Do you think the Gameboy could be released today?
Do you think the Gameboy could be released today?
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No, if it never existed and was released today with the same tech. It would be laughed and shamed to non-existence.
dumb gringo baby
Absolutely. Gameboy Classic. Gets all the soibois running to Gamestop.
This, unless if it was programmed in minecraft.
I think if the GBA was released for the first time it'd be a huge hit. Everyone loves retro games and GBA had some great games.
Not sure if GBC had a good enough library of solid games to survive today.
No cause it wouldn't be called Gameboy but Gamexir lole
Fuck touchscreens and fuck phone gaymers.
The fact that she’s so conditioned to phone use and she’s so young is terrible.
gaymeboy mini with pokeymans on it would sell millions
>Americunt parenting
Why is it terrible?
Because it means her parents just stuck her in front of a tablet and let that raise her.
Not that user but exposing a child that young to screens of any kinds can ruin their eyesight and it's not something natural + all the devices probably have internet access and the internet is not something safe for kids.
what kind of question is this? it's 30 year old tech. no I don't think it could be sold today. do you think the commodore 64 could be sold today?
Reminder that the Gameboy has very few good games.
you are an idiot and a zoomer
my half brothers are 13 and 16 years old and get insanely bored by anything that isnt casual touch screen bullshit
so no
youre thinking video games suck today? just wait until the younger generation is old enough to lead the design philosophy around games. the future is dark
can you use a telepgraph?
Why do virgin neckbeards get mad at this? It's cute.
>half brothers mother's sons?
go to bed Woolie
She was probably looking up Roblox "let's plays". No joke kids actually watch that shit.
Internet is a good point, even with parental locks kids will end up on shit they shouldn’t. I know I did, look up Augustyifu. I used to be in an irc room with him as a 12 year old, luckily he hated me and I never said I was 12 or he’d probably have tried to groom me.
She's like 2-4. There's no reason to be mad but at the shit parent.
Because buttons and switches are totally as "outdated" as the telegraph right?
The did release the game boy today, it's called the switch
Yeah, I don't get it. The girl has grown up with devices that are touch operated, it's not really some wonder she didn't instantly catch onto the buttons.
How do you know that? All it means is she's familiar with a tablet and that would be the same even if she gets a limited amount of screen time.
>How do you know that
She's like fucking three. Not to mention she clearly doesn't know how buttons work.
A $40 android chink phone is vastly superior. Even the 3 year old in your pic knows better.
Yeah, I didn't say she's never used a tablet, I'm just saying I don't understand how the gif proves anything about their parenting. Like you say, she's like 3. She's used a tablet but what would she have used that has buttons and a screen before?
if it was released today it would use recent tech you mongrel
>but what would she have used that has buttons
user, even using something as basic as a remote would have taught her how buttons work.
The Switch is doing fine. So yes.
the modern day Gameboy is about to be released, it's called the Switch Lite
>3 year old doesn't know how buttons work
That's still bad.
Do kids still play with etch a sketch?
They still sell them so I guess.
Maybe buttons are actually just shit for stupid people who can't understand something working without overabundance of useless feedback?
The same people that who are the reason soaps have to have foamy additive substances because without them their dumb brains think that soap does nothing.
But a remote doesn't have a screen. To that kid, it's a pretty logical assumption that portable devices with screens are all controlled via touch because every single one she's probably ever encountered up that point is.
>he doesnt know about Play Date
>Not to mention she clearly doesn't know how buttons work.
Now frankly that's just women.
Wish nintendo would release a new gameboy.
>dirt cheap
>light but rugged
>30 days battery life
>comes installed with 20 of the best games
Go to bed grandpa
Kids are highly adaptable, and the reason she's trying to touch the screen, is for the fact that she already learned how to interact with a sophisticated touchscreen device. If the parents only told her to press the buttons, then she would quickly learn how to do it in seconds. Chances are, she learned how to use the gameboy shortly after this video was taken.
My gfs 8 year old sister would always want to use my phone to play roblox and want to show me stupid shit on it, was endearing tbf
>dirt cheap
user, the gb classic will go for $89.99 minimum
>But a remote doesn't have a screen
You do realise that remotes are usually used with TVs, right? Even then if the remote or even some kind of controller had a physical reaction to something she would know how a button works and how to identify it.
Hell you still have to use buttons to turn tablets on and off so she should at least know that.
with gameboy advance
You're retarded.
you're fucking retarded
She's a toddler though. Again, she's probably never encountered a device like that that isn't controlled via touch and there's only 12 seconds of video. I'm sure she figured out the buttons eventually.
lol you a communist party voter or something?
