he does is pander to retarded teenagers for easy bucks
I'd keep as far away as possible if my fanbase consisted solely of edgy nu/v/ redditors who vomit the same 3 jokes over and over

>g-guys he is so redpilled
>shills porn
He's just as bad as the kikes he keeps making jokes about

>I like a thing
>no you cant like a thing because of the other people who watch it

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>Every time he got into chat it was like he was trying to keep at least three feet away from his fans (who also pay money, fyi). The words he chose when he talked to people felt like he was trying VERY hard to keep his internet persona safe.
Can you blame him? Look at most content creators these days, it's just a ticking timebomb until their main or periphery fanbase turns on them or the creator itself starts going fucking nuts, like Rowling, when she got chummy with her fans.

The internet has made it much easier for content creators to get closer to their fanbase, but as many examples have shown, that ain't necessarily a good thing.

But it's true. There are so many games, movies, shows, that I either cannot experience, or began to hate, because of their cringy fanbase.

Yeah. Whenever we talked to him it was clear he was a very intelligent man, he actually seriously has a medical degree.

edgy retard

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I was wondering this. Is there a single good example of that?

Of course he is smart, he makes money from incels who laugh at kid jokes.

dude you just posted cringe.

Basically every western animated show in the past 5 years or so, for starters.

No sarcasm, but I'd actually like more examples.

Imagine having so much self loathing and cognitive dissonance that you have to scapegoat porn as the reason you can't get laid. The day I deny myself a nice tug is the day I neck myself, and I suggest you go ahead and do that, poltard.

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I wasn't being sarcastic either. The creators of, say, Steven Universe were very active on social media on would often interact with their fans. Fast-forward a few years and part of the old fandom is pushing that Rebecca Sugar is a nazi.
People loved Voltron. However, because the VAs interacted and made jokes, the fanbase turned on them pretty heavily for various things, up to and including shipping.
RWBY's writers get basically reamed once every 5 minutes be people who are ostensibly fans.
Anything Rowling does, no matter how hard she tries, just gets more and more people mad at her.

And the list goes on.

>the old fandom is pushing that Rebecca Sugar is a nazi.
holy shit WHAT
Sugar's the MESSIAH of the whole garbage trans shitshow, how did SHE of all people become a 'nazi'!?

Fanbases that try to interact with their favourite content creators are pure cringe.
The examples you're giving are just shit media regardless of the shitty fanbase.
Sseth makes based videos, the only difference his retarded fanbase makes is that there are patreon 'credits' at the end of the vids that u just ignore.

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I like how the newest thing is that kikes are making porn as a tactic to disable the west, whereas it's just as possible for the current anti-porn push to be from the kikes as well, with the eventual goal of less porn, more frustrated people, these more frustrated people going into mass shooter mode and giving kikes an opportunity to take guns away from citizens.

Because throughout the show, Steven tries to prevent violence and talk things over, up to and including White Diamond. Trying to talk with the enemy instead of PUNCH NAZI is basically being a nazi yourself.

>The examples you're giving are just shit media regardless of the shitty fanbase.
Sure man, just chalk it up to 'well the source material is shit anyway', if that'll make you feel better. I only said that I can't fault Sseth for wanting to keep a healthy distance between himself and his fanbase.

> it's just as possible for the current anti-porn push to be from the kikes as well
It is.
Just like the NSDAP push in weimar germany was from jews as well.
It's logical and normal.

>Trying to talk with the enemy instead of PUNCH NAZI is basically being a nazi yourself.

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I've been on reddit longer than most people here have been on Yea Forums.
>go back to plebbit
I've also been here since late 2003
One thing is still true, the most vocal people are the most recent people.

You should lurk more and learn how to post after you've learned to withhold your most banal comments, and only let the important ones out.


With that said, Sugar got on the shitlist for Bismuth originally. Because 'ostensibly good cause goes from defensive to violent escalation' is something that never happens in real life and to suggest so is offensive.

>makes more people play Starsector
Based Sseth.

>Reddit spacing

Dumb anime poster

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You typed a lot of words but your message is lurk moar

Fuck off redditor

He should have commissioned art from a guy with a good style, because most of the porn on his website is just terrible

It's like these people have no idea how human mentality works.

Reddit spacing
Example of said banal comments Example of vocal recent Yea Forums visitor

He literally asked only in his video, on his discord and on twitter for people. He only commissioned people who responded.

>start thread to stir shit
>it's still up
This is easier than reposting shit on Reddit for karma.

nigger I've been on the chans since before 06.

