Why isn't she more popular amongst you autistis?

Why isn't she more popular amongst you autistis?

>a commoner
>not an (((elitist)))
>nice rack

Attached: download.jpg (225x225, 8K)

Other urls found in this thread:


She is a whore and used goods.

she's a bisexual slut that dates a different guy or girl every day
that's a yikes from me

stupid hat

Because she's a slut. Like Manuela but younger. Autists are attracted to innocence.

Attached: 25ji3dj970f31.jpg (1080x1555, 261K)

Manuela minus 14 years. No thanks.

She's literally, unironically a whore and Yea Forums is an incel board

Ugly hat

You haven't listed any positive traits


You can do out on dates and not have sex you virgin

>nice rack
That just inevitably gets in the way during combat. Very impractical and definitely not a positive.

>slut trope
>ugh nobles trope
>lesbo trope
>shittier mage than lysithea and mercedes
only thing she's good for is to give Manuella the shlick

Bisexual is not good user?
So a three way with another female does not sound good?
I'm begging ya dude.

Because Hilda exists.

>a noble but not an asshole
>also not an elitist
>nice rack AND nice armpits

Attached: Hilda_SRank.png (1920x1386, 2.48M)

>14 replies
>no Bernie

Attached: angwy bernie.png (383x375, 200K)

>hurt threesomes

Straight girls are fine with threesomes user. Women who identify as bisexual are just sluts.

Too good for this world.

Attached: berniechan.jpg (1280x720, 121K)

stop copying my images and my filenames

Attached: bernie is a cute girl.jpg (462x458, 45K)

I'm just here for the sweets.

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Bernie belongs to me, stay away from her.

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I hate bi girls, they disgust me
And I would never want a 3P, only 1 girl is perfect

Best girl EZ

she is literally the most popular girl according to online statistics though

I love Bernie but not in an "I wanna fuck her" kind of way

She has one of the easiest recruitment requirements so almost everyone gets her on their first lion/deer playthrough.

Made for bullying, only time I would show her love is to break her heart afterwards

That is because guys here on Yea Forums can't handle a real woman. Which is why they resort to timid (see Bernie) or any loli girl


>not wanting a Bernie daughter-wife
Never gonna make it

Attached: help bernie.jpg (480x480, 31K)

I'm on my first playthrough and I plan on going with Dorothea. She's laid back and fun. I like how she teases other characters in their supports and she's a lot more lively than benign non-characters like Mercedes and Marianne. I'm a slut in real life so her going on tons of dates isn't something that bothers me.

My plans for each run are:
BE: Dorothea
BL: Annette
GD: Hilda
Church: Shamir

Of course given I've not dabbled in the other houses much, it's all subject to change aside from Dorothea. I'm not bothering recruiting from other houses until Lunatic comes out and I need to do an autistic min/max run.

>not saving ur first everything for "the one"
Don't care slut

Came to post this. Fuck that dumb hat

No fashion sense I see.


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Felix and Bernadetta have the best supports in the game bar none


Meet me in London

Even the slut who only wanted money is better then her. It's incredible how much this game made me hate her. Worst character in fire emblem tbqh

I prefer her twintails

Meet me in Seattle

Men can be sluts too, dude

Being a slut is an indicator of having social capital. Autistic people are literally more alive and alive on different levels than normies. Normies are "sunk" (Versenke) in life. They never distinctly and finally hew concrete concepts off from the immanent roil of their affects, emotions, hunches, and background normie gestalten providing them endless social cues and clues to follow.

Normies don't actually add things together to form a whole internal model of the world, They "best-guess" everything at a merely social level. Their primary instinct is "I done seen this situation before! I recognize this! I saw the prestigious normie with the expensive haircut respond to this! That's how they navigate the world, they dully, loosely compare "this situation" to "other situations like this" and then their brain automatically has cached all the stuff that the coolest normie prole did in that situation, they unconsciously channel that other Top Normie's behaviours so that they can be cool too. If they succeed and their invocation is accepted by the mob, they bask in having been Top Cool Normie for a brief moment. If they fail, they cringe and grovel before the mob, with no thought of rejecting its judgment.

Normie consciousness is absolutely phenomenologically distinct. Just realize that Heideggers das Man, or Gasset's mass man are sociological heuristics for describing real ways of being in the world, and then plug that way of being in the world into any critical theory of stultification like Adorno's culture industry. The culture industry is one parasitic giant machine designed to take normie hyperpeasant pre-conceptual consciousness and metastasize it. Take the average person's pathetic cringing fear of being different or excluded, their barely-human, mostly animal "MUST APPEASE HERD" roil of affects and social cues, and plug it into a giant network of social structures designed to reinforce it, appease it, flatter it, make it worse in every way.


Have sex

Stupid hat
Horrible attitude

No thanks

She's my biggest surprise in the game, didn't expect to like her as much as I did. Gonna get with her on NG+, paired her with Sylvain this time.

>Autists are attracted to innocence.
You mean other Autists
Look at everyone's love for Makoto. the internet loves her because they are her

>tl;dr incel cope

>is rich and famous
>wants someone with money
For what reason? Why did she even join this school? I am honestly asking since it seemed like her life was set already.

I'm a boy

She's moderately famous but not rich. If she made any money off the opera house, it went towards her life there.

neurotypicals unironically btfo

Worth a shot

She looks so soft bros

Does it matter? She will be 3rd most popular character in the game if a poll is taken.

This absolute chad tamed that raging slut

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>pairing nobles with commoners
amerifat detected

I like Leonie

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>, they unconsciously channel that other Top Normie's behaviours so that they can be cool too. If they succeed and their invocation is accepted by the mob, they bask in having been Top Cool Normie for a brief moment. If they fail, they cringe and grovel before the mob, with no thought of rejecting its judgment.
Literally all youtube comments that fish for upvotes. Many go so far as to literally copy paste old popular comments. Where is the normie internet filter? I'm sure an AI can easily recognize their trends, they aren't exactly complex.

Me too.

Attached: Dancing Leonie.png (1507x883, 195K)

>only wants to fuck our dad

So is the Golden Deer House the house of memes?

What are the best NPC pairings? It kinda sucks I'll never get to see all the potential cross-house romances without doing a million playthroughs.

>Nice rack
>Open to three-ways
>Kindest person around without being autistic
>Only wants a good life with someone she loves
>The most fed up with the war
>Looks good in just about every class armor
>Cute hat
She's always been my favorite.

Mad because couldn't tame the tomboy.

Attached: Dancing Leonie 2.png (1775x906, 266K)

Lysithea and Lindhardt to cure her aids
Ferdinand works with just about anyone for how cool he is
Dorothea and Ingrid
Hubie and Edel
Bernie and Ashe
There's more but I forget them at the moment.

Marrying the gorgeous dame knight.

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Marianne and Dimitri are sweet

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Lorenz deserves better


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That's all there is mate.
Unless you want the uncropped.

I'm just waiting for the doujins considering how many girls she can end up with
>tfw no poly ending with Dorothea and Manuella

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That would be nice
Unless it's futa

>fire emblem

Attached: 1562615169474.png (645x686, 505K)

That would be nice
Especially if it's futa

Don't worry.

What a cute ICBM

Can I just grind out auxiliary fights for support grinding?

How do I even swap someone's class to Dancer? I got Dorothea to win but the class option just ain't there.

Reclass menu.

Doing that right now.

It's a bit weird. You don't have to have them take a test, but you can reclass to dancer whenever you want.

I thought I looked there already. I'll check again later.

You do it from inventory->re-class
Not from certification exams

She's great.
Bernie is nice but overrated

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is there any greenhouse guide?
im kinda planting random seeds

Once the timeskip happens how much more is there?

It's near the top IIRC

You're about halfway.

Timeskip is about halfway through the game

You think she wants to work forever?
She wants to follow the footsteps of Victoria Beckham.

Holy shit
This is going to be a long ass game

I like her. But I am going for Edelgard because at this point in the story it feels wrong to go for anyone else.
Maybe the next time I replay BE I'll go for her, since I already have decided Ingrid for BL and Lysithea for GD.

Unironically /r9k/'s originality algorithm

One of my favorite doujins of all times is a FE doujin, the one with Camilla, Kagero and Orochi

>save money
>never worry
It's easy
Fame brings money

>Edelgard/Dorothea B support
muh dick

this fucking stupid smelly hat

Because she's a filthy hoe.

