Which will release first? The next Metal Gear, or the next Splinter Cell...

Which will release first? The next Metal Gear, or the next Splinter Cell? Ubisoft signed a deal with Oculus to release Splinter Cell and Assassin's Creed VR games but we have no idea how far into production they are. Konami have likely had a new Metal Gear in production since 2017-ish.

Attached: MGS.jpg (1280x720, 127K)

Other urls found in this thread:


metal gear solid is dead
splinter cell is on its way out
only mobile games and shitty spinoff movies exist in their future

>Konami have likely had a new Metal Gear in production since 2017-ish.
based on what are you making that estimation?

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MGS6 comes out Nov 8.

b-b-but muh demon edition leaks!

2017 was when they made the decision to delay Metal Gear Survive to add singleplayer, and they also started revamping their internal development studios. Also the lead programmer from MGS1-3 returned to the company to work in their console gaming division. It's no coincidence that Konami also greenlit stuff like the new Contra in 2017-early 2018. Between 2015 and 2017, Konami was in a lull. But they've been out of it for a while.

A new Metal Gear is in production. We just don't know how long it has been in production, exactly. 2017 is a likely date, though. It would have begun production alongside the campaign for Survive.
>metal gear solid is dead
Ubisoft are contractually obliged to make a Splinter Cell game for Oculus.

Reminder that Konami were working on assembling a new Metal Gear team before MGS V was even released.

Yea, how do people not know that Ubisoft are making a Splinter Cell VR game? It was in a fucking press release A MONTH AGO TO THE DAY.

As far fetched as it sounds that they would try to salvage mgsV by revamping it in this 'demon edition' news that's been floating around lately, is it realistic for them to try that first before making a 'new' metal gear?

The modern market is tricky. Remember when Rockstar released GTA V? And then they refused to make GTA 6? Instead, they released a next generation version of GTA V and pivoted it into being a live service game. They have added so much content to GTA V over the years. And it has made them obscene amounts of money through microtransactions.

Konami have a lot of money. They're not like Capcom who were borderline bankrupt until a few years ago. But the question is how much money they're willing to spend to make more money. Part of the problem with Konami is trying to take ownership of Metal Gear. To make it firmly KONAMI's Metal Gear and not Hideo Kojima's Metal Gear. To shed the baggage. This is why the rumour about Demon Edition is thought provoking. The truth about MGS V is that it is divisive as fuck. People love it, but they also aren't quite happy with it. A version of MGS V that lived up to their pre-release fantasies would win a shitload of goodwill for Konami while costing way less than a new Metal Gear. Even a re-release of MGS V for next generation with Kingdom of the Flies tossed in alongside some general design improvements would earn them goodwill. They need to carefully shift the atmosphere of the room so that their Metal Gear Solid 6 won't get a whiny fanboy downvote campaign against it. Because that is a risk. Even if MGS 6 is amazing, there's a risk that people will shit on it out of blind loyalty. Kinda like how Ironside/Chaos Theory fans sabotaged SC: Blacklist with a super vocal hate campaign. Their hatred had an impact on sales. They surrounded the game with negativity and deflated the hype balloon. Konami don't want that. They want to make lots of money.

If Konami remastered MGS 4 for modern platforms would people actually buy it? Because it's one of those games that older fanboys rave about, but it's basically a movie. A really bad movie with gameplays bits in between. Remember that chase sequence where the car drove along and there was a load break every time it rounded a corner? WHEEEEEEE! How do you sell a game like that to a modern audience?

orienting it more towards fanboys is usually easier than aiming for a wider, modern audience, mainly considering that 4 *does* tie in by a fair amount with the previous releases and whatnot, which would probably make things more confusing for newer players. and if not for the story itself, there's definitely still some cash to be made from MGS4's MGO.
this is a pretty good rundown. sequel expectations are always fairly high and trying to meet them - especially in MGS' case, considering all the lore 'n whatnot - is quite a bit fucky. if MGS5 *is* a thing, it would make sense; rather than instantly moving onto a sequel, Konami still has to tie up the whole time period between TPP and MG1, which didn't really feel finished in the first place.