But yeah, recent visitor. thanks faggot

>Black man becomes famous
>Yea Forums hates him

Typical racist white trash.

fucking black hating RACISTS

Why do we hate him but NOT Mandalore huh??????????

Because his sense of humor and taste in games are pretty good.

Mandalore is too boring to hate

>he has never watched played Minecraft
sucks 2 b u

Reddit complains about edgey jokes and racism in every sseth video.
They also recently started complaining about yahtzee and ZP for same reasons.

Redditers are the people who come here only to post softcore porn and don't want to discuss video games (aka cumbraíns) because they know they can retreat to where they belong when they want to do that

Mandalore is too inoffensive

hey hey people

fuckin burn bro

Stop with this meme. It's the same guy.

sseth's racist jokes are very surface level and edgy tbqh

no fuck off

should sit well with Yea Forums then heh

>hey hey people


Reddit gonna reddit.
Daily reminder that r/games locked out itself for april fools to "send a message to toxic gamers".
It's literally a jokephobia at this point.

I played VTMB because of his meme video, and got 57 hours from my first run of the game, fucking sue me incels!

I also played VTMB because of his video and thought it was painfully mediocre

>even redditors don't respect j*nnies

Attached: 1539391946966.png (388x389, 66K)

>Yea Forums tries to shit on Sseth
>Sseth uses stale memes from Yea Forums to earn cash and redpill zoomers into playing good games
>Yea Forums is obsessed
>Sseth makes more use and good than Yea Forums alltogether
thats why

Because Mandalore isn't a degenerate Nazi that tries to appeal to children

my sole purpose in life is now to ruin persona threads

>redpill more people to our side
Christ you people take this shit too seriously

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And that's why the likes of him will win.

>get banned for spam
>only posted once saying fuck jannies
jannies should be fucking hung from trees

>racism bad
>porn bad
>this is an unironic post on Yea Forums
since when did virtue signalling normalfaggot kike worshiping christfag scum become the norm here? fuck this website and all the despicable niggers that turned this into their feelings-safe haven.


>muh /pol/ boogeyman
Yea Forums was largely atheist and hated stormniggers before trumptards got banned from Reddit and fled here

rent free

mandalore doesnt make cheap low effort jokes/content, mandalore does some interviews and stuff around the regular content, mandalore like ross is interested in preservation and giving his viewers the opportunity to discover games and offers fixes to play them on modern hardware

>pretending to hate someone you laugh at

hey hey people


Attached: 1562970337610.jpg (1152x1152, 413K)

He's boring as fuck.

Attached: 1.png (888x894, 520K)

absolute state of sseth fanboys

Attached: 1564156369229.png (486x398, 64K)

>see thread about video game
>open it
>type reply
>click "post"
>"Specified thread does not exist"
>open catalog
>"why did you stop playing overwatch?"
>"why did you stop playing LoL?"
>"asmongold reacts..........home................"

Attached: 1548759098794.jpg (1000x528, 157K)

>porn isn't made by kikes if I watch it

What game is he going to ruin next?


Attached: 1556236530934.jpg (1024x1024, 97K)

Oh no! What will he do now with one of the most solid userbases on youtube thinking he's boring!?

dumb bootlicker comment, pretty pathetic display of sarcasm

Nailed it

>offer fixes
Which are available publicly on pcgamingwiki.
How many?
>like ross is interested in preservation and giving his viewers the opportunity to discover games
To this day Sseth is the only one who gave people his CD key to use freely and dropped a working ISO of God Hand. This is good, I think.

>Honestly, he's not so much Reddit as he is completely pandering in the most blatant, tongue-in-cheek way possible.
He panders to me specifically, because my taste is stuck in older times too. After 2011 or something I started to lose my taste for newer games. Sseth and Mandy helped me to get it burning again.

People throw money his way and he baits them with cheap memes, true. But I can't say this is absolutely horrible when he makes people play/try GodHand or Starsector, and money only helps him concentrate on making more vids without need for office work or some shit.

Yes they do

not always? some of the fixes he literally just stumbled upon himself

Mandalore also takes just way more time on his videos. He basically plays the entirety of the game front to back before he makes a video. It's largely not necessary but sseth makes videos that are more or less cursory descriptions of known qualities of a game.

also most of the stories and shit in sseth's videos are straight taken from other users on his discord

I thought that all you enlightened gentlemen had moved to Reddit.

