oh no no no
wtf XIV bros we were supposed to kill WoW...
we were too cocky
Oh no no no
Other urls found in this thread:
return to a good game
I did like 3 months ago completed Zilart and Promathia. Refuse to level above 75 until I can't solo the story line anymore.
XI is a soft-dead game and you're not going to get that.
>Queue up for mt gulg for glamour
>Damage is almost evenly spread out among party
>ends up being something like 27% for DPS 1, 26% for DPS 2, 24% for tank and 23% for heals
I don't know why it has to be this way.
>being a womanlet race
>SE has time to make Peacock mount for Chinese and other bullshit but not extra weapons for new jobs
I see how it is.
45 different high duty parties tonight. Get bent
Chinks and Koreans usually make their own models for that, last I checked
Is that void walker?
That Thancred pic is ruined for me.
>i just spend free time to level up jobs since i'm play casual and never played hard ot paying monthly
Eden Prime. Voidwalker is the knight in a voidsent's hands on the lower-right image
Jesus Christ I forgot what a pain in the dick it was to actually log into this game.
Someone posted this on my discord.
I think it holds quite true, don't you?
>last I checked
Can you source this or even link to any article stating as such? I would imagine, and obviously speculation, that going off how other companies operate that they would make the items in-house, license them out or created due to said license and earn partial profit from it. In this case they license out the game to Korea and China with some "Timed-Exclusives" in the form of Cash Shop items that will eventually make it to the Global Build.
>Chinks and Koreans usually make their own models
If this were the case then it'd be safe to assume SE let them access to their proprietary engine to an extent as they would need access to it to work with the models. Given SE hasn't even bothered to outsource modelers from other branches to help with Viera, Hrothgar and the numerous glamours that were cut to push the expansion out of time this seems unlikely leading it back to once again the logical conclusion that things are made in-house rather than by their respective regions. The regions themselves are just allowing SE to operate and drive their game in their countries, somewhat like Warframe's start in China which led to Timed Exclusives that DE made themselves for China only before releasing it to the Global Build.
As a MNK, when do I want to use Tornado Kick instead of Six-Sided Star?
>454 items
>I like spending money
I honestly wonder at what point will these people notice the Cash Shop has gotten bigger than most of their competitors and if they still think comparing a paid game to a F2P is a valid argument in regards to cash shops
When the boss fucks off for longer than five seconds, ie drawn-out phase-changes.
I hope youre trolling nigger
>not kicking everything but the Lalafell
>forgetting that statistically speaking Female Lalafells are more likely to be good players only followed by Male Lalafells
>Y'shtola threatening to spank you
>your character is smaller than her
If only Yea Forums, if only.
How fucking desperate are you to keep posting this dude? Is your game doing this bad?
>GW2 allows you to put username and password into the shortcut so you can double-click the icon to immediately get into the game
>FFXIV makes you enter your password every time and occasionally click away patchnotes
disregarding the quality of the actual games, it's baffling how big the divide is here
The problem with posting this is that you're showing the game isn't doing well, Square send this to past subscribers only and don't tell potential new players for that reason. You're doing the opposite.
Bad look.
Is it WoW that created this "returner campaign = game is dying" meme? Because XIV has just posted record profits so there's no reason it could be doing bad, and they just want even more people back to play. I don't even have a horse in this race and you're fucking retarded.
When you can regain your stacks with Anatman without losing uptime otherwise.
dont you have enough with your daily classic is back and going home threads?
i agree both games can fuck off to their general over vg anyway
They confirmed the Umbrella mount at China Fanfest.
>first three from the left: 6’2”
>the rest: 5’11”
Mogstation soon.
The fatcat and whale were also Chinese exclusive. It will just be mog station along with the peacock shown off.
>slowly progressing through the game by mooching off free weekends
>never paid for membership, just expansions
>gook: Weight of the Continent
>en: Weight of the World
What is the FUCKING point? Is your audience too dumb to read a 3-syllabled word?
It's basic alliteration your retarded weeb, maybe go back to kindergarten english instead of trying to learn japanese from subs you disgusting heap of filth.
So for Amaurot, is there a way to get the tether mobs to tether onto the tank, or no?
NA playerbase to stupid to know what a continent is.
>counting the ears
what was it like getting dropped as a child?
Just ignore that shitty dungeon
Seeing as they didn't know what a Curaga is I wouldn't be surprised.
Others need to stay way back while the tank pulls.
What's the point anyways, if you can't deal with them tethered to DPS and the healer, you're garbage.
That statistic is heavily, HEAVILY skewed by Japanese players, western Lala players are 99% shitters.
Should have called it Continent Crush
She's okay.
keep, they're generally good.
>Au Ra
kick, even if they're good, they're all prime madonnas and the group is better off without their catty attitudes
50/50, basically Au Ra at their worst, but more competent at their best.
50/50, Highlanders are usually played by men, so expect a bit more competence than Midlanders
Keep, all the Au Ra fotm fantasias already went back and Viera are now the most competent race behind cats and potatoes
Keep, while usually terrible at endgame content, they're often played by women who do lots of crafting and gathering for the FC
absolutely kick on site, no redeeming values
it's the blue pyramid aoe that slams your entire quadrant. weight of the continent is literally the most fitting name
>keep, they're generally good.
What did she (trans) mean by this?
What's your performance on titan savage?
>inb4 posts someone else's
I want to sexually fuck a Miqo'te if you know what I mean
Weight of the World is snappier. It's been this way since 2.0. You don't even know half the spell names they've changed just for them to be more easily understandable or memorable. For poetic effect it literally doesn't matter if the strength of the move is metaphorically compared to a continent or an entire world, but they should've compared it to you, because you probably weight even more you stupid weeb.
that was my intention though
t. lalashitter
t.screeching lizards
But but my Japanese
That's the first time I ever post this
I just joined today
I'm having fun as a lala thaumaturge
A lot better than yours, greylet. Feel free to prove me wrong. You can't. inb4 you go grab a random person's orange/purple
>ywn palm y'shtola's breast and feel its weight
Go away, Runar
Why I'm writing this wall of text: Is there any reason anyone thinks my perspective is wrong? Any reason I should give this another chance?
I gave this an honest chance when the Amazon Prime offer was up but it I just couldn't keep playing. My intention was to get the beta, grind all classes to 30, the activate the key, grind to 50 until Shadowbringers arrived, and then keep going, and I would have have enough time to succeed at what I wanted to do.
I started in Gridania and was mesmerized by the little details in the NPCs and how the world was built. After quitting WoW after Warlords of Draenor's duplicity and betrayal and destruction of lore and gameplay, I thought that FFXIV was more of the same, just a different flavour, and I was right. FFXIV is a better game, but it's the same experience and a lot of things feel like a chore that you have to gruel through in order to get somewhere. As much as I enjoyed the atmosphere, it just wasn't enough to make me ignore how boring the activities are. I quit once my 30 days expired and deleted my account. Paying €12 monthly to put myself through a boring grind will only make someone acquire sunken cost fallacy mentality. It's just not worth it.
