To every healer in any game

heal and don't expect gratitude, slave

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Other urls found in this thread:

only healsluts would be dumb enough to play a dead game

That's just the way I like it, I hate when people show gratitute, I like to be treated badly

healers perpetually btfo....

me on the right...

Ask me how I know you main hanzo

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I stay quiet, expect nothing, and then I stop healing someone outright if they get demanding, expectant, or bitchy. If you want to be an entitled shit, okay, enjoy your deaths and probably our shared loss. I'll take you down with me if you want to be a downer while I'm playing healthbar whack-a-mole.

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Exactly. Healers and tanks control the battlefield. They are highly intelligent people gaining satisfaction from control and helping aspect, unlike DPStards who can only focus on one thing at time.

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I want to have my dumb DPS brains fucked out

Reality Mercy should be fat and have a bulge.


>MMO PvP healing with an actual ape as your teammate

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I want to fuck Mercy



How about I slaughter your enemies while healing you, you cunt?

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Nn, insult me more..

As long as the DPS's don't buttrush and the tanks do their fucking job I keep my mouth shut.

Just kind of dawned on me how brutal Zen is. He's basically killing people with extremely high velocity baseballs to the fucking forehead.



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Excuse me, but I play Mercy so I can use the blaster, not healslut for my teams. What's the point of a healer if they don't get at least bronze eliminations?

>play DPS
>get shitty healers and we always die
>play Healer
>get shitty dps but we survive and win cause people arent dying
really jogs the ol' noggin doesnt it?

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What you say down there? I can't hear you from under my heels. You got to speak up, like a bad little boy you are.

>pull out the blaster, even just once, for any reason
>some faggot gets upset


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He's your bitch. Show him that such behavior just leaves him without your support when he needs it.

TF2 Medic shits all over your favourite, non-Medic healer.
Medic is the only chad healer character in vidya, try to change my fucking mind.

Well me, personally, I like to think Reinhardt fucks Lucio in his tight little ass with his massive German bratwurst.

I said insult me more! Treat me like the retarded DPS player I am! Tell me I'm garbage and step on me!

>play healer
>do you absolute best
>slowly watch as you lose anyway because motherfucking retards shoot at the walls

Healers are sluts and don't deserve respect

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Well, Mercy is a rather braindead hero.

Same, I want everyone to be as mean as they can to me.

It's dumb because there are other characters who are actually strong in that specific play style. You're basically playing mercy like a shit version of Soldier 76 or Zen. Why not just play Zen? Or even Ana?


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Mobility and self-sustain, obviously.
Anyway, why waste time trying to boost useless teammates that can't hit a roadhog if they're inside his ass instead of killing the enemies yourself? Healers who only ever heal and never DPS are worthless.

>You're basically playing mercy like a shit version of Soldier 76 or Zen.
That is not what I said.

How is that? You DARE to demand from me? Having my shoe on your DPS face is not enough hint to tell you how worthless you are? I bet you enjoy it, you dirty minded man-slut. You gaze upon me, trying to take a peek under my skirt from this humiliating position. How low. How perverted. How pathetic. How fitting for DPS you are...

Nigga you a twenty something fat guy it's time to stop

I always play healer or support and Im virgin IRL so I can't be slut. Take that, insulter!

I don't expect gratitude. I expect you to suffer more thanks to me.

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In game of pretend, we can be anybody.

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I don't main healing classes but when I play them, I notice a few trends.
1) There's always that one fucking asshole that has 5 measly points of damage and spams the "call for medic" button, while getting all up in your shit and won't leave you the fuck alone to heal teammates with greater damage. If you do this, please stop.
2) Don't tell me how to play the game, if you do, then you should be the healer instead. Christ knows I'd much rather play something else.
3) If you get killed because you're all the way across the map, don't get pissed off that I didn't heal you because of your stupid decision of not being with the rest of the team.

There's definitely asshole healers out there, but you also have to think about why they're assholes in the first place. Pro-tip: It's probably you

dumb virgin slut

>tfw top score in almost every single game when playing a regular class no matter what game it is
>just want to comfy heal sometimes or sit back and build stuff without being called a furry or a tranny
it's not fair bros. I don't care if you die or not, I literally just wanna be comfy for a round or two

I-I'm sorry! PLEASE insult me more.. this stupid DPS is nothing compared to you... I'm honored to have your shoe in my face! I couldn't ask for more...

As someone who mains support and only just barely plays tanks less, my mentality while playing is closer to what one would expect from a strategy game mindset or a resource management game. Specifically, I think of my DPS and my tanks as my personal resources when I'm healing. I need my spears sharp (my DPS alive and well), and my shields strong and well-maintained (tanks at high health, normally meaning they have armor too, not just health, which is important, at least in regards to OW specifically.)

I use this mentality constantly while healing. If we're trying to shove through a choke, I need to make sure my spears are strong and accounted for, and I need to trust that my shields will be strong enough on their own for me to give the spears my attention. Likewise, if we're trying to hold down a defense point or escourt a cart, I'll probably prioritize rezing a tank over a DPS even if the DPS dies several seconds before the tank, assuming a tank death is foreseeable through them getting slowly overwhelmed right before your eyes.

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Fuck off

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So just play support or healer? Literally no one has ever called me either in the 20 or so years Ive played mostly support and healers. It's just a fucking meme, MAYBE in Overwatch or something if you play on exclusively you'll get such comments but I don't play that game so I wouldn't know

This is literally why I play healers in XIV. Plus AST is pretty fun.

If you arent pocketing a medic who is pocketing you what kinda medic are you

Any game? They give me tools in my game to immediately murder either the subtank or a DPS. Make demands at your own peril

Flashback to when I was keeping the Roadhog alive in direct fire and the Genji jumped up and down losing his shit that I was busy keeping Roadhog alive and there was a full heal waiting for him directly to his left in the building across the street. Literally dash speed away. I prefer to play Tank because I just don't enjoy the game when it's become a babysitting simulator filled with assholes who don't appreciate a single thing I do because it's my job. Oh but the tank get backpats for kicking off the fourth dive in a row. Even when it's me getting a slap on the butt for a successful dive the double standard bothers me

>no fun allowed

It was already proven by research that healers/supporters are enjoying "control" and "planning" aspect of their gameplay. I even made a thread about that with linked articles but it got deleted. I wonder why...

Just post the other one. I wanna send it to my healer friend who quit healing in his shitty XIV mmo because he said they made it more brain dead than it already was.

For me it's more like 'I don't expect gratitude, I'm the glorified foreman and I need you schlubby schmucks to do your damn job competently and win. If you suck ass, alright, I'll notice and you'll get less attention than good team members that actually land their shots.' I don't expect thanks, I expect my jackass employees to walk me into the endzone while I give them the occasional pat on the back via heal to keep them content and working for me.

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If you heal anyone other than pocket medics i am disgusted

If you still have any of the articles archived in your history, feel free to share 'em here, if you're so inclined. They sound like interesting reading material.

Oh look yet another power hungry autistic support class player

It does feel pretty good to boost my fighting force and see them go and fight the enemy.

>sup I heard you guys were looking for a healer? prot? sure I can switch, no problem

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God damn, shut the fuck up already fuckinf retard

>random arena
>team has 2 monks
>enemy team has 2 monks

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Imagine a world where everyone has reliable self-heals

Not really, Im on phone right now.

