Steam Workshop support for Rivals of Aether
>Steam Workshop support for Rivals of Aether
Finally, the Smash Bros MUGEN we always wanted but never really asked for.

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Got this for free on xbone. It's shit

>there are people already starting

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Can't wait to see the entire Smash Flash 2 roster get ported.

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so you can make a fighting penis now?

oh shit i can actually start playing this game again. thank you based dan

That actually sounds interesting but I guess it's the eternal conundrum of low playerbase thus no new players want to join and thus we'll have a lack of content.

oh FUCK that very well may happen. That's awesome.
I hope it does though and it's not just a whole lot of hype for nothing considering how dead this game is.

Holy fuck time to import every scott pilgrim character

I hope I'd be able to play as pic related

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Holy fuck yes! Don't forget the LISA stage either, whatever it could possibly be.

I’m cautiously optimistic. It obviously won’t be even close to being as customizable as MUGEN, but if it doesn’t support custom stages and/or there’s crippling limitations with characters, it’ll be quickly dropped.
I hope that people don’t focus too much on Smash ports, there could be a lot of potential for new and different characters.

Seeing as the game's audience is furries who just happen to enjoy Smash Bros, there will be pleeeeeeenty of OCs inbound.

>smash flash 2 roster + crusade roster

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So, what stupid characters will you make for Rivals?

Give us a ring when he's in.

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Finally, I don't know why there hasn't been a game that's done this sooner. SSF2 has modding, but the developers are really bitchy about it and treat it as a sin to mention.

Is there any doubt left that Rivals is the best PC platform fighter?

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>tfw people start making shit like rare akuma or ronald mcdonald for roa

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Pretty sure custom stages are a thing since i'm pretty sure this stage isn't actually in the game

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with what pixel program did they use to make the sprites? asking for a potential fighter.

>Rivals already btfo smash in gameplay department
>now the roster will be better as well
Now I can finally fight marth as furry marth.

I could get behind this but still, furries.

I could be wrong, but I think it's all done within Game Maker.

>Game Make

this time we make it better

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This is a meme feature. The actual news is that rollback netcode, supporting 4 player online, starts next week

>furry marth
I just realized she basically is lucina in story but marth in gameplay

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Clairen is a she? Next your going to tell me Absa is male.

Nah they're both girls.