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Hey hey people, sseth here making people seethe

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>some of the fixes he literally just stumbled upon himself
They are still available on the first pages of googlesearch, because someone stumbled upon them before him, especially years after the releases of aforementioned games.
>Mandalore also takes just way more time on his videos
Can't argue with that. He has more expertise or some shit, like raycevick, but without "I can into essays."
> It's largely not necessary but sseth makes videos that are more or less cursory descriptions of known qualities of a game.
But he makes these games sound cool so people would play it.

i dont care what any of you faggots say, you aren't going to dissuade me from watching seth's vids. I think he's pretty damn hilarious and his HoMM videos are fucking gold.

It's literally the same guy, retards.

>no fun allowed
i can see why you hate sseth
>/pol/ posts the same retarded frog edits over and over
>/fit/ is so starved for oc that they circlejerk about a tripfag making a three page comic once a year
if you think that /h/ and /aco/ are about oc, you are retarded

can't believe this thread is still up kek, praise sseth for making trannies and /pol/tards seethe simultaneously

Wrong. Sseth lives in Denmark. Mandy lives literally ten minutes walking from me. I am in north america.

fuck this board

This guy got me into games I otherwise wouldn't have known about or tried. I hate the stale memes though.

This is Polish monkey

>d-do I fit in yet guys?!?

Yea Forums fulfills that purpose without being so obnoxious though

the vibe i get from sseth is that he lurked some obscure vidya threads on Yea Forums, poached some greentext stories and made them into memey videos. he's dishonest as fuck.

>Yea Forums fulfills that purpose without being so obnoxious though
>come to Yea Forums
>everything is shit
>everything sucks ass
>everything bad
No, Yea Forums doesn't. It is also obnoxious as fuck. People here don't even play games most of the time, and while sseth can give you some help with getting into a game, Yea Forums will tell you to shut the fuck up and go away to save their precious games which make them feel special like it was in starsector threads.

>>come to Yea Forums
>>everything is shit
>>everything sucks ass
>>everything bad
stupid retard maybe try going into some actual good threads

Which ones? Oh no, they are not on Yea Forums.

He's smart.

>reddit is bad
>Yea Forums is good
no fuck off

Why did he suddenly became active in yt recently? I remember years back when he'd rarely release vids once a few months. Now he's somewhat regular. Loved his vid about narrating a hentai with a British accent.

>Yea Forums was largely atheist

>Yea Forums fulfills that purpose without being so obnoxious though
Have you been sleeping for the past year or so? Yea Forums is fucking unbearable most of the time

Congrats, you're a sheep who lets other people sway your opinion on media that you may enjoy yourself. Learn to separate the media and the people consuning the media.

I believe he said in a vid that his releases slowed because he was trying to juggle a normal job then decided he was gonna live off patronage while making jewtube videos so he makes one every 2 weeks now I think.

s he dusted off his cheetohs
Was a sound of "FUCK NEGROES"
He heated a hotpocket
Cum-stained tissues on his carpet
He was sitting at his table
Mad that anons were ungrateful
So he deleted the whole thread now
Shut it all down
Nothing allowed

Janny are you okay, are you okay, are you okay Janny?
Janny are you okay, are you okay, are you okay Janny?
Janny are you okay, are you okay, are you okay Janny?
Janny are you okay, are you okay, are you okay Janny?

Janny are you okay?
Will you tell us, that you're okay?
There's a thread on the first page
And he dabbed you, a tuxedo, Janny
He came into your report cue
Left the Pepe, saying "FUCK YOU"
And then you cried to the mod too
You were dabbed on
It was your doom

Janny are you okay, are you okay, are you okay Janny?
Janny are you okay, are you okay, are you okay Janny?
Janny are you okay, are you okay, are you okay Janny?
Janny are you okay, are you okay, are you okay Janny?

You've been memed by
You've been dabbed by
A cute criminal

Attached: 1562316531271.jpg (1024x576, 39K)

I knew he was shit the second he shilled godhand. At this point its a forced meme to pretend that terrible piece of shit is good. Hes literally Yong Yee except he copy pastes from here instead of reddit. And he also shills here and has no humour outside of memes.

Typically. You can tell someone is trying to hard to pander to Yea Forums if its 2019 and for some fucking reason the retard will pull out the edgy HURR I LOVE MGR AND GODHAND / (Insert niche plat shit title here) AND IF U DUN LIKE IT GIT GUD111. You can tell theyre the type of retard who has no opinion outside of Yea Forums core

Sseth is actually entertaining, Jontron is boring as fuck nowadays, I grew out of Gamegrumps, Cinemassacre is nothing but movies, Ggmanlives is too FPS-centric, and every other reviewer is either too in-depth or very serious.

