What's the point of this character? He's retarded, just for the sake of being retarded, a character like him should've been a minor vilain, not one of the main characters.
Target for edgy teenagers
Retards are a large percentage of the GTA fanbase, no surprise they would make a character for them.
I figured he was meant to represent what GTA was about just a psychopath commiting a string of crimes. Like kind of like a nod back to the old games before they started trying to make a deep story.
he's a canadian hipster, literally one of those "locals only" guys who gets mad at the dumbest shit. by the end of the game he's just a turbo dork and even more funny he and michael reconcile in a 5 minute talk in the car.
> Like kind of like a nod back to the old games before they started trying to make a deep story.
What? None of the GTA protagonists were this braindead, even the mute fucker from 3 never killed people for nothing like Trevor.
Better than the whiny nigger or the fat ass (((angloid))). Better than the moronic spic, the white trash New Jersey Jew, or the disgusting Slav too.
>we want the rick and morty audience
Anybody who thinks Trevor is edgy or dumb don't fucking understand anything about Grand Theft Auto.
How the fuck is Trevor edgy when every other character you play as does the same exact shit, but acts like they dont? At least Trevor has moments of accepting what he is and moments of clarity.
Claude is more edgy than him. Not talking like some le badass and killing more people than a war. Trevor at least feels sadness and loves his fucking friends.
>I don’t like them because they aren’t white
People here take themselves too seriously so they're more likely to identify with the 100 variations of R* sarcastic hardass protagonist
written like a true edgy teenager
>implying a fucking leaf is better than any of those
>a character like him should've been a minor vilain
Unironically this
Character's evolution was odd tbqh
Trevor embodies the player's desire to do random fucked up shit in the GTA world. out of all the characters he makes the absolute most sense to run down hoards of people and blow shit up because someone made him a little angry. a character like him should've been added to the GTA universe sooner. i hope he's somehow apart or at least referenced in the next game.
>How the fuck is Trevor edgy when every other character you play as does the same exact shit, but acts like they dont?
That's straight up a lie, you fucker, Franklin literally talks about knowing that he enjoys blowing up people, but don't think what's he's doing is anything good. Michael knows he's fucked up, hence why all the shrink missions.
>make protagonists monsters who try to justify their actions and are ignorant to who they really are
>make protagonist a self aware monster
Yeah it's a video game, CJ get framed for killing an officer and goes on to slaughter a billion cops and niggers only to get a slap on the wrist when he gets busted. I like Claude because he's a silent gunman that will do anything for money, Trevor is just an annoying faggot.
I agree he would have been better off as a villain.
>tfw Michael could’ve been more relatable if his family wasn’t so poorly written to be shitty. There aren’t any positives about his family.
>His lowlife piece of shit son drugs his dad nearly killing him and blames all of his problems on him because of it
>daughter is a fucking whore
>wife tried to cuck him and is the worst one out of the 3
>all have almost no likable traits about them
how did CJ not make the ghetto so much better with all the niggers he killed?
>making the protagonist an obnoxious meme spouting edgelord to ""fix"" a gameplay/narrative gap that nobody cares about
>the cannibalist, torturer that killed a random john that helped him during his heist and his gf is not edgy
The T side missions where you played border control were the best in the entire game, too bad a full blown cop GTA wouldn't work
He's not the mayor you know...
what part about you not being supposed to like Michael's family don't you get?
He's a drugged out psycho.
That's the point of him.
he's meant to contrast Michael and Franklin.
Michael let go. He let go of everything, practically sold his soul (or at least his old crew), got everything he wanted except he's still not happy.
Trevor never let go of anything. He didn't let go of his old lifestyle, he didn't let michael go free, and his current character is completely formed due to his past of committing failures, being betrayed and being abused by just about everyone in his life (Michael being one of them). He's supposed to be unrelatable, because one of the recurring themes of GTA5 was that society itself rewards people based on their public image, rather than what they do or who they really are (devin weston vs two bit car dealer from the start of the game, Steve Haines vs Lester assassinations, the list goes on).