Also the playerbase was cancer. I made an a Highlander, which I assumed wouldn't be a character that brings attention to it, and still got whispers daily with a disgusting range of homosexual comments (e.g."Would you like to be my daddy?"), and grouping was even more psychologically taxing than in WoW when it god bad. For reference, I was an Odin (EU).
TL;DR: FFXIV is better than WoW, and has definitely wounded it, but no more than WoW wounded itself. Ultimately FFXIV is just a different flavour of a stale and overdone formula.
Nah nigga.
Your gripping story had me until random tells.
>just for them to be more easily understandable or memorable
As I've said, to accommodate a special needs audience.
I've been playing the EN client since release, so insecurely calling everyone a weeb because they pointed out one minor, factual inconsistency in the translation won't do you any good reddit.
>completely avoids giving an actual answer and just reduces himself to tossing shit with his bare hands like an ape at the zoo
You know what, that reaction answers my question almost as well as if you hadn't dodged so hard.
How will that other user ever recover?
Y'Shtola's Bravely Exodus CG is amazing.
Sup bros, just let your senpai know if any ascians are bullying you at school.
God I love tall women
manlet cope
I'm 6' 1"
I'm not sure what you are trying to say or imply. Do you find that the playerbase in a MMORPG is of little importance? For reference I mostly only play tank classes in any game I can (I love sword and board), so I'm generally forced to interact with people as a tank. I can't just join a dungeon party and say nothing because then accidents happen and run takes longer, and when you say something, even most basic politeness, then someone is bound to reply, sometimes in a fashion that I deem taxing, like excessive role-playing, unnecessary rudeness (e.g. I usually started with "Hello everyone." and sometimes I get immediate vitriol like "Fuck you." or "stfu").
Same. I like literally seeing eye to eye when talking to someone I like.
144 hours lmao
manlet cope
enough to remember why you aren't subbed
unlike blizzard
I logged less than 5 minutes and was already bored
Please stop posting this. It's photoshopped and never happened. And even it did happen he had a katana so there was nothing I could have done anyway.
Wait, why is Yoshi appealing to a bunch of commies who still hate his people because of muh rape?
dont you have katanas
Best Materia for DNC?
DH then Crit?
Isn't Det the best since you can't get enough of DH and Crit for this patch?
>(e.g. I usually started with "Hello everyone." and sometimes I get immediate vitriol like "Fuck you." or "stfu").
This literally never happens to me in XIV but it can happen in WoW. Why would you do that? Just go on an anonymous image board and tell lies?
Are japanese players good now or is this just weeb mentality worshipping slant eyed gooks?
Back when I played during the launch of ARR Japanese players were notoriously bad. Controller playing ps3 players who've never played an mmo before, and if they had it was XI which has completely different combat to a wow clone.
>playing DNC
kill yourself
>don't even play the game
I guess being a retard is good for saving money, though.
I take offense in you stating I'm lying, specially when I already stated that I found FFXIV a better game, so it's not like I'd even have any goal in doing so if that were the case, which is not. I haven't played WoW in a years, so I don't know how the population has changed, but I never go insulted there just for being polite. I understand rudeness and exasperation when things go awry or slow, but not just as a default state. The only other game I've seen this was League of Legends, half a decade ago.
>tallest and buffest race is brown
Why this dumb stereotype? Most africans (and brown people) are literally manlets and twinks. Europeans are the tallest race in the world. Particularly northerners are both the tallest, as well as the strongest in the world (most strongman champions and finalists come from here).
What the hell do you think I could have done with 3 katanas? The odds were against me.
>tallest and buffest race is brown
Roegadyn are more often red, orange, blue, and green you fucking idiot.
Can anyone log in for free or do you need to get the email?
How's monk now? And is New game+ in yet? I haven't played in years and want to redo the story without recreating my character.
The graphics in this game fuck with me so hard. Occasionally I'll look out over some vista and think "damn, this game actually looks pretty good" and then immediately after be assaulted with some ground texture so bad that it makes me wonder if my game install is corrupted.
the power of the ps3
yes I logged in and it gave me PTSD of the shitty slow combat and story quests
>Users who have previously purchased and registered FINAL FANTASY XIV.
>All registered service accounts are set as inactive during the campaign period.
>Registered service account must have been inactive for at least thirty days.
this is why cartoon design is the best
no vomit as ground texture
I wanted to try the game again but your posts reminded me why I quit in the first place.
I'd rather play XI or Everquest.
I want to die everyday, what job should I play?
Anything, they're all boring.
Stop wanting to die everyday
I wish.
>Make a character
>Fiddle with the generator till I get it how I like it
>Asks for a name
>Name I want is taken and I don't have a back up
But not white.
It's a good chart
>From left to right you have the races sorted by height
>From the right to left you have them sorted by skill
Really makes you think
No because it's a fantasy race, but they're culturally Scandinavian, hence the longboat on the Limsan flag.
RIP in piss my firend
Just google [insert race here] name generator
>takes you to fantasynamegenerator
>never take off adblock
Fuck you, Emily.
They can be white
would love to play XI if I had friends that would play it
No thanks, that's gay. I eventually thought of something. But seriously if you can't name a vidya character I'd hate to see you name a kid.
>I'd hate to see you name a kid.
I'd name my kid Dovahkiin or Turok
I bought the base game on PS4 launch. How much would I have to pay to play on PC and could I use my PS4 character?
>He didn't name his kid Khalisee
You have to rebuy the game on pc and buy a sub since you already have an account
Of course everything works the same it did on console
complete edition costs like 24 usd on key selling sites
>au ra
nice try
As long as the name isn't some weeb, anime, pop culture, video game, or anything political you're golden.
>titan prog as blm
What the fuck i miss being melee now?
>He didn't see the stats
SMN should help give you the push you need to kill yourself instead of dream about it daily.
the charts don't lie
the amount of shitters i've come across > racial player averages, times infinity no takebacks
Are WHM and DRG good right now?
I giggle inside every time I see an Uchiha run past me
This game is too fucking popular my new friends can't even roll on my world.
Hell the entire Primal Shard is nearly full
I was checking to see if my game time expired on Thursday so I logged in on the launcher to check and I think this excluded me from the free game time
I played summoner past 70 and I think it's fine.
Chink and gook didn't make their own model, they 'commissioned SE to do so.
Your entire experience was a one long set of outliers then, because getting random sexual tells out of nowhere outside of the erp server doesn't happen to like 95% of the population (you can report people for this), nor open hostility right out of the gate like telling someone to fuck off for saying hello (at worst you get silence)
more like servers are small as fuck
I think you have to be unsubbed for more than a month or it doesn't work
How is DNC?
It's fun
>do savage raid
>receive no coffers because of bad rolls
>get one book I get to spend in 4 weeks
This system is kinda shite desu
Wait until midnight/morning for a chance for the server to open up. And also you don't need to be on the same server to play with your friends. Thanks to the world visit system being on the same datacenter is enough
>posts his character for no reason and no relation whatsoever with his post
So is this what the general is like?