Also, can we talk about how weebs need to stop pretending that the supports in this game are anything above F tier?
>here's a quirky girl lmao
>but she's actually sad inside
Why can't Japan into writing? Its the same basic as fuck shit they put into 99% of their anime games.
They always do the most obvious turn possible.
>here's a guy who's very confident and everyone envies him for his confidence
>but wait, there was actually a tragic event that made him find his confidence
Zzzzzzz how exactly is anyone over the age of 18 supposed to get anything out of this young adult novel tier crap? Its literally a first week exercise of every creative writing course on how to write for teenagers by making young characters find themselves.
If I was still 16, you'd actually got me with this, but as an adult, these basic revelations are about ten years behind me.

But then again, video games as a whole are plagued by people who never developed past their teen years mentally. And this goes for both, creators and consumers.
I don't know if its just delusional weebs, or literal teenagers shilling this stuff, but whichever it is, you need to grow the fuck up.

>>save money
Kek you really think commoners who have tasted the high life wanna go back to their previous one?
Sure they may get by forever with their singing earnings but I'm sure as hell they don't wanna live like that again


Enjoy watching her get impregnated by a noble for the good of the empire

100 hours here.

I know exactly the one you're talking about. It's my favorite too.

Not if you're spending all that money just to live in the Imperial capitol where nobles spend with wild abandon and the cost of living is astronomical.

She hates nobles though? She is basically Griffith my dude


>here's a quirky girl lmao
>but she's actually sad inside
I've only played BE and BL so far but out of those houses this only really describes Bernadetta
Unless you count Mercedes and Annette as that even though they're inherently positive despite having sad aspects to their backstories

And boring too.
Most anons drop it after one playthrough.

Haven't played the game yet but the vibe I get from her is that she's basically the Ann of Fire Emblem. Correct me if I'm wrong please. She has that California girl/Gyaru vibe that Ann gives me. I haven't played Persona 5 either though.

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I'm still waiting to see someone draw Edel and Doro blowing Byleth under his desk.

She fights an entire war solely to remove crest angst from the nobility

I can't decide if I want to go full gameplay and actually pick someone who would be a good dancer or just torture someone like Bernie or Ingrid.

You need to grow the fuck up from being a mental teenager in your 20s.
There will come a time when tropes stop being bothersome to you because newsflash, tropes are gonna be here forever because they fucking work.
The sooner you realize this, congratulations you're a fucking adult.

Not even close.

Yes they are both sluts

You're wrong. Ann at least isn't a money hungry slut like Dora is. I love Ann, but hate Dora with a passion

He does good work.

Attached: 1552524203844.jpg (1263x1195, 1.03M)

Exactly, so why would she breed for the "good of the kingdom" that makes no sense with what her goals are.

He drew the P5 harem doujin too? Fuck, I didn't even notice.

>t. ate shit so much that he grew accustomed to the taste

People like pointing out things that have happened or existed beforehand because it makes them feel smart for remembering something
If the execution was actually bad then the tropes the game's writing uses would be open to more criticism, as is though the execution is solid

Most of his works are within the top 20 harem doujins on any site that tracks it. It seems to be his niche.
I love him for it.

>you will never be a simple guard at the monastery who gets picked to wear Dorothea's thighs as ear warmers for an evening then be discarded like a used condom and never even acknowledged by her again

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reddit prose.

Reddit hates tropes and loves Subversion

Dorothea dates people but dumps them after the first time. Part of the reason she got her reputation at the monastery is from hurt feelings on the part of people she turned down.

She fights the war for the nobles’ sake

>that quote
>the eaten feels more pain then the eater
but also
>the more you win (eg the eater) the more pain you feel
Okay. Fucking retarded quote

I never mentioned reddit opinions, I simply identified the reddit vernacular.

Hats and eyepatches are the most annoying features in anime character design.

Their loss if they don't know about the secret bosses.

My nigga I just don't even know man. I guess good for you if you think that.

>not fucking on the first date
Lol if you were a Chad youd know how good it feels, stay incel

Is that why you always eat fastfood takeouts?

Exactly. I've heard people say Edelgard teleporting out as soon as you defeat her in Garreg Mach was a Deus Ex. Bitch you don't know what DEM is, shut the fuck up. He got so mad he timed me out from chat.

Find me a noble in the cast that loves their crests. Crest hate is a noble issue. It’s a first world problem type of deal.

You know that pointing out "reddit vernacular" just makes you look like more of a redditor, right? Anybody who doesn't browse reddit just thinks it's an unusual word choice.

Game's got a lot of blood.

user stop going to reddit
I don't know what words they use but you do.

very low IQ post

If this was true you wouldn’t need to point it out, but you feel the need because you can’t find the downvote button

Ferdinand is just budget Lorenz

Explain it to me then so I can have a higher one.

I was initially playing through the "side with Edelgard" route, then like 5 or 6 chapters into post timeskip I was feeling pretty thrown off by how vague the plot was becoming, how seemingly important details were being brushed over and characters not properly introduced. I decided to start a new save file going through Blue Lions, and so far the story and character plotlines feel much more coherent and thought out/elaborated on. Why is one route seemingly fleshed out while the other isn't? Should I be worried about the quality of writing for GD or Church route too?

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I saw some slut in the previous thread S-ranking multiple characters with renown. If I do this, how would the confession scene and ending play out? Asking for a friend

What's the best end game class for Ferdinand?

Great Knight.

That's strange, it's not even like the bad guys being able to hop in and out of places instantly wasn't shown beforehand, if you use your brain you'd realize that if Edelgard is a baddie then by association she would have access to that method of travel too

After you give her the ring and propose to her, she introduces you to the girl she's been scissoring to get through the war and tells you to put five kids in her and three in the side hoe.

>this whole post
Sheesh, I don't even know where to start.
>You need to grow the fuck up from being a mental teenager in your 20s.
That doesn't even make any sense and is the same reddit-tier argument of "no YOU'RE immature, because you can't respect what other adults do with their time!" everytime someone dares to criticize someone playing Neptunia all day.
>tropes are gonna be here forever because they fucking work.
True, but they're still tropes for teenagers. So, you're point being?
>The sooner you realize this, congratulations you're a fucking adult.
Why would I, as an adult, find enjoyment in teenage tropes? Are you really this undeveloped? Especially when talking tropes, copy pasted across 99% of JRPG games? Can't you even differentiate between disliking something and applied criticism?

Also, enjoying mental stagnation isn't a sign of adulthood user.
Your whole reply is nothing but an emotional outburst, triggered by someone calling out the blatant stagnation of Japanese writing in games; that frankly, is holding the medium back more than anything else.

They already copy paste the same cast of archetypes across all their games, it's not helping that they don't know how to write either.
But of course you disagree, because apparently you can't get enough of consuming the same thing over and over again.

She's one fucking step away from being an utterly perfect gyaru knight and it sucks.

Sorry, I'm not attracted to kindling.

Newfags who are obviously from reddit
>how could you know it's from reddit if you don't go there!!
because I know how people post and think before the reddit invasion. Maybe you are ACTUALLY from neogaf or twitter or some shit. It's all reddit to me. I've seen NPCs make your exact response multiple times before. Only on boards like Yea Forums do you get intelligent discussion on the reddit psyche.


Why doesn’t she just teleport behind people and kill them

Not how IQ works.

For real? If so I'm sold

Best girl

Attached: Lys5.jpg (1280x1819, 184K)

Just explain it to me then, please. I don't want to be dumb, smart user.

Because for her it's personnel

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Am I supposed to keep people in their class until they master it? I got done with my first playthrough and didn't get Bernie to Bow Knight until literally right before the last mission because I didn't want to move people up before they maxed out their class.

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Always prioritize mounted classes for movement. You can go back to a previous class to keep grinding if you need to.

>villains can teleport at will
>don't just teleport and kill all the lords while they're sleeping

Stop falseflagging Lionskek

I agree with your posts and it is probably the reason why I haven't picked the game back up after timeskip.
The game being as casualised as it is is one thing but the characters being just cookie-cutters doing cookie-cutter things is a turn off. The only interesting characters are the houses leaders.
I started skipping all supports midway through B ranks. Like you say its literally the same characters we've seen plenty of times before.
And even if it is not its still the most simple and/or predictable turn of events one could think of.

But Yea Forums is full of underage posters so I'm not surprised that its getting defended because for them its actually a new thing. But the more japanese games I play the more I think they're not made for adults.