You can't just decide the ugly side of two-face isn't worth putting on half of his face. The contrast between the two halves is the entire point. Yes, he had to be one of the main characters, or at least the main antagonist (which he was depending on the ending you chose)
(Franklin is there more or less as an observer. If you have to assign a philosophy to his storyline it's that life is hard enough as it is, and there's no real reason to ponder upon the intricacies of your lifestyle. It's why he was the one who had to choose the ending, it's also why he's the character that can be cut without actual narrative distortion. Personally I subscribe to the Franklin school of thought, if you can call it such)
Travor feels half assed. The game would've been better with just Michael. I don't even remember the generic black guy's name, I know he whined all the fucking time though and acted like he didn't want to be there. But one of the best sociopathic characters I've seen done in vidya would be the protagonist from Saints Row 2, and there were a lot of people who whined about how inhumane that character was.
I'd fuck Michael's wife. She'd be down for it.
Miranda was unlikeable as fuck, but I guess having a shitty family was more or less the point, since Michael will never be a reformed man, he deserves a dysfunctional family.
>What's the point of this character?
beeing the main source of conflict in Michael story?
without him story would just end on first heist,
Is it even possible for Michael to fuck his wife? Never tried it
>rockstar makes a heavy handed, over the top game about the elementary and surface level concepts of american greed and consumerism
>ends up becoming the same kike infested money grubbing companies they were riffing on by cheating children out of money with sharkcards and endless online DLC
The game would have been so much better if it was just Michael and his fucked up family, like GTA Family Guy
a GTA protagonist who doesn't pretend to feel guilt with his murder sprees could've been interesting, but instead we got a memey caricature who wouldn't have functioned as a stand-alone protagonist
Yet when all is said and done, Trevor is the only one with on-screen sympathy for his victims in the form of sending the FBI interogation subject to the airport.
Franklin was a lot like CJ though, he hated the hood, the other niggers that didn't want to get a better life, he basically whined only during the missions with Lamar.
one of the transition scenes implies they fuck
Don't remember Tommy Vercetti feeling any guilt, really
Think of it this way, it'll make their writers more livid for the next GTA.
Rockstar could’ve tried better at making a more believable family even a funny one like what said would’ve worked.
That ain't sympathy he just wanted to use him to spread his"message", and that dude died too at the end.
That's a no I take it
They're literally shark cards, R* smelled the blood when normalfags started eating that shit up and now they won't stop until they've milked it dry.
I like this prunejak
I could be wrong, but I remember that he didn't really want to kill Lance, because he were his friend.
I still can't forgive Rockstar for brutalizing Johnny Klebitz. I liked TLaD more than TBoGT
CJ made the ghetto worse considering he literally caused a civil war.
That's a different thing, and I agree. Trevor and the nigger should have remained secondary characters of some sort... Imagine not knowing what Trevor could do to your character, since he wasn't in your control
Hell, he might be the next protagonist for the next GTA you don't know.
lolsorandumb comedic relief
tha wasn't guilt, but more like a feeling of betrayal... the post was talking about killing sprees, anyway
playing this fgame after playing iv i quite jarring. IV is better in every way and npcs were more realistic. There's soul to iv that's lacking here.
Anyone ever wonder how hard the writer at Rockstar beat his stubby little dick while writing Trevor?
I wish I could have seen the GTAV script before Breaking Bad ruined good writing. He's the Rick & Morty of game characters
you dont get to pick your mates
but hes still your mate
not the protagonists, the player you dumbo
I feel like this makes the most sense
>but Michael having a shit family is the point!
Hard to buy Michael as being a familial retard when he's usually in the right when it comes to his family.
You could argue that he was meant to represent how the average player approached GTA, but even then what you're left with is the realization that writing being clever isn't automatically the same as writing being good.
>IV better than V
Niko is easily one of the worst GTA protagonists alongside Trevor.
is GTA4 good, is it worth a play?
It's not just Trevor that is unlikeable in GTAV. Mostly everyone is unlikeable except for characters like Franklin and Dave Norton.
Everyone has massive over-the-top personalities that are frankly, and I hate to use this word, cringy.
It's a video game you moron.