>generalniggers can't read filenames
That's a unfortunate then because it was one of reasons I stopped. When I gave it a shot I was aware of the tranny stereotype comments, so I spend quite a while reading about which server to choose, so I assumed Odin was the choice with a lesser amount of people seeking erotic interactions or too desperate for attention / companionship. Anyway, there's still the other reasons.
The alternative is letting Tigole get everything day 1 and then complaining there's no content. As it is now, savage exists to gear players for Ultimate fights in the next patch.
Nobody believes your crap.
thats what you get for raiding with random pugs.
>random proc watch hotbar job
>dances are mudra with 1 second gcd
>shit pdps AND rdps
i regret all the time i spent with it
In regards to numbers, it's the worst DPS. Not that it's nonviable, but it is a decent gap behind BRD and MCH, who are pretty neck-and-neck.
In terms of playstyle, it feels like it's lacking on more gimmick. It feels much like 4.0 MCH, where you have a huge burst window, but end up fishing for procs the majority of the time. They should really give DNC something to do with oGCD between windows, perhaps with the partner swap mechanic. There should be a reason to change partners depending on phase/utility, and I can't help but feel they missed an opportunity with it. As it is now, you just latch onto the highest parser in the group, and forget all about it.
I know it's just a way to artificially lengthen the game sub times but it still sucks, at least let people get a guaranteed gear weekly like normal raids
Meh I'd say good riddance. Oh boo hoo I got a message in a SOCIAL game
It's a suppose job. Of course it's dps is the worse.
Their DPS contribution is alright IF they partner up with a top tier DPS. That damage buff adds up big time when applied to a monk or blm
By raw numbers their support is being oversold (AST's terrible potencies on release + low buffs compared to what they could pump out in Stormblood) though most players aren't looking at their actual damage output so it hardly matters.
>do savage raid
>receive every coffer because of good rolls
>get one book I get to spend in 4 weeks on my off role job
This system is kinda based desu
Whenever I see sellers in pf advertising I send them a tell so I can blacklist them.
I don't think your understood, but I also doubt you're trying to be sincere.
fucking hate FF14 but now I can maybe be fucked to finish the shitty HW story
People have already done the math on this. You have more chance getting loot now then with the old system
>paying a monthly sub for a game instead of a one time fee just for the game itself
just as bad as microtransactions
The coffer system is unironically better than the old system
>could go 8 weeks without seeing a piece of gear for your job
>the one time it dies drop, it wouldn't be your best in slot
>always have a chance every week
But they really need to limit it to one coffer. I have no idea how they thought it would be fair if one person could win everything
might be true, this is the first time I do savage content. I'd prefer the normal raid loot system applied to savage
Nah this is actually good sine it filters out all the poorfags and third worlders
We all like MMO's in here, why can't be just be friends?
God leveling your crafters takes fucking forever once you hit level 30
Enjoy going through the effort of clearing with random clowns and watching them all run away with gear as you're left whining on the internet about it.
I wouldn't say what we have left is any better either
>Started playing this weekend
>Keep getting radom whispers or have people following me around and offering me help because my character is cute
Am I geting trolled or is this game really like this?
I guess it happens.
People like cute characters.
Incorrect, there are no support jobs in this game, and DNC still has bad utility. Its only major support is a global DPS increase, but even factoring those numbers in their total damage contribution, they are still behind MCH and BRD. Curing Waltz is awful given its cooldown and potency, and Improvisation sees little use outside of boss-jumps. It just doesn't offer anything useful in either utility or damage.
I'm not biased in this assessment; I've played DNC more than any other job this expansion. Yet I cannot deny it is the worst DPS, and needs a new addition/gimmick to its kit.
>WoD facial hair is rendered into the game for promo art
>Not available to players
It happens. Often happens, if you're a Lalafell.
I'm sure the people making a living off of selling clears because SE are corrupt fucktards is really asshurt at that, user
doesn't really matter if it's random or in a static, at least in randoms you can greedily need on everything while in statics you prioritize the DPS. I just wish you had a reason to repeat the fight if you didn't receive anything
poorfags/third worlders wouldn't even be able to afford the initial cost
Do you still play DNC? If so, then why?
i like how people both complain about the ability names being dumbed down and being too florid.
i know it's not the same crowd complaining about both but it just goes to show you will never please everyone
Part of me wants to play a lalafell since I genuinely think they're adorable when they're tiny potato warriors but on the other hand there are too many lala players who play them as creepy small fuckdolls
Well at least they won't be able to sabotage my pfs so there's that. There's no reason not to blacklist them.
*laughs* it would be very difficult
>letting others affect your decisions
Ignore those fucks. Go cute and never look back.
Be the change you want to see. Also statistically femlalas are the best players.
no the female lalas are the creepy ones. they ALWAYS look like animated dolls
Just because femlalas have the most ultimate clears doesnt mean you're a good player for choosing femlala.
ok lets go back to the old system
>mnk gear drops again
>no ones playing mnk
>get a book you can spend in four werks
now go kys tranny your character is disgusting much like you are
Same reason I played RDM the most in 4.0: I'm a sadist and I like out-damaging people in DF with the worst DPS. Whereas RDM got to hand out Raises to pick players up, DNC gets to torment people with partner mechanics. I'm surprised SE even added it, as it feels like a way to make people feel bad about their damage and question why they never get partnered. Especially if the DNC switches partners mid-run and you gotta sit there wondering if your damage is that bad.
Basically, it's a fun job if you take joy in your own superiority or have control-issues. And that's just how I get my kicks in repetitive daily roulettes.
It means that good players also gravitate to femlalas. It's no surprise really that players with a enough of a brain to clear savage could also have good taste
>tfw I want to play this but I don't want to get addicted to a mmo again
>tfw nobody to play it with
imagine being as stupid as you are
Then make yours not look like one?
That would be true if majority of femlalas I've played with weren't mediocre at best.
>out-damaging people in DF with the worst DPS
This only works if you're playing on crystal
>Getting addicted to an mmo when playing solo
Please tell me you're on the spectrum
>he vent clear E2S before Quietus
Yikes! Guess we know who isnt doing Alexander Ultimate
Anyone that cares about their damage uses parsers and knows exactly how well they're doing.
My cat gets lots of commends even when I dps.
FFXI is literal, absolute garbage.
call me when it comes out on mobile
I use to play mmos over the years and eventually people I knew would stop but I would keep going farming achievements and such
Under-aged posting is a bannable offence
Pretty astute observation. How long did you play it for?
Server population is bad enough without them offering free time. Fuck. I genuinely wish there were less people playing.