This is a good analysis. Releasing a new edition of MGSV is also a good way to test the waters and see if making MGS6 is a risk worth taking.

>Konami has to make KONAMI's metal gear

When worded that way it brings to mind other series that ended up going down similar paths.David Jaffe didn't work on god of war 3 and Nu god of war's changes were overall well received.

FF on the other hand, Sakaguchi left off with XI, though 12 turned out pretty good, the subsequent games ended up kinda average or divided the fanbase.

Guess now its Konami's turn to see if they can make one of their series still good with Kojima gone. But as an user up there said they did get potentially the next-best person working on it so it does kinda give some thoughts that they won't try to put out a full blown sequel. Survive wasn't that bad overall, they probably just wanted to do a spinoff for the sake of it, see how it would do, but people hit them with the 'WHAT? MG WITHOUT KOJIMA? WTF KONAMI' brigade. Guess it will be interesting to see what really will happen next.

OP mentioned it. Also I doubt it'll be anything more than a basic "Puzzle Stealth Room" game since everything Oculus signs now they'll want to be compatible with Quest also, which means phone-tier hardware restrictions

On the bright side, at least Ironside will probably voice Sam.

Are MGS redditors the most pathetic community ever in Yea Forums? A story focuses franchise with shit gameplay, where the story makes no sense whatsoever, a franchise that has been milked so hard that its been turned into a zombie survival grindfest, whos plot ended 10 years ago, and they keep asking for more.
Not to mention the pretentious conspiracies that come before each game comes out about how its going to be the most mind blowing thing ever, only to always end up being the most mundane game ever.
Im almost excited for a game actually being made, that game being even worse than any MGS of the past 10 years, and then hear you ask for even more.

>they probably just wanted to do a spinoff for the sake of it
Yeah, Konami totally didnt force them to make a cheap cash in to try to get money from the zombie fad going back then.
Metal Gear is dead and it feels good. No other franchise in videogames deserved death more than MGS, not even COD or Assassins Creed.

>a franchise that has been milked so hard that its been turned into a zombie survival grindfest
Why is this your benchmark and not "literal card game"? Since when was it unusual for developers to make horror spinoffs? Did the Red Dead series go off the rails with American Nightmare?

Right, Acid was a thing too. So what, you are not going to stop until MGS is a battle royale full of lootboxes?
In fact, forget that, I bet you MGS redditors would go

Its been a pleasure seeing MGS get killed and its corpse pissed on.
MGS has left a very cancerous legacy.

>Yeah, Konami totally didnt force them to make a cheap cash in to try to get money from the zombie fad going back then.
Why are you smoking? What "cheap cash in"? What "zombie fad"? Days Gone is one of the best selling games of the year. Dying Light 2 is coming out soon. Dead Island 2 is coming as well. RE2 Remake sold millions. Capcom have something like 3 new RE games in development.

Metal Gear Survive was MGO DLC originally. They wanted to release it standalone. This is why they announced at Gamescom 2016 with a 2017 release date. But they changed their mind, and pushed the release back by another year so that they could create the singleplayer campaign for the game.

That is the literal opposite of a "cheap cash in". I am bewildered how many people spout absolute horseshit when it comes to Konami. What the fuck? Was Fallout New Vegas a "cheap cash in"? Was Majora's Mask a cheap cash in? Was KOTOR II a cheap cash in? Why aren't spinoffs allowed to be spinoffs anymore?

Days Gone was a PS4 exclusive, it was going to sell no matter what, even The Order sold.

And yes, a zombie survival game using a franchise's name is a cash in.
And no, New Vegas was a almost a sequel, Majoras Mask and KOTOR 2 were sequels.

Not that I care, it was called Metal Gear, so I wanted to see it fail. After MGSV's undeserved success, it felt good to see the franchise fall apart.
RIP in hell, MGS, nobody will miss you.

There is no need in another MGS.

MGSV is a pinnacle.