They are in description, three links after "test" one.

>It was already proven by research that healers/supporters are enjoying "control" and "planning" aspect of their gameplay.
this makes sense to me as a support main who's a control freak IRL
I get to wrest control of the outcome of a battle from the enemy. You hurt my teammate? Bam, undone, fuck you. You killed one? Rezzed, get your kill cucked, shitlord. You think you're going to rush me for revenge? Now I've damage boosted a bodyguard with a shotgun and you've rushed into their range to get to me; have fun. I love stealing that control from the enemy, and moreover, I love lording it over my team when they want to be assholes. If you want to loudly complain about your healers in chat/ on voice then you're not going to get any heals. Remember that, kids.

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Found the healer


go fight them yourself then, bitch

It kind of gives me the same feeling as army management games, or any game with summoner classes like necromancers. I enjoy maintaining my army and being rewarded for keeping them well sustained.

i hope your life bar shows 55hp

These actually do seem interesting after all. Thanks for the help, user. Gonna check 'em out now.

yeah right. I'm only a healer because If you had to heal you'd be yolo pistol diving with mercy. I'm suffering less so I don't have to suffer more with you as healer

>forget to drop everything and thank my healer and offer to suck him off after every single heal
>he REEEs and stops healing me
People who play healer are the useless fucks in high school who smelled like cat piss and sat alone and now they crave something they can feel in control of

sharing is caring

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Chaddest healer

this except I imagine it more as me giving my DPS a dog treat and a condescending head-ruffling before sending them off to bring me another stick (a kill)

>Yes yes, I saw the kill, you're a very good boy, here's your heal treat, now get the fuck back out there, we're not done and you haven't earned my full approval yet

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dead game

Yikes! See

Yes, Master!

but do you take the knot after the match?

He's my master not yours!

The only healer I play is Lucio and that's only because that lil nigga is so fucking fun and upbeat. Also blasting people off ledges is entertaining.

>play medic once in a blue moon
>know basics like efficient uber building, crit heals, crosbow usage
>bunch of teammates hurt
>they do everything they possibly can to fuck you over
>fucking assholes run away from you the second you click on them expecting pocketing
>take medkits when they're at 90% and you're healing them
>abandon you when anything more powerful than a spy shows up
>turn 180 when you uber
>"great med" every time because i don't immediately switch off
How do you medic mains keep doing this, it's rage inducing.

someone else finally gets it

Fuck OFF, BITCH. Get your own Master. OP is taken and his yummy cock is spoken for!

Keep trying to manipulate your healer into giving a shit, it's bound to get you healed one of these years. I only see healers bitch about not getting their compliments if it's the end of a match, we're looking at the scoreboard, they did amazing, and no one is acknowledging it in any way, shape, or form, such as endorsements and upvotes in overwatch's case since that's the game of the thread. Outside of that I only see them stop healing people if that person bitched at them, or if the person is going full autism and doing something like refusing to heal on Ana since they want to play her as a sniper DPS and nothing but. And I'll be the first to say that those healers who bitch for compliments at the end of matches are assholes, you won't hear me say otherwise, but they're uncommon compared to DPS who bitch at healers, saying shit like "where are our healers/ lol no healing" when they've been healed consistently all game and have been rezzed more than once to pick up their dumb overextending ass.

But I saw his yummy cock first! He IS my master!

I don't ask for any compliments, so that redirect is irrelevant to me. I do my job silently because I signed up to do it. But that doesn't change the dynamic of them coming back to me for scratches behind the ears in the form of heals, then going back out into the fray to fetch me a new stick.
I spay and neuter both my pets and my DPS. They can't be trusted with reproduction, given how simple-minded they all are.

Please castrate me mommy

This. A begrudging healer that's playing more as a DPS is somehow even more painful than some autistic full DPS comp. At least play a character designed to do good damage instead of trying to fit a square peg into a round hole you fucking DPS Ana retards; just pick Ashe, Widow, or Hanzo instead of tricking our team into thinking we have a healer only to realize mid-match that you don't intend to do your character's designated job.

Protection Prayers, kept in check by Mesmers, was the backbone of GW1's mechanical perfection.

I mostly played RA to practice my Monk hunting, so that was basically the best possible outcome for me.
>when you scare the bad Monk into running away from his team by stepping in his melee range, then turn and get the qknock just right on the good one as he tries to help and kill both in turn
Priceless feel, that one.

>cock and ball torture faggot
I hope you wind up ejaculating blood if you ever get someone to step on your dick like you want. We've all seen the webm.

Sounds like a fun time to me!

>I spay and neuter both my pets and my DPS. They can't be trusted with reproduction, given how simple-minded they all are.
nooo that isn't fair, a good doggy should get a treat after the match

post high IQ supports

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Good doggys get to hump my shoes~

OP is here. One can suck my balls, another rimms my ass. Choose.

>blizzardshills post in and bump the blizzardshill thread

They got several in the forms of heals all throughout it, and if they're decent DPS who land shots I'll give them an upvote and maybe a written compliment.

God it feels good to be a healer.

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I-i'll volunteer for the rimming...

How do i train myself to be this?

just find a daddy to physically and mentally abuse you
worked for me

do ur fkn job and heal teammates you absolute fag

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Where do I find one... I want to be abused...

This only counts for old metas where his hat's self-healing was broken on fuckers like Greymane and Valla.

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Baseballs would be kind, those things are solid metal, likely they're more like cannonballs

I want to be Mercy moneyslave

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CRINGE. Unironically used for once

Do your job and DPS/ tank without being a whiny bitch, just like I'm doing the healing with no complaint. If you can do that and do it competently, there's no issue. If not, and you try to scapegoat me for your overextending and shit plays, get fucked, no healing for you.

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How does that even work?

Too late, OP! I'm already gargling your balls and making them gross and sloppy with my saliva!

You can pick and choose the meanest one

Just because I never thank the healer doesn't mean I'm not grateful. Its difficult for me to even type with others.

Go find some faggy incel roleplay thread in one of your containment boards, human waste.

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How am i meant to hump them if I've been neutered... they are high heels at least right?

Become a Muslim.

all of these posters are ugly men
and you are just ridiculous

this thread recoiled my near constant boner in seconds

Mad cause he can't get any pussy. Real or virtual

I'm not the user who said the neutering stuff! Your parts are safe with me. Unless you don't want them to be~
Of course they're high heels though!

Good. Incels should be castrated desu

Really? Is it that easy..?

What if it's not a high IQ galaxy brain mandatory support, but just a really fucking fun one?

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basically, you are giving someone your money without expecting anything in return

Healers that can't be a secondary dps are bad game design, change my mind.

horrible embarrassment of a ""human""

Bussy is all you're getting

>Defending two dudes typefucking each other while pretending to be women on the internet
>Basically jacking another dude off via wire
And you're calling other people virgins? Holy fucking irony.

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Oh post discord then. I'll waste your cash on lootboxes

shoo shoo redditor

Get out, newfaggot. He's just as bad for triggering a wordfilter however.

>jealous erpers get more action than he ever will

Highest IQ post in this shitty thread

I wouldn't see that message because I instantly block the tank when I PUG

>Unless you don't want them to be~
That is kinda hot. Like threatening to take me to the vet if i'm not a good dps doggy who gets gold elims all the time


nah that just fantasy, i don't even have a credit card to give people stuff over the internet

enjoying your summer vacation, jimmy?