So, how far has Yea Forums gotten in Eden Savage so far? Week two is quickly coming to an end.
still on the eden prime
Still only halfway into E3S because, surprise surprise, E2S parties are still a complete shitfuck and Ive yet to reclear it for the week. At this rate I should just look for a static
>Haven't been able to login without entering the queue since SdB launched
>Eulmore is consistently filled with people to the point where I actually get hits to framerate
Got my week 1 clear on Sunday.
pics or it didnt happen faggot
The only relevant roegadyn in the MSQ is a jap and he's so white most people think they were just using the model to look big
I've played multiple games with Japs, and a great majority of them are absolute trash tier at video games but the good ones are really good
Of the three level 80 4-man dungeons available right now, how would you rank them based on the following?
Why would I keep screenshots of a game of which I had its account deleted? I did post it on a XIV general asking if it was a common occurrence (no replies), but that was months ago and they go through those generals almost daily, so looking for it feels like a lot of work for no gain whatsoever.
Is FFXIV the most popular MMO in Japan? I know they don't really have much of a PC Gaming demographic.
That's not exactly true, since PS4 players exist and they can be just as likely to care about their damage. Some don't even know you can get a good idea of your parse placement just by looking at the enmity list. I mean, if it weren't true, so many people wouldn't throw bitch fits about losing Partner status. Trust me, people are aware of it and feel bad about it, even if they don't know their exact numbers. Which is why I said I'm surprised SE made such a mechanic.
Besides, I'm not gonna drop Partner status with someone who is parsing well and knows exactly what they're doing; I still care about a smooth run and finishing as fast as possible. That's practically how I get all my commendations on the job.
My experience was the opposite and you probably can even see this yourself in xiv
amerifats/yuropoors/english speakers are either mouthbreathing human wastes or super optimized minmaxing autists with very little in between. That's why they get world firsts, speedkills but the dredge you see in df/pugs can barely brush their teeth without drowning themselves
Japs are neither excellent nor absolute trash, but they're consistent. Explains the higher clear rates in censuses
The good ones are REALLY good, and the bad ones are REALLY bad and it really shows. XIV's full of the young adult crowd so a lot are inevitably of the office-job flavour so XIV's more their outlet/social space to kick back after a loooooooong day at work. Then you have those like my FC leader who's a full-time working cake who somehow spends every waking hour not at work slaving away on XIV and is pretty good at that.
For what it's worth, I've had a faaaaaaar better experience playing with the Japanese, even with minor language barriers. Clear rates with random PuG groups are monumentally higher than the West and those that do enter the fray for high end content are generally proficient enough to pull their individual weight. That Japanese cultural social pressure of not being a deadweight certainly persists, even in their gaming habits. It's been a far better environment for more solo-ish players like myself.
>2400 sks sam
So this is what fun feels like
>terrible players only exist on crystal u guize
Are fem'ra players really that bad? Only one I know is the old man in my static and all he does is get in discord on the weekends to crack open about 20 beers a night and goto bed by 9 after raids are done
The Twinning > Amaurot > Akademium
Amaurot = The Twinning, Akademium gets some style points for the free-jazz version of the Ascian theme
Amaurot = The Twinning, Akademium is actually kinda lackluster to walk through
Amaurot > The Twinning > Akademium
From what I've heard the "trailer dude" is an actual character in the story. When does he show up?
He's not literally the same character, but there's a character that shows up in Heavensward that was made to look like him.
Post main Heavensward story
Oh. Someone claimed some time ago that he and his party were "main-cast rejects turned evil" or something and that sounded cool as hell, did I get bamboozled?
>main job is mostly geared up
>weapon is still weathered AF
No thats mostly true. Sort of. It isnt as simple as that.
There was a nonsense fan theory for a long time that the party was literally the same one from the cinematics. The truth is that there's a party of heroes that have turned to some very desperate measures and the devs just thought it would be cool if they looked like the party from the cinematics.
>lvl 41 gladiator sprout in stone vigil with paladin unlocked
>tell him to equip his job crystal so he can be a paladin
>"I want to be a gladiator though"
I prefer Sprout-chan
It's more fun to imagine they're the same people, as far as I know the game doesn't contradict this either
Makes sense
>as far as I know the game doesn't contradict this either
It does because they're from a completely different dimension with a vastly different history. Elidibus doesn't bring them to the Source until Heavensward. They couldn't have been involved in the events leading up to Dalamud.
>E2S party last night that gets to sub 1% consistently before enrage
>disbands due to time
>E2S party this morning
>gets to 20% before enrage
IIt's amazing how few people try to optimize their rotations
Yes it fucking does. WoD party is from Norvandt and the First not Eorzea. So they would not have experienced the battle of Carteneau.
Maybe the trailers didn't take place on Eorzea
>Random gay tells
Gonna call bullshit on you user. EU servers don't have the tranny degeneracy of our American counterparts.
They do. The 1.0 trailer shows the Battle of Silvertear Skies between the Garlean Agrius fleet and Midgardsormr in Mor Dhona, and he picks up a leveplate labelled 'Limsa Lominsa'. The First doesn't have Limsa, Garlemald, the Allagans, Dalamud, Ishgard, Ala Mhigo, or Kugane.
dohn mheg first boss as BLM is fuckin GAY
>Each XIV trailer clearly and distinctly displays cities and locales from Eorzea
I hope you're merely pretending.
if you thought that was bad you should try titan savage
You'd think dumbing down jobs even more would up the DPS threshold among the community, but it's just getting worse. Expect even simpler rotations come 6.0, but I doubt it'll help anything.
I mean, we already made tanks have one giant "GET ENMITY" button, how long before DPS get a giant "DO DAMAGE" button?
>His name was Ardbert, and he was my friend.
>To my beloved Magnus and Skulli...
>One last time, with a little help. I'm so proud to have been a part of your life.
>Remember that we once lived...
>see that Fox nigger getting shilled here
>check out his videos
>cringy logo
>This mechanic will put a debuff on each gamer
>Titan will do Uplift again but this time every gamer needs to RISE UP
>please refer to the links in the description
Really, faggot?
>people ask for raise up the tower
>I raise them from the bottom
You make Emet-Selch proud, user.
>game is getting popular after a major expansion
>let people who dont currently sub play it free up to 144hours
I swear to god you people are dumber than bricks that dont understand Marketing at all
Do you even get anything for doing it? Why do so many people want to cheese it if there isn't a reward.
Dumb Racist
Hes kind of retarded and doesnt do much research. For his DNC guide he focused on prioritizing DRG (because hot meme job when 5.0 released) and MCH (because he was a MCH main) over BLM and even MNK
So you saying it's better to cheese if there was a reward at the end?
Nuh huh
>Why do so many people want to cheese it if there isn't a reward.
They just want to take screenshots at the top to post on twitter and plebbit.
I'm saying that I could understand why people would want to cheese it if they got something out of it, if the only reward is the satisfaction of doing it yourself then what's the point of taking shortcuts?
Because they want to. There's no complex reason.
I love it when someone's entire personality trait is: I play snowflake races. It's all they can talk about too so they make pictures like this to further pad their snowflake level to people who don't care. Or rather, show off to a Vietnamese silk-spinning board because they have no friends.
gonna try next weekend once when im done traveling for work. hopefully people will the know the fight enough for me to ease by on the first one atleast
You can't play it free, you have to buy the expansion
Must suck not being orange like all the other female lalafells so you get bothered over this ;(
>2 weeks into a raid tier
>this shit hasn't been fixed yet
what is this saying?