Read it again retard

Imagine being so delusional about who is and isn't from reddit that you voluntarily expose yourself as a pseudo-intellectual Yea Forums faggot lmao

Based anti-reddit poster



Attached: 『DIRTY DEEDS DONE DIRT CHEAP』.gif (280x210, 2.71M)

>muh reddit
Grow up autist. You clearly haven't moved on from muh tropes and now you're sperging out because someone called your shitty argument out.

Keep him in paladin until he gets A in spears for the two-hit skill, then great knight

That's intentional. If you side with Edelgard, you simply wreck everyone else's shit with little care for why you're doing it or who's actually pulling the strings, so as to encourage you to play the other campaigns for different perspectives. Also, the Blue Lions plotline is far more character driven as it focuses on Dimitri's failures and triumphs as a king, which is why its overall writing is better. The Golden Deer plot is best saved for last because it has the deepest exploration of the setting, resulting in you destroying the real villains behind the entire war

>expose yourself as a pseudo-intellectual Yea Forums faggot lmao
Wow, this is projection cringe if I've ever seen it

What is even the point of the Sauna?

I did several times and I don't see how I am wrong. You're going to have to spell it out for me user, I'm an idiot.

Literal whore, may as well ask why people don't love Manuela since they're just the same character aged differently

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After a while free days go by much quicker and once you get the hang of teaching and what you want to do with it that also goes by in no time.
The time extra activities take dramatically falls when you advance.

>But Yea Forums is full of underage posters

Back to GameFAQs you go

Yeah I’m thinking he’s based

spotting honesty through the veil of shitposting is a skill that can only be developed in anonymity free from the incentive social currency, redditors will never realize this and thus expose themselves

You have to plant veggie sneeds.

And for any americans ITT, sauna is not for lewd

Not the same person.
>You clearly haven't moved on from muh tropes
No, the games haven't. Sheesh, why cant you even follow a simple argument?
Why is this place so full of people with questionable intelligence? I mean, I know that I'm more intelligent than most of you consumer grogs, but come on user, at least try instead of just making shitty throwaway replies.

Yea Forums is one of the few boards on this site actually worth a shit.

So basically anyone that posts "FPBP"?

That won't stop me.

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Plant Western Fodlan Seeds. Or Southern. Either of the two, not sure.

Again, tropes aren't there because they're bad, they're there because they work. Saying that you've seen them plenty of times before doesn't make it bad, it just makes you look like an idiot.
The projection at the end doesn't help your case.

>You clearly haven't moved on from muh tropes
This user seeks validation for his intelligence, he cannot accept that someone is not arguing on his terms. user I didn't even read your post, I skim all posts on boards like Yea Forums, I didn't even know it was about tropes and i'm not interested in discussing fire emblem tropes. If you weren't a newfag who thinks like a redditor you would be able to tell who a samefag is.

This isn't even good bait, you're actually serious.
>Sheesh, why cant you even follow a simple argument?
Because it's an invalid argument? Do you even enjoy anything if it's all old hat to you?

It's just bad writing, they had plot beats they wanted to hit and just handwave everything in order to hit them.

>he cannot accept that someone is not arguing on his terms
Why address a retarded point from someone so supposedly smart?
Just go back.

The sauna is for cleansing both the body and the soul, as opposed to showering/bathing where you only cleanse the body
You commit sacreliege if you do lewds in the sauna

The difference is that Manuela gets rejected all the time so she doesn't get any. Dorothea does the rejection after one date.

What about Sylvain? The issue in my current Blue Lions playthrough is that although he's supposed to be the 'jack-of-all-trades' in theory, his defense and speed are way too low to make him a front-liner, and his magic is just abysmal.

Saunas are for meeting your lover secretly and having intercourse in a place where the evidence will be destroyed.

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>But the more japanese games I play the more I think they're not made for adults.
This is something a lot of videogame players don't understand: that they're not the target audience anymore.
>don't listen to pop music about teenage love
>don't read teen novels
>don't watch Disney channel shows
>but play games which's characters are obviously aimed at teens
And then they go and criticize things that just aren't for them.

Like the user pointing out the tropey writing. He's definitely right in everything he said in terms of quality and etc.
Problem is: it is intentional because creators understand that there's a never ending supply of teenagers an every new game is someone's first game. Almost no studio, be it games, movies, music, publishers, just go with the generation they're born in. Everyone in a creative position knows how to diversify and to create something for other people than themselves.

The problem here is really that people play games not made for them. Or if you wanna talk games in general: that maybe games with inherently adult themes are missing.
But the solution is: don't play them.

If you're willing to go so far as to play a "game", meaning move your characters around, throw RNG dice and play dress up/equip, then you really should be able to stomach some teenage tier writing as well. Because you're already engaging in a simple past time anyway.

Not him but the initial post that started this 'tism shitfling was criticizing the character writing in the game and deeming it cliche, so you could argue the discussionif that's what you want to call this does have something to do with genre tropes

Attached: alex-chow-edelgard.jpg (1080x720, 133K)

I made him a Wyvern Lord. He works well with hit and run tactics.

Because she wants to be able to live well after her voice wears out, just like Manuela.

>tropes aren't there because they're bad
These tropes are bad though.
They're like chewed out gum. Without flavor.

What? They wanted a brief summary of the plotlines, so that's what I gave them. Blue Lions really is the best campaign of the three IMO because of how well it's constructed.

>Thought I'd pair up the man slut and the lady slut
>They only go up to B

>Ashe and Ingrid have a cute support where they bond over tales of chivalry and derring-do
>Like half of Ingrid's story is about how she should marry a noble because her family has pinned their future on her since their bloodline is thin as fuck and they're kind of poor
>Would feel shitty marrying her with a commoner

Playing matchmaker when the characters actually have character is hard.

Sylvain and Dorothea can A rank though.

And it all works out with Ashe and Ingrid

Tropes by themselves aren't bad.
It's time plebs learned that Basic Writing 101 lesson.
It's how they're written that makes it either bad or not. The problem with criticizing writing BASED on tropes is that a writer has 0 choice but to use tropes because they work. That's literally it. You cannot find a published book in this world without tropes.
That user has a point in pointing out tropey writing, like said. But he doesn't have a point overall because he hasn't reached the point in his life where, and I quote, "stomach some teenage tier writing". It's all complaints that go from one ear to the other because it's the same kind of complaint I made 10 years ago when I thought I was "above" this kind of writing.
Besides, there's not really much egregious writing in the fucking game overall. You could certainly nitpick like "X is too anime" but in the grand scheme, it's like complaining that something is "too western". Eg you're just mad that the game isn't catering to you instead of a whole bigger audience who doesn't give a shit to the things you do or just plain stopped caring.

>>Like half of Ingrid's story is about how she should marry a noble because her family has pinned their future on her since their bloodline is thin as fuck and they're kind of poor
If you're that interested in the characters then the idea of someone willingly marrying outside of their field/class is generally viewed as sympathetic/endearing by most people

Garbage ass post

>Saying that you've seen them plenty of times before doesn't make it bad
Excuse me what? Do you even know what makes a trope, a trope?
And this isn't even the point of the discussion, the point is that the subject of the tropes is bad because it's just overly relying on said tropes without actually bringing something new to the table.

You know, this is how criticism works. You're obviously not keen on critical thinking and just like to consume. So please keep consuming and leave the discussions to the adults.

>Because it's an invalid argument?
It isn't. And if you wanna call something like this, you'd better be prepared to walk the way, instead of just doing the talk.

Thank you for actually providing critical thought instead of the emotional replies the other anons have gotten me because they don't like "bad man dissing waifu gaem".

And yes I agree. Japanese games have a huge problem with stagnant writing. This reminds me of the time everyone shilled Attack on Titan, so I checked it out to see if its any different, and to nobody's surprise it had the same stencil characters right down to the ever hungry tomboy, and the short bald guy for comedic relief.
That's what the user repeating "tropes work!" doesn't understand. Tropes work when they're supposed to convey something. Not just rely on themselves, not be a pivotal point for the trope itself.
And that's what Japan fucks up over and over again. They just implement the trope and call it a day.

It's boring, its cheap, and its at least ten years behind the rest of the world. But I guess that's why people play these games in the first place, to play the same thing they played over and over again, because they're afraid to grow up and move on. *shrug*


Not him, but you spoiler'd wrong, dumbass.