>level 8 mercy joins
>"Let's make this an easy win, 2-2-2 please."
>our genji switches to tank
>later on she tells our level 90 gold border Pharah to switch after she ults
>comment she's pretty bossy for a level 8
>explains she's got gold border with three stars on xbox

Well anyway this thread almost made me open the game and play it but then I remembered how god awful of an experience it can be.

>this beta cuck didn't understand that the mercy main was being a cunty brat to fish for an alpha male to put her back in her place
never gonna make it, user

Well then, you better be a good little dps huh? Don't want me taking you in to have those balls taken do you? What's the fun of humping my heels with no nuts to do it with...

>no credit card
Stop being a pathetic neet and get to working so you can be a pathetic pig

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>refuse to focus on healing people that don't manually say Thanks to me for healing them

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not really, the work began in 2 hours


Not gonna lie, this is a good guide.

God I wish I could so badly. I want my wallet to be drained just for a few cosmetic items that won't even be used

>play tank
>have friend play healer
>manage to survive and get through every group even with the most retarded dps

hard to do when you have no brain dumbass

just watch some typical sissy cuck tranny brainwashing like the rest of this site does
fetlife, but trust me, you don't.
not really most people on grindr are fucking retards and have no idea how to dom.
i'd do it but i doubt you're within 25 miles of 10021

Scary and lewd. I better go practice my aiming

No it isn't, this is fucking terrible


look up findom
i hate women so god damn much
but i hate the men who enable their bullshit even more.

this entire thread

>fetlife, but trust me, you don't.
Why do you say that user?
And no I'm nowhere near there, sadly.

cringe bro

I guess it would depend on if the Pharah was doing well and on fire or anything like that. If not, without knowing what she was fighting, yeah, maybe it was a bad pick for all I know, like maybe she was fighting Sombra and Widow or something. Either way, was this competitive or QP? If it was QP they should've told her to eat a dick and hit H if she wants a specific hero that wasn't on the team yet. This comes from a Mercy main who never asks anyone for anything too specific. At most sometimes I'll say "a barrier tank might be useful if you can fill that but if not it's all good, just play what you're good at and comfortable with and we'll see where we need to adjust as the match goes on. I can always be the barrier tank for us and let someone else heal, I wouldn't mind that if anyone feels like it, but no pressure." Junk like that.

I just enjoy teamwork so I try to be that guy. Frankly it's the only reason I play Overwatch at all. Every other FPS I've ever tried feels so lonely and every man for himself, even the team-based ones I've tried. Still, I know I don't have much experience in the genre, and some games like Rainbow Six: Siege are apparently pretty good for the teamwork vibe, so maybe I should check that one and some others like it out sometime.

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what's wrong with it? do you have any other guide for personality and socialization on wow?

shill your channel somewhere else

Incels deserved to be wallet raped

Good boy! When you're done practicing you can jerk off into one of my shoes. Have fun!

>not picking healer simply because you are tired of seeing bad healers
y'all read too much into this shit.

ERPers are worse

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>losing on purpose because he's a little bitch

Nah erpers don't go and annoy others like cringe posters do

pretty much

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They shitpost the entire board with their uwu fuck me silly daddy crap instead of using /trash/ or some other designated degeneracy board. They are the reason steam friend threads get deleted on sight

P-Please insult me more seethfag-sensei! I'm almost there!

post it

Eh, is what it is, man. It's a game with three distinct types of tools with a bunch of specific sub-variations; DPS, healer, and support. I just choose to think of it more like a chess board kind of deal, where every piece has a specific or two that it's great at doing, even if the piece can be misused for other ends or creatively repurposed for an uncommon type of game resolution. From there it becomes a management game for me where I need to pick and choose which pieces I'm desperately trying to keep on the board and which ones I'm alright with sacrificing in the heat of the moment if it results in a win.

It's a really basic mindset for all sorts of gaming, user. But, hey, if that's cringe to you then it's cringe, but to me it's just a matter of risk assessment and evaluating the worth of the pieces you have access to on your board.

Confirmed for newfag.
Steam friends threads are the worst thing on Yea Forums. Full of literal schizos and psychopaths

Yes, I will absolutely ruin their fun if they try to ruin mine with complaints about my performance. Or, at the very least I'll shun them and focus on others who don't autistically point fingers like upset children when their day doesn't go how they would've hoped in-game.

He's not wrong that it's full of ERPing tranny faggots and trap-posting though. That's just fact, even if those threads have always been shit for a pastiche of reasons.

Thanks for owning up to where you come from, reddit cancer.

Funny thing is most trannies don't erp.

>"Not every monk is a scammer, but every scammer is a monk."
>Smelly corpse: "Plz rez"
>WHM: "I have a number of reasonable pricing options and I'm sure we can find one that works for you."
I think it's just WoW and WoW clones that the whole submissive healer thing is from.

Speaking as someone who used to play on a WoW roleplay server and who has friends who play on them on FF14, yes, there's a fuckload of hugboxy ERP trannies who demand trigger warnings and will publicly shame other roleplayers in global chat channels if that other roleplayer's character was mean about the tranny's self-insert androgyny abortion.

>jerk off into one of my shoes
This is more fun and addicting than you'd expect. My gf has a pair of flipflops I jerk off on while she's at work and she wears them in the yard / patio / driveway sometimes. Over the course of a couple months I basically came on them every time I masturbated. Our work schedules are different, we both have part time jobs, so I get enough "downtime" while she isn't home to cum on them often, usually a few times a week. Don't worry, I still have enough energy to have plenty of sex. Anyway they are now permanently stained from my cum. and the semen seeping into the polyurethane has a very distinct scent that I can't quite describe. It doesn't smell like dried cum, it doesn't smell like plastic, it's pretty unique.
Anyway she wears them fairly often, even out in public sometimes. It's a fun time to be honest with you. I have jerked off in heels and she wore them after and mentioned how it felt kind of weird, but, she doesn't mind.

this but unironically
i like to win. usually being able to play healer will leads to more wins than dps wins.

It's not a thing in WoW at all, only MMO game I've seen it was XIV

Being a foot/shoe dom is the ONLY thing I'm good at for domming. Just wish I was actually a girl to do it. ERP is good enough I guess

Treat others how you want to be treated. I heal everyone equally until one of them identifies themselves as an asshole, whether by attacking me or some teammate that was doing well. I will not reward petulant children with heals. It's my button to press and I won't exert the effort for someone who's spitting in my face, plain and simple. If you don't like it, tough, you can pick healer yourself and make sure I don't get the role slot, bitch.

>Airstraves over and explosion and crits you with the Ubersaw

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It's a thing in several Korean MMO's like Tera.

It's just a fucking meme. It's less common than actual erp degeneracy. It's all imaginary scenarios and forum wank.
Naturally all the games with waifus are going to be a target of that and WoW pc's are fucking shit for that

What if I told you zen never actually throws the balls, he only fires some sort of energy projectile out of them.

Some high tier ghost shit is going on then because the balls ust fucking disappear when used.
Also, some horribly metallic sounds those energy blasts be makin

Or she needs to be in Hell with someone else.