The pleasure of being cum inside
The cash shop generally gets larger because they add old event items into it too.
But Square Enix killed the PS2 servers. I can't use my game anymore
oh okay
Titan can only use certain abilities on server ticks. This leads to his rotation being delayed which leads to a longer enrage timer since his enrage is based of completing his entire rotation of abilities instead of a set timer.
Some groups are having a kill time of 13:45 while other groups are hitting the enrage at 13:10.
thanks user
I play FFXIV for Alphinaud
No shit nigger but do you see any other guides anywhere? If you cant look past that small bullshit to learn a fight then you might be legitimately retarded.
What did he do wrong?
There are a million guides, timelines and macros out already reddit shill.
Can't they just remake it into an offline game?
Just finished ARR campaign, putting the final bosses in dungeons was a huge mistake, one in a trial that lasted like 30 seconds, and then two dungeons where everyone was just running around ignoring everything running from cutscene to cutscene, and then the final bosses melting so quick I didn't have to cast a single heal.
Like Aurum Vale feels more like a threat than the fucking Ultima Weapon.
would you really play an offline game where each action takes 5 minutes
Aurum Vale remains one of the biggest shitter stompers in this game.
They're planning on reworking that in the near future, I don't know how or when though.
pretty based, not gonna lie. I wish there was another sword board tank in the game in addition to paladin.
Just finished shadowbringers. Overrated, like HW, but better than it.
Wait I usually don't like skipping credits but how many hours is this going to last?
Skip them, holy fuck skip them.
Those are all the 1.X players, skip 'em. It's not worth it.
>Alexandre Le Mao
But what if it says "And you" at the end
Then skip to the end, you can tool around in that player-list as you feel like.
I don't remember if it does, but the credits theme is actually called "And You!"
What is the most complex DPS job?
NIN but don't play it
>The First doesn't have
>Ala Mhigo,
I love reminding myself of this every time I log in
Who's the artist? I haven seen this one before.
Orange parse MNK
Damn... MNKs turned really delusional after getting overtuned
What's ASTs opener?
I usually do a Malefic+Combust then Crown someone>Sleeve Draw>Crown everyone else>Divination>reapply Combust.
What's the cheapest this game has ever gotten? I wanna buy it, but i assume i have to buy all the expansions right off the bat as well.
Honestly it's a pain in that ass that some player moves are based on the server tick. Anatman and Meditate ticks all depend on the server tick, you could get lucky and fish a proc in half a second or you have to wait a full 3 seconds which is a DPS loss. This can be the difference between beating a tight enrage moment or wiping.
You don't need the expansions until you finish the base game story unless you really want to start as a bunny or scaley race as an aesthetic choice.
Minor Arcana don't yield seals.
you only have to buy shad i think
Progressing steadily and comfily through E2S with friends. Just got to 2nd sets of flares and aiming for a clear on the weekend. Could go for progging through E3S next week at this pace, if another friend doesn't resub and we have to teach the first two fights for her.
>orange parse MNK
>you could literally play a 20 parse MNK and do 13K dps
they are literally played by the best players, lalas are statistically the superior race
cope harder
There's a free trial that gives you unlimited playtime but with level restrictions (up to level 35 but you can level all the classes on the a single character)
If you don't have an Amaro mount yet, dont (you) me.
Divination literally has a 120s cooldown.
If you don't get another set of seals within that timeframe you need to git gud.
>when asked about it, Yoshi didn't realise it would be something players would want
>this is coming from the guy who knows players have been begging for more options in the character creator for half a decade
Extreme autism user.
*raises you up the tower*
Hey no worries bro, I don't judge.
do you need to have every combat job at 80 or just complete the final role quest? because I almost have the caster one finished and then I can do the last one
He didn't realize the demand for stubble would be so high. Just like he didn't realize that Housing demand would be high when they initially introduced it with no demolition timer.
I'm pretty sure those players play lala so they could have a better gauge on the hitbox.
Also they go with female because male is literally /ss/.
every combat job at 80
What does that have to do with crowning everyone in the opener yet somehow getting 3 seals for Divination.
as a lala player, it's easier to tell where to stand in between tight aoes and they feel better to play since small races visually appear to move faster even though they move the same numerical value speed as everyone else.
Sup bros, who wants to get partnered?
How do you gear up once you finish ShB? Is there some NPC to trade tomestones of poetics at? Or do you just do higher dificulty dungeons from now on?
Reminder that in the alpha and beta, player hitboxes were based on their size, so roegadyn were more likely to get hit by aoes.
They reduced the hitbox to a dot between the characters legs after that instead of the hitbox being the character's outer body.
NPCs are in Eulmore, and you need Goetia for 440 gear.
Other than that you should do your role quest which is in Crystarium since it gives you a full left side set of 430 gear.
>only lala, cat and lizard trannies broke 4 digits
Go to Eulmore and find the tome person.
Msq literally brings you to a guy who gives you your artifact gear
AF gear from gerolt > goetia tomegear/lvl 80 dungeon drops > ex primal gear > eden normal gear > crafted gear/savage gear/phanta tomegear
The Faeberd always cracks me up.
>jap tank deliberately stands at good spots so i can aether manip to him
At least he got his crystal.
Base game + Shadowbringers.
Shadowbringers gets you both previous expansions.
25-30 dollars for everything
Any player worth his shit plays several different roles so he can understand what other players needs.
Then you have tanks that places the entire boss inside floor ice because it's fine as long as he can still hit the boss.
actually cheaper than that at one point. twitch prime free ARR code+shadowbringers for $20 during that one amazon deal.
to be fair, housing only became an issue when they introduced personal housing, which killed housing wards dead because people would buy a house, decorate a little, then never use it at all, at least when it was FC only, the housing wards would be filled with lots of different FCs to interact with, so really, it was personal housing that fucked everything, should have limited personal housing to apartments you could upgrade
as for demand for stubble, when you tease something, players tend to get excited, given how few options exist in the character creator, he really should have seen it coming
Not bothering with it because the only thing the gear from savage gets you is slight bonus stats to do savage again, maybe ultimate? And doing super-hard end-game content isn't worth doing in MMO's because player skill means nothing when a single moron can cockblock your victory.
>Any player worth his shit plays several different roles so he can understand what other players needs.
this. it's how you become a better player really. you begin to understand how other classes use their skills and how to optimize your positioning and skills to benefit your party. a whm that also plays as a tank knows exactly when to use heals down to the tick to optimize damage uptime.
hey Yea Forums, would you be able to shoot one out to a copy of the Lustful Lali-Ho?
Heres your dungeon party bro
I'm a DRK main so I can only get it up to giraffelets.
>Floppy eared Viera
>Male Au Ra
>Both sharing a last name
This cannot possibly be more cursed.