That's an option, but it's problematic because it'll take eons to get his flying and axe proficiencies to A when he's never trained at either. I've considered Holy and Dark Knight careers, but as I said before his magic is practically a dump stat.

I tried to save her but Hilda fucking one shot her aaaaaaaa

Doing my Blue Lions run now, finished both Deer and Church route. Only want to recruit 2 from each house so there are plenty of people to talk to post timeskip.I mean kill.
Who should I grab more maximum bantz?

So far i'm grabbing:

Attached: 1525223316043.gif (320x240, 2.83M)

> *shrug*
reddit prose

Wtf why is this hikki so fucking cute

I was able to make him a wyvern rider at level D or D+ flying by having him first level his other stats. Success on exams is based on seeds that are generated weekly, so getting lucky could help you skip most of it.

Lorenz you can recruit get his op relic then kill him when he fights for the empire like a traitor faggot (or recruit him back)

As someone who is hypercritical about the writing in this game (the main plot is a fucking car wreck up until where I'm at in the story), the supports are fine. The build out the characters in different directions and everyone feels like they have multiple connection points; people aren't getting flattened out to one character trait for every single conversation.

One character I thought I'd hate is Sylvain. Literally every cutscene with the BL class during the main story is him talking about making it with the ladies in some way or another. It's definitely his most visible and constantly used character trait, but it gets fleshed out and used in different ways across the supports and it's satisfying.

>Gets turned back around on him by Hilda who just takes advantage of his eagerness to flirt with women
>Dedue and him bond over not really giving a shit about what other people think and say about them because they both personally know they aren't what other people initially perceive
>Annette and him actually talk about his squandered potential because he just chases girls all day
>Confides in Mercedes about how he does genuinely like her in a way that isn't like his usual flirting because she's unflinchingly earnest with her feelings

To say that they're incredible would be lying, but to say that the supports are F tier would be lying to yourself given how shitty they've been in the past.

>wanting Caspar
He's shit.

Redditors ruined baitposting for everyone. Not only do you have to express bait opinions now, but you have to write them in a distinct style to make it believable.

It depends on how much you've exposed yourself to the medium I guess. I recognize Three Houses writes scenarios and characters in ways that have been written before, but I garner enjoyment from and find value in the game as a pastime nonetheless because I don't really watch a ton of anime or play VNs and the like. Certainly not great, but it's an enjoyable consumer product

If you were on my level of exposure to Japanese-style writing, how do you feel you'd judge it?

Sick, sounds good. Too bad he is dogshit as a unit.
I only want him for the paralouge with Mercedes. Otherwise yeah, gonna bench his ass, Used him in both my other playthoughs and im using Ashe as my War Master this time.

>Tropes by themselves aren't bad.
He keeps repeating it as if it actually means something.
>It's time plebs learned that Basic Writing 101 lesson.
You have never been part of any creative writing class and how fundamental you keep your post is really testament to that. You keep arguing fundamentals because you have no depth of knowledge on the matter.

There's a lot of meaningless and unsubstantial bla bla in your post but some things are worth adressing
>The problem with criticizing writing BASED on tropes is that a writer has 0 choice but to use tropes
Absolute nonsense. Using as well as circumvention of tropes is literally one of the first things any student learns. And you even making this point is baffling to me. Like, have you ever consumed anything but Japanese anime in your life?

>But he doesn't have a point overall because he hasn't reached the point in his life where, and I quote, "stomach some teenage tier writing".
That still makes absolutely zero sense. You can argue that tropes work all you want, but being willfully ignorant about writing for certain groups does you no favors at all user.
Or else you'd still read R.L. Stine books. Do you read R.L. Stine books user? Because they're totally what you're looking for.

And again, you even making this point seems that you're oblivious to the fact that people grow out of things all the time. Like, are you even a human being?

>Besides, there's not really much egregious writing in the fucking game overall.
Except literally every support convo.

>you're just mad
And there we have the crux of the post. Someone angry at giving differentiated criticism, calling another person mad. Classic.
>instead of a whole bigger audience
>instead of teenagers and immature adults

You won though. I'm tired of arguing with people who just get motional when someone wants to have an adult conversation. It goes in circles and leads nowhere. Just like the writing in this game...

That's a relief to hear. I guess I'll have to buy a Seal for him then. Also, what are your opinions on Gremories? Is it worth, say, sacrificing the +10 on healing magic for more uses of White and Black?

Sorry I've learned how to be an adult user. The other retard's post is just the equivalent of whining about why IG thots aren't looking at him as a potential partner.
>I demand the best quality!!!1111

>Do you even know what makes a trope, a trope?
Yes user. Now have you written anything in your life? Do you understand how hard it is to even write something original?
Critical thinking doesn't mean being a retard and demanding par excellence for everything you consume, otherwise your life should be on that level as well. Are you a gigachad adonis who eats at posh restaurants with the finest cuisine? Because you can't swallow anything otherwise, right? Faggot.
>It isn't.
Kek, you clearly haven't written anything in your life to say that.
>Japanese games have a huge problem with stagnant writing.
And western writing doesn't? It's the same kind of tropey writing that everyone laps up from a different country. You're a fucking faggot who's so up your ass about it.
>because they're afraid to grow up and move on. *shrug*
Pot meet kettle. Someone who's grown up has accepted that tropes are here to stay. Don't be a retard for once in your life about this.

Which I should guess means it's all going to work out in the end, but feudal societies are completely different than contemporary culture. Marrying for love is a fine and dandy concept, but it's not really good when it ends up condemning a family and entire fiefdom to degradation due to restricting both economic and political power by not intermarrying with another noble house.

You're right. I mixed up Dorothea and Hilda in my head.

I liked Sylvain a lot actually and I especially enjoyed him going full foot in mouth on his A support with Ingrid. His overall character is pretty charismatic and he's genuinely charming at times.

Everyone I've spoken to says Gremories should be the end goal for all your casters. I've got one or two, but getting everyone to that level of white and black magic seems like a pain.

>I only want him for the paralouge with Mercedes
Is that paralogue timeskip only?

go man that ballista for a moment would you?

Yeah, it happens on the map where Byleth goes super saiyan.

A major subject the game's story tackles is the importance of bloodline and whether it's helping humanity or killing it, so I feel like you could still justify the pairing in your head that way

everyone you've spoken to is retarded. All casters should be dark/holy knights. Gremory can't keep up. What good is warp when you can't catchup to someone to warp after the first turn?

True. Which is a shame, because gameplay-wise he often risks being perma-benched because his stat-growth is way too balanced and doesn't allow him to excel in any role. I had to feed him thousands of gold worth of buffs to sort his shit out.

Anyone who doesn't recruit every character before the timeskip is a dumb loser and a filthy Duscar.

This is actually a good reply that I value.

I can totally respect that.
Seeing it for what it is, but finding value in the entertainment it provides is something I'd never have an issue with. How could I? Its human! People like different things.

If I was on your level of exposure, I'd probably judge it similarly. After all, its the knowledge of how blatant Japanese studios are copying things around that causes someone to grow bored of it.

Okay, so I've recruited all the children. They've been saved on my ark from the coming flood.

But I missed getting Rhea to B rank in time. I had to of been close given I was spamming gifts and instructs for two free days after she hit C rank and I learned that there was a time limit. I thought I had until the end of month 2, but it's until the end of month 1. I'm pretty distraught about not being able to fuck the pope.

>He keeps repeating it as if it actually means something.
It does mean something, and I'm glad it went right to your head because that means you have something actual to think about instead of blaming tropes that have been there ever since the industry started.

> Using as well as circumvention of tropes is literally one of the first things any student learns.
Jesus christ what kind of writing school did you go to? Or is this googlefu? For someone who repeatedly mentioned reddit before, this sounds alot like it to me. Circumvention, subversion, eh? Sounds familiar, like from the fags at Calarts. But make them write something and it's worse than what they critic.

>That still makes absolutely zero sense.
It does. If all old people were sick of tropey writing like you say, why do many of them still watch anime-tier shows? Or shit like Netflix shows and CW, which are aimed at teens? You clearly haven't grown yet which is why you say all this crap.

> Someone angry at giving differentiated criticism
Something is only criticism if you have a point. You don't.

>You won though.
Thanks. Now back to whatever cubby hole you came from to masturbate to similar opinions.