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I think of this as an extension of the fantasy Monk class troupe, personally. Their whole thing is that they try to use non-lethal force, but boy does that not stop game makers from adding attacks like exploding heart strikes and stuff to their kung-fu repertoire. The basic idea with a monk character is that they beat an opponent into submission but they do not kill, and they only do even that much when someone or something else forces their otherwise pacifistic hand. So, I think of Zen's mentality as him assuming his metal orbs aren't inherantly lethal, so long as he chooses to avoid vitals, and canonically he has never killed anyone, so that flies in my book. Dude's a tibetan monk that doesn't want to hurt anyone, he'll just defend himself and others until any would-be assailants are on the ground, likely with a few broken bones from blunt trauma fractures, and maybe some internal bleeding, but nothing truly fatal.

I'm not either of those anons, but I've always more or less chosen to ignore that, yes, it does look like the metal orbs are just some sort of chi focusing item that Zen uses to make DBZ-style ki-blasts with. It seems like he is in fact doing that, but eh, I have more fun imagining him actually whipping metal balls at people at like 75 MPH or so, cracking ribs and fracturing skulls with 'em.

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Check again user.

>ridiculous pace
>slow down

fuck that, tank go faster

She is, but she has her place. I normally pick her if I'm forced to solo-heal, since she heals herself passively if her play uses cover well, so I don't have to worry about healing myself as I do on someone like Ana or Moira. Mercy's a slightly more self-sufficient healer if she can be moderately safe, but yes, she is easy as fuck, and that comes from someone who had hundreds upon hundreds of games played on her with a good win rate. I play her because she does a few things well, like not relying on cooldowns to heal herself, and she's good if you need more burst since she makes a DPS's damage even spikier and hard for enemy healers to react to. I take her for those reasons, not to claim she's a hard pick that takes any skill.

They can heal themselves if they want to outpace my mana pool in an MMO, and if they want to rush into a point in something like Overwatch before our DPS have gotten a pick or two to make them take less damage, then it's their fault if they die, and I will relish laughing at them in chat if they try to blame me.

I don't really care if it's the tank's fiftieth time through this instance. His loot grind means less than nothing to me. If I haven't done the instance before I'm not going to sprint through it at breakneck pace.

>get kicked for being a buttblasted retard healer
works out well for you I bet faggot

A healers job IS to keep idiots alive.
But the teams job is to keep their healers alive. If you don't protect your healers you don't deserve heals.

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God I wish that was me

>equip Australium weapon or unusual
>healers only pocket me instead of anybody else on my team
Healsluts are all the same in any game, they just sit in the back expecting anybody else to do the work for them and take all of the credit because they think pressing the mouse key and crouching behind cover is pure skill

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>I think it's just WoW and WoW clones that the whole submissive healer thing is from.
ow really ruined it more recently
other tactical shooters had more chad medic classes, including battlefield, tf2, even global agenda had heal grenades.
>They are the reason steam friend threads get deleted on sight
not the ONLY reason.

>shoe dom
what is this and how does it work?

It does, yes. I haven't been kicked from any groups in years, but I do get plenty of others kicked, at least in the games that have such systems. I don't really have anything else to say, that's just the truth even if it's likely that you'll claim I must be lying.

they always thank me

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Just domming girls and boys with feet or shoes. Some activities include them licking or humping, or me as the dom stepping, stomping or telling them what to do to them.

>cry everytime someone dosen't immediately suck your cock for pressing a single button

I 90% of the time play tank and support the other times just becuase for some reason I can't trust people to do a simple job. Playing tank and support for so many years has just made me bitter and to think as every random I group with as not even there at first. I just pace stuff as if I am going to solo it and then speed up as I see how much the others can keep up and just speed my pace up until I think that is it. The best way to do thing when you first group is just think as if you're going to be soloing everything.

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Reading comprehension, aspie. As I said, I stay quiet. That includes me not demanding anything but quiet civility from the people around me. I don't say anything 90% of the time, and as long as people are civil, they get healed. I only refuse to heal a given player if they are actively being an asshole and bringing the mood down. No compliments are expected or even truly wanted. I'll do my job, you do your job, and if we win, great. If some aspect of that doesn't happen, I have no complaints so long as no on chimps out and goes full rage-nigger, but that does happen often, and those people get no heals from that point on. Yes, I will absolutely slap a mouthy dog with a rolled up newspaper, and if the dog wants to whine about how I'm an asshole for disciplining it, tough shit, I'll enjoy the laugh as they get what they have coming to them. Maybe the DPS dog won't show its teeth next time if it wants a treat instead of a punishment. And, if he doesn't learn his lesson, and flashes those teeth again? Newspaper time, if you can replay your shitty card then I can replay mine by not healing you.

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Only post worth reading

tfw body replacement won't be around for 50+ years

Control freaks are toxic. Hope you never have a gf

not him but in some games like fps games healers are completely optional. I'm assuming you're talking about an mmorpg as healers are needed in those games but how would you react when an Assault class starts giving you shit in a FPS game?

It's not fair, I want that body so badly

>pick Reinhardt
>advancing towards the objective
>put up my shield and press on
>everyone on my team goes ahead of my shield and die

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Depends on the game. They're sure not going to be optional in Overwatch's most popular mode soon, which is this thread's main subject. Either way, to answer your question, I'd respond the same way regardless: Okay, if you want to be an ass then you can babysit your own healthbar. If you survive, good for you. If not, I officially do not care and I will enjoy watching you die.


>lay down totem
>teammates run away from it
>enemies accidentally tripping over it
it's just the worst when everyone involved is a mouth breather and I'm unable to put any of them out of their misery

I'm fine with delegation and relinquishing control to others that I trust. The control freak thing is only really in regards to unfamiliar people and situations, and a lot of internalized comments like "I can't control the universe, only myself and how I react to the world around me, so take a breath and try to calm down and be rational about the situation" bouncing around in my head frequently enough. I simply enjoy getting to indulge that control freak urge in games, where it's useful. Maximize efficiency in any games where I manage systems or build machines, steal control of a potentially bad situation from my enemies by undoing their damaging to my allies with my own healing, and other junk like that.

It might be worth mentioning that I'm more fixated on controlling my own fate, not the fate of others. My control freak tendencies that I've referred to manifest as things like me mentally overpreparing for, say, being mugged at a gas station in the middle of the night, and other stuff like that. They're about me wanting to find some way to control a bad situation to resolve it positively. It's not about manipulating others for my own benefit in some callous manner. Mainly it's just a symptom of paranoia and risk-aversion.

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Post your profile please

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As a follow-up to this, I'll say that my control freak shit mainly manifests monetarily in relationships. My last girlfriend was a big weeb who spent literally thousands on anime figurines and shit, so I often ran into internal conflicts with myself where I wanted to tell her to grow up and let us build up a nest egg instead of living paycheck to paycheck while zeroing out our accounts every month buyfagging. I normally bit my tongue, but yeah, every now and then someone had to be an adult and tell her that she couldn't get a fourth figure in a single month, or that she had already bought several games and that we're a little too tight until the next check to get another if we want to keep the lights on and the water running. Other than that I gave her pretty much complete autonomy. After all, I want to date a person, not some dutiful boot-licker that simply follows my commands, which I guess would be a real control freak's ideal partner.