Right, but given we're in prime Euro hours they will of course chav everything the fuck up and start talking using topical horseshit like "political commentary in muh videa" ( ) or pull some dumb argument such as "why can't all characters be relatable and funny and likable" ( )
Only with mods to fix that cod filter, horrible generation where we couldn't have any colours in games.
>Better than the moronic spic
Play EFLC. It's the GTA IV atmosphere but panders to zoomers with the ethnic character, gay club owner and ridiculous missions
It's cheap, usually on sale, go for it. You'll need EFLC as well.
TBoGT is for you then. I liked TLAD's grainy filter.
He only killed the wife. She shot her husband, so it sent Trevor into a rage.
it's the worst mainline GTA game.
All money, no soul. Zero soul.
As in, if a persona game is all style, then GTA4 was the definition of NO style. The artistic direction wasn't just craving for realism, it was craving for BORING realism. It fit right in in the brown n bloom era of video game aesthetics, when the games preceded it (vice city and san andreas) tried so hard to have its distinct aesthetics. This even extended to the story, where the adventurous nature of GTA plots quickly trod to a practical stop with Niko bouncing between one crack dealer to another gangster in achieving his goals so as to simulate realism. Rockstar took all the wrong lessons of episodic content, then threw it all together expecting players to get so fed up with their repeated non-starters and non-endings to Niko's relationship with various characters in the game that they eventually stop playing. It's downright awful, it does a terrible job portraying those practically episodic characters as well, and I hold it in such low regards that I'm convince to this day that every reviewer under the sun was set for life in rockstar money the moment they gave GTA4 a score above 6/10.
Just a reminder that Niko has more named kills than Trevor. (check the wiki for the entire list, it is almost double
everything you do during free mode after the story or in between missions is considered non canon. The only exception being that if what you are doing is required for 100% completion (like collectibles and side missions etc)
not talking about their stories but only their personalities/traits alone which trio is better?
>waaah gimme a jetpack
GTA IV by a long shot.
Michael is fine but he's a crybaby.
Franklin is alright I guess.
Trevor is a literal black hole of good writing and likeability and as such drags the other two down into the depths of hell
I think Saints Row 4 is the game for you.
The guns in V are so Shitty and weightless compared to the previous games. It feels like I’m shooting a fuckin nerf gun when I use one of the pistols.
Niko has the most kills out of ANYONE in the series, and that's excluding the optional kills.
thanks lads
>San Andreas
It's just Los Santos
Johnny didn't deserve to die like that, fuck Trevor.
Take2 is selling sharkcards and making money with them
Rockstar knows that smart people will do the bogdan glitch thats why they dont ban people who use it and its never fixed while the casino glitch was fixed in 3 weeks
Hey retard TBOGT exists to play it
He's meant to be the polar opposite of Michael. He stayed true and didn't sell out his friends for money. Anyone who saying he's "the edgy character for teens" hasn't played the fucking game..
The story is boring but it's the best GTA to fuck around in because of the over the top physics system and Euphoria which has been toned down in every game since then. Interacting with NPCs is a different story every time, Sometimes if you land a punch perfectly you can knock someone out in a single punch. It's all down to the physics and the calculated impact.
He's literally the "lel so randumb" character. Anyone who likes Trevor is guaranteed to be a faggot who is either a gay faggot edgelord a few steps removed at max from a "we live in a society" type retard OR is a gay faggot pseudo-intellectual who thinks that amateurish and obvious deconstructive writing must be good and anyone who dislikes it just doesn't "get it".
when I played the game I liked Franklin, I was iffy about Michael and I disliked Trevor, by the end of the story I hated Franklin, disliked Michael and liked Trevor
Frank refuses to grow up and change, he is really shortsighted.
Michael tries his best, but is doomed to fail.
Trevor was true to his "moral" code and was able to forgive Michael
GTA5 is GTA4 done right.
GTA4 is the boring ass classical opera that everyone pretends is high culture, and not the good classical opera, it's the pre-bach shit that's just there to fill time.
GTA4 tries and pretends to be a slice of American culture, when the truth is that it's a shitty crime story set in new york.