I spend that much daily on just food.
>thinking a handheld console with like 8bit graphics, no backlight, low battery life and crummy audio could be released today
Swing and a miss user, next time don't defend bad parenting.
>more preinstalled game garbage
Jesus fuck you stupid fucking cuck. Just get a raspberry pie or something. Stop guzzling the cum and think for a fucking second. Jesus fuckung christ. OR HOW ABOUT JUST BUY A GAMEBOY AND BUY THE GAMES YOU WANT.
>internet is not something safe for kids
ultimately this.
when I have kids I'm gunna let them play vidya but there's no way i'm letting them use the internet until they're in the last couple of years of highschool.
i'm a teacher and it's always the kids that are on the internet too much by 4th grade that are weird, crazy, ass-holish, autistic and addicted to it like crack.
You're retarded.
damn what a stupid baby haha
>If a 3yo child is only familiar with touchscreens, her parents are bad
>I as an underage virgin on Yea Forums know better
lol, isn't it your bedtime already grampa? You're getting grouchy.
It's the same MSRP as the original release at launch. The tech is dated as hell, there's no reason for it to be the same cost outside of greed on Nintendo's part.
>Again, she's probably never encountered a device like that that isn't controlled via touch
You do know that we don't live in a world controlled entirely by touch screens, right? In fact some basic items and machines one would encounter in daily life still use buttons.
Only if Pokemon is the launch title
>hanging out with my cousin and nephew as cousin plays roblox and nephew wants to do something else
>see cousin typing in the chat "ugh g2g hang out with faggot cousin"
>quickly proceeds to turn the chair around with the happiest smile and runs off with him
>he's literally 8 years old
Where's the bad parenting?
>oh no, the kid has clearly used a tablet before they were given a gameboy
>planting your child in front of a tablet for it to raise them instead of doing it yourself is good parenting
he was probably just joking, i jokingly refer to my friends in derogatory ways. sounds like that 8 year old is simply based
>tfw friends 8 year old sister is looking up minecraft sex videos on youtube
Parents should be vigilant about letting your kids be raised by online forums
People who ended up on this site should know it best
Yes, but the kid is like 3 or 4.
See this That's what it produces.
How do you know that they haven't simply been exposed to a tablet first? Why do you assume they do nothing but use a tablet?
Games that are worth a shit on Gameboy:
>SaGa/Final Fantasy Legends (all of them)
>Any Pokemon
>Puzzle Boy
>Dragon Quest Monsters (I, II)
>Survival Kids
>Last Bible series
can't think of anything else, Gameboy is full of shovelware
I'm beggin ya
Fucking retard
But you can't prove how much she's used a tablet or that they just plant her in front of it all day from 12 seconds of video. Just that she's clearly used one before.
I'd rather it be more than 100 bucks than it being any cheaper than that and gameboy getting the stigma of being the toy that poor kids brings to school.
Are you implying that I was "raised" on tablets? If you are you're just wrong.
I'm probably older than you too man.
maybe with a crank...
You know a GB classic is only ever gonna be a novelty item for collectors and nostalgic millennial right?
shut up zoomer
I was allowed only one hour of supervised internet time per day by my parents while I was a child. Still wound up here.
It's not useless when it comes to video games.
this is bait
>I'm probably older than you too man
You're not exactly proving him wrong with the childish gibberish.
Super Mario and Donkey Kong Land
Megaman games
Kirby games
Castlevania games aside from the first (which had excellent music even if it was shit)
Gargoyle's Quest
The GBC is considerably worse, but it also had a shorter lifespan.
>Like 14
>See video of someone getting their head chopped off in some shithole
>Shocks me because its the first time I saw someone die, but intrigues me in a morbid way
>Decide for some reason to show my mom
>Hey mom come see this
>She cries and asks why I showed it to her
You know, kids her age are still dumb enough to find learning games enjoyable. Your kid can actually learn the alphabet and basic math before they even reach kindergarten.
The thing that gets me about this isn't that she tries to touch the screen but the fact that she does it repeatedly despite nothing happening.
Not to mention that she must have been at it for a while if she's being recorded.
c64 is literally sold roday
Haha alright whatever you say.
>the internet is not something safe for kids.
>tfw one of the first things i did after getting unsupervised internet access as an 11 year old was look up yoshi
>tfw i'm now physically incapable of being attracted to anything that isn't a cute monster capable of swallowing me whole
I wouldn't wish this on anyone else.