>play Black Eagle
>only recruit Ingrid

Another school of magic is ten times easier than lance AND riding.
Plus Dorothea looks great as a Gremory.

>This is actually a good reply that I value.
So 0 value at all kek.

Can you actually join the flame emperor in Chapter 8 or does that choice literally not matter at all

But why would you be rushing your other units so far ahead of your casters in the first place, especially when there are flyers around? That just sounds like bad strategy to me.

I've actually grown somewhat interested in this topic of Japanese media essentially lifting plotlines and character archetypes from itself repeatedly in inbred fashion. Anywhere I could read up more on it?

This dyke was begging for dick with every male C rank she had.

Attached: EBfFRz5UwAErk0o.jpg (1280x720, 205K)

>Now have you written anything in your life?
Does winning a state price for a short story count?
The rest of your post really needs no entertaining at all.
>being a retard
>right? Faggot.
>You're a fucking faggot who's so up your ass about it.
>Don't be a retard
If you want adults to take you seriously, please grow up and stop being so emotional.
A first step would be to realize when you're out of your depth.
Seeing a comment you disagree with, isn't an open invitation for anyone to shipost.
I did give an open invitation for discussion to capable people, but you failed to pick it up, because it's obviously above your pay grade and not directed at you.

Adding to this, physically weak characters like Annette are absolute jokes in melee unless you've been training them that way from the get-go. It just seems illogical to train someone up as a mage then do a complete U-turn and make them a knight.

>No art of this paring ever

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Well, she did say she'd take ANYONE at this point. Why not another hot woman?

Attached: BERNIE!.gif (600x326, 572K)

She is street kid who had a stroke of luck by getting into an opera group. She spend all her money to get into the academy in order to marry up, because she'll starve to death once she is at the age where she can't support herself.

>Don't recruit Leonie in Beagles
>She loses her shit at you siding with them because the Empire was at least somewhat complicit in Jeralt's murder
>Do recruit Leonie in Beagles
>Never mentions it
Is this the power of milkies?

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I just observe it, and don't really discuss it much.

This could provide some info though:

>But why would you be rushing your other units so far ahead of your casters in the first place
to finish the chapter with a low turn count you filthy casual.

>romantic ends with femleth, petra and manuela
>flirts with edelgard and ingrid
Dorothea is just thirsty all-around.

Should I get this game if I have never played a FE game? I heard that the combat is secondary in this game and the focus is like...a visual novel or something? Like you recruit students and you teach them and have them interact with each other. Like I take it it's not a traditional FE game. Is it a standalone or is there characters and references that would be lost on me if I tried out this game?

No, Flame Emperor says you're lying if you do say you want to join.

she's a literal roastie

Your presented argument for why the game's writing is pretty awful, but yes, this game has a problem with tired tropes and cliches. I think it hit me the hardest when Jeralt died. You get hit with four fucking worn out cliches right after the other.

>"Son, I think it's time I finally told you the deep dark secret. Right after this mission. Also, if anything happens to me, not that I think anything will, please search this room for clue."
>GASP. Dad died at the end of the mission! Before he could relay the deep dark secret!
>GASP. He was killed by the lady that was not obviously evil!
>Oh no, sad part. Time for it to rain.
>"Rhea, who is my mom?"
>"Your mom... She was..."

These tired cliches wouldn't be so miserable if it weren't for the fact that the main character has no agency and the player isn't able to actually follow up on these things. Regarding the last mystery that Rhea cliffhangs on, there are like two entire months of downtime where you could just walk back in and ask her about it, but you don't because you can't. Not to mention that the game's format of literal in-game months for any plot point to develop makes the cliched "cliffhangers" (I use the quotes snidely because the outcomes are often incredibly obvious due to how well-worn these cliches are) tortuously drag on and on.

Give it time
She's also very enthusiastic about being open to the possibility of getting with Edelgard in their support

She doesn't mention his murder, but does mention he was always distrustful of the church.
Rhea turning into a dragon probably had some impact, too.

This game is literally only a 6/10 on a mechanical level.

What were they thinking? It's my first Nu-FE, were the others this broken as well?
And whoever thought that an SRPG needed fetch quests needs to be fucked up his yellow asshole

>Grondor Field 2.0 as Blue Lions
>Melee is so complicated I can't make out friend from foe in this shitfest, go Golden Deer just attack everyone
>Ignatz, Leonie and Raphael charge in and die
>Have I made a mistake?
I really hate how either Dimitri or Claude turns into a complete retard depending on the route

It's standalone and the school sim stuff is all optional. You won't be optimized and you'll miss stuff, but it's perfectly viable to play battle to battle by skipping free days and automating your lectures.

She's the boring pick. Bi so even the girls can marry her, drawn like a supermodel with huge tits, is way too in your face about wanting to fuck you, and her main character trait is wanting to find a love interest. Her career path was that she was a bloody Idol which barely even makes sense in the setting,

She's just Persona 4 Rise's with big tits. She's got more going for her than Camilla but that's not hard.

getting both lance and riding to around C level isn't bad. Especially the latter since you can set it as a focus and weekly task you can easily get it to B+ or so. By the time you're 30 it should give you a solid 80%+ chance to promote, and that's assuming you're gonna do it at your earliest opportunity rather than maxing out any of the lower classes for skills like Fiendish Blow.

Let me remind you that this is a videogame for teens. Not autistic man children who nit pick at stupid shit like you.

>recruit only the girls
>cockblock all the guys for 5 years without even being there

Better a high turn-count than having to actually turn back time like a scrub because your casters got bushwhacked.

No. Any meaningful choices are very obvious about what they do. If you get the choice to side with Edelgard the game literally says that the story pivots one way or another depending on what you say. unless you forgot to go to her crowning, dummy

I would still say it’s a traditional FE game they’ve just upped the micromanagement parts up a lot since that’s where a lot of fan service lies.

I’ve seen people compare it to Persona (post 3) Which is probably the closest thing there is to compare it to outside of battles. There’s a hub area where you can talk to students, do tasks, fish etc but it’s not really required

The others were way more broken, but giving mounted unites super-canto and not even letting them rescue to ferry movelets to the front lines screams incompetence. The class system has never been this bad, because atleast before you had to use some non-mounted units because you couldn't just reclass everyone to a mounted class.

>Does winning a state price for a short story count?
It's easy to lie on the internet but sure it counts.
>Seeing a comment you disagree with, isn't an open invitation for anyone to shipost.
Get sterner stuff, you won't survive outside if you're this sensitive to that kind of speech.

But okay I'll humor you: what makes you think that an entire country can't into writing? Both Japan and the US clearly have their own sets of trope tubs that they dip their hand into to mix and match. Just because you can anticipate what they do due to the writing, doesn't mean it's a bad thing at all. That's what I mean by the whole tropes aren't bad talk. It's stupid to expect tropes to go away anytime soon, which you clearly haven't gotten over yet. Believe me I was the same as you in the past.

If anything, shouldn't it be praise that FE's writing is this consistent despite a bigass game like this? Even ones that are based on books (like TW3) have their own hiccups but I haven't heard criticism like this from them.
>gotta have women with agency, and only that kind of woman
>snarky quipping
>James Bond trope of being able to bed any woman while maintaining their "clean image"
Being sick of anime writing is fine. But saying that a whole country can't into it is uncalled for. That's just how their tropes work. I've watched my own share of Jdramas back in the day as well but I never took it as a negative like you did.

>play Golden Deer
>only character I can't get to join is Ferdinand despite cramming the last month into focussing on him

Fuck B Support conversations being locked behind the time skip. Fuck units that want a movement type as their preferred type. Fuck training armour when there are months where Alois and Gilbert aren't even around to teach you.

This. You really can't miss it when you're about to make a real choice, see pic related.

I understand why you'd think the fetch-quests are annoying, but what didn't you like about the combat? It's pretty well implemented and true to FE form. Was it the repetitive maps?

I don't know what bushwacked means but my casters were never in danger of dying. The problem with non-mounted casters is they don't get to see any combat in the first place.

You can do B Supports pre-timeskip, the A supports are locked

Argh, forgot pic like a retard.

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Manuela is unironically a more entertaining character.

Ferdinand and Caspar's B supports are locked behind the timeskip. Not sure if anyone else is.

