Days Gone

>outsold division 2 deapite being exclusive
>Critics bashed it for white gruff male and bugs
>Devs patched it
>Metacritic user score actually surpasses shit critics
>Sequel confirmed, story dlc confirmed
>Amazing traversalf with decwnt customizatio and spin on taking out hordes in fun ways
>Story was actually really good
Why sony keeps winning?

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The games are good and fun. inb4 buh theyre muvies hehe, Yea Forums btfo once again.

Game is great

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Division 2 has a lot more viewers on Twitch right now.

Oh no

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Shit got a pretty great soundtrack as well. Underrated.

if only it were on pc, atrocious controls on sub 30 fps consoles

Days Gone more like Gays Gone lmao.
Also fuck the dev not making more Syphon Filter games.


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Days Gone wasnt even the best selling game of the month it released LMAO

and sony nigger tries to claim it outsold the best selling game of they year


If you have a PS4, this is a must get.
>story dlc confirmed
Hopefully there's more Boozer before his arm got fucked up.
The Division is an OK 5/10, it's worth the $10 when it goes on sale. But I'm keeping up with Div2 news, and I told all you fuckers that what is happening right now, would be coming. They're going to nerf the meta flavor of the week. They didn't learn a damn thing from the last game either it looks like. Hopefully that ladder glitch has been fixed by now. Wait a year, get the game when it's $15, and by then - all of the nerfing will have been finished because they'll be busy working on shoveling out Div3. Do not buy this game series day one, they will fuck all of your progress up. Why even fucking bother getting good gear when they're going to fuck it into oblivion? Wait until the fucking is done, you can come in and deal with the sloppy mess afterwards.

>They're going to nerf the meta flavor of the week.
Yeah thats why the Eagle Bearer havent been nerfed since its release.

Okay user the racism really isn't necessary

That's some AR, that'll get nerfed towards the end. Although this game's pretty dead already, they might not care. And it's Ubishit we're dealing with here; the lazy, uninspired fucks.
Go kill yourself, you mutant nigger-spic.

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I liked it. It handled zombies fairly well with a quasi-open world experience.

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This game is comfy af

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is the game really good or everyone here is memeing? its on sale now

Its a 7/10 game at best, gameplay is repetitive, if you like ubisoft games then sure go it, fps is still kinda low, if you have something to play then i'd wait for a bigger sale and even better ps5

7 is generous it's more like a 5 or 4 I gave up on this shit like less than a third of the way in, story is boring trash main character is a dumb horrible uninteresting douchebag who talks shit to everyone and game play wise it's like a mix between a shit Assassins Creed and a D grade Red Dead Redemption.

I was actually upset after trading Assassins Creed Oddssey in for in when I realised this game was much worse.

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Division 2 is the better game.

>Amazing traversalf with decwnt customizatio
what the fuck OP

How movie game is it and is the gameplay enjoyable? Are the hordes of zombies going to become a non issue by the end?

This game was fuckin dope. I didnt get it on release day. I got it when the survival difficulty came out and started the game on that. Those first few hours were epic.

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How hard is it on the survival difficulty? Is it actually challenging because if so I might try it.

Racism is a normal thing again nowadays since even reddit soibois and twitch thots do it, get with the times grandpa.

Is it ever getting a pc release?

>dlc confirmation is a positive now

It's just so fucking standard and doesn't have the polish the rest of the Sony movie exclusives do.

the game is basically an open world version of the last of us.

If it was on pc, graphics would be downgraded.

No. First party
Yes. When you get proper game, then dlc is good news

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>>Sequel confirmed, story dlc confirmed

got a source?

based bend

No, which is a shame.

Why? Because the slow downs, the long load times, the fps drops, the -no content- after finishing the story could be fixed by mods, and having a decent PC with an SSD.

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Of course a dumb ESL faggot loves generic open world zombie games.

Literally the only other playable open world zombie game is Dying Light and that's completely different to Days Gone.

Based moron. There are plenty of spins to have nice experience

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A multiplayer loot shooter with dailies has more Twitch viewers than a single player story-based game, no shit

I bought this. Couldn't get into it. The controls were clunky and felt extremely slow.

It's still sitting there gathering dust. Convince me to pick it back up. I just can't justify trying to play it again and waste time when it controlled like a tank straight out of the first world war.

Is a sequel really greenlit? I heard the devs were already working on another game but a sequel?

They made 6 SF games, give them a break.