>Fuck touchscreens and fuck phone gaymers.
dude, she's like 3 years old.
Sounds like you'd rather fetch a pail of water instead of some Pokeman GO creatures.
ITT: Yea Forums grew up to be the parent they hated
It's much less endearing when you realize Youtube "Kids" has become their babysitter
pailed and crummypilled
She's a normal functioning human being who understands the full meaning of seeing that. You're an edgy stunted retard.
>The thing that gets me about this isn't that she tries to touch the screen but the fact that she does it repeatedly despite nothing happening.
Have you ever used a touchscreen device? They aren't exactly reliable or responsive. She's probably used to having to do something several times before it actually works.
They gave a 3 three year old a gameboy, that's exactly the sort of shit people here say they're gonna do all the time.
Yes, him.
Not everyone is the same person youngling
But I hated my mom because she divorced my Dad over him jerking off to porn, not because she limited my screentime.
>one hour
Still too much tbqhwyf
so instead of a tablet throw them infront of a gameboy!!!
>too new to remember the kids games threads that turned into "elsagate"
There's a lot of horrifying stuff out there for free made by Indians targeted at kids, kids are better off getting an early start with stuff like that with things like blocks and colouring books
I was 14 dude, I was a dumb kid. I wasn't saying she was dumb for reacting that way, I was more reflecting on being a dumb 14 year old and thinking that was something appropriate to show somebody. I didn't think it was "cool" or anything, it just freaked me out so I guess I wanted to share the feeling with someone. I think you might be the stunted retard for interpreting my post how you did.
Collectors items need to have price to be worth anything you dumb commie.
If it's 20 bucks people will avoid it like plague. It'll be in a bin next to the bargain bin full of tiger electronics.
>They aren't exactly reliable or responsive.
Are you from 2004? Touchscreens in the modern day are pretty damn reliable and even work when the screen itself is shattered.
Nah her parents supervise her and limit her screentime, make her read and do chores and shit.
Nigger she could have seen her parents use one, kids are pretty fucking observant.
Blocks and coloring books are still better options, but most tablets (especially a kids one) should come with kinda parental controls to turn off being able to download apps so you can just download stuff yourself that you know is safe for them.
pourquoi pas
Do you have a smartphone?
Pick it up and do what she's doing.
Just give your kid a tablet without internet access and apps that you know are safe and limit their use of it, easy.
Oh wow, you totally made a reference. That's fucking hilarious, that reference. Haha, I remember those old bad medical games. Wow was I caught with my pants down. Bonk.
>You're an edgy stunted retard.
Nah, his reaction is fairly typical for someone 14 years old. If he's still doing it at 20 then he's an edgy stunted retard. The ability to empathize comes fairly late in human development, it's common for a teenager to be unable to do it. Nothing wrong with it.
And yet she's never seen her parents watch the TV or use a computer.
Did it ever come to light what all this awful Frozen shit was, and why it was on kid's websites?
My niece pushed the buttons first when she was given a gameboy. Maybe some kids are just retarded and ruined.
I think internet access would be okay only let them us kids streaming apps (and I don't mean youtube kids, I mean like the PBS app or Disney Now or whatever) and don't just let them use the browser to go anywhere.
Damn I want a cute toddler daughter. They're so innocent.
Your ass is the best scoob
>No new IP
I don't know what game you're playing. But I'm on to you.
What? Why do you hate this little girl so much user?
Eh, I don't know. If they were really young I think any media they'd watch I'd want to watch with them. Maybe when they got around 5 or 6 I would allow something like that.
My experience of touchscreens is my Galaxy S5 and Cowon J3. Both fucking suck compared to the responsiveness of things like genuine buttons, a mouse, etc. They lag like shit and misinterpret gestures all the fucking time.
Kirby's Dream Land
MGS Ghost Babel
Link's Awakening and Oracle games
Super Mario Land
You're based for liking Survival Kids.
Fair enough, but if they were younger than 6 or so, I wouldn't be giving them a tablet just yet anyway.
Have you considered that you are a dumb shit who can't even gesture properly?
How in the ever loving fuck are you handling those?
no not really, any controversy about it was just brushed aside as well for being linked to conspiracy theories and stuff like that.
What did user mean by this?
I once saw a baby trying to swipe back on a car window because they drove by a cow.
My hobbies include playing piano and building models. Poor dexterity is not my problem.