>route the enemy
>route the enemy
>route the enemy
>route the enemy
>route the enemy
>defeat the commander
>route the enemy
>route the enemy
>route the enemy
>route the enemy
>defeat the commander

Great objectives IS

Attached: C727F760-8696-45D7-8410-28FCD0894B0B.jpg (707x707, 100K)

Story chapters are all the same, paralogues got some neat objectives though

There are a few defense chapters. No seize is gay though, it means you can just meteor bosses in like two turns. Fire emblem without rescue chains is bland.

b-but we got fog of war back!!

you know, that thing everyone was crying about not being in awakening but when it came back everyone realized they never actually cared about it because it's gimmicky and tedious

>reach the checkpoint turns into rout the enemy as you get near it

Thanks Petra

>the fucking Ingrid paralogue where you have to get her to a location
>enemies pop out of fucking nowhere every time I send her somewhere

It means ganked, ambushed, waylaid, sniped etc. I personally kept my casters close to the tanks at all times for mutual support and extra XP for them. They're often the best answer to flyers if you don't have good archers, but only as long as said flyers are distracted.

I know for sure Caspar's is, because he specifically talks about "the thing 5 years ago" in it. Fortunately, Caspar's required skills aren't as bad to grind up.

Not him, but I found the maps to be Awakening-tier, which is to say, flat and boring. Conquest's maps may not have all been winners but they were at least memorable and more interesting than Rout the Enemy on Open Field #17, occasionally interspersed by Sandy Map #2.
Monsters are neat but they feel half-baked once the novelty wears off. Once you've played around one of them, you've done it to all of them. Just not enough variety to go around.

Alright cucks, post your shipps.

Byleth – Bernie
Ferdinand – Petra
Hubert - Edlegard
Sylvain – Dorothea
Caspar – Annette
Lindhardt – Lysithea
Felix – Leonie
Ashe – Ingrid
Raphael – Shamir
Ignatz – Flayn
Lorenz – Marianne
Raphael – Hilda
Mercedes – Alois
Hanneman – Manuela
Shamir - Cyril
Seteth - Catherine

Fuck, I'm stupid. Ignore the Raphiel - Shamir line.

Manuella/Hanneman and Marianne's felt worse.

Byleth has got a pair of bobs

The first chapter post-timeskip in blue lions is a bit neat.

>objective is just to survive with byleth and demitri trying to take down a whole rogues nest
>turns into regular rout the enemy once the reinforcements get here
>turns into "SLAUGHTER THEM, DO NOT LET THEM ESCAPE WITH THEIR LIVES" once you finish the rout objective
Gameplay wise it wasn't anything flashy or amazing but it was good for getting me into the story aspect of Demitri really wanting a bloodbath

>Does winning a state price for a short story count?

Which state? There are very few organizations that give literary awards based on the state they were written in.

Byleth - Ingrid
Sylvain - Mercedes
Dimitri - Marianne
Felix - Dorothea
That's about all I got so far, I've been trying to figure out who to pair up Annette and Lysithea with but I'm at a loss

Lysithea is about the same age as Cyri and is one of the few girls he makes any sense at all with.

Shit. I know Byleth can't but can other units start C Supports post timeskip

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Some can, but particular ones can't. When I just tried to start Ashe and Marianne it said I "Missed the opportunity to deepen this bond."

>You and punished Dimitri in the forest tile, back to back, holding off against against the bandits
>Wonder how the fuck I'm going to win this one
>This plays at the 45 second mark youtube.com/watch?v=QaWKKhiyI2U
>Is that fucking Ashe!
>Everyone shows up

That was such a great moment

That's some bullshit. Even if they did a "previously on" deal and made it like a flashback for the ones that simply won't work post-timeskip, that's better than just locking it off.

t. gold digger

I actually feel the opposite. I haven't been paying too much attention to whether or not it's just main missions or paralogues or auxiliary battles or whatever, but the maps have been nice so far.

>rout the enemy
>defeat the enemy commander
>rout the enemy - reinforcements keep coming until specific commanders are taken out
>defeat the enemy commander or survive 9 turns - drawbridges throughout the map
>escort this character to the escape space
>rout the enemy - large bonuses awarded if the NPCs are saved
>protect the VIP - fog of war map with two commanders spawning reinforcements
>defeat the enemy commander - defeating enemy commanders will summon powerful allied NPCs
>protect the town by defeating enemies that enter a specified area within a specific amount of time
>do not let the enemy reach specified spaces

There have been some twists like the commander was just a decoy and the real commander shows up after the fake is defeated. It's been engaging so far.

No arguments here. At the very least the support icon goes away in that case.

Byleth - Flayn
Felix - Mercedes
Sylvain - Ingrid
Ashe - Annette

I went for the pairs that I felt had the most chemistry going for them

And what would you want in these types of games? Protect the defenseless NPC who charges right into enemy territory?

That's pretty true. If a game doesn't have bad Escort quests, that's an automatic +1 in my book.

that's for the developers to figure out

Take IS cock out your ass

This is probably what I'm looking forward to the most in my first lunatic run

Jesus, why does everyone on the Black Eagles route look like DeviantArt rejects? At least Edelgard has a good excuse for having white hair and purple eyes.

Don't be angry, user. I'm willing to share it with you.

IS is the one who used to have that as a common objective and all it was was objectively terrible.

Because Autist like being gay now.

>not liking Hubert
Nigga, what is wrong with you?

My apologies, I didn't mean to include Hubert in that statement. The fact remains that cyan and purple hair look ugly as sin.

Byleth - Lysithea
Felix - Bernie
Hubert - Petra
Ferdinand - Mercedes
Caspar - Shamir

This FE is very bobs friendly. I'm pleased.

Attached: 1564936403050.png (1166x2819, 3.8M)

>put Manuela in bushes
>stride my team over to the commander and kill him

Attached: 1553043564060.jpg (3490x3124, 466K)

Dorothea's dad is a noble and he flirted with her when she was singing, he didn't know of course.

She had a fucked up life.

>fatherless home
she really is the thot self insert

Why did she not fuck him for revenge?

God Boobs are great

I hadn't leveled Manuela or Han when I did that, so they felt like dead weight. Needed Ingrid to fly over and murder her attackers, but it took a while to find the right movement pattern for Ingrid to get over there and not get killed/immobilized on the way.


>he flirted with her when she was singing, he didn't know of course
How tho

What is Fodlan feeding them?

She's 21 pre timeskip so the bob size makes sense.

>finish chapter 8 and only let one villager die
>start chapter 9 and in the dining hall some little girl who lost her family in the village is there and is mad I didn’t get there sooner so her family could be alive

I know it’s probably not connected but it still hurts

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No point talking to the idiot who probably thinks BBT is great writing just because it's not Japanese when it's just a complete copy of Friends.

She is there even if you save everyone. They started killing each other before you showed up.

Look how fucking flat Sothis is. Goddamn that's hot.

Attached: imagine.jpg (1600x1552, 531K)

Senran juice

>so butthurt you respond to your own post 2 hours later

inb4 (you) screenshot, anyone can use 4chanx.

Attached: you.png (1504x128, 19K)

Not him but why haven't you replied to my post yet? 0 insulting words as you wanted.

I made her my dancer. She's a beast

That's Hubert's paralogue and it fucking sucks

>12 str
Send fucking help. She can't even hit the flying units for more than a third of life.
How do I even salvage her?

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you didn't love your Bernie enough. She spends too much time in her room.

Attached: bernie goes to prom!.jpg (480x480, 24K)

Have her master Archer for +20 Aim
Giver her an Accuracy Ring
Use her 5 range skill and snipe

Or just bench her, your call.

Reclass her into brigand for the +6 strength skill

Bern is literally my strongest unit

Hope you found some STR plants to farm

Get the black market and feed her strength pills

bully your bernie. when she's not at full HP she does more damage.

Yuricucks belong should be put in gas chambers.

Some Carrie vibes.

Worst house

Stupid smelly hikki couldn't even fix her hair for prom

Attached: i fixed bernie.jpg (729x900, 57K)

Thanks for the suggestions.

All gains went to Petra and Edelchad.


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She reminds me of my High school crush. My crush even sang professionally and was a little slutty (sometime even wore a similar hat) WTF. Guess I know the character I'm gong to S rank when I play the game.

>pick blue lions for ingrid
>she turns ugly post timeskip

Dorothea's mom was a maid. Noble fucked the maid. When Dorothea was born, he was curious if she had a crest. When she didn't, he kicked them both to the curb.

very based and very redpilled

Dorothea herself is redpilled. She only has her looks and voice. So she knows those will fade, so she's trying to find a rich husband.