GTA4 is what you get when people who don't understand maturity cater to people who are trying to be mature. It always skirts around the actual nature of human relationships with shortened cutscenes, and falls back on being a shitty crime story when they absolutely need to fill the gap.
GTA4 is trash from minute one to the end. It's a bad novel made into a worse videogame.
Yeah okay Herbert Moon, wanna throw in camel jockeys, krauts, rooskies, chinks, catholics, the mentally ill, the french, the west coast, the east coast and anywhere that isn't Texshash
I don't know, he's a psycho. Why do people complain about him so much? Is it because he murdered some border patrol faggots? When you see people getting all anal retentive about some game or character, it's usually because some off topics politics bullshit.
at least u can kill him off at the end
Looks like a mk18 in Trevor's hands, and either a mk12 or some AR-10 with a pretty short gas system length. The AR in this game sucked. Hopefully 6 will have better guns.
You just described 5 though, replace Jew York with Spicfornia.
I kind of agree with this but I also kind of like how Johnny and The Lost's stories ended. Personally, I think Johnny in his prime (2008) would probably be able to take out Trevor or at least not get stomped out, but you have to remember that 5 years pass after TLAD and since then, Johnny and Ashley have been doing some hard drugs and of course, that's just not good for you.
R* really wanted to make Trevor's introduction a bang by having him murder a previous GTA protagonist (as well as his closest friends/associates) and just overall, bring his club down as a joke. It takes balls to kill an important character off but I would like to think it payed off well and it fits fairly well. (for Ashley and Johnny to become junkies and die I mean. taking out most of The Lost was more work for Trevor but he still managed to do it)
Why the fuck do the cops suck so hard in this game, they never miss a shot, shoot while being shot at, they act like fucking inhuman supersoldiers, they made this WORSE in RDR2, there the constables just straight fucking ZERG you, running out of cover, in the open, up to your face, while being hit with bullets in the chest and neck just to melee you like fuck off, how hard is it to make an AI keep it's DISTANCE especially armed with hitscan weapons. Dumb, as fuck. Give the player privacy for fucks sake.
AI are braindead in RDR2, legit git gud
What the fuck are you talking about? He's the only interesting character out of those 3
Both Michael and Franklin are bland as fuck
Only people who hate him are the ones who use edgy as an insult because they don't have the balls to do anything out of the norm and they're trying to hide the fact that they're boring and cowards behind their age that's why they try to make it seem like being "edgy" is only for teenagers and they're too mature and wise for that (even though I agree he is sometimes too edgy just for the sake of being edgy but he's still the only memorable character from GTA V)
No it's not all AI, nice strawman you stupid piece of shit. Just the broken law system, it's the leasy realistic aspect of a game with too many details for realism. It's like they just slapdash the police in these games with no thought, just numbers.
Hopefully I can break through your autism, one more time, I have an issue, specifically with the responses and actions of the police and law AI, not anything else in the game, do you understand?
>complains about the indivdiulal superhuman AI troopers
>No man the whole law system you brainlet!
fuck off
I don’t give a shit about this argument I just don’t want stormtrooper enemies in the next Rockstar game. Can we have actually Ai that can think?
Fuck you
You wanna fuck?
> He's retarded, just for the sake of being retarded
like 90% of human population, so they probably tried to emulate realism
Steben Bolynu told me that spanking a child can drop their IQ and Trevor said his daddy was not nice to him so he probably had his IQ dropped by a low through abuse.
Why would Michael want his family back? His wife is a cunt who's fucked basically every person with a penis in the neighborhood and she hates Michael, his son is a retarded useless fat fuck who's not above drugging and robbing his own father and then pretending to apologize so he can go back to begging his father for more material goods, his daughter is an insufferable crack whore who'll end up dead when she overdoses before filming a gangbang with 12 niggers. Granted Michael himself is a narcissistic piece of shit psychopath with chronic depression, but that doesn't mean that it makes any fucking sense for him to want his family of retarded leeches back when all they do is disrespect, humiliate, emasculate, rob, assault and psychologically ruin him
Maybe I'll understand this when I have kids of my own, but fuck
>switch to trevor
>he's sleeping in a beach, in his underwear, surrounded by dead people
>makes some snarky remark about the situation as he wakes up
>he's the mature one guys
>Steben Bolynu told me that spanking a child can drop their IQ
try not spanking their head, dumbo
can we at least agree franklin is the blandest and shittiest of the three
he has like zero personality
he doesn't behave black enough to be considered black
lamar on the other hand is the framework for average nigger
He has much more missions that are just straight up whacking people
He insulted three white characters for being white in that post you deluded moron.