>Not that I care, it was called Metal Gear, so I wanted to see it fail.
In other words, you're an idiot.
>And yes, a zombie survival game using a franchise's name is a cash in.
So you consider Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare to be a "cash in"?
>Days Gone was a PS4 exclusive, it was going to sell no matter what, even The Order sold.
The so-called "zombie fatigue" is a myth. Zombie games consistently sell very well every year with no indication of slowing down. People are not tired of them. The people who claim audiences are tired of zombies also tend to claim that audiences are gonna get tired of open world games aaaaaaany day now even though this clearly isn't true.
>Majoras Mask and KOTOR 2 were sequels.
How exactly is Majora's Mask a sequel, but not Survive?

No, MGS is a terrible franchise that has had a terrible impact in the industry making people think they should focus games on the plot. It deserves an uneventful death and to be forgotten. Fortunately, MGS is only remembered in Yea Forums

And yes, Undead Nightmare didnt bring any innovations, it was Rockstar trying to make money out of all the myths about their games.

This shit is very probably fake, but even if it is, there's 100% a new MG in development. Remake or new game.

People don't realize how important MG is for Konami, it's the second most selling franchise. It's not like silent hill who always had bad sales and troubled development.

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Im sure they have a couple of phone games in development.

>No, MGS is a terrible franchise that has had a terrible impact in the industry making people think they should focus games on the plot.
It goes without saying that Splinter Cell and Thief are better, but I can't imagine being this asspained about a videogame series that I'd wish it to fail.

>Im sure they have a couple of phone games in development.
Why on earth would Konami's console game divisions be making mobile games? If they want a mobile Metal Gear game, they have teams for that. The main Metal Gear team is a console (and PC, technically) team.

MGS, on top of having awful gameplay throughout its 30 years of history, has spawned the cancer of movie games. It deserves to die, and fortunately, it is dead.

>MGS, on top of having awful gameplay throughout its 30 years of history, has spawned the cancer of movie games.
Someone never played Wing Commander.

did any company EVER do something like that?
The closest I can think of was L4D2 which ended up being a remake of L4D1 with all the DLC.

Remember when Konami released an unfinished game called Castlevania 64? Then a year later they released a heavily remixed "finished" version called Legacy of Darkness. Atlus also re-release their games with new content to milk their waifu-loving fanbase. They did it with Persona 4, Catherine, and now Persona 5.

Selling people the same game repeatedly is a noble tradition. Most people remember Capcom and RE4, but they also made alterations to RE6, for example. The PC had a new Mercenaries mode with a much higher enemy count. The new console ports have this. Everyone takes for granted that buying RE4/5/6 sways Capcom towards making another action RE games.

I think EA are testing the waters for a new Command and Conquer with the remasters they're working on. Similarly, the overhauled versions of Age of Empires MS have been working on (which feature significant new content) are designed to generate hype for AoE4.

>Remember when Konami released an unfinished game called Castlevania 64? Then a year later they released a heavily remixed "finished" version called Legacy of Darkness.
Imagine telling people that Konami were working on Castlevania N64: Werewolf Edition, and it was designed to fix all the complaints people had about the original version. They'd call you a liar because everyone knows Konami stopped making games in 1996.

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The hell are you talking about Konami has announced jack shit except for Contra and 1 remaster every year.

>He doesn't know
Konami tried in the past at least 5 phone mg games. But they always did shit. They kinda abandonned it.
And beside, the phone games is made by one of the division, there's 2 other on consoles games (one made last year.)

user they released more games in the last two years than in the period 2013-2015.

Before Metal Gear Solid V was released, Konami began putting together the new Metal Gear team. This team has since produced Metal Gear Survive as a side project, and considering how important Konami views Metal Gear, they are almost certainly working on the next entry in the series. Konami literally founded the rebranded KojiPro full of veteran KojiPro devs to make Metal Gear titles.

Post Yfw the bullshit rumour somehow becomes real.

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MGS is dead, and it feels really good.

>Ubisoft are contractually obliged to make a Splinter Cell game for Oculus.
If they're going to do that they better bring back the Spy VS Mercs mode from Pandora Tomorrow. I would get into VR just for that.

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Even if there's no announcement at gamescom, the next 3 months actually are pretty important.
First, there's the release of contra rogue corps, with it, we will be able to see if the mg guys also work on the other games, if not for the majority, then it would clearly reinforce the idea of a new MG in development. Then, there's the release of death stranding, we knows most of kojipro stayed at konami, but we will clearly knows who left with the credits of DS.