Yet you can't use touchscreens that are known for being fairly responsive.
actually there seems to be a gameboy hype going around at the moment
even a friend of my mother, who's about as normal as you can imagine wanted to buy one for herself
Oh please. Like you never looked out of the window of a car or bus, and imagined Mario running and jumping over the passing landscape.
What the fuck
>spends $90 a day on food
So either a fat American or user of some third world currency with no value.
I bet you think standard 120ms of input lag in modern gaming is fairly responsive too.
That's 2700 a month just for food. I can't imagine stuffing my face that much all the time.
Fuck this thread and all threads like it. You make it seem like it'll be about video game hardware; however it's actually just losers complaining about children they'll never have and a society they've been outcast from. It's pathetic. Go to Reddit with this garbage.
fuck you, worthless shithead
Wow, he's deflecting now.
that was using my imagination and picturing something that was made and designed for children in mind, from hardware that kept children in a locked garden of whatever games their parent bought.
I find this tablet and smartphone stuff frightening because they're giving expensive devices designed for adults that let them download and browse whatever they want because most parents don't bother enabling any sort of parental controls.
lmao look at that dumb fucking child
what a fucking retard right?
You're god damn retarded, son.
Barely anything uses the switch touchscreen, not even for menus.
Yeah, there's no point when most users play docked at least part of the time.
Yeah fuck kids.
>he's the one behind the "toddlers thrown at wall" video
He can't keep getting away with it...!
>arguing with 12 year olds on Yea Forums about what's good for children
Did you forget actual 12 year olds frequent this board? Stop letting them bait you into retarded arguments.
lmao, poor thing is so used to "winning" pointless arguments on Yea Forums, just put it out of it's misery
I'll do you one better.
Redstone Gameboy.
woah calm down
who dilated in your soup buddy?
this is such a fucking stupid post holy shit
That's two posts.
I don't get why people pretend to be angry over toddlers not grasping how to use 20+ year old outdated technology. I don't expect you losers to use an American Fotoplayer on your first try well either give the kid a break.
Not that user, but I have a shitty, old, refurbished phone that has a horribly fucked touchscreen, and I have to do shit like that all the time.
She's a kid, of course she's doing some stupid shit. No one's teaching her what she's doing wrong because the parents are morons.
What did you expect, he was raised on YouTube via tablet.
>muh Internet is bad for kids
The absolute state of 4channel
user, anyone who knows morse code can.
Sure but it wouldn't compete that well because it's from another time. I don't think toddlers are in the market for videogames anyways. But you retards will find anything to act like the world is ending about
I mean, the kid has seen nothing but touch screens and tablets, of course she expected the thing to work that way. I don't get why people get so bent out of shape over this gif.
Yes. Yes they are.
Kids need to be dumb and just do the same shit their parents did like me. They don't deserve access to infinite knowledge and the ability to educate themselves. It scares me.
>telegraph is no longer used
>buttons are commonplace and required for every electronic item
Nope. Haven't pressed a button in years. Besides yours :)
The fuck are you talking about?
I'm talking about how any little kid can just look up how to make a gun. Then he can just take over his entire school, then the town, then the state and so on and so forth. Like, fuck man, does that not scare you? This was never a fear I had growing up. Children can't be trusted with infinite knowledge at their fingertips. They're impulsive, irrational, and evil. This is a dangerous world we live in here.
The same way shitty parents let tv's raise their kids, they're shoving a phone in their hands now to keep them quiet.
Your face lol
The difference is I wouldn't continue to try what obviously isn't working.
In addition the fotoplayer has been replaced by superior methods, kids are been raised to want to play vidya with shitty control schemes
Touch screens have their place but for the most part gaming ain't it.
>They don't deserve access to infinite knowledge and the ability to educate themselves.
>he says as he enters his 6th hour today shitposting on a Turkmenistani ant farm aficionado website
The difference is you're an annoying loser who needs to stick up your arse where the sun don't shine.
I haven't been on this website in 4 years. I came here and saw this thread and got scared.
Did gamer gate made you leave? Cause it's only gotten worse if you haven't noticed all the wojak spam yet.
>The difference is I wouldn't continue to try what obviously isn't working.
As a toddler?
Yes, as a minigame inside of pokemon go
I know of people who tried to restrict usage of devices to their young children growing up but it was futile because other shitty parents didn't and lazy schools don't bother policing them anymore, so it was for nothing.
cute but I would be worried about her dropping it.
Yeah it was mostly that. What is wojak? I haven't see a lot of threads yet. Is it some kind of chain letter or copypasta or something?
Bald white guy. Makes dumb faces. Can't miss him, he's in half the pictures posted here.