>all 3 chatty friends
>they're all crowns
that's finna be a drop for me desu
Just be grateful we allowed you to watch the cutscenes, sprouty
>that stupid sword/shield combo that every shitter uses
you all deserve each other
On that note, how long does it take for the sprout to go away?
>here's your party bro
>Healer slaps a regen on me while I'm pulling
>Click it off
Damn I didn't know there was such a difference in height for fem-roe.
7 days of in-game playtime and the completion of stormblood.
you can also hide the sprout icon from the search comment menu.
No, you be grateful of the extra 100 stones or whatever I gave all of you!
my sub ran out almost 30 days ago. will I be eligible for the remaining time of this event in a couple days?
It bothers me how that sword and shield have different colored glows.
>see an s rank
>kill it by myself
>don't report it
>play GNB
>healer puts regen on me while pulling
>use aurora
>the heal from my aurora generates more aggro than their regen
honestly makes pulling a much less annoying
>only thing that differentiates them is height and a single gimmick like le sugoi cat ears
>not even an oddball skin color
Imagine being so mad that your class is OP.
*thunderer plays*
Sup mortals, daily reminder that without Ilberd's rebellion, Ala Mhigo, Doma, The First and The Source would never have been saved. You haven't all forgot that Ilberd's actions awakened Omega, right? And how Omega was used for time travel?
And overall animations.
I'm not the guy you were replying to, I don't even play monk. Just pointing out 20th percentile is not 13k dps.
stopped reading there
Ilberd = Ramza
But it was Nero's actions that awakened Omega. Also fuck Ala Mhigo.
he's extremely obnoxious, no idea why people shill him this hard
why does wow only give 3 days? can blizzard not afford to give a week or are they using all that money to fund more overwatch lootboxes before it gets regulated?
Yeah same here, it is the end of the sentence after all.
you can make blue cats and elves but one does ingame. lizards also come in a bunch of colors but again, no one uses them
the only ones with a bare majority of weird colored players are roes but they basically don't exist
you think illberd was isekai'd to the first after his death and we will find him and he becomes our ally in 6.0 when we inevitably have to stop varis's nobody clone?
You mean 20th percentile of the people who actually bother uploading their shit on fflogs isn't 13K dps.
Fuck Lyse
what about the zodiac weapons? were they abandoned in shb?
don't forget he also got a ton of mhiggers killed in the process, cleaned up the trash while setting the stage for liberation, honestly he was the best character
they aren't out yet
it was the threat of Shinryu that made them consider using Omega
so without Mr.Sloppeh, Omega would still be mothballed
>implying Ilberd would lower himself to allying with us
mad lad would probably go on to solve all the problems of the first without your stupid ass holding him back
american lyse > chingchong lyse
>Ilberd becomes a Trust
You understand for them to be the same party, Ardbert has to have gone through the Batlle of Carteneu aka the Seventh Calamity, Heavensward, Stormblood, and Shadowbringers, right?
As in, he has to have battled through a Calamity, which is physically impossible for him as Calamities only happen on the Source. And lets not fucking bring up how retarded it is for Ardbert to be the WoL in Shadowbringers.
You. Dumb. Donkey brained. Motherfucker.
Sup bros, I queued DPS but I can go healer if you want.
U sure?
Heavensward story actually fucking sucks. Why it's so overrated is beyond me.
>elves and dragons have war
>cliche romeo and juliet romance between dragon and elf thot end war
>a small group of dickass elves decide to gank a dragon for his eye
>getting his eye stolen causes the autistic dragon such butt devastation he decides to genocide every single elf in Ishgard dispite 99% being innocent
>we are suppose to feel sympathy for dragon shits and the traitorous icebitch who longs for dragon dick
And to think anons here compare the story to Tactics
Nah, its cool man, I'm just happy to do stuff with ya. Its always a good time when you're around.
oh look it's this thread again
I just finished Shadowbringers and I finally understand the katana memes now.
they're good memes
I'm going to ANOTHER 6 hours long E2S """"clear"""" journey. I hope I will get clear before reset. This is torture
give up
You deserve it for posting these laughing whores.
>Hyur male
>always fucked by the fact that bots choose them
I thought thighlander was just a joke but DAYUM
Like my TF2 stats after I had idled.
What sort of mental illness compels people to make these kinds of posts?
>i skipped cutscenes and didn't read the few i actually saw
[fF]ast [dD]elivery
come on, my friend
>tfw the bootylander in your party has spats as glamour
its a pasta
Stop samefagging your own pasta you shit.
You posted that before and you got btfo back then. Why even bother to do it again?
>That feeling when you have grown older with the MC at the same time
Fucking nostalgia SE fuckkkkk youuu
Heavensward was popular for its husbandos and max comfy atmosphere.
But I think Aymeric has been dethroned by Emet.
No Vauthry no buy
What did SE meant by this?
What's the most high IQ healer? I heard WHM is completely braindead
>my skin color will grant me snowflake status!
how to spot a xivg tranny
Goddammit she's so ugly
Hey thanks bro, same to you.
Give me the Alphinaud/Alisaie twincest doujin, I don't want that.
more brain than a DPS is all i need to stay awake
All healers are brain dead. The rumors about WHM being braindead are usually spread by SCH mains who are butthurt about WHMs dpsing more than them on ShB.
is this out somewhere?
>tfw no doujin of the duty failure of getting captured during the kugane duty and then tied up and raped
DPS are the highest IQ jobs so you're shit out of luck.
Are you sure? Healers and tanks I only obs in game who can CHATTING during fight
made out like a bandit with 5 pieces last two weeks
Your damage is shit if that's the case. Or you just do to have a good comp.
Any class with decent aoe should pull +40% if they are the only class with good aoe
>He's not 7'2
Manlet cope
The only real woman I know that plays XIV plays a roe.
You will get neither. Have fun with your billionth FateBlue Granfotm doujins.
its been a while so I kind of have to ask, was there a real point to Ilberd betraying the scions and taking control of the crystal braves at all? wouldn't he have had more success by being helped by the scions and the WoL?
We don't actually know if he spent it on all of that, though.
You know, the Miq'ote Dancer NPC's outfit leaves quite little to the imagination/
Who the fuck is going to play from now to the very end of august 16th
What a scam
Lolorito pays better than Tataru does. Ilberd himself said he had to pay most of the people fighting for him
you know what's also "snappier"? Firaga.
NA was ordered on that by JP for the localization, 1.X originally had Firaga and it was only scrapped for the reboot
Returners which there are a lot of them. Some dude on my server just logged in for the first time since 1.0
I love the voeburtite sets.
The real problem with Heavensward is that the first 2 levels of content are either dull filler or outright bad. You go from Before The Dawn where shit goes massively down and then you have to go help Emmenlain try to get laid. The expansion has barely started and the story already systematically destroys all the set up from ARR.
>Nanamo is alive
>Lolorito clears your name
>you break out Raubahn
The start of Heavensward is absolute shit. And its not like the cliffhanger ending with Nidhogg flying off is good either.
