What an absolute cunt

What an absolute cunt.

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What did she do?

she checked my 5

I know, top tier cunt, pounded it all night.

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>Catherine beats the shit out of her and puts her in the infirmary

>Points a bow at a crowd of students and almost becomes a school shooter

I like Leonie.

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Anything outside of muh jeralt and she's basically the team mom. All of her supports have her be really down to earth, caring, and likeable. It's only when it comes to her daddy kink that she loses her mind.

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She looks like she fucks white guys

She only fucks Byleth, so I guess you are right.


Lower right corner dude.

Thanks, I'm usually more attentive than that but those tits took up my entire screen.

She gets a MASSIVE upgrade in looks and character post-timeskip, easily the biggest in the game. Sadly everyone picks their favorite/waifu before that so it doesn’t matter.

It's kind of sad that her Jeralt autism gives people a bad first impression, she is a good unit and a good character after her development.

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>My dad just fucking died
Yeah pretty much.
I'd bang her post timeskip though

She’s supposed to come off as a hot blooded tomboy rival to Byleth, but the dynamic doesn’t really work when she’s supposed to be your student and she’s mainly sperging over Jeralt for the first third of the game.

She was the only character to make me rethink wifing Lysithea post-timeskip, and I say this having recruited the usual suspects like Dorothea and Bernadetta. When I do an Infernal mode GD run, I will be putting a ring on her.

The dynamic was kind of cute but I can see why it would not work for some people, her coming to terms that you are better than her and deciding to protect you was pretty good though.

>ran into a wall of spears
why do people like this dumb son of a bitch again?

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Everyone is a retard when you are not playing their route.

>Upgrade in looks

I dunno if anyone else agrees, but I really liked the bait and switch of thinking he's gonna be the edgelord before release and it turns out he's a nice guy that just needs a hug and that it's peoples' precious gorilla waifu who is the actual edgelord.

well I don't want to play his route because if he needs me to tell him not to run into a spear then he doesn't deserve my help. Probably going church next route

This. They all need Byleth to temper them and bring out their better attributes.

>get to Gronder Field 3 way Battle
>kill poor Bernie
>Hilda appears
>she retreats
>phew, looks like I won't kill Alliance, just force them to flee
>Alliance charges
>get lucky cry with ballista on Claude and he retreats
>proceed to attack Alliance to make them leave
>they die
oh... Sorry Raphael, Lys, Ignatz,etc.

I really like Leonie's look and wanted to recruit her to my class but Annette is won me over.

That's your bad mate, Blue Lions route is top tier kino.

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I didn't want to kill any Blue Lions so I sent everyone to kill the reds and warped an assassin to put down Dimitri.

>Grondor is pure kino, especially if you played other houses before

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>Not playing the best route

Your loss mate

Lysithea joins you if you attack her with Byleth.

This would have been good to know before she was savagely murdered by Leonie.

that's not Hilda___

The story is the only thing that really changes a lot between routes. Other than that, maps and enemy units being suicidal are shared.


I swear Punished Dimitri gets a crit like 75 percent of the time

Too angry to not crit.

I firmly believe he's programmed to crit anything related to edelgard.

Yeah, she fucked your dad.

I played this game for 120 hours and I'm not even having fun. The game is too easy. Random stat ups are retarded and polarizing to the extent where in both runs I just end up with 2 or 3 god characters that can murder everything with counterattacks while the rest of the cast sits around with their thumbs up their asses. The story sucks shit and is full of deus ex machina teleporting NPC's that can be in multiple places at once and an MC that can turn back time but seems to "give up" on it entirely because another deus ex machina NPC stepped in and stopped him from saving his father exactly once by teleporting. The game is like 80 hours long on any given story arc but never gives you a reason to give a shit about any of the factions. Alliance, Imperial, Church whatever. You spend half the game doing cookie clicker chores to raise character proficiency and watching boring slice of life cutscenes between characters.

This shit sucks so fucking bad. I wish I could use Divine Pulse and undo all the time I spent playing this garbage. Perhaps the only silver lining in this gigantic trash fire is that Shamir and Petra are smoking hot and my nights are filled with fever dreams of barebacking their holes.

