How is this? Is it worth pirating?
How is this? Is it worth pirating?
My favorite game of the last ten years. The jobs are fun, there's some broken combos, but if you're not looking for them you won't accidentally break it. Me and a friend played it around the same time with completely different job builds and both had a great time. Being able to adjust encounter rate is the most godly feature any JRPG has ever had, definitely use it, or there are some parts of the game that will feel awful to get through, this feature greatly helps in alleviating it. Story is decent, characters are cool, Ringabel and Edea in particular.
It repeats itself 5 times over before it ends.
>bravely censored
Gave up on it the moment it tried pushing microtransactions for extra turns
Big if true
Only $1.50 for three turns, how can you say no?
Why the fuck haven't we heard about some Bravely on Switch since the teasing
You know how ghost'n goblins makes you play the whole game again before you can reach the final boss?
Well, this game does the same things, except it does it five time, and it's a jrpg.
It's amazing. Best FF game.
Stay away from Bravely games. Get 4 Heroes of Light instead.
Great game
I have both Bravely Default and its sequel. I've been told that the game is fun but you have to do a NG+ to actually beat the real final boss, how does that work?
After a certain point in the game you have to beat the main 4 bosses multiple times for spoiler reasons. Each cycle of the 4 bosses powers them up and also provides you with remixed challenges in the form of all the other bosses paired in various ways which are optional but very fun.
It's not a very graceful way to pave the way to a game's end but it does make sense plot wise and the extra challenge is very welcome considering the depth of the job system.
Also the final boss is absolutely worth it.
So it's not just a shitty pretext to make the game long to beat then? And does that mean you also have to explore the same dungeons and areas again? I'm trying to see how this works, I have a lot of JRPGs I want to finish and some of them are pretty long.
Nah exploration doesn't really happen in the repeat chapters. The world has already been explored mostly and it doesn't really change at all but there is nothing stopping you from just turning encounters off and rushing to the actual boss fights.
Also nothing stopping you from turning them all the way up and grinding job points and/or experience points really fast to gain access to all the jobs on all the characters.
There are tons of strategies to come up with so if you're interested in the gameplay at all there's a lot of fun to be had. If not you can just speed through quickly as well but you'll need to grind a little bit to see the end.
>So it's not just a shitty pretext to make the game long to beat then?
No? There's a good story reason for it with one of the best pay offs I've seen in a game. It literally adds maybe 3 hours game time to a 35-40 hour JRPG, and 30 minutes of that is part of the pay off
>And does that mean you also have to explore the same dungeons and areas again?
You run straight to the boss, you don't do the dungeons again.
I never beat the first one. I was too obsessed with doing side content and optional bosses without grinding. I was on the l last 'restart' and was facing odd mixes of teams. Last one I faced had the Dark Knight and others.
You can disable random encounters at any moment and dungeons are rarely long.
But having to repeat cycles is super annoying still.
It has acualy story reasons for doing so but it still feels like padding for a game that needs no padding.
Yeah some of those fights are hard as fuck to do if you're not lvl 99.
I played uncensored and barely anything changes. I had to actually look up what was I gaining with it.
It's that sort of problem I have with JRPGs where I get worried if I end up overleveled. I should bite the bullet and at least get like four or five more, or try to grind some skills that'd be worth it.
BD is great because it lets you grind for JP only so you can have all the abilities without the stat padding from being at lvl99. I totally maxed out everyone's jobs in order to come up with plans to clear out the final gauntlet of optional combos but I did it at 80 something on hard.
I mean the only fights that require serious grinding is the asterisk boss rushes in eternia. Holy fuck i detested the magic fight. How are you supposed to get past that without stillness abuse?
Chapter 8 has god tier fights. Prove me wrong
Ok thanks, I've been told things like how half of the game is repeating the same things just to beat the final boss and that was misleading.
I think I did a x2 swordmaster, time mage and performer thing with lots of reraise,buffs and counters on that fight if we're talking about the same thing.
Stillness is a crutch, seen lots of people complain about how it's too good but if you can find a better way all it really does is slow fights to a boring crawl.
Tbf it was the only time i used it. Every other fight i went full dps using dk edea with lifesteal and rage. Shit even cleared the super baal fights
Oh man I used DK a fuckton during my playthrough and I only found out that lifesteal can synergize with its skills after I had beaten the game. Felt dumb. I really like that about this game.
The synergy between classes is glorious. Even better in second when using wizards rain + meteor.
>My favorite game of the last ten years.
Why do you type Yikes? I know it's ironically but still, why do you do it?
Followed by ellipsis no less.
It's 100% a child.
only correct post ITT
Play pic related, it's much better.
>older game good
>like how half of the game is repeating the same things
Yeah that's shitposting, Yea Forums does that a lot
Nah OT has far too much disconnect in it's story. It feels like reading a book but all the chapters are mixed up, and none of the characters interact with anyone from a different chapter.
At EVO 2019 the Soul Calibur producer said 6 started production in 2015, games take a while.
>'ve been told that the game is fun but you have to do a NG+ to actually beat the real final boss, how does that work?