This is my favorite screenshot of metro Exodus. I love it so much for some reason

This is my favorite screenshot of metro Exodus. I love it so much for some reason.
I'm a 29 yo Boomer and I'm starting to think this masterpiece is my favorite game.

*Off to start 3 playthrough.

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Is this game any good? Loved the first, 2nd was okay

25 yo boomer here

looks pretty but is jank as fuck

also fell into the trap of becoming an open-world ubisoft game, complete with lame scripted sequences

20 yo zoomer here, I liked the first 2 games better.

Do the scripted events ruin the game? How bad are they? They are literally the only thing preventing me from buying this.

I'm really looking forward to the DLC.
>also fell into the trap of becoming an open-world ubisoft game, complete with lame scripted sequences
Have you never played STALKER or something?

OP is an Epic Store shill.

t. steamshill
Your jewshit is done, nigger. Go lick your master's boots while you can.

And another one bites the dust.

tiannamen square

How cute.

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There's no way anyone in a clear mind will post this unless he's baiting zoomer or a fucking buttblasted EGS dev retard.


I think it'd honestly be better as a linear game like the others.
The 'open world' aspect is almost totally pointless and is basically a series of chores to complete before you can get back to the actually enjoyable and well paced story missions.

>steamcell cope
And there's no way anyone in a clear mind will shill for steam cancer unless he is a retarded zoomer who never seen gaming without forced steam spyware trash. Kill yourself, zoomer.

> steam
> spyware
LMAAAAOOOOOO kys fucking chink faggot
Every faggot on this plane knows EGS is ultimate spyware

>zoomerbaby """"arguments"""
Stop embarassing yourself, underage zoomer. Steam forcefully installs a fucking SYSTEM SERVICE that spies on you even when steam client is not running. Even epic store doesn't do shit like that. You are terminally retarded kid if you think forcing everyone to install a trash drm spyware like steam is normal thing. It was never normal, and you jewish shilling will never work, faggot.

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Visuals are great, but the game itself is horse shit. No fukken idea what they where thinking making it...
Worst metro game by far.


what's that locomotive even supposed to be?

>this masterpiece

Unless they did a complete 360 on the design philosophy, extrapolating from the previous titles I can tell you no, it's not.

> lying this hard
I raped your mother faggot and throw her out of the window

If you aren't 30 you are not a boomer.

> zoomer
I'm pretty sure zoomers are the one who using EGS, while steam is ultimate boomer store. So you EGS shills confrimed being brain dead faggots again lma, kys shit head. You don't deserve to breathe, scum

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>more zommerbaby """arguments""
You must be over 18 to post here, underage faggot.

>boomer store
Everyone hated this forced shitty drm, but you are too young to even know that. Now steam is alive only because there are literal kids that grown up during steam monopoly, who think that living with a jewish anal probe is a completely normal thing, and that games without any drm or launcher at all are "inconvenient to use".

This is the most retarded post I've seen on Yea Forums in this year. If I see you on a street I'll make a bloody mess out of you, faggot. Keep that in mind, uggo. You stink, chink chong

>steamshills shitpost in every metro thread
>I-I don't think about you
How ironical. There is nothing more pathetic than a steamdrone.

>I'll just throw another ad hominem, that'll sure make me look smart!
God, just stop embarrassing yourself already. Why are zoomers so retarded and spineless.

Everyone knows that only subhumans and jews are using EGS. Which one are you, zoomer? Yes it is obvious you're underage since only brainlets are sucking Tims dick.

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> zoomer
I'm 33, 187 cm tall, and attending gym for 12 years now, stupid faggot. I'm gonna rape your chink family in a blink of an eye, zoomer


>everyone else must be chink that is using EGS
>steamcell logic
What a retard.

Cute zoomer fantasies. Seethe more.

Gaben cucked your father and now you're mad, chink.

Gaben is dead and I fucked his corpse, zoomzoom.

Lmao, you're fucking pathetic. Stop using Yea Forums memes, stupid faggot

Stay mad, zoomer.

> that lowtest reply
chinky chong confirmed lmao

> t.
your tears are sweet, zoomer. Keep entertaining steamgods, underaged clown

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>I'm not mad, I swear!
Cute zoomzoom is peeing himself already.

It’s very mediocre.
They took an axe to most of the things that made the setting unique, it’s decent enough to finish but not very memorable.

keep sucking my dick, zoomer chink with all these replies. Mmmm yeaaah.. keep sucking, little whore. Just like that

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Yeah, keep sucking lil zoom zoom, just don't forget to change your panties ;)

The game is shit and so is your screenshot

>this is the closest these 2 little faggots will ever get to sex

pretty sure that every steamdrone is getting buttfucked by gabe's cut jewish cock every night

> copying my post
Haha, so it was true that chinky chonks have 0 imagination. What a brainlet, I'm gonna enjoy raping your mother again. Cope more, zoomy

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It's one dollar on Microsoft store, highly recommend it

Yeah, that's the only thing you know in life, lil zoomer.

I heard Gaben owns a bunch of EGS drones in his basement where he torchures them and raping. There was one ""guy"" (well not anymore after dilate procdedure) that get to escape. Must be you kek

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Keep projecting, zoomer. I'm sure your ugly brainlet parents are proud of giving birth to such a failure of a man

>setting unique
How? It always was a linear stalker clone based on a pretty boring book by mediocre author.

>posting weeb pedoshit
Says it all.

Based ESL anons dabbing on chinks.

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So you won't deny a fact being a tranny? Have sex, chinky chonk. I'm sure it'll be easy for you now, virgin

Keep seething, braindead zoomzoom.

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>tranny brings up his trans rights when no one even mentioned it
Yikes, go dilate and kill yourself.

>mommy there are chinks under my bed!
Every steamcell ever in every thread since Epic. Based Tim.

hahahaha this is golden
EGScucks confirmed being lowest form of life on this planete again. kys subhumans
All you can do is parrot others posts, like a low iq faggot you are, ping ling

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Paranormal horror, oppressive atmosphere, detailed and claustrophobic environments.

>based on a pretty boring book
Do you have ADHD?

Seethe harder, tranny.

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>Based Tim.
imagine saying this unironically. It's like admitting you fuck goats.

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Why are you calling me a tranny, tranny? Oh rightm cuz all you can do is parrot my posts. If you didn't know this is equal to sucking my dick. Nice job right here, senior lgbt. You low iq pierced another bottom.

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>posting tranny frog
Resetera is next door, degenerate faggot.

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The most glaring thing about M:E for me was how empty if felt after playing rdr2. M:E is literally just prettuy graphics and thats all

novosibirsk and moscow are the only good levels

He is a chemo for the cancer that is steam, so yeah, he is pretty fucking based if you ask me. Based Tim is a final nail in the gabejew's coffin.

>Based Tim
t. goat fucker

Agreed, taiga was kinda okay too I guess. Played through this on gamepass recently and even though I love stalker I feel like metro is at its best when it's a linear fps.

You're both faggots lol, pirate everything dumb niggers.