Anyone who uses that website isn't human and should be deaf

>Sseth is bad because he's popular now
Fuck off. Bet you were all over his dick when his comments weren't full of little kids

Attached: Fuck you.jpg (1000x911, 90K)

epic"""""""""""""""ironic"""""""""""" racism is zoomer 101

Okay, but who the fuck is this black guy who keeps appearing on his videos?

ask your mom

She has no idea either.

>if I post frogs and say buzzwords maybe they'll like me!
Hey buddy, I think you got the wrong door, Reddit's two blocks down

Not really.

He's fucking Russian. He explicitly said as much in his Lion King video

And I suspect he's Russian Jewish given his humour, his dislike of communism and so on.

>russian jew
>disliking communism

Doesn't sound like russian. No accent at all.

That's what happens when you leave this shithole at a young age. I mean I pretty much speak with no accent at all and I left when I was 17

Easily. But he needs to be born in nineties at least.
t. Pyccкий из глyбинки.

Jews are pretty much the only group of people who actively supported demolishing communism. The other two were communist elite and young gen x-ers

I was surprised when I learned Sseth made that Karthus meme video and Mandalore's second video or something was a Yea Forums Tribes Ascend video

not every russian speaks in butchered english

How old are you?

Sseth is definitely >22, he has a medical degree.

>Im going to reward these devs for making a good game by making sure as many people DONT buy it as possible



>giving money to devs
That's a surefire way to destroy any sense of artistic craft they might have. Money corrupts.


What are you trying to say, exactly? If I am right, he probably left with his family in the late 90-s, which checks out given that he was probably born in the late 80-s/early 90-s

Coincidently, late 90-s was the period of the largest migration push ever as it mostly consisted of people who were patriotic enough to not leave earlier but who by then figured out that things would not get better any time soon (and were essentially later proven to be right)

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Starsector sold more than ever after his review, cry more faggot

Shitty game

Checking out how much time I'd need to bring my english back to shape after my linguistics degree gave me no time for drilling and shitty fucking teachers.
But yeah, he at least has bootleg russian M&M disk localized by Buka, and his lion king story is too relatable. Probably left around 90-s.

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Your language is funny haha like wtf is щaшмьтцc is like you all slavs are animals desu lol

That's what I keep thinking until some new retarded forced meme comes in and gets spammed ad infinitum for the next half a year.

also a bunch of the older games he reviewed had russian interface. Like I remember in one of his might and magic games reviews he showed the installation wizard and it was in russian so he probably speaks some of it

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>Yea Forums
>without being obnoxious

Attached: This user is delusional.png (900x676, 410K)

>point gets refuted
wew lad

Not him lol fuck off schizo

U fags can leave and never return ur the ones trying to fit in actually kys fags

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What I don't get is how most eceleb threads are deleted but sseth threads are left up. His discord literally shill him everytime he makes a video but the mods don't seem to care.

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Nah I'm not gonna listen to a tourist with shitty facebook memes lol fuck off

Because reddit is the equivalent of that kid in highschool that took jokes from the internet and pretended he made it up.

Littlesrly who

They are the ones that made and ran communism.


>Hears nephew say profit is theft in the distance
You commies don't deserve death, you deserve a stage on Broadway

in what cause has the zealot been a good or an advancement. If you really want to effect change evaluate your method.

I found it on google images but keep crying faggot I think joker looks sexy as a furry keep being bootyblasted ya gaYlord

Attached: DA179464-32E5-4D63-96A0-E0D199AC921C.jpg (894x894, 88K)

No, nowadays is Yea Forums stealing memes from my favorite twitter pages, without any shame or anything. Yea Forums is a nigger of social medias, who's stealing everything from the meme factories

>They are the ones that made and ran communism.
sure thing, poltard, tell me, an actual russian with a degree in history who saw the aftermath of the collapse of the ussr firsthand who ran communism and who was opposed to it

I hope his spine gets better soon, I want his pathologic 2 review.

Your the tourist here faggot an hero anytime fedoratard

I just want to know what game is in the background of this picture?


>google images
>facebook filename
Yeah lmao sure
Nah, you can too go fuck yourself

I am telling you.

Those are just the unironcally and actually underaged fags your retard

Underrail review soon.

this is very dangerous dumb slut

>my sites are dindu nuffin
Fuck off, twitter is a god damn content vulture.