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Is there a lot of gay pandering in three houses or is it all optional?

Where did you get this pasta bud?

>120 hours
>I'm not even having fun
peak autism

I believe it's unintentional. Most of the Lord dialogues are aimed at Femleth so when you're playing Male Byleth, it seems gay.

If you disagree with anything I say then feel free to post about it

Looks like an absolute cute to me

Only gets cuter.

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>put little girl on the front lines and purposely use her as bait to lure enemy to her position and then burn them
Edelgard is a fucking cunt.
Why does she hate cute Bernie?

>enjoys torture and mass executions
He's an edgelord, perhaps even moreso than Gorillagard

iTs sTiLL NoT eNoUGh
wE nEeD mOrE rEpReeeeSeNtaTiOn

>went to galbadia to download three houses ost
>site is dead

what did you expect?

Yeah I feel that Female Byleth is "canon" so to speak, the game seems written with that in mind.

That map always has an enemy archer on it to use the ballista. Bernie isn't alone in this as Ashe was there and got destroyed on my run.

can the NPC houses recruit?

The characters are written to revolve around Byleth. It only comes across as gay/lesbo if you have bad social skills and don't have any real friendships.

They definitely changed some of the dialogue, pity they didn't do more to accommodate each gender.

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Bernie is disposable, and we all need to make sacrifices to rid humanity of the tyranny of the Dragon Gods.

She only did what she had to.

Recruit your students? No. They only ever have their original 8.

i cannot stop watching this

GD fellows, I need help
chapter 18 : The golden scheme
I keep killing death knight at turn 3 or 4 through Stride and warp shenanigans and it ends the map
what happens if he escapes ? The map clearly looks too big to be over that quickly and seems made for a change of objective, I don't even get to kill Caspar when ending it early

you get a game over

I think it's just because M Byleth is fucking heavy

How much heavier would m!Byleth be than f!Byleth do you think?

>It only comes across as gay/lesbo if you have bad social skills
Yes user Claude sidling to you and holding your hand to dance isn't fucking gay at all if you're playing Male Byleth

I'd say at least 15-20 kilos

Dancing with men is not gay, it's something people have done for thousands of years.

Femleth's tits alone more than make up for any difference in muscle mass

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She's Edelgard's underling, it is her imperial right to do what she will with poor Bernie.

Truly he one who suffers the most is Edelgard who is forced to make such hard decisions

Fucking hell Leonie has less fanart than Annette or even Ashe. It's not fair

It was pretty hard luring Dimitri and crew to kill a pathetic neet

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If we get lucky some autist will waifu her and release a shitload of images of her, but I'm not holding my breath.

>Did you fuck my dad, professor?!

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Bernadetta's pain was short-lived, and she didn't have much to live for anyways. On the other hand, Edelgard will have her conscience heavy with her friend's tragic death for the rest of her life.

I'd argue Edie is the one getting the short end of the stick here.

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That's fine. I avenged Bernie by cutting up Edelgard's head in the end.

I recruited Bernie and murdered the shit out of this bitch, at least she died without a guilty conscience.

I agree.

>march my units up the hill
>kill Bernie and the others that come to back her up
>find out it was a trap
>turn back time
>have Ashe assassinate Bernie and Canto off the hill
>ignore the hill and beeline for Edeltard
Bernie died for nothing
And I feel nothing

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>implying edelshart is capable of feeling guilt

I don't really care what she feels unless it's the steel of my blade.

You're all obsessed.

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Do you think her torture was sexual in nature, think they went with the classic worms up the cooch

>invades sovereign nations
>kills their commoners
>assassinates their leadership
>lets a race of Mengeles experiment on the survivors and turn them into living weapons
>>lmao you're so obsessed with her, why don't you just leave her alone and let her live?

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She’s a noble, she doesn’t care about commoners. She just wants to make sure nobles don’t have to worry about crests fucking up the status quo

You know what the worst part is about edelgard? The fact that despite all of it, all those 5 years of bullshit and atrocities she commited, that there were still people willing to reach out their hand and try to put a peaceful end to her bullshit. And then she stabs them in the chest.

haha look at her go!