Confirmed brain dead. No sane or intelligent person would spend almost 700h playing Mercy. A hero that requirees no thought or effort to play.

Did a healer touch your butthole when you were a kid? Why do you hate them so much, user?

I don't respect the brainless.
You couln't even force me at gunpoint to play Mercy for even 100h. That's legit chinese torture.

I disagree, Mercy is really chill and fun to play. You can heal and fly everywhere trying to avoid mean genjis.
Also it's an old screenshot i'm almost at 800h

I don't play TF2 but when people start acting like retards I just don't heal them. It does piss me off when people are dumb, just gotta learn to love the anger and man do I love anger.
In Paladins when fags die across the map and spam vgs I mute them and send back "that's too bad, good luck" over vgs, I'm fucking seething but whatever. Or my tanks overextend and expect me to be there healing them so I can also die. Or someone will walk into four people and think my healing should save them. Or when someone is mad I'm not able to keep them alive when I have three other people to keep alive. Same shit, different smell.
In Planetside 2, sometimes when I'm healing someone they will start running away expecting me to follow them and continue healing. I usually just laugh then turn around to heal one of the other dozen people that need healing and aren't retards expecting a pocket but a quick jump in health so they can go back to shooting.
Mal Damba from Paladins, 80% of his kit is skillshots.
Like I said, Mal "a snake is fine too" Damba.
>oh you want to flank me
>stuns you with my reload
>you get raped by me
>use my invul dash and get closer to my tank/damage
>we rape you
>i ult your tank and support
>my team and i rape them
>you flank into 5 people and we all rape you
or maybe
>i ult you
>stun you
>then rape you

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>Yea Forumsmblr response
Go back

I'm never not going to be salty at 'mercy mains" ruining her

Would you prefer for no one on your team to ever play healer, then?

Considering I almost always have to play tank or healer and feel like my brain is melting out of boredom? Considering I stopped playing Overwatch ages ago because of how insanely shallow it is?
Don't care.

what you are is a bitch and the reason why healers are seen as sluts only good as walking onaholes to be used up and ruined

>play Quick Play
>intentionally ignore players spamming the heal chat command
>wait for them to hop on mic and yell at me
>get turned on every single time

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>telling other roles they're not doing their job right

>okay guess I got to kite it more and time the swap better
>I have a number that tells me am I doing good or not so I have objective statistics on how well I am doing
>what the fuck nigger why can't I just fucking stand still and play whack-a-mole??! what the fuck debuff yourself I can't fucking be expected to do anything! be fucking thankful I grace you with my presence

Healers, almost without exception, are self-centered, irritating little cunts.

>He thinks medals mean something
Spotted the hanzo main

>healers are designed to be shit at everything except healing
>gets attacked by enemy flankers
>team gets mad because of no heals and dying

This is why people hate everyone when they play healers.


Imagine having so much fucking responsibility and the enemy team wanting to gangrape you

no need for healing when you suicide bomb 10 seconds after spawning, but take half the enemy team with you

>pick a healer whos ROLE, RESPONSIBILITY, JOB AND GOAL is to heal
>expect people to give you extra appreciation for doing what you are suppose to do

It's like a dps stops killing enemies because people aren't appreciating him pressing right click when the crosshair is over them

Okay, daddy OwO

I'm fine with you thinking I'm a bitch, an asshole, or anything else, really. Your opinion matters as much to me as the jackasses I wind up choosing to let die. Enjoy raging about it while I continue getting people kicked and breezing through any game with group content where I get to heal.

more like
>>what the fuck i have multiple people to heal, buff and cleanse. the least you could do is try not to get hit.

The better analogy would be if your Mercy or Reinhardt started saying that your damage is shit and that you should uninstall. If, say, a Reaper took that comment and told the person "okay, get your own kills then, tank/ healer," I'd actually agree with them.

More like
>why aren't those fuckers dead yet, dps

>back during warhammer online
>played choppa (medium durable dps)
>hold back with casters and healer
>enemy flankers and dps show up in the back
>shit on them easy peasy because of the support from my healers
>rinse repeat

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Mercy is stupid!

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She's precious!

>Start playing healer because i'm a degenerate and the healsluts memes
>Becomes a grumpy healer after taking the game more seriously and noticing how terrible the average players are

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high responsibility jobs don't equal skill level, tanks and healers are for retards, these are facts.


best healer in gaming coming through

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This. The moral is that no one enjoys being told what to do, no one enjoys being micromanaged, no one enjoys some random shitass telling you you're bad at your role and should uninstall. If one person does that to another, even, say, one tank insulting another tank, then I wouldn't blame the ridiculed one for saying "okay, handle the whole job yourself then if you're so much better at it than me." That's the heart of this whole thing. If you don't tell people how to do their job and just let them have autonomy then things will go better and get less heated/ spiteful. People just want to say shitty things without retribution, so they get mad when the healer stops healing or the tank stops blocking damage and shit. It makes me think most of them are trolls who just plain can't handle the fact that, yes, their fellow players can fuck them over to get revenge if the troll pisses them off. The troll expects the whole internet to be Yea Forums where they can be an anonymous dickbag without anyone being able to punch them or anything like that. Well, you can't teamkill a friendly in Overwatch, but you sure can stop working with them the way they would wish. Being an antisocial dickbag has consequences in a lot of scenarios, games like Overwatch being one of them, and some people have gotten too comfortable with consequence-free trolling to be able to handle that, so we have these support group threads for people that want to whine about how they talked shit and people stopped cooperating with them, like a child who kicks over a sand castle then cries about how he wishes he still had a miniature castle to play with.

literally me
>do all things my dps never do like not die, come back for heals, protect the backline, stay in los for heals
>never get heals despite this, always low health waiting for out of combat regen, team is always low health or dead
>decide to play support
>only times people die is by diving too hard or not being in my los
>have to defend the backline by myself, dps are rarely easily healed because theit positioning is poor
I've resigned myself to the "stereotypical asshole support" and I don't give a fuck.
I've micromanaged games from a loss to a win. If you can't accept being told what to do from someone better than you then you shouldn't play multiplayer games.

you only like him cause he's fotm

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>I've micromanaged games from a loss to a win.
Shotcalling is one thing, but I was talking about things like telling someone that their damage or healing is shit and that they should uninstall because they're such shit and this that and the other thing. Strategizing and constructive criticism leads to wins, as you're saying, yes. It's just that flat negativity with no message beyond 'I'm mad and I'm going to make that known' is much more common, and normally just frustrates the team, leading to even lower chances of success now that some are a little annoyed and probably playing worse as a result, even if no one stops healing or blocking shots or anything like that.

>They think that by passive aggressively spamming heal commands that they'll get heals
>Never a thank you
Rage quit after spamming thanks and understood

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What do they usually say?

Time for your temperature reading cutie x3;;;;;;

Tankbros where we at?

When will they make her fun again?

>do your job
>get mad people don't suck your dick for doing said job and throw the entire thing over this

More like no cringe allowed

>be a shitty teammate just because it gets you off

fucking based, this is exactly what i do

Whenever I play medic I usually heal people who call out spies or thank others when their life is saved (reflection, pyro airblast, etc.) The ones who don't usually do get healed, but not much overheal.
It usually filters out a lot of players who aren't aware of what's actually going on around them, which is the last thing you want when kritz'ing them or even uber.