Posts like this prove that GTA5 is catered to children.
This post brought to you by dan houser
The Rockstar Fanboy Checklist (GTA5 Edition)
>the cops aren't overpowered
>the AI aren't bullet sponges
>I never bought a shark card
>you're not forced to buy shark cards
>it's not pay to win
>shills for microtransactions
>online review scores
>mission/race payouts weren't nerfed
>the prices are fine
>the controls are fluid
>name a better game
>it's Take Two not Rockstar
>lol cope
>San Andreas was overrated
>GTA5 has the best radio
>it's a single player game
>the characters are good
>Trevor is well written
>reddit spacing
>defends blowing up CEO crates online (griefing)
>Rockstar sold x amount of copies
And their personal favorite
>if you don't like it, don't play it
If you think you're arguing with a fanboy, simply resort to this checklist, call him a fanboy, then ignore him. Watch him cower and recoil as he's been found out.
All well and good until he suddenly cares about family and loyalty and torture ethics
It’s even funnier that “shark cards” started as a benign parody billboard in GTA IV, clearly meant to emphasize the predatory nature of credit lenders. Then someone at R* figured it would make a good in-universe excuse to actually swindle real people for money, probably without a hint of irony.
He's the only protagonist in the history of GTA games where every action the player can perform is logical and consistent with his characterization.
Half of them wouldn't even run down a civilian canonically. Niko would mope about it for 10 years.
Franklin was robbed. His story was rushed and they stopped developing him. Theres no actual reason for frank to stick around after the dimond heist.
The whole 3 characters thing was a mistake. Expecially when theres only 2 developed guys in the game michael and trevor who are both you. Hell everyone else gets what 1 mission maybe 2 where you kill them. You never interact with people doing multiple missions. Name somebody whos not lamar or a player character. You cant cause they are all forgetable. Even the finale kill these 3 guys their your arch enemies. Who the fuck are any of them?
When I first saw his trailer in 2013 I thought I was going to play as some anti government redneck which would've been cool. But it turned out Trevor is a literal gay faggot and he's not even American. The basis for his character was new and could've been great. There's nothing wrong with him killing indiscriminately. The problem is he acts like an immature retard any chance he gets. He just says and does stupid shit that doesn't make sense. I didn't laugh at any of the "satire" in this game either.
Rockstar is one of those capitalist corporate group of assholes that they make fun of in their own game. They're not the problem though, it's the shills that support them.
trevor isnt even dumb, he makes bad decisions but most of his actions make sense, he is unstable but he sees michael as a mentor and is extremely loyal to him, even when he confirms that michael betrayed him he still comes back to save him and refuses to help franklin kill him in the michael ending, whereas michael just betrays him with no remorse in his ending
>a character like him should've been a minor vilain
You ARE the villain you chucklefuck
Nice slam poetry, but GTAV is worse in literally every aspect you’ve just mentioned. That game’s script is the definition of phoned-in.
you have never been on a large amount of meth have you kid?
nice buzzword salad to justify that you're not retarded but it's not working, especially when you're talking about a character that has very clear motivations and struggles
Whats wrong with tervor he seems to be the only character that fits the gameplay of gta itsself
unless your some kind of faggot that stops at ever light and drives the speed limit, like those fiveM faggots.
never understood the hate for trevor of Yea Forums of all the places but then again, 4channel was Always this retarded and weird.
Honestly I thought enjoyed the plot, as much as you can enjoy a GTA plot, with just Michael and Franklin. Trevor unironically ruined the dynamic the two had.
out of the 3 trevor is the most entertaining, followed by Michael, franklin is only good when paired with other characters. Why does Yea Forums hate trevor so much? He has some of the best missions, funny dialogue, character interactions and transition screens.