What's the most high IQ dps then? I rolled samurai and it was fucking boring
This guy is meant to represent the player character. There is someone in the story that shows up who looks like him, but it's not him. The character from the cinematic is meant to represent you, basically.
Samurai is one of the most well put-together so it's starting to sound like you don't like the game.
It's amazing that we have a bunch of mods for this game but not a single one that alters the text for spells.
3 days is more than enough time to get bored with the game.
I don't think there are any text mods period, actually. There's probably a reason for it but I'd be damned if I knew what it was.
Starting to think these faggots who think it's suddenly ok to hate heavensward are the people who kept shitting on stormblood just for the fact of old = good and they got btfo so hard by shadowbringers they're now trying to hate heavensward and nitpicking on shit that nobody really cares just to give them a reason to hate the expansion.
Orange parse NIN/BLM
It absolutely does.
Remember, there's a lore reason that you and Ardberto might look similar. This is why if you have any taste you make sure you character sort of resembles him but not really.
Yeah I know. From what I've heard though I got the idea that he was some kind of evil rival in the game as a meta-narrative about how you "robbed him of being the protagonist" or something. From what the others said though its something similiar, though not as meta.
the fact that Amaro weren't just mounts you get normally is horseshit. What a dumb decision. They should've given you Seto or something if you spend the 200 hours or whatever needed to level every DoW/M
i like the game, but samurai and from what I've dabbled Dancer as well have extremely repetitive rotations.
Titan is very, very fun
good joke user
The Amaro mount should have been tied to crafting since there is an entire storyline at the Means when you take care of an Amaro.
What's the point of the SCH skill where it turns the next batch of shields into healing? isn't that functionally the same thing?
I'm up to the titular quest and I thought it was overrated as hell
I was more invested in the post ARR plot, and how the Ul'Dah shit was concluded was the most anticlimatic thing
helps with topping off if there's already a shield up. if Indomitability is down, you Tactics Succor > Succor
also useful if your healing partner is another SCH
shields don't stack. So you want a raw heal over a shield in certain situations.
If I want to take Tank/Healer pill never healed/tanked in MMOs ever should I start from AST/DRK or GNB? I have SCH thanks to SMN but don't want to be one of walking memes.
Should I swap to Au'Ra?
Start with the one that appeals the most to you. DRK is the easiest tank to learn alongside WAR, but you should just go for the one you think you'll enjoy the most. GNB starts off with more skills due to the higher level but if you look at what you got it isn't exactly rocket science or anything, just a blue dps.
start with WHM and PLD/WAR or whatever you think looks cooler
oh, that makes sense.
Post your leveling progress
You have multiple jobs at 80 by now right?
I was fully expecting us to get an Amaro mount when the fae show up to help you or after the completing the MSQ but nope. Nothing.
Was there even a MSQ mount this time around? I don't remember.
I'm not exactly sure what they did with shadowbringer's dungeons but I can't spam dungeons as much as I did in SB, my hands are sore every after run and I have to take a short break.
¨They look best on Lalas though
>Was there even a MSQ mount this time around?
Holy shit this. What was even the point of the bloody banquet other than giving the WoL the excuse to go to Ishgard?
Bloat HP for mobs. I don't like this shit too.
Only have GNB, BLM and DRG at 80. I don't really enjoy DRG though. Also got RDM and SAM at 70.
This issue comes up every raid tier but gets quickly swept under the rug after the first week. It's not a new thing, slow instances were first discovered during A3S iirc. Never gets enough attention to warrant SE doing anything, though.
>my 1st week Neo Exdeath kill was something like 15 seconds past the intended enrage timer due to this
Are you an actual moron that thinks the only meaningful twist in a story is a death? Not only did it set up Ishgard, it set up Ilberd's path to Baelsar's Wall which leads to Stormblood. It also led to major political change in Ul'dah with Lolorito rooting out the major source of the corruption in the Syndicate and then working out the misconceptions Nanamo had about them so he could properly begin to tutor her and have the two of them work together for Ul'dah's future.
Why is this memey faglord so popular here? His shitty voice doesn't compare to Lahabrea and he isn't an interesting character like Elidibus.
Play on controller
Amaro mount is the reward for leveling every combat job to 80 instead of a shitty crown.
>You wanted AoE forever gajin?
>Well now you AoE FOREVER
But my Game of Thrones!
is she single?
SAM NIN MNK MCH and WAR for those sweet queue bonus.
>bloat hp
You're not overgeared, that's why mobs feel like they take longer to die. It happens at the start of each expac every single time.
Mobs die super fast as long as people know their shit. Bring a BLM or a DRG that isn't afraid of using their cooldowns and groups melt.
More like no stakes asspull galore
The red wedding is better than anything this game has ever had storywise.
MCH in general hurts my hands now. Same with Monk. I maybe have to start using a controller now that I'm growing old.
I just got into this game a couple weeks ago and the writing is fucking killing me.
What 14yo autist wrote this shit? I'm lvl 30 and I've been skipping through every dialogue box and cutscene for 15 levels now.
>no stakes
Minfilia died, Y'shtola went blind, Thancred lost the ability to use magic which is the equivalent of a serious disability in XIV's world, and the events led to Baelsar's Wall where Papalymo died.
It was actually all foreshadowed since 1.0. I knew exactly what was going on because I played 1.0 and knew Lolorito's past involvement with the coma poison.
>XIV bait thread has actual discussions about the game
>any wow thread is just talk about twitch streamers or muh factions
Why is this?
Post mount
Kys you NEET piece of shit. What a waste of space and a burden on society.
>the writing is horrible! i know because i skipped all of it
>More story
>Nier raid
>New ultimate fight
>Hades extreme
>Restoration of Ishgard
>Relic/Eureka replacement
>More BLU stuff
5.1 will be shit
Everyone knows WoW is the superior game.
We enjoy our game and don’t have twitch kiddos shitting up our game.
It doesn't matter if it ends with literally all stakes being dissolved.
Emmet Selk is so popular is because he is based off of Rick Sanchez from Rick and Morty. Can you imagine how funny a conversation between the 2 would be?
>Minfilia died, Y'shtola went blind
these two don't matter, chances are Minfilia would've fucked off anyways and Y'shtola loses nothing by being "blind", since it's a straight upgrade.
XIV is a game aimed for boomers. WoW is a game aimed for zoomers. You can tell by the game design.
>>Restoration of Ishgard
is Hilda coming back
Im surprised wow classic is so popular among zoomers honestly.
But that's not what happened. We're still feeling the effects of the bloody banquet currently in the story. Again, are you an actual moron?
>chances are Minfilia would've fucked off anyways
No amount of "w-w-w-w-well she woulda left anyway probably...." will change that what actually happened is that she died that night.
>Y'shtola loses nothing by being "blind", since it's a straight upgrade
It's not a straight upgrade when she's killing herself to be able to see. Plus there are several moments in Shadowbringers where her blindness actually is an issue.
Twitch streamer made it popular.
Literally only because Asmongold.