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Fuck you go lick those motes off of the floor you pig.

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Nope. No dick sucking required. Just don't be a cunt. That's it. Literally all I want is civility, nothing related to praising me. All you have to do is not type something shitty about me or our teammates. If you can do that then we're fine and I'll heal you. If not, cry me a river.

Battleborn actually has really good support characters
>Miko is similar to Medic and Mercy with a heal beam but has great CC with the spore bomb and deathcap, can spec into more healing, more damage and debuffs or mix two
>Ambra has alot of DPS capability with her Mini Suns, firestorm and "end of the word" attack, if built correctly she's has straight up DPS tier damage

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This, but in my experience it's more like
>play healer
>do your absolute best
>watch your tank(s) Winston leap/ Hammond roll/ Reinhardt 50,000 yards out ahead of the entire rest of your team
>they die out in bumfuck nowhere behind multiple walls with a bunch of enemies around their body
>"wtf no heals, guess were throwing then lol, not even a rez, fucking autistic noob shitters"

Sometimes I can make it work and carry my shitty DPS by keeping them alive long enough for them to prove the 'broken clock is right twice a day' idiom and land them a kill despite shit aim. Other times this happens and my tanks are so fucking charge-happy that they never let our DPS push up with them, so they walk into a 1v6 and somehow that's everyone else's fault but theirs.

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Do any OW characters tend to get enemies saltier than others? I've been slumming it in silver and having fun slowly making my way up with picks like Symmetra and Mei that both get me lots of asspained rage comments about how low-skill the pick happens to be. That shit gives me life, and if a character pisses people off even more than Mei and Sym, making them indignantly asspained about how you totally didn't deserve to kill them, then I want to know about and main that hero.

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Stop being a slut, mercy from owg

Nope! I'm going to keep drooling on OP's balls, just like I did here.

Suck harder.

I mean, that's why I played Torb on offense so much
it actually worked.

>free weekend on Overwatch
>play Roadhog
>mercy mains everywhere
>gold in healing every match
Healsluts are pants on head retarded

No, I've sucked those balls for long enough. I've been a good girl and I deserve to suck something else now!

Lick my thighs and toes then.

>When you're good enough at a self-healing tank that the healer complains about your pace when you don't even actually need him yet
Blood DK was my jam.

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>be healer
>bout to pull heroic dungeon boss with pug
>don't stand in the creep, if you stay in it you will die & I'm not wasting my time healing you
>mage pops Ice Block after standing in creep & going from 90% health to 5%
>fucking garbage healer STFU
>you're not my mom

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That's not really what I wanted to lick and suck, either... but fine! I'll sponge down your toes with my tongue and smother my taste buds into your thighs until you're glistening in my drool!

>paladins is overall shit, but has some fun and interesting heroes

Such a shame he's trapped in Paladins. Him and Bomb King are ace.

Attached: Mal'Damba.png (926x843, 838K)

for me is more of a "Well, i guess i will heal you, as it seems you are all...dying" stuff

You don't deserve to suck what you want to suck yet. Polish my thighs and maybe


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Now that I think about it, that's how you would make supports more fun to play in Overwatch.

Instead of making heroes solely dedicated to healing, just make them heroes that are acceptable at fighting, but a bit less durable, then just give them one heal they can't spam or use constantly.
When you time is basically spent 24/7 just healing, that's when it becomes boring.

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Mmmh, fine... I'll behave, then. I'll grind and smother my tongue deep into your thighs, making them gross and sticky underneath so much of my saliva. I have a hard time keeping my drool in check when I'm between someone's thighs, so close to that big fat reward!

I know this is bait but I still find it retarded how healers or supports in general expect immense gratitude for just doing their fucking job
you never see other roles in any game genre do it to that extent

Are you, by any coincidence, this person?

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but he has several voice lines referencing death
remember that omnics in OW universe are a ticking time bomb until (((the iris))) decides to start a war again
too bad the fucking lore is getting nowhere and we'll be stuck with stories about how gay and depressed soldier 76 is

It's because of how unfun it is to play the class they treat it as them taking one for the team by picking a healer.

When I heal I just do my job. If you’re going to be retarded and go in deep where I can’t support you go for it but don’t bitch if you die.

Yeah, that's fine. I never bitched about pace with blood death knights that were competent with their self-healing and shielding mechanics. I did the same shit while playing them myself even when my healers would complain, because fuck them, I know how my health bar works and I know how to sustain it with or without them, and as someone who mains healer in the first place, I know when they're being a whiny bitch about something that's fucking effortless, so I call them out as needed.

but healers are fun

>dedicated healing
Who the fuck would play this role?
I love playing medic but I only ever play games where the medic has firepower and it's their secondary job to heal teammates. Feels very much like being a necromancer.

What’s with all these sluts in this thread? They are always trying to suck some dick or get fucked in the ass or some gay shit like that.

>When you time is basically spent 24/7 just healing, that's when it becomes boring.
I completely disagree. This is one large reason I like Heroes of the Storm more than League of Legends and DOTA 2, since healers feel like healers in Heroes, not a DPS who happens to have a heal they can use every so often, which is lame as shit. If I wanted to play DPS I would, but it's simply not gameplay I enjoy as much as people like you do, nor do people like you seem to be interested in/ capable of empathizing with people like me who find heal whack-a-mole really fun in of itself, especially when you mix in side mechanics like sneaking rezzes when enemies aren't looking. Reinforcing my group and making sure they're all on their feet and having fun is something I find really stimulating. I don't want or expect anything in return, mind you; I just like that job, plain and simple.

>playing wow
>playing current year wow
>playing current year wow with pugs
>playing current year wow with pugs as a healer
major oof

One of the few things Paladins got right is this snekman's kit as a support with actual balanced DPS.

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I prefer more complicated and less one-note heroes.
If I wanted to shut my brain off and get bored from doing the exact same busywork (healbot task) then I'd have gotten a job at McDonalds.

Their rules all make sense, but wow, what a pretentious douche, having a macro ready to say all that. No, I have one rule, user. Don't be a dick, period. In MMO's I'm fine with my tank rushing ahead of me so long as they don't bitch if they die while they're LoSing me from behind walls and all that. If they allow me the time to drink, should that be needed, then we'll have no problem. It's only if they start whining about how things aren't going how they would like that we would wind up in an argument that might escalate to a lack of heals for them.

I could say the same about shooting people and hitting the occasional interesting button to shake up gameplay. I find it completely mind-numbing and I'd rather spend the match juggling tasks like backing up my flankers and getting the tanks back up to full health while keeping track of enemy ults and trying to plan around when to counter-ult them, sneak in a rez, or any number of other things, depending on the character, like how I might be focused on bodyguarding my cohealer and dueling between healing if I'm on Brigitte, or I might spend a good bit of the match playing pool with Moira's damage orb and succ succ.

I don't play support at all in vidya, because the left would always end up being true.

As support, you can't make nearly as much of a difference as you can playing a damage dealer or tank.

If your damage dealer thinks he's a god who can take on everyone solo, or takes bad fights thinking they'll win, well, you're in for a rough match. Confidence is good to have, but stupidity is not. And everyone I support always seems to be dumb as fuck. This is also why I stopped playing competitive games.

