Why are the NPC Hunters in this game overpowered as shit?
Did you play the first version?
Idk what version I'm playing. I just walked into a room with 3 of them and I died.
God I still really like this game
Cant wait to double dip in feb
Nobody cares about your meme game
>story taht's all just a dream
>boss betrays you and revealed as the antagonist (wow didn't see that coming)
>guns yet can't increase amount of ammo you can hold by a decent amount
>can't dual weild guns
>doesn't allow you to play like a tps yet includes guns
>aliens out of nowhere
The church right? I had to cheese them.
d-do what in February user?
Yes, it's after the unseen village. The naked knight who has ridiculous health and the lightning faggot.
Have a friend who is play testing ATM, says it looks great @ 1440/60
Bloodborne runs native 1440p 60fps on PS4 Pro?
Nope, and will never get a pro patch
How the fuck is he playing 1440p/60 then???
If you're talking about the Yahar'gul place, just cheese them. That fight is retarded. In the rest of the game they aren't nearly as bad as that, in my opinion this is the only point where they're unfair. Fighting multiple powerful enemies in these games is usually a shitshow anyway. Never felt bad about cheesing these three fags.
He's play testing
It also sucks that you can't farm blood echoes from the bell respawns in Yahar'gul.
Wtf does that mean nigger?
The one with the blunderbuss next to electric mace guy was obnoxious as fuck. He is way more spammy than Gascoigne and rarely wants to melee
Feb 2020
the ai's too shitty for them to be good fights like proper enemies and bosses so they just rack up the dps and the health.
The guy at the end of eileens questline can go fuck himself
What does it mean to "play test"?
Testing the game, it's in final beta
Bloodborne, a game already released, is in beta?
dont fight them all at once then.
use your brain
Diffrent version
i dont know if youre baiting or just retarded but im sure the other retard is baiting about a pc release
Can't wait.
wew one down 2 more to go
I found a good strat. Relentlessly attack until your stamina depletes, then shoot nonstop until it recharges then repeat. Basically what said.
Their stats are jacked. Crow Hunter has 99 each stats and they all have infinite bullets
Run and funnel them one by one near the doors. Hit and run
they ded now user
To be fair, they've been at this gig for who knows how long, while this is the player character's first time doing this shit. They've already pumped the shit out of their stats while you're this babby who's intruding on their territory.
the only strong hunter is optional - Bloody Crow of Cainhurst. Git Gud and learn to parry
those 3 hunters in Yahar'gul were bs tho
infinite bullets
>infinite stamina
>infinite quicksilver bullets
I fucking love this game but 100% fuck AI hunters.
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I値l have you know I graduated top of my class in the Byrgenwerth college, and I致e been involved in numerous secret raids on the fishing hamlet, and I have over 300 confirmed insight. I am trained in vampire magic and I知 the top Sudoku player in the entire Vileblood family. You are nothing to me but just another beast. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before in this nightmare, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me while I'm sleeping? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the healing church and your blood echoes are being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You池e fucking dead, by Kos. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that痴 just by teleporting behind you. Not only am I extensively trained in impersonal combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of Gehrman's hunters and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the waking world, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little 田lever・comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have gained some fucking insight. But you couldn稚, you didn稚, and now you池e paying the price, you beastly idiot. I will shit blood all over you and you will drown in it. You池e fucking dead, hunter.
They wouldn't make good hunters if they couldn't kill beasts user.
These are fair points I guess. Why do all 3 of them have to gang up on me though?
Because Bloodborne is harsh and you're at the second half of it, better buckle up and prepare for all the horrors to come.
>why are the last surviving members of an ancient order who's sell function is to go out and hunt unspeakable horrors so overpowered?
Are you retarded user?
Chikage is the most fun weapon in any souls game I don't give a fuck.
No idea why the katanas handled so bad in Dark Souls 3 because the chikage is literal perfection.
You can't be a weakling to survive the night, fellow huntah.
Use the same hat on that outfit. Good taste.
weeb faggot
but user, they do not match at all...
back to /fa/
Fashion Souls is an integral part of character building.
So a beginner can't just kill them and take their stuff
Every random mob hunter in Old Hunters wipes floor with the NPCs from the base game
Bloodborne is getting a 4k 60fps Switch release in 2020. Source: My aunt sweeps the floor at Nintendo.
Hello there! You lads know of a safe place i can go to?
Yeah, straight to HELL
ps4 emulator
you know, I love so much sending him to Oedon's chapel, solely for the sake of brutally murdering Adelle.
I'd start a new character called Laurence, a buffed chad member of the healing church who slaughters everything at it's sight, being it monster or human.
>Each person who finds is sent to Oedon's
>He finds out they're blasphemous fucks who have the scourge deep within their brain.
>When they arrive, he throws pebbles to their heads until they die
>You should have seen how the old lady begged for her life
>Eventually finds Adelle, instantly develops an obsesion for her
>Sends her to Oedon, she offers her blood to Laurence
>Sometimes he would just sit there observing her for hours
>Eventually she says she cannot offer blood so often
>Laurence is furious, he wants to kill her
>But he loves her so so so much
>Find this lovely man on a hell hole of a village
>Laurence realises he's truly a beast
>Sends him to Oedon expecting him to murder Adelle
>He does, Laurence is so pleased
>But he feels sad, sad, very sad. Adelle is dead.
>She will never come back, but he can do nothing but stare at her body
>Does that for hours every day before heading to massacre beasts full of anger
>When he comes home, Laurence brings her a wedding ring he found on a dungeon
>Asks her to marry him
>She does not respond
>Full of anger, Laurence starts depiecing her with his axe for hours
>He feels regret for what he has done, while he talks with her few diced remains, he swears to love her for the rest of the eternity
>Places the ring on what lasts of Adelle's hand
>Laurence's trip has concluded, he now feels very, very happy
I can't stop watching her bros, she is so beautiful, I usually chat with her through Laurence when having dinner, and I'm always with her on my free time. I love her so so much
true. those eyeball mass mimic monstrosities legit scare me
They aren't you fucking moron. Learn how to dodge attacks and do viscerals
you're going to make the soulsborne cucks rage with those facts
>4 hours ago
>1 tame reply
virgin detected
and here's the soulsborne cuck in question
They are actually very balanced considering how easy parrying is in BB plus you have an overkill amount of healing items.
>gibberish singing in Laurence's boss theme is actually Latin
>it expands on the lore
Holy fuck Bloodborne is so good
>track has latin in it
>drops generic pseudo-deep metal lyrics about drinking blood
is there a more pseudo-intellectual set of gaymers than BBfags?
You literally can dual wield guns and you have unlimited ammo through blood bullets
Fuck does it really? What does it say?
i'll mess up your brain
I liked this game and all, it's pretty "epic" and all, but I honestly think using guns to parry was an odd choice.
The whole "beasts dundu nuffin" schtick is fucking retarded. Djura can go suck a fat hairy dog dick.
>ESL retard's first day on Yea Forums
Its a voiceline
S e e t h
