Did I ruin my first darksouls playthrough?

I bought darksouls remastered and started it a almost 2 weeks ago, but I kept getting interrupted with family shit (19 btw). My friend literally kept hammering into me to buy it and stream so he could watch me suffer. I'm nearing the end of the game at currently 94 or 96 and I just finished the dlc, and all that's left is kill the dragon in the dlc, kill gwyndoilin, and kill gywn. I didn't bother with a single guide except now and that was to find gywndolin. Basically all my time comes pure wandering (Also falling off shit) around for hours trying to go back to find shit like where the lord soul areas are through in game hints and subtle hints. Only did a handful of summons with practically solaire because he's the sun man. These were at the sewer monster, orenstien/smough, moonlight butter fly, and queleg and it was 1 summon phantom. The rest I beat solo and maybe some dumbass luck like seath the scaleless. I've been mainly running a heavy hitter str, end, health, dex, and some resistance build because I thought that would be my preferred playstyle. I didn't bother with the drake sword. I mainly used the raw halberd, and now I'm using maxed black knight weapons. I Never bothered with back stabs and parrys because I suck at doing them. Also fuck artorias.

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>didnt use guide
>knows drake sword

Well people kept telling telling me to shoot the tail. I didn't go back till much later, like after I got the lord vessle and I tried to use the bow but after awhile I only gave shit to just kill the dragon

I didn't mean to make this a wall of text but I wanted to be thorough

Sounds like you had a good time, I dont see how you ruined it.

Is this bait?

>blind playthrough with no guide
>minimal summoning
>forgoes the meme sword
>uses Halberd, a patrician weapon of choice
>doesn't cheapen the game experience by exploiting back stabs

Nigger this is word for word how the game SHOULD be played the first time. No one will tell you otherwise. The only words of advice I would give is stop using Black Knight weapons, because they're a bit OP and killing bosses without them is more satisfying. Also, stop leveling resistance, it's useless.

>d-did I play good??
Why do you need validation so much?
You had fun with the game? Yes? Nice, that's all that matters

it wasn't blind, he basically had his chat to serve him as a guide

Why are you talking so funny

Not gonna read all this shit, kill yourself, underage.

Are you actually serious lads? I only figured because I thought I was leveling to much but it was only to use weapons that required the right stats like the dragon great axe, and other things like orestein's spear. And I'm using the black knight weapons because I recently just got them like the halberd, after finishing of the tomb of the giants, and the big black knight sword after exploring around the first kiln. I did get the other black knight sword back at the asylum. After I understood the upgrading system that's what I've been doing before I killed nito. And no this is not bait but I do think back stabs are really gay when some nigger invades

Actually no one talked during chat it was literally my one friend watching while he played other shit. And I was using mixer because I was on console

it's manly because everyone says your first darksouls experience is so sacred and it can be ruined by doing shit like cheeses, constantly knowing what to expect via a literal 1 for 1 walkthrough, and other shit so idk and yes I had fun all through out. Though the ds community can be really autistic about shit.

some people did watch but they literally said nothing and I was willing to just straight up talk. Guess no one like interacting

I love how I get some responses and I respond and answer some shit. then nothing feelsgood

yeah you ruined your game
should just restart save for black knight haldebard until it drops then rape everything and point down during invasions after you backstab them

top kek

If you plan to play the other games, I recommend to try and figure out the bosses on your own, even if the first attempts fail. Two players is extremely broken, since aggro ping pong makes a lot of encounters pretty obsolete, it's fun for multi-bosses/group encounters though. Still, stop worrying to play "wrong" unless you have no motivation to progress in the first place and just look everything up. If there is a way to use the game environment to your advantage, take it

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I did figure every boss out, and noone told me how to beat a boss in any particular way. They just let me do it on my own many, many, times through my own fuck ups. I've never been afraid of death in games and it's a big part of the learning in this game and I only summoned solaire and never summoned an actual person. I intend on playing the rest of the series and sekiro. As said in the post I only looked 1 boss encounter because it was the last optional one I could do before finishing the game and I'm at the end so why not just finish it.

Good to hear, Solaire is a bro. Have fun figuring out the other games, They are all different from each other and yet the same

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why does everyone use the zewinder if I may ask? I only bothered to upgrade it for the divine upgrade achievement. Though I don't use it because it's to slow for my taste. I'm curious

Well, it was in this one meme that got sort of big once upon a time, but the zweihander has massive reach, does huge damage, and will pancake most lesser enemies.
Once you learn the timing and spacing to make good use of it, it will bend the game over its knees and slap it silly.