Sorry, mostly that and Moot leaving, I forgot to finish my sentence.
No sir, what you're posting is bait and very similar to how teenage girls act on Twitter. I believe they call it a "subtweet" there.
I'll have to keep an eye out for that one.
Not with the existence of smartphones. Hand-held consoles were popular because it let you play games on the go. My GBA SP was the best shit when my parents took us on trips and stuff. Hell, having a back-lit screen was a huge deal then.
People might buy it for the novelty, but hand-held consoles are pretty much dead.
Shut up.
do you really have this many of them saved?
As opposed to her parents sticking a gameboy in front of her and letting it rot her brain like you?
the funny thing is having this many saved onto his harddrive is sadder than the degenerates he's making fun of
Yes he's avatarfagging at this point. He named them that way for replies and so he has an excuse to post his collection.
Yes as a toddler.
>What is wojak
Remember Feels guy?
Wojaks are basically that but corrupted.
Not him but who is saying that leaving anything in front of her is a good thing?
The problem is that this kid isn't being raised by her parents but her electronics.
I'd rather let my kid play games than let her read your retarded posts on the internet.
to this day i don't know where the name wojak came from. as far as i knew up until a year or so ago it was just "tfw"
kill it with fire
slow down Shinji
spoken like a stupid retard that has no kids
Why do retards on Yea Forums like to larp as traditional boomers now?
thats sad
should have aborted her
Next time reply in one post
>I couldn't possibly be so retarded that multiple people call me a retard
>I'm so important that people are going to bother samefagging my retarded post
Go ahead and say it's fake or whatever bro.
You do realise we can tell you've been samefagging this entire thread, right?
it's my only one. i just named it like that so faggots like you reply
Yeah, whatever you say my man. Go ahead and prove that, I've made like 5 posts ITT, point them out Sherlock.
1. I agree that children should not have rampant access to technology, it warps their brains in ways we can't fully fathom yet
2. It's ok for people to be younger than you, like illustrates. It's like knowing Latin when the language died almost a thousand years ago, things come and go and that's natural.
>It's ok for people to be younger than you, like # illustrates
Pretty sure no one said it wasn't.
Also that user you linked clearly didn't intend to make that point. He just thought of an old machine that he thought no one in the modern day could use.
user, touch screens currently aren't common enough that a child of three wouldn't know how buttons work.
Hell assuming they even turned on the tablet and the gameboy they know how to make the thing work
They say when the picture was originally posted it had the file name wojak. Feels guy was the name given to it when it spread to Yea Forums.
Zoomer detected
>it warps their brains in ways we can't fully fathom yet
lol no it doesnt retard
Of course fucking not
Honestly yes
Why would she use buttons? Nothing fucking uses buttons. We live in a touch interface world now.
50 years ago you would be the weirdos that wouldn't let their kids watch TV because it's the "Devil's work" or some other dumb shit.
You dumbasses are no better than the boomers complaining about kids playing vidya games instead of enlisting in the army.
Have you never used an elevator or driven a car? Even if you're a busrider you need to press a button to tell the driver to stop.
>Nothing fucking uses buttons
Tablets and smartphones literally use buttons turn it on and off you idiot.
Most still even have home buttons.
The Gameboy was fucking shit. No backlight was torture. Some of the games were surprisingly decent (and technical marvels considering the specs) but they are best played ANYWHERE besides the Game Boy.
I remember I got the worm light back in the day thinking my problems would be solved but it just blasts the screen with light so you still cant see shit. I remember optimal lighting was outdoor natural light but not direct sunlight. The struggle was real.
>Nothing fucking uses buttons.
>game consoles
>intercom systems
Look I get that you let your mom do everything but buttons are way more common than touchscreens.
based zoomer consumerist
its new therefore its good please ignore the removal of features
My 13 year old and 14 year old play pretty much anything, and so do their friends. In my opinion the future is very bright.
>50 years ago you would be the weirdos that wouldn't let their kids watch TV because it's the "Devil's work"
Starting to think they had a point.
I wouldn't worry she has enough retardation at home.
Be a proper parent or don't shit them out you fucking mong
> things come and go and that's natural.
Do you seriously think buttons and switches are going to die out? Do you think all technology is video games?
what a mad man
Britain had a study on infants and prepubescent kids, and it turns out young children have underdeveloped arm muscles due to lack of gripping strength which was related to people simply pointing at things instead of holding them.