I'd rather play a hero like Oracle and actually feel like I'm playing a game and using my brain. If you prefer to sit there holding down LMB and W for hours on end, then be my guest. Just like the world needs wage slaves, it also needs people like you.

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DPS always seem to be human projectors with this. If you dislike chocolate, do you think everyone who does enjoy chocolate is retarded, or do you acknowledge that people like different things for all sorts of conceivable reasons? If you do the latter, congratulations, you're a human. If not, well, you're a chimp prone to tribalism and you're uninterested in understanding anything that you don't immediately 'get'.

Yes yes, you think you're hyper galaxy-brained for holding down the shooting button, how interesting. I wasn't making this into dick-waving about which role is better or higher IQ or whatever fedora shit you wanna push to make yourself feel better, but go for it if that's how you wanna play this, pic related.

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So why do most people not enjoy playing healers? Why do a lot of people that pick healers not enjoy playing them or feel that it's a chore?
The amount of people that pick healers and actually enjoy playing them are an incredible minority. Many of them that enjoy the healbot playstyle do so because it's "chill" and low effort. As a way to relax and feel appriciated.
Also when a role is so laser focused on one thing like healing it's easy to feel handicapped because if you're healing people and you're still losing the match is completely out of your control at that point, because your impact starts and ends with healing others.

Healers are fun to play, you just have to be an autist that enjoys management better than cool shooting.

Twas back in Wrath days. Though I did a fair bit of healing in Cataclysm as well.

Whatever the dungeon was that led up to the Malygos fight, that mage you had to fight on one of the levels. Easy garbage with baby mechanics, STILL too complex for DPS babies.

He's just not the same without Ripened Gourds.

Attached: I wanna die.png (620x347, 193K)

Healing isn't even that fucking hard. Half your job is done by just showing up.

>being so retarded he misses the point of the post entirely
Though to be fair, why did I expect anything differently from someone that enjoys the braindead process of heal-botting.

The point, monkey, is that most people prefer to actually have to put some kind of thought, effort and variation into their play. For their characters to actually have depth and nuance. To be more satisfying than just holding down a button and watching a green health bar go up.
Yes MOST people. Stop thinking that because you enjoy something niche means that there is nothing wrong with it or that everyone else must be wrong.
I'm telling you why most people do not enjoy this shit and why they act the way they do when they actually pick healers.
Most people don't pick healers and most that do, do so because it's a necessity, not them actively wanting to play healer over anything else.

>The amount of people that pick healers and actually enjoy playing them are an incredible minority
So because something in an accuried taste, or a less common one, that makes it bad? People who dislike chocolate are less common than people who enjoy it, and I don't act like they're crazy people if they dislike it. Same shit. No one thing is for everyone, and conversely, popularity is no signifier of quality, otherwise Twilight and Fifty Shades of Grey would be held aloft as some of the finest achievements of the written word even penned by human hands.

>not being a completely silent healer that just does their job to the best of their ability, only spurning the rare DPS autist that blames you for their death at the other side of the map.

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There is no management involved in healing. If you think that it says a lot about you.
Healing is by design easy. Partially because players aren't actively avoiding trying to be healed.
Just look at Overwatch. The only hero that requires some form of aiming with their heals is Ana.

Leave the healing focused characters for the people that like that and use the hybrid characters if you don’t.

how many female mercy mains in here?

>Playing overwatch

I never said it was difficult management. It’s playing city skylines, not XCOM

>So because something in an accuried taste, or a less common one, that makes it bad?

If you're designing a game for millions and you want 1/3 of all players that play the game to play said role then yes it's pretty important to not make it actively painful for people to pick that role.
Designing a role to only be enjoyed by a tiny percent of your playerbase is retarded if they're supposed to represent 1/3.

I didn't give a shit about your random example of a healer from a different game. Get over it.
>Stop thinking that because you enjoy something niche means that there is nothing wrong with it or that everyone else must be wrong.
No, dumbass, I'm saying it's okay to like any role you want, whether it's all of them or just one. People derive enjoyment from different things. People also have different favorite colors, user. This shit is as basic as it gets. I'm just plain not bothering anymore, if you don't understand the concept of human tastes then you have bigger problems than I can help you with, and your evident lack of empathy combined with your narcissism makes this entire conversation revolting. You are the one telling people they're wrong to enjoy healer. I'm saying no one is wrong to enjoy any role in a game like this. If that's where we're leaving it, so be it, but don't act like I was trying to push some fucking adgenda. You act like I want to sell people on playing when I'm just saying that I enjoy the role, as well as tanking.

>playing games with the dps/tank/trinity
>playing games with a healer role at all
You are a basic bitch.

Grindr is such shit. A bunch of dudes wanna hookup with me all the time, but they're just so dull and uninteresting so I can only imagine how dull and uninteresting the sex will be. I'mma femboy but jesus fucking christ Alabama has to have like the dumbest tops in existence.

Kill yourself mentally deranged faggoy.

This is probably the cringiest thing I've read this year, and I come on here every day. Reevaluate your life and get some help.

The entire game is designed around having that 1/3rd. If the player in question doesn't like that 1/3rd a single bit then there's never going to be a person holding a gun to their head to make them pick it. They can close the game if they don't like their comp or they can play a game that isn't balanced around healers if they dislike the concept. There's a fuckload of variety on the market and shooters in particular are so oversaturated with choice that there's a flavor of them for just about everyone, including people who hate healing so much that they don't want to even deal with completely ignorable requests for them to swap characters. Overwatch straight up isn't for some people, and that's fine, even if Bobby Kotic could burst a bloodvessel just thinking about someone playing a shooter other than CoD and Overwatch.

So basically you don't even have an argument and just wanted to say
>but i enjoy playing healbots

Just like you don't have an argument beyond "I dislike healers and think they're brainless." Yes, this conversation has been this hollow.

It's always the perma hardstucks who do shit like this, well I don't care if you've become another one of my mentally abused victims and decide to throw the game. I'll just win the next.

Works for me, at least you get a just punishment for being a shit in that match and you're out of my mind the second the game ends.

>Your heals are ground target/projectile base
>they teleport away


>thinking you're actually punishing people
why are healfags so delusional? All you are is making an ass of yourself and just proof that you've submitted to me, that's a plus in my eyes.

>being illiterate

I have explained to you over and over why most people do not enjoy playing healbots and why they behave as they do when actually playing them. All of this flew over your head while you kept screaming about how YOU like healbots, as if that was somehow even remotely relevant.
But hey, you're not reasonable so why waste more time on you.

>reee stop pulling so fast I don't want to press more than one button every thirty seconds
>reee that guy accidentally body pulled a single extra mob instead of acting like an adult I'm going to hold a grudge against that person for the rest of the run
this is why I as a tank always side with DPSers over healers when they get into a fight
DPSers are retarded children they can't be held accountable for their actions, healers are just whiny self-entitled cunts

Look at all that spin. Makes no difference to me, when someone acts like a shit I cut them off, plain and simple. But yes you big anonymous internet tough guy, you go climb that ladder. You sure showed me, caring this much about your fucking ladder points while I'm busy laughing at maladjusted jackasses who take this stuff seriously and denying them healing when they don't deserve any help.