>MFW El could have went against the Shadowsneakers with Dimitri an Rheas support
>she attacks them instead

Shadowniggers are not the main villain, Rhea is.

Blame Dimitri for not seeing reason and following Edie when she's by far the most reasonable and capable of the cast, devising a complex conspiracy to kill GODS, effectively recruiting nobility from all over the land while merely a teenager.

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Nothing a proper dicking can't fix.

This is bullshit because I attacked her with Byleth and she didn't join me

Bitch needs to breathe in a penis, lack of penis makes women retarded. Just ask Aisha, grew up to be the most capable and intelligent of Mohammad's wives.

The dubsteppers are literally responsible for everything bad in fodlan

Too bad. It definitely has the best presentation. At least in comparison to Edelgard's route where the scene that takes out the professor for 5 years is just a black screen with everyone saying the castle is falling down.

Not in my playthrough

Everyone is fucking braindead not in their routes

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We need a ntr doujin where she fucks Jeralt behind Byleth's back

>And then she stabs them in the chest.
How did Dimitri just walk away completely fine after that?
At first I thought it just got lodged in his armor but nope, it was all bloody when he pulled it out
She got him right in the chest too, on his left side to top it all off

What we need is for all ntr cucks to die.

She got his shoulder. Leads to him having numbness in his left arm. Poor dude just keeps knocking out his senses.

tis merely a flesh wound, armor stopped it from reaching anything important and he's super buff at that point.

>How did Dimitri just walk away completely fine after that?
Because Slav genes.

>find the full version
>wish I didn't

I tought it was a cropped blowjob, hoo boy was I wrong.

>Blame Dmitri for not getting royally pissed off at the person who attacked his school, works with people who slaughtered villages and almost killed everyone she studied along side with

I don't know man, sure he went overboard on the Duscar thing, but not fucking way would anyone have followed her with that red carpet villain routine she pulled off.

The one true edgelord of the game is Felix, none compare

Punished Dimitri got it in the shoulder, plus the pain of having to kill his childhood friend probably dulled any physical pain.

I thought he was used to killing familiar faces

am I retarded if I can't find it? Checked his patreon and twitter and nothing

>nightmare like hallucinations of his dead family screaming for revenge and deluding him into paranoia
>straight up ptsd over his family being slaughtered
>gouged out eye with no painkillers
>has psychotic episodes and nobody around him is willing to help him control them, they just follow orders - making his sanity collapse over time
>is starting to lose his sense of taste and he's not entirely sure why beyond it possible being because of stress and accumulated brain traumatic
>is aware of the atrocities he commits and is succumbing to enjoying them as a method of coping with the guilt during his lucid moments
>on his route he gets stabbed in the shoulder and most of his left arm is numb afterwards

why must dimitri suffer so much? if literally anyone was willing to not take his shit and actually reign him in like sensei does so he can get a handle on his sanity slippage he could be fine on most routes but BE

I know right, what garbage

>beats the shit out of her
>doesn't humiliate her by sitting on her face in victory

Even if Sylvain, Felix, Dedue, and Ingrid all staged an intervention and reigned him in whenever he got The Look in his eyes he'd be fucked by virtue of the fact Sensei helping him win important battles so he's not constantly "failing" his hallucinations is another thing that helps him stabilise.

I'm on NG+ on Edel's route now... when exactly does this become different from the Dmitri route? I'm post timeskip now and there's only superficial differences.

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At that point he wanted to find a compromise with Edelgard so they could both work together rather than kill her.