TL;DR tablets and smartphones halts the physical development of children.
no dont do that, they’ll shut this website down again!
go back to /x/ you skitzofucktard
What do you mean by "due to lack of gripping strength which was related to people simply pointing at things instead of holding them"?
the fuck do you think a switch is?
>All these 20yo boomers
The moral of the story is tht touchscreens are inherently bad, only retards use them for gaming, and that keyboard + mouse and controller (to a lesser extent) will always be superior.
What button does a three year I do press that controls a screen? The television remote MAYBE
Lucky for you I'm a dog lover
Actually 27 year old boomer here.
So you just KNOW thats a mentally ill stunted 3 year old, is that it? What the fuck is wrong with all you people? She's learning how to use electronics, fuck off with your autistic spazz non-parenting. She's fine you fucks.
>google "study shows infants weak gripping smart phones"
wow that was hard
Actually, as part a historical reenactment group, I can!
This is seriously the first time I've laughed at a post on this board in months.
Whooaa! Haha...
If I had kids (which I never will), I would live mostly tech-free until they were 5 years old and going into school. Then I would start slowly introducing them to tech because once they start school, shit is out of my control.
>3 year old uses all these things
>3 year old that can even name all these things
are you 3 years old?
>When you're so familiar with touch screen you're incapable of understanding how physical buttons work
Reminder, monkeys understand physical buttons. That kid is dumber than a monkey.
Left wing social progressive bullshit aside, this shift to touch screen everything is one of the worst things to happen to man.
>Left wing social progressive bullshit aside
Brainlet. Should read up on our economic policies in the 50’s
Shit like this is why I'm concerned that my dad lets my 3y/o stepsister use touch technology so often. I remember as a kid that I wasn't allowed to be on any technology that wasn't a games console unsupervised until I was 11.
If I ever have kids, I'm going to make a point to not let them use tech unsupervised until they can write with pen and paper and once I'm convinced that they're mature enough to not fall prey to online grooming.
>Showed my mum the blue waffle picture when I was about 13
>Her reaction was disgusted intregue followed by her trying to figure out the back story to the picture.
I don't have much of a problem with economic aspects of the left and I am aware of the socialist-lite policies we hd during and after WWII. My problem is all this divise social issue crap the nu-left focuses on.
I'm sure we all stated young on the internet and look where we ended up
>old enough to write with pen and paper
>old enough to not fall prey to online grooming
That's a large gap, user
Here read this m8
Kids of the future wont be as tech literate as we (18 to 25) are.
When I was growing, you had to figure shit out. Computers were more primitive and less streamlined. Now everything is a click away. I mean hell, even having an iphone meant you were jailbreaking it, when was the last time you heard someone jailbreak their iphone?
>people on here criticizing kids for using tablets and shit
I know damn well the vast majority of us spent our childhoods in front of a game console or computer.
You realize that's intentional, right? Why do you think Windows is so patronizing now?
They want dumb consumers who just nod and buy products.
Based retard. What would you expect in a world with holograms? That people would think a screen device wouldn't project a light that produces a hologram? Or they would know how old technology works?
Ok then, explain to me how to use pic related today? It was done in the past, so it's clear you could just use it properly even today, right?
I'm kind of glad I grew up semi-poor which prevented me from being corrupted by the internet. As a child, the only tech I really had was a TV, a Playstation, and a Gameboy Color. I was 10 when my family got a home computer in 2001, which was under supervised use. Wasn't until I was 14 when I got a personal computer in my room. That's when my ventures into the darker side of the internet began but I had enough common sense and internet safety drilled into me so I didn't do the retarded shit kids today do.
Yeah, and I had a fucking social life until I was 24 largely because of it. I don't want that for my kid.
>they just stuck (You) in front of a television and let that raise (You)
dumb proto-roastie.
You can tell she will grow up and wear one of those as necklaces boasting about how she played it since she was a baby
Not me. I was never really fond of the television and had siblings to play with. Being a single child is almost as bad for kids as having a single mother with no father figure.
whats with the censors?
>censoring "fucking"
are you fucking serious? what kind of fucking shitty boomer friendly site did you save this shit from, cunt?
>how fucking dare my good for nothing child think my gameboy is a smartphone even though she never experienced these things in her life and I was the one who gave her a smartphone at such a young age in the first place
Look at this dumbshit zoomer, all zoomers are like this. I bet this dumb bitch can't even rotary dial or know how to rewind a VHS tape. God I hate this generation.