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>Overwatch straight up isn't for some people
Support/Healer and Tanks are clearly not for most Overwatch players either. They had to actually enforce a 2-2-2 structure to actually start to get some more balanced matches. But that come with the issue of most people not wanting to queue as tanks or supports, so it infaltes queue times and even the ones that do end up picking those roles won't enjoy playing those roles or won't play or pick the way they should (like picking roadhog and wrecking ball over any barrier tanks that would've been needed).

You're trying to excuse all this by the sheer fact that you and you alone like something, meaning it's fine and the way people act and pick in these games doesn't matter so long as you have fun. Yet then you're baffled why people feel like they're biting the bullet when picking supports, wants to be thanked for picking it, etc.

Other people on the team can tell you are an overextending retard too.

Yes. You have stated why it is common to dislike healers. You have made it very clear that you see no intrinsic enjoyment to the gameplay, and you have spelled out what everyone knows about how a lot of people share that sentiment. You have made no point, just stated a bunch of obvious shit about the popularity of roles while completely failing to acknowledge that popularity does not equate to intrinsic value. More people like DPS, yes. The sky is blue for that matter, and water is wet. These are facts. However, your general attempt to shame people for enjoying an activity that you find obnoxious or tedious indicates your lack of empathy. I think Civ looks like some of the most boring shit in the world but I can empathize with people who enjoy the idea of organizing, equipping, and mobilizing something like a Roman army. It's called having humanity and being able to understand that your fellow men and women might like different tastes than you, and that there's nothing wrong with it. Have a good one, this is boring and I'm done bothering.

Glad someone saved the picture I posted

>Tfw Ambra was my favorite character during the open beta
>Drooling retards would literally just let me kill them all game every game
>She got completely gutted on launch due to all those retards throwing massive bitchfits on the forums because they couldn't comprehend not standing in a zoners zoning tool

What a fucking faggot holy shit

ok, no heals for you

>heal and don't expect gratitude, slave
bubblehearth, enjoy your repair bil and corpse run

If it's a simple mistake body pull then it's no issue, at least in my book. I'd only get pissy if the DPS started pulling for the tank without even using any aggro-transferring mechanics, especially if my tank is getting mad at them and telling the DPS to stop it. If the tank's fine with it though I normally just stay quiet and juggle healing both the dipshit DPS puller and our actual tank, 'cause whatever, at least it's keeping me a little busier and I rarely run into any actual need to slow down or stop while healing in a dungeon.

he's probably good

that's how I know

>Support/Healer and Tanks are clearly not for most Overwatch players either. They had to actually enforce a 2-2-2 structure
god I can't wait for this shit
I always liked OW but the common clownfiesta shit of 4-5 DPS is agony, like trying to play soccer without a goalie, so I'm glad that regulations are coming in that say 'no, the goalie isn't optional, and yes, if they're in hot demand, they will get into games quicker than their contemporary roles'
maybe the game will finally feel even kind of like Blizzard seemingly wants it to feel, given that they're enforcing 2-2-2 in the first place and balance around tanks and healers existing

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also gimme the new Rein passive already, I'm tired of feeling like more of a pingpong ball than the character that can literally roll up into a ball

The insane balancing of Battleborn was simultaneously the best and worst part
>Expected El Dragon to be slow and clunky
>Go on an absolute murder spree as Attikus
>He's actually FAST AS FUCK, close-lining the fuck out of everyone, proceeding to clap their shit and finish them off with a bodyslam
>Galilea is essentially a playable raid boss
>Shit your pants when you realize the enemy team has a competent pendles
The characters all had great kits that made them stand out from each other, especially the tanks and supports

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>be male
>play healer
Might as well transition now

Sounds like someone watched too many weird healslut hypno images and fell for the meme.

>Caldarius just makes people disappear the moment they hit half health and nobody can stop him from poking their asses all game because he's fast as fuck and rinses anybody 1v1
Fuck Galilea though. She was zero fun to play against.

Be sure to tell every healer that as soon as they join your party so they know how you feel before-hand.

Galiliea was literally the "no-fun allowed" character.

>hurr research shows you're a control freak
What the fuck no? Damage mitigation strategies are clearly superior. "hurr kill the enemy hurrr" and "me get hit lots" are strategies for the less minded.

>Actual Battleborn discussion on Yea Forums
A pleasent surprise
How is it that these only get steam in healslut threads?
I guess the lack of porn and general sex appeal makes it immune to hornyposting with the occasional "I WANT TO FUCK ORENDI"
It's funny how the lack of memes and porn makes all real discussion about it completely genuine

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Go back to discord you tranny

Wherever Overwatch rears its head, Battleborn rekindles in my heart.

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They're not mutually exclusive. It's fair to say that support players perhaps value feeling in control of the flow of combat more than DPS players who just tunnel vision on getting kills and nothing else, but you're also right, damage mitigation is just plain the higher level strategy from a tactical standpoint. I'm just saying that it can be both the best general tactic and the preferred tactic of control freaks simultaneously, not that all support players fit that billing.

Supports technically can change the tide more often than any other role.

Don't tell that to the DPS mains in this thread, their feelings will get hurt and they'll call you names. Terrifying, I know.

>Healing a higher priority target like a half-dead Hoovy or something
>Scout or Soldier starts yelling for me
>Start healing them figuring they're almost dead
>They were only 10HP from max
>In the time it took to check this, the high-prio target is now dead

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This is why I don't trust them anymore and just heal who I know is important at the moment. If they spam that they need heals I'll at least look their way to see their health, but unless they're in serious danger I'll keep funneling healing into the tank until they're at least at a safe HP percentage.

>Battleborn wasn't that bad and could've been salvaged with enough updates or if they just had more dev time
>Curse of Randy Pitchford strikes and puts it even deeper in the grave as he shitposts on Twitter while the game dies
>Other similar games like Gigantic and Paragon suffered the same fate
>Noone cares about Overwatch anymore because of Battle Royale games and every update making the game worse, only waifufags and comp autists remain

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>Play Ambra
>All her lines are uppity and haughty. Just talks down to everyone and is better than you
>Galilea is on the other team
>The moment you run into her Ambra gets 500% mad and all of her lines turn into some variation of autistic screeching
Plenty of games have match specific dialogue, but it was surprising just how many unique lines those two got.

You have cooldowns for a reason, dummy.
You don't have to always save them for piss-easy boss fights

The fucking medic bubble indicates how much health the person using it has

And yet the dps and tanks are all the heal sluts. Makes you think.

God fucking dammit

It's always the scouts and soldiers too. I've never had a scout or a soldier that has actually cooperated without it having been one of my friends while talking to me on mic.

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They all want my healcum.

Galilea was as a spy sent by a secret group of Eldrid to sabotage the Jennerit life sustainment tech
She went up the ranks and became close friends with Ambra during her time there.
When Galilea was about to finally sabotage the tech Ambra caught her and mortally wounded her, not wanting to see her friend die she tries used the life sustainment stuff on Galilea, which ended up pumping her full of dangerous dark energies.
Don't know what happens between that but Galilea ends up in the UPR.
I'm guessing Ambra is pissed one of her only friends was just rusing her to sabotage her entire race, hence the autistic screeching

Nothing funnier than vote kicking these uppity healers. They think they are irreplaceable but they aren't.

>every OP making threads like this
its astonishing how easy one can find you by googling "repulsive neckbeard".

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