You do have the jannie mount right?
I guess so, gonna be mostly zoomers playing it now.
Hopefully they take some popular designs back to retail though for the next expansion
Mainly because of the prominent streamer culture. Something that XIV is missing, which is a good thing.
Its much harder to understand whats going on when watching XIV to be fair, its a bad stream game.
Is it fine to play as AST? I don't want to level ACN just to get another healer class.
Are they fine to play or absolutely worthless?
>Yoshi-p deletes time dilation
>ASTs collectively quit the job
The 40% wasn't a meme after all.
>But that's not what happened. We're still feeling the effects of the bloody banquet currently in the story. Again, are you an actual moron?
Just because you feel the effects doesn't mean that the stakes haven't fucking dissolved.
>end of ARR
>oh shit, we're on the run, all of the scions are missing, Nanamo is dead, and the world thinks we killed her
>like ten minutes into Heavensward
>we're no longer on the run, we're slowly finding the Scions, and Namamo never fucking died to begin with, and no one actually thought we killed her to begin with
and this is all resolved in an incredibly passive scenario with no payoff.
WHM is the best healer right now. Both AST and SCH got shafted with 5.0 reworks so they’re both kind of boring.
There is a tossup between PLD and GNB for best tank because of how easy it is to line up party buffs but that really only matters for savage. All of the tanks are fine. I personally like DRK.
Yeah red wedding is PURE KINO
>irrelevant characters dies
You sure loves this argument right? No MC POVs who died in GoT were relevant to story.
Post the mount info please and thanks.
all the lalafel players I know irl are both good at mmos and ""ironic"" pedoweebs
>and this is all resolved in an incredibly passive scenario with no payoff
There's plenty of payoff and the bloody banquet has more than enough actual consequences that lead to important shit happening and still effects the fucking story to this day. Just admit you're pissed off because you're a GoTfag that thinks surprise deaths are all that matter in a story.
They are fine just not broken like WHM.
that’s a man
They can heal okay. I can’t stand 5.0 cards, but some people like them for some strange reason. All of the healers work fine.
Do I still need to buy \Shadowbringers to experience it in free weekend? Is it worth it?
Because they all give damage
Buttmad scholar detected.
Shadowbringers is very good even as a single player experience.
they're all Balance. thats what they wanted.
Yoship is very much a monkey paw type
>Just admit you're pissed off because you're a GoTfag that thinks surprise deaths are all that matter in a story.
nice fucking projection. I'm not . GoT isn't that great. There is still absolutely no fucking payoff or suspense in the story when it's all resolved with little to no consequences. There is no payoff. Namamo being brought back to life is shit storytelling and now whenever a character dies the first thing I think to myself is "hmm, I wonder how they can bring them back", because it's obvious that they show no qualms in doing that in whatever fucking ridiculous manner possible. They don't even bring her back in some sort of cool fashion, it's literally just "lol she was alive the whole time".
That’s cool if your a parsing faggot that likes to get padded, not so cool if you actually had fun with SB card system.
Parsers ruined the job.
>sleeve draw doesn't line up with divination
What the fuck
>Namamo being brought back to life is shit storytelling
Not when it was foreshadowed since 1.0. Nanamo dying would actually be shit storytelling because it would have totally gone against Lolorito's established characterization and past plot involvement for the sake of a cheap twist.
parse trannies are also responsible for the homogenization of classes in wow
biggest cancer in mmos
WHM gets a free 10 second invuln with every pull in dungeon. It’s by far the most broken and easy healer.
>nobody ran out of mp in SB
B-but I want ewer back
>nobody ran out of tp in SB
B-but I want spire back
>Tanks have more than enough mitigation to completely scrap their tank stance
B-but I want bole back
>spends 99% of the time fishing for aoe arrow/spear/balance which are all dps cards
B-but my card flavors
Not a lot of people played the superior 1.0 version of the game. A shame that Yoshi-P killed it for his WoW clone.
Then why the fuck did they do a cheap fake out death to begin with? Why present it otherwise?
Now that I think about it, XIV really is zoomer repellent.
>Lots of text reading and cutscenes
>None of that gambling inspired titanforging
>Most classes have lower APM than WoW
>Japanese aesthetics
>30 years worth of FF references that fly by zoomers heads because they weren't born yet or have zero interest in Final Fantasy because "turn based games suck"
>No loud and reaction face streamers running around in this game
I used to use Ewer on the tank to see if they were actually paying attention
why would you want it to? so you can have even less to do and hit minor arcana 100%% of the time instead of 80%?
how much of this is shit posting? Was there really no loading?
>irrelevant dungeon shit
And SCH doesn't have to waste a gcd on regen and AST has more and stronger heal ogcds.
>some people like them for some strange reason
I hated them at first, until I realize that there's literally a window where you throw cards everywhere which I find more fun than fishing for Balance + Expanded
where's the next thread?
oddly I didn't get a 100 boost in my client. Do i need to buy more hearthstone cards or something
There were loading screens for cutscenes, going outside of the city, and crossing into another zone such as Black Shroud -> Coerthas
at least wait for this one to die first for fucks sake
I'm just now jumping into the conversation, but I think you're looking at the issue wrong. The issue isn't that Nanamo came back, it's that she was used as a cheap device for the writers to move the plot where they needed it to be. 2.55 as a whole involved the writers setting up a lot of future plot threads, but they had no reasonable way to actually do it so they just didn't put effort into it. Pipin is more or less the writers telling you how bullshit this plot is, and HW outright tells you what you should already know: most people aren't going to immediately accept that the Scions committed regicide.
2.55 is an absolutely nonsensical, horse shit story, but they were probably already too deep into the plot points that thread out from it to scrap it.
people ran out of tp/mp all the time, tanks can always use more mitigation, i’d rather fish for balance/spear/arrow and spire/ewer than fish for seals, it’s the same thing except more boring and with a lower skill ceiling
why did Yoshi p remove that?
essential dignity potency is trash, and even after buffs CO still sucks
AST cannot compete with WHM healing except during synastry window
>Remove the endless free money and also kill the existing community.
Great idea user.
You'll be grateful for this design oversight when you're leveling alternate jobs and get up to 1/4 of a level free every single day for barely even playing.
I'm running out of shit to do during MSQr. I've started doing sit ups.
>Was there really no loading?
There was no "loading screen" but you had to run through long tunnels/valleys that just masked the loading screen kind of like the elevators in the first Mass Effect.
do a minilevel run. Ultima 2 is actually a pretty tight dps check
>essential dignity potency is trash
>can reach 1000 potency at low hp values
>40s cd instead of 60s for tetra
>can hold 2 charges
I know AST gauge is shit but you're downplaying one of AST strong points just to look pitiful and that's only making you look bad.
literally nobody ever ran out of TP unless they died or DPS was so fucking bad
Inactive accounts only
my account is in active. i haven't played since BFA release
Wait, if they were part of the geography of Eorzea where are they now?
who is this
>square enix basically told journalists to shit talk the game so it would fail