ITT: 90s Yea Forums anons act like parenting experts
Kids nowadays know about fun.
no but then I wouldn't try mashing buttons that aren't there trying to get it to work
Even better, they literally ARE showing her a gameboy at a young age and are simply filming her reaction. Its literally home video of parents exposing their children to tech and people act like its proof she's deprived
>assuming maliciousness when he was probably just laughing about it.
Comfy as shit
A better example would be a rotary phone, or being able to read an analog clock.
If even one kid started jumping around and laughing, they would all put their shit down and join them. People, not just kids, tend to just do what the people around them are doing.
>even rotary dial
Hardly any phones like this existed in the 90s plus that method was highly impractical.
>know how to rewind a VHS tape
Either by hand or in a VCR. Ever had to fix a VHS when the tape got fucked up? I had to a couple of times.
My niece watches toy reviews alot or just kids playing with toys in general. Kind of weird watching someone else have fun.
He's referring to this entire thread of seething anons screaming abuse
oh god it's too early for me to be making posts
>watches kids playing with toys in general. Kind of weird watching someone else have fun.
That sounds depressing.
I unironically struggle to read an analog clock and I'm 28.
>when they don't even put all the numbers on it or any at all
I think it's more like a "friend simulator" than "watching other people have fun"
>>when they don't even put all the numbers on it or any at all
Pretentious shit.
All you need is morse code to use that thing, you literally tap on it to send basic signals, try harder faggot. Also the general population didn't use telegraphs.
>try harder faggot.
Ok. Now put that infront of the kid and see what happens
Or put that in front of 20 year manchildren shitposting on Yea Forums and see what happens
It's like nightmare googles, really.
It's even worse when they don't even have the tick marks. Look at this bullshit pic related. Can't even read what time it is, my guess is 10:07?
This. I didn't even realize it had one until recently.
At least she knows how to drink from a cup.
I'm an actual parent and almost all under 8s now adays are braindead zombies from growing up being given touch screens as soon as they can sit upright so never learned how to interact face to face with their parents who are also glued to their phones. They act like they have severe autism, can't look you in the face or convey coherent information to you.
My kids that age are ubermensch just from not being given phones and watching them interacting with their peers is like watching teenagers playing with toddlers, just leading them around like herding animals.
I can't even imagine getting this mad on the internet, especially about a fucking children's toy of 30 years ago
haha this lil dude always cracks me up. worries me about having kids myself though. I mean, my GF is white, but it still could turn out plenty fucking stupid.
She has her own toys which makes it even stranger
>Yea Forums the den of the dredges of society who happen to be incels argue about parenting
Kids are allowed to not know how to use stuff.
Yes and most of us knows that didnt really work out for most of us.
I'm at an age where friends are getting children and some parents really dont give a fuck. Here's youtube,my six year old! Go wild!
And then me and a friend are watching this kid's tablet and seeing him watching that disturbing "pregnant Elsa" shit.
I dont want that shit for my child, mostly because I know how terrible it can be in the long run.
I see he join the dragon covenant.
Those are autists who can't comprehend why people buy retro systems when they screech for the thousandth time about the superiority of the raspberry pi.
Yes, we're aware of how good the pi is, but shut up I want this retro console just because. An autist struggles with such ambiguous responses. So their reaction is to shit on retro consoles in general, which is only really justifiable on the Playstation Classic because that one was actually bad out of the box.
Have you not noticed the rise of moral puritanism on Yea Forums? The psyop raid against porn? People rallying against the portrayal of violence in games? Every day this place is getting filled with an increasing amount of people all claiming to be zealous christfags who attend weekly church.
Something fishy as fuck is going on. I feel like some invasion of the body snatchers shit is going down.
I haven't noticed it. What if YOU posted that censored pic and now with this post you are pushing your own narrative?
I'm not falling for it, faggot
>underweight for its age and stupid
Now that's a kid raised on a high-carb diet. Poor lad
chicken nuggets and wonderbread is the staple of every every african american nutrition plan
phones have buttons though?
there's that button to turn them on and off and then the volume ones
this floor reminds me of mexican cartel videos
fuck me man
Took you four hours to come up with that? Four hours? Really dude? FOUR HOURS?!
Yeah, just like how parents in the 90's stuck their child in front of a TV. It's the same thing with phones now.
that's the first time i posted in the thread user
>Son no Gameboy at the dinner table
>Mom no smartphone at the dinner table
user please that's not the same thing & you know it
the gameboy was kinda shit. the only reason it was big was cos it was the only thing around.
the screen was shit
the batter hour was shit they could have atleast released a power plug or something they never did
Quality, not quantity.