Dimitri/Edelgard are fairly mirrored until a bit after the timeskip when her winning their fights starts to cause major changes

You'll be fighting some battles from the opposite perspective or retreading shared beats for a bit but it DOES diverge

It's a pretty kino moment for Dimitri's story to end with him holding a hand out for El but it's made much more funnier that in GD you just helmsplitter the bitch mid monologue

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As someone who worked with a lot of PTSD victims, his character is pretty convincing. He has a classic numbness of his senses due to a perceived childhood trauma and survivors guilt. Instead of confronting his guilt he instead hides behind an ideal self that was probably formed from his aspirations to be like his father, but this is not his true self because his true self is the little boy who is crying about watching everyone he cared about being slaughtered. That is not to say that he cannot be the ideal honorable self he wants to be, but during the story his inner child and ideal self are in constant struggle which does not allow him to be his true self.

After he snaps, all he does is show his true self, the child inside that feels guilty and angry that he had to see all that and could do nothing, so he chose to overcompensate by making someone responsible for the pain he can't confront

The way to his healing, which is partially done in BL, is confronting the pain he experienced as a during that massacre and forgiving himself. This would allow the kid who witnessed that horrible event to finally grow up and be free to pursue the values he truly admires.

>Trying to stab him with the knife he gave you

That's a low blow Edle

Something must have fucked up then because on my Edelguard route she split off from me.

>Go up the hill 5 units die
>Go murder Hubert first while ignoring/tanking Bernie
>Hilda reinforcements come in
>She oneshots Bernie anyways
Is she destined to die?
I feel really bad not recruiting her holy shit.
Also why the fuck did Edelgard have the Sword of Seiros and the Crest of Flames?
What the absolute fuck?
Am I supposed to send a thief to steal that shit?

>gouged out eye with no painkillers
Did he do that to himself? Fuck. I thought it was just a wound from fighting alone for 5 years.

>Also why the fuck did Edelgard have the Sword of Seiros and the Crest of Flames
Nanomachitortuous childhood experiments conducted by her countrynes, son.

>Dimitri gets an almost perfect level up
>With this strength, I can protect them all

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I'm pretty sure Edelgard is stronger than Hubert.

>make a Leonie thread
>everyone just talk about Edelgard again
she really can't catch a break can she

>just finished the game
>s-ranked leonie
>First thing she says is that she was talking to Jeralt
Dammit girl

Not enough porn yet.

what was it? ntr shit? or literal shit?

it's a rimjob

so if i recruit people they dont die? I went BE. only really interested in the women

she licks some dude's asshole and you can't even see her face

Do Dimitri and Claude survive in the Church route?

Some/most can still be recruited if Byleth deals the killing blow after timeskip.
There might be other requirements, but I've only recruited the women, too, and I was already working on their bonds, pre-skip.

Dimitri dies, Claude fucks off

thanks, i'm at the part Flayn goes missing and i was going to work on recruiting people

Since you're tard wrangling Rhea all the lords go full retard.


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I know it tells you, but don't go to Jeritza's room until the final Sunday. Hell, if your class's motivation is fine, leave your monthly explore to the final sunday

"Why just give up after you've sacrificed so many lives?"
and pic related make it pretty good though.

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claude is fine in the black eagles route

Byleth is Asian and so is Edelgard. Dimitri is the only one of the four main characters that's a whitoid.

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Is that the time skip? That's why I was wary about it.


probably the girl who benefits the most from the timeskip. She becomes super cute and is almost over muh jeralt and basically just rejoins to help even in the deers route

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Not /the/ timeskip, but it throws you straight into the mission for the month and ends the month

Agreed. I thought I was going to get another short haired Setsuna waifu, but I got an uninteresting bitch who is antagonistic to almost everyone.

Playing BL route, I haven't noticed any gay pandering, and I'm on the last chapter with about 85% of supports completed. Maybe I'm just not gay enough to notice.

>Short hair
my weakness

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Same. Look up a doujin artist named Bang-you. You won't regret it.

Edelgard is a school shooter

Claude is completely reasonable in BL except for that one time he decides to blindly attack people at Gronder because he can't be assed to distinguish between blue and red

Oh I know that artist
Thanks anyway for the advice based user

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Shoulda just rushed it, no casualties

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>tfw either the first or second doujin I ever fapped to was by him
Don't remember if Piropon Gold came first or Secret Plot, at least in terms of me finding them on AerisDies over a decade ago.

>Secret Plot
My first hentai