It's easily obtainable at the start of the game, a great quality build (str/dex) weapon and for me personally the DS1 Zweihander just "feels" the best of all the games. Maybe that's also because I like to change up my attacks instead of spamming only one attack
It also looks pretty good in cutscenes

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>i figured out how to play game
>headpat please

give me all your headpats

I also did minimal summoning in mt first playthrough, the only bosses I remember using it were O&S (obviously) and Gaping Dragon, the rest were pretty straightforward. DS1 is the only game that’s possible to solo everything with every class, in DS2-3 only magic users have a fairly good time with bosses while melee get in the ass.

Play the game as you see fit, disregard what anyone else tells you because it's a individualistic kind of experience and you should play it as such.

I had the reverse experience with my magic using characters, especially if the enemy has a lot of resistance or is pretty fast overall. It's enjoyable for what it is, but I prefer melee overall, since the general flow is more pleasant

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I'm still part way through my first DS1 run (most recent boss kill was Artorias, and I went to the DLC straight after finishing anor londo). I'm not using a guide, but I have a very experienced friend giving me a nudge here and there (not much though, he's a purist) and in general I've picked up a fair bit of knowledge from seeing it discussed over the years. I haven't summoned anyone for any boss except the gargoyles (and an NPC which trivialised Moonlight Butterfly, unfortunately).

However, I'm still not sure I'm really playing it properly. I got a black knight greatsword from the first one I encountered and it's been upgraded to +5 since I killed quelaag. I'm also playing completely naked, not worn any armour at all in the playthrough. As a result I'm in a really weird glass cannon situation and some bosses are much harder and some much easier. For example, I killed Ornstein and Smough, without a summon or a guide or anything, on my second attempt - but then soon after when I went to start the DLC I got shat on at least five times by the Sanctuary Guardian.

Am I memeing it up too hard for a first run, or should I stop worrying about it? I've also recently got a Greatshield of Artorias which I'm worried is going to trivialise things (or at least be a crutch in many situations).

>did I play the game right

As a full time try hard min maxing faggot who gives a fuck. Did you enjoy it? I abuse game rules because I find it fun. Did you have fun? Then you played it right. Tell your boyfriend to go easy on you, he's clearly brain washing you into believing a dodge and slash game is gonna be a transcendent experience.

>and some resistance
Note for the future, in Dark Souls 1 this stat is completely useless, never put any levels into it. It's SUPPOSED to provide poison resistance but doesn't, and you can just cure poison with easily-farmable or purchasable moss, no need to invest in this.

Otherwise I don't see how you ruined your playthrough, looks like you had fun.

Stop worrying, it's fine.
You maybe want to check back on the areas that you unlocked after O&S, since the DLC is probably harder than most of the normal game bosses and it might be more enjoyable to keep the last portion of the DLC until you're almost done with the main game. Just a suggestion, but keep in mind that the game ends with the death of the last normal game boss and you can't choose when to move to NG+.

I think I'll keep going through to the end of the DLC - with how much my build has distorted the usual experience I'd like to seize the opportunity for something challenging before I level any higher, I don't mind so much if the rest of the game is relaxed by comparison. And who knows, there may still be some bosses that give me a surprising amount of hassle - I think I remember hearing Nito is a huge pain if you've got no poise, for example, which could make him tricky to fight while naked.

Sounds good, some people are just a bit surprised after they leveled a lot in the DLC and then wonder why they are so strong

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>I bought darksouls remastered
yes, you ruined your first dark souls playthrough.

>Deal with shitty DSFix and crappy draw distance
Dark Souls Remastered is an excellent way to get into the game, especially with its slick 60 fps and quality of life changes. And you can actually see shit in it.

I'm curious was artorias hard for you because for me It took 30+tries and I did get his moveset down but the sheer damage he can produce leaves little room for error

I think it took me around a dozen tries, maybe. The kill was very clean, it just clicked that I needed to stay close to him to stop him enraging, where and when and how I could get a hit in safely, when I should block and when I should dodge. Think I only had to use three estus.

I'm not sure how much of a crutch the Greatshield of Artorias was though. With it, I could block pretty much infinitely, only if he did his jumping stab attack when I was already lowish on stamina was there ever any threat of him getting through it. On the other hand, you can't kill him without attacking and you can't do that without lowering the shield, so you still need to learn how to attack safely - maybe it didn't actually make an enormous difference.

Yeah that how it was for me I'm still using an upgraded divine heater shield and a maxed black knight halberd I recently got and I tried take my chances to attack after he swung and move side to side and roll under when he does that big ass leap. though I got so pissed I just said fuck and immediatly went for a large heavy attack after he got out of his buffing phase and kept moving to avoid his swings and pulling out good chunk damage. Though my stamina pool was hurting a lot because I didn't have enough to keep up with his relentless attacks.