>something fishy is going on
Not at all this website remains counter culture like it's always been and like a rebellious teenager it doesn't matter what it is as long as daddy hates it and right now daddy loves rainbows. When the world outside becomes more conservative and straight you'll see Yea Forums become very hippy-like and all the conservs will leave screaming "we're invaded! the leftists are killing us".
Well i'm not so sure since this place is not exactly the under-the-bridge it used to be, the real misfits crawled up into an actual dark hole somewhere else.
She may well have never used buttons before in her life.
When I was growing up, we used the VCR to change the TV channel, but my parents still used old-ass TVs with dials. When I got a bit older I tried fiddling with the dials sometimes to see if anything interesting happened (it didn't), but if I were fucking three and the VCR didn't work, I wouldn't have tried turning the fiddly things that I've never seen used before. I would probably have just kept trying to use the VCR until concluding that it's broken and finding something else to do.
They would have to change the name no way would game"boy" fly in 2019
>give stack of pictures to very young child
>watch them swipe them onto the floor one by one
A child that's not as dangerously underdeveloped as OP's should immediately start tapping on it, find it fun perhaps, and randomly do tappings with it (maybe try to play a tune they know for example).
OP's kid was supposed to try various things before giving up, not just touch-touch-give up. This shows dangerous underdeveloped thinking capabilities even for a 3 years old.
Fucking idiot god damn.
boomers mad
lmao butthurt
fucking retard
>screens so bright it turns your entire face white
I guarantee the kid in the lower right will have to wear glasses 10 years later
>tfw my mum got angry at the my dad for the same thing
what the fuck why do boomers hate their partner watching porn? its normal as fuck for the younger generation
technology >is terrible.
sure senior
Why the fuck would you hand a kid that? At least wait until they're older so they can appreciate and know the value of why they're holding
legit retard
>I'm on Yea Forums but I'm different
Unless you have kids that have turned out well after shoving a tablet in their hands and they turned out well, you outed yourself as a double retard
Holy shit, look at all the retards itt who don't understand that screen time for children should be extremely limited. Maybe it's a good thing that y'all are incels.
Your dad was incapable of sexually satisfying your mother and sounds like a loser.
Your dad was double-cucked. Couldn't appease his wife and so she left him alone with cable porn.
you are senile
Blue light is bad for developing eyes. I'm surprised by the amount of moron's outing themselves.
It's fucking amazing how the internet went from being populated with techies to being populated with anti-tech wingnuts, isn't it? I miss 2000s internet, I really do.
same thing dude, it was done to me and I really don't want to do it to my kids too I want them to develop social skills and to enjoy being outside and being healthy.
>minimalist clocks
>when it's ok to be an hour early or an hour late to everything in your life
It's because technology went to shit as a result of centralization, commoditization of data, and consumer complacence (a result of the mainstreaming of technology). For example, software companies have dissolved their testing teams decades ago because they figured out that buggy software with critical security flaws don't actually matter since consumers will just eat it up. Likewise, phone manufacturers don't care if the phone crashes when trying to make a phone call (or if the phone is anti-ergonomic to the point even normalfags complain about their sizes and shape) so long as the gps can be remotely activated without the user's consent.
She should be looking for pails of water instead
game boy, yes
game boy color, no
I don't think it has anything to do with that. The majority of anti-tech retards posting online these days don't even own smart phones let alone know about software testing cycles and how tech corporations operate.
It depends I think. There are surely many anti-tech retards that just saw someone else complain and jumped on a bandwagon, but I believe this doesn't apply for the majority of people. There are those who, as you said, don't really know how software companies operate or about software testing, but also it doesn't really matter because they see that their phones work poorly and the software they use is slow and crashy. There are also those who definitely know about these things because they live it and therefore also get to complain.
The first case is the typical case of being able to complain about the food at a restaurant despite not being a cook: it's perfectly valid. Even if you were to mistake the reason why things suck on account of not being deeply knowledgeable about the subject.
Damn guys, we live in a society
You did't have latin in school?
Stupid kid
>everyone on Yea Forums is an incel!!!!!!!!
You are, but plenty of us aren't.
My son loves playing with my old gba and not even once assumed it was touch screen because unlike the retard parent in the OP I haven't given my son acess to a smartphone or tablet yet.
i mean the switch exists and its doing pretty well. basically the new gameboy/gba/ds. considering all of those technically had a way to play on a tv as well i think nintendos finally peaked in terms of creativity and thats kinda sad
as opposed to sticking their dick in you?