But I'm 100% sure they are working on something. No ideas which type of game, but they have too.

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Reminder that this quote was from 2015.
>Ryan Payton (Metal Gear Sold 4 Producer) says that what he learned from that experience is that it’s better to walk before you run, noting that he would have liked to see the rebuilt team at Konami start with a smaller project like a director’s cut version of Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain (as he calls it, a “Substance or Subsistence” version), since the original Phantom Pain ended up shipping in an incomplete state.
Kinda weird how the idea of Konami making a new version of MGS V was suggested years ago by MGS 4's producer, yet people are quick to dismiss it out of hand.

This guy left Konami right?

Yep. He moved over to Halo.

It's fucking bizarre looking at GameFAQ posts from 2009 celebrating Paytor leaving Konami because idiot weebs were obsessed by the idea that he had damaged MGS 4 with his terrible American influence. It seems like the Metal Gear fanbase has always been kinda awful and kinda prone to Kojima-worship even though people like Payton had a huge influence on the games not being dumpster fires. Can you imagine the kind of control scheme MGS 4 might have feature without Payton's input?

You know there are millions of possibilities with the metal gear franchise.
You could even take it to space.
Kinda wonder what kind of aliens we would have in a space based metal gear game

Fun fact : Kojima wasn't supposed to do mgs4. It was a Murata game first. He returned because of death treats from apeshit fans.

I love metal gear, it's probably one of my favorite franchise and I played all the games. But the fanbase isn't very good.

>he doesn't know
user, snatcher is in the metal gear universe.

And beside. Zero was very interested into aliens...

The Contra game looks pretty damn solid from a gameplay perspective. I think a lot of people initially wrote it off because it wasn't some super shiny AAA game. Hopefully it is a success and Konami are encouraged to keep putting money into some of their more niche 4/5th generation series.

No I mean like a mainline metal gear title in space.
Like how metal gear rising is

>Snake, we lied about aborting all the other clones.
>We secretly stole one and injected into it, the genes of a creature that we found in Area 51.

The new Contra seem like a minor project. Even the director said it, but he didn't seem bothered by that. Contra is far from popular nowadays. Even in the early 2000 it wasn't very popular.
Contra fans seem happy though.
Play zone of the enders user.

>Konami start with a smaller project like a director’s cut version of Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain (as he calls it, a “Substance or Subsistence” version)
Did MGS4 ever have a subsistence edition?

No. And that's largely because MGS 4 is a bloated mess of a game held together with string.

I still play to completion from time to time, though.

Konami could have three games ready by now

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When are they finally getting these dev tools in TPP? I can't fucking wait modfags!

Remember that shit.
>look how easy it is to build maps in Fox Engine
>game comes with two boring maps that we've known in and out by the time it released.

Easy? Have you ever touched a map editor? Thats how every single one of them works.

The next MG probably will be a lot more linear than V.

Survive story mode, while still open world, was far less open. Afghanistan was cut in half, had a lot of modified zones. Some new ones added and some removed.

And Africa from Survive was more similar to a mgs3 map structure than V.

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is MGO is still alive?

Mgo3 was already dead in 2016. They never finished the other planned dlc. Survive made standalone probably is the reason of this. (survive was supposed to be multi-player only first, and the first footage looked heavily like mgo3.)

you sure knows a lot of stuffs

I'm only theorizing. But it would make the most sense

Bros lately these days the song nuclear comes to my mind all of sudden....it have to mean something right?

You are waiting for a new metal gear subconsciously.
Or you are going crazy.
Maybe both.

Off the top of my head there's the Special Edition of Devil May Cry 4 which is very similar to this situation. Also arguably REmake after the backlash against RE6.

you fags didn´t watch the e3?

The pc engine mini is huge in Japan. And the final lineup is pretty damn good.
It was never an huge thing. The people hyped it for nothing when even Konami said it wasn't very big.

The Paaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaine

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I'm fucking hyping for the gamescom announcement when I know it won't happen.
Why I am doing this?

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Never give up hope user. Hope is all we have.