>Hannerman is a potential husband for her.

Lol, there we go.


She looks like a bitchy wife post time skip. I mean she already had that effect pre timeskip kinda but its like after it ramps up times 10. Oh well guess I'm gonna fuck Manuela now

>biggle tiddies
>almost as short as Lys

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Question. If i dont recruit someone pre time skip but have a high enough support with them when meeting in the second half will i get the spare/kill option? im rrying to keep my house focused on my main group until then as i got distracted in my first playthrough

>can marry anyone
>pick the post wall bitch

How will typical fags ever recover?

Why didn't edelgard just assasinate rhea?
She didn't need to innvolve other kingdoms, she could have just killed rhea and the church would've dissolved

Who should I make the leader for the ball? Does it actually matter? I'm playing BL route btw

Can you recruit people after the timeskip? I'm on chapter 6 and if not I want to recruit as many peopl;e as I can before hand

yeah you can don't worry

She looks like she stamps on kittens for fun.

Didn't read the thread so don't know if anyone brought this up but it turns out that it IS possible to recruit students from the other classes post time skip. I'm playing on the Edelgard route and managed to unlock Lysithea's C support with Byleth RIGHT before the time skip because I invited her for tea on her birthday, but that means I wasn't able to view the conversation. So I think that's why when I defeated her with Byleth on Chapter 14 I was given the option to either persuade her to join our side or finish her off, since the same didn't happen with Hilda, which I had no support with.

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Literally the most popular character in game if you believe the statistics
Too normalfag for this place

>Gets meteor
>Shittier than Mercedes

Because that wouldn't give her the power to dissolve the nobility.

If it wasn't for MUH LADY RHEA shit, she'd be perfect.

Does Claude have someone like Dudue or Hubert for him?

There is almost zero romance in the game bar a handful of A supports, like Ingrid and Dimitri.

Hilda is the closest to it, but no.

Hilda cant be recruited on Beagles, but can be on Lions. So kinda?

is this what i think it is?

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Fucking in the sauna sucks and is just asking for heatstroke.

They are not related no.

why do they look like that then?

And all of Linhardt's A supports. Nigga straight up asks if he can pump Flayn full of semen.

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Dagda genes?

I wonder if they'll still fill the game with bi girls if child units ever come back

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As if Manuela would be single. Her personality isn't even bad. If she swore like a sailor and acted like trailer trash it would be different, but she's just messy and a bit rude.

I'm on GD route who should I make my dancer? I did recruit dorothea but I figure after the time skip she would disappear for some maps.

wait which girls can you pair together? Is A ranking marriage for students/teachers?

God damn I got such a close call on that one, my team was already close to the commander but Manuella was pretty much one hit away from death and surrounded by multiple enemies, but somehow the RNG Gods blessed me by letting her dodge like three or four 70-ish hit attacks in a row. Barely fucking beat that mission on my first try.

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is it wrong I want sexual relations with Dorothea? She is like so hot and her Nippon voice is the sexy ara ara kind.

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I have no clue how it works on GD route, but on my BL run Petra, Leonie and Marianne just appeared in Monastery.

>Petra pretty much implies she will kidnap and rape Claude in their A support
god fucking dammit

>Dimitri stops going NUCLEAR
>all his battle lines are shit now
Damn it.

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The supports on non Byleths can go up to A and all F/F Byleth S supports are gay

Byleth can lesbian end 5 girls

Dorothea can lesbian end 3 girls (2 non Byleth options)

Edelgard can lesbian end 2 girls (one of those is kinda subtext)

Mercedes can lesbian end Byleth

Shamir and Catherine can get a subtext ending

I assume some will show up but others you would have to fight and spare to get them back

A ranks can be romantic, but don't have to be. Yuri ends that come to mind are Dorothea/Petra, Dorothea/Manuela, Mercedes/Annette and Shamir/Catherine. There might be more, I don't know.

>pre-skip battle of lion and eagle
>Edelgard: wouldn't it be bad if we actually fought like that later on, hahaha

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Nope. Narrative-wise, it also makes the most sense that he has no 2nd.

Ha ha I bet the flame emperor has an eight pack!

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IS isnt known for their subtlety, it gets way worse

>Caspar's and Hilda's A Route

She literally tells him to go to his room so he can fuck her.

How many endings are there?


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Caspar doesn't know what sex even is.

Normies understand the real unlike autists who are trapped under many layers of ideology.

Bros I just got to the screen where I choose my romantic partner and I dont know who to pick.
Originally it was going to be between Edelgard and Petra but now that I see Sothis is an option I'm even more confused.

Sure he does, it's training right? Yeah gotta be, thats why people keep telling me to have it.

He'll ask Linhardt who gives him step by step instructions and later quietly cheers him on when he hears screams of pleasure from the room.

>Clause invites what is literally Kublai Khan to manage his territory

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the other user is wrong, you can only recruit a single person after the timeskip and who those people are is set in stone to your current path
be = lysithea
bl = lorenz
gd = ashe
everyone else will either vanish from the face of the game or you will kill them

Sothis is the 'I somehow managed failed to s-rank anyone else' pity choice.

>Dorothea and Hanneman A-Rank

Hanneman: Can I call you daddy?

>Why isn't she more popular amongst you autistis?
Why would you sully your bloodline by breeding with the crestless?

Well okay but ur a faget LOL

Explain this.

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She's just dating to find the right guy.

Vibrators didn't exist back then so she had to find the next best thing

>Fame brings money

Because shakespeare was loaded right? You're fucking retarded

this is arguably the worst one, maybe pair up in awakening was worse

She learns thunder so maybe she can improvise

If you have weak constitution or are in there for an ungodly amount of time, sure

That just means she's smart. Her support with Caspar elaborates on this

She knows her best asset is her looks and wants to cash them in for a nice future. She's even honest about it.
She smart.

Nipple in the bottom right, nigga.

This isn't twitch, male nipples are fine

she's a whore, not much to explain

When does this happen? Went BE first, so I tried to check some BL Ch. 17 footage and couldn't find any crisp'ed Bernie

You can't show male nipples on Twitch?

Wait, how? Ashe showed up in my GD route, but I just killed him without any option coming up to recruit or spare.

Male streamers are not allowed to stream with no top, I dunno how enforced that is

>cool brown hair
>pale green eyes
>fair skin
>petite, nice rack

I'll take two, thanks.

apparently you had to have him already recruited in the past, same for lorenz
lysithea might be the only character you can still recruit if you never had her after the timeskip

Wait. How did Thales cockblock you from using divine pulse to save dad?

>About five loads from other guys in her, everyday
Based cuckanon

How long did it take you guys to complete your first run? Does the tedium slow down in New Game+? I'm still in my first playthrough and I'm only at Chapter 9 and I've clocked in 30 hours

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>Tfw like sluts
>Tfw dislike the idea of them getting pounded every night by a different person

I hate this

Go for Manuella then.
She gets no game.

I have no idea who she is or what game she's from.

im still on first run 90 hours later but its no doubt due to the autism I had to get everyone and watch most of their supports at the moment that I can
not even playing on normal either

More enforced than women since they can breastfeed on stream now. Guess twitch mods are too busy jacking it to women to ban them but men get a 3 day suspension for showing 3 pixels of nip

59 hours
You know what you're doing better in NG+ and can skip some of the repeating dialog, don't really have to go around talking to everyone until the time skip, so it does go by a bit faster.

Took me 100 hours going full autistic with exploring and recruiting everyone, which I kinda regret doing now. NG+ feels much faster, like 1 to 2 hours per chapter.

First run was 38 hours doing everything, on chapter 3 ng+ and it's a lot faster.

On Chapter 15 at around 53 hours.

I have about 50 hours in and am in chapter 16 GD. Tedium will depend a lot on you but by now tedium has slowed down a lot because I maxed out professor level so Explore only works for quests, talking to people and feeding people for motivation.

Once you do the timeskip and can't recruit any more people you breezr through the game as you can simply rest or do a seminar.

Why is she so chunni

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> slut

heres something better user kun

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>Leonie cant shut the fuck up about Jeralt
>Cassandra cant shut the fuck up about Rhea
unrelated but still
>Laegjarn cant shut the fuck up about Laevetain
Why does IS go out of they way to make Tomboys shit

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Shes the one I married.

dont support used goods

I suppose Dorothea isn't supposed to have only 20 speed by level 41, right?
At least her magic's decent enough to nuke some things if needed every once in a while.