Fuck off tourist
>Facebook file name
Actually retard it’s from my phone but u seem to know a lot about Facebook so maybe u should go back and seeing how bootyblasted of a fag u are about this shows ur the retarded tourist kys

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The biggest subreddits are the face of reddit. There are plenty of weird subs that dont fit, but they are slowly geting killed by the tyranny of the majority.
Its like saying leftists browse /pol/.

fuck off tranny
porn posting has always been a thing

Are you sure you are in the right place you faggot?

hey hey people
Sshill here

I'm not on a discord, I shill him cause I like his videos. Stop being a nigger.

Imagine shilling someone for free. You're worse than even the most aids ridden nigger. Kill yourself you pondscum.

Why do you people hate this faggot so much? He suggests Yea Forums core games like God hand and gets more people to play it and uses /pol/ memes. Are we being looked at for Twitter screencaps or something?

>don't like something
>call it reddit
>I have argument!
zoomer subculture war

>he does it for free
lmao. have some self respect

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I don't care what any of you faggots say. Nothing will ever top Tryndamere ganks Malzahare

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All he needs to do is have a Smash review then the smashfaggots would finally stop making these threads.

He makes good reviews and has more charisma and better taste in vidya than all of nu-Yea Forums combined.
Can't wait until he makes reviews of Diablo II and Total Annihilation.

>He's absolutely redpilled, and can help redpill more people to our side.

Nu-Yea Forums is restera what else is new

I still don't get why this guy makes Yea Forums so ass hurt. Of all the youtubers that make nods to Yea Forums humor, why does this one bother you so much? Of the videos I watched by him they're better than 99% of youtube content.

because he's funny
now fuck off

>I like him because he uses Yea Forums memes and doesn't abide by the dictatorial PC comedy limitations imposed online. He's absolutely redpilled
>can help redpill more people to our side.
-oh... you're one of these guys...

This. Fuckers running around defending breastfeeding on twitch, lootboxes, and devs scamming players is the norm here. Now we have posts about disliking racism, porn and games like God Hand ON Yea Forums its fucking retarded. Where the hell is W.T. Snacks to nuke this hellhole.

Fallout 4

>pirating any media is completely fine
>stealing some shitty youtube clips for background gameplay is complete kikery though!!!
It's not hard to record your gameplay and upload it, fags who screech about using other people's mundane gameplay clips without crediting them are fucking autistic.

>been here since 06
Bull fucking shit you have candyass

We have pro-corporate fags too. Don't know if it's larp or not at this point


Guardians of the Ember

>Why do we like him again?
His cool memes.

Unironically this.

Yea Forums not nu-Yea Forums

So they aren't Yea Forums core, case closed.

Dunkey should legit kill himself, his videos have to be the least funny "ironic" shit I've ever seen.

>spends sponsor money to commission porn
>if the game is not on sale anymore he posts a torrent link for the game
>gives his own CD KEY for people to try the game

It's sad that what is considered Yea Forumscore games nowadays is Paladins and Fallout 4. Man has this place fallen.

>seth post a video about an old game
>2 days later Yea Forums is flooded with posts about how they liked the game for so long and totaly didnt saw it on his chanel
>4 days later Yea Forums is complaing about seth and how much of a reddit fag he is

Telling you now it's the same fanboys that are defending donkey.
Keep saying it

You must be new here

why do you not like "character action games"


What about if you eat shit and stop using images of my Kaguya? thank you and kill yourself.

>you were banned for replying to an off-topic thread
It's all so tiresome

That's the opposite of what I just said

spot on.

I'm surprised people like him still exist, I thought fedoras and trenchcoats went out of style years ago.

It's the cycle of people that like a game that want to talk about it then the contrarians come storming in to whine that they're fun is not real because of some dumb reason.

I actually like him but mostly for his editing and not his commentary in his videos.

I fucking hate this website

>chan culture is reddit

>unironically defending one of the worst leftist, censorship, normie shitholes on the internet

>reddit bad!

Attached: 1326299627375.jpg (288x282, 34K)

just replace "reddit" with "I don't like"

nice larp fag

If more than 100 people know about something it's immiedietly reddit and therefore bad
I used to like Touhou but then i saw it being posted on reddit and decided i hate it
I only play games from gamejolt that have no downloads to avoid being filthy redditor like you redditors

reddit-tier post

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Damn OP used the r-word. Now I have to stop enjoying this thing in my desperate attempt to fit in.