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That's a really shitty Dorothea

Ignatz and Flayn

Flayn: Paint me like one of your french girls.

>he doesn't cure the tomboy's autism with dick
Is like you don't really love them user.

A man of culture, did that my first run.

Swordmaster or Enlightened One for Byleth?


fuck waifu games
fuck weebs
fuck japan
and fuck japanese games

>lv 41
>33 mag
>20 spd
Jesus, you got fucked by the rng.

fuck (you)
fuck jannies
fuck trannies
and most importantly fuck niggers

A wyvern

Catherine has the best part of that
>her A support is pretty much NTR material cuz when she thinks of Rhea she gets your mental image instead
>you can picture her masturbating about Rhea then bam suddenly Byleth
>Her S support is her begging you to marry her

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This looks more like a lvl 20 character than 40
Holy shit

It's the Jojo hat

Yeah, tomboys are pretty good this game, anyone complaining is a faggot.


This site is pro-nobility and Church.

>I'm a new woman after all
The fuck?

Just cycling through some classes to try to get her some extra abilities, since she needs all the help she can get.

I'm at 50 hours chapter 16 on BL

>shittier mage
>gets thoron, meteor, and Physic
she's actually pretty fantastic as a mage, if you want to see what a shitty mage looks like look at Lindhardt, either mine was magic screwed or his magic growth is just sad for a dedicated mage, 4 range attack spells aren't much help when you've got a 22 Mag at level 33

>'m not bothering recruiting from other houses
have fun missing out on some of the more fun paralogues.

Not at the timeskip yet, but the feeling of having Edelgard stomping across the battlefield as a heavy knight and slaughtering anything foolish enough to walk toward her is fucking great.

Linhardt actually has a higher magic growth rate than Dorothea. He also gets warp which is nice. Too bad the rest of his spells suck ass

>Ingrid is supports are all about I want to be a knight but i also need to marry for my family
>as her supports get higher so her indirects to you
>"professor if only there was a way for me to marry and be a knight"
>"do you know someone professor"
>until it ends with her telling her fillings cuz Byleth seems unaware but it was just a ploy from Byleth to marry her in her weakest moment
being honest i like Cassandra and Ingrid but i hate how they share a game cuz i legit cant fucking choose

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so who's the busted unit in this game

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>Hubie and Edel
man i like both these characters, but they make a shit couple. Hubert is honestly a horrible subordinate with how often he ignores Edelgard's orders to do the more "logical" option. He has no faith in her reasoning when it doesn't line up with his, he just says "I understand i won't kill them" then has them killed right after she leaves the room

The lords, Catherine and Lysithea.

That shit ended with a cliffhanger.

Petra and Lysithea

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Edelgard, Petra and Lysithea, prob.

Hubert makes fantastic pair for Bernie.

Have sex. Didnt read

Excluding Byleth and the Lords, easily Lysithea.
She can easily nuke anything she fights against, has a decent dodge rate, and has access to Warp which thanks to her busted growths can enable her to drop anyone halfway across the map.


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can you actually lose your recruits or have them react negatively to your story route based on their allegiance?
i'm still early in the GD route.

she doesn't have that many interactions with my class and that's the main way i pick my recruits, so i'll get her another time. i'm planning to get her together with manuela.
i'm also not sure if i should play the male or female MC in that run.

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>dodges everything
>crits everything
and you can get her vantage if you demote her

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Man this thread is full of lucklets

Pretty sure promoting her to Assassin or Swordmaster will instantly raise that to 17.


just dodge and crit lol
also give her that sword of zoltan thing

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I know Flayn leaves you if you pick the Edelgard route, don't know if any other character does this though

I'm not sure if I was simply blessed by the RNG gods but my Petra was invincible. Crit on most attacks, dodged near everything. I solo'd the Death Knight without taking any damage on two different missions.

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are most people playing hard/casual for their first run

Can I pair milf Catherine and Dimitri?

That Hat literally doesnt match the rest of the game

Yes many who say they're playing hard/classic are lying

Soloing the Death Knight stops being impressive after his second appearance, he is a pushover.
Hard/classic, every other difficulty is for pussies, waiting for Lunatic.

they have A rank but idk if their paired ending has her marry him, althoe its funny seeing Dimitri be the one begging someone to marry him

then i don't even know what happened because my Linhardt has a pathetically low Mag. he's like 10 points behind Dorothea at around the same level and 20 points behind Lysithea.

Most objectively broken unit? Dimitri.

thank god i picked her for my GD run then

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yeah that support was when i started to like Hubert too.

Hard/classic here it doesn't matter since you have like 12 divine pulses by the time your units are in any danger

Well, one of those was the second appearance

Whatever makes you feel better chump

I know everyone says make a mage your dancer, but i made petra a dancer and good lord she was untouchable with her speed plus the sword dance skill.

yeah but honestly if I had picked hard/classic it wouldnt have made a difference considering this game has practically infinite uses of save states
I picked casual if worse case scenario happens as I still play it with preventing "deaths" and not for sending my units on suicide runs that you can easily do with that tho

You can one shot him the first time he shows up with Lysithea, killing him at any point in the game isn't impressive

why would anyone lie, hard classic isn't even hard thanks to divine pulse. I've been playing on hard classic and haven't had to reset once.

Making your mage a dancer is a bad idea, you want someone with at least a bit of physical bulk so they can take a hit or two if you fuck your positioning or somehow don't murder everyone, having a dodgetank with good defense is ideal.

They do end up together. They spar a lot in their ending.

Better question, why isn't she more popular amongst hentai artists

I'm dying of thirst over her

Must be nice to have Lysithea that early. I only just barely recruited her by the second time he shows up. Still managed to beat him the first time with Edelgard and Byleth.

Am i the only one that likes divine pulse? i use it to check levels, if a unit gets a shitty level i just go back and dont let them level up and fix them next fight

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Game just came out give it a while.

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I did that constantly, along with resetting if I was getting too many bad ones. It made my units too strong, but I plan on not doing so in Lunatic

I also thought it was a bad idea since mages are really useful in this game and It seemed like a waste having them give away their turns to other characters. Also losing out on 2x spell casts from gremory would suck.

hard/classic feels about right, i usually have to use a few divine pulses. it might be slightly on the easier side actually. but i'm only ~Lv13 right now.

i was planning to do my next two runs in lunatic. hopefully it's out by then.

Yeah I started with GD and on my BE NG+ run I bought her B support with renown and recruited her instantly. She's so good

But I'm horny now

Then fap to something else dude, the internet is a gourmet of porn.

I like it, since i've had moments when i opened a door i didn't want to or used the wrong attack because i clicked through to quickly, but i feel like it should have some kind of penalty for overusing it

She's amazing, but it is a shame she doesn't get any 3 range spells, or atleast mine hasn't yet. Hubert and Dorothea get so many kills thanks to being able to snipe from far away.

>Petra paralogue
>rout map
>kill all units
>suddenly Catherine shows up with like 4 bosses in tow
>Kills my mage
Divine pulse fixes that kind of shitty map design but why the fuck would they do that to begin with

>triangle attack does not get a unique animation at least

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Give her the staff from Lorenz' paralogue, it makes all her spells 1-4 range. Problem solved

>Not marrying into Brigid royalty and letting Bernie stay at your place when she visits to study the fauna.

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yeah i'd rather just suffer with 2 range than recruit that fag. When i play GD i'll probably do that though.

IS can't get over their boner for ambush spawns, just be grateful they're not nearly as obnoxious as they were in Awakening

Catherine getting conquered by the dick.

Does this game have pantyshots?

He's actually a pretty good character, shame his haircut sucks

No, but it has something even better

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What kind of woman shows off her milkers and pits during a heartfelt romantic moment?

Yes, give fist weapons to females and take screenshots.


While you were out partying
I studied THE BLADE

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it's tricky but sometimes you can get a peek at them during monastery time. fun fact, Dorothea wears black panties but Hilda wears white.

Should have typed tea partying.

But Dorothea wears light blue ones?

And now when the BOAR is at the DOOR you have the audacity to ask my help

What about Manuela

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Might be the worst case of post-timeskip downgrade so far in the game.

But she has one of the best post-skip designs

when i peeked at her school uniform they looked black.

I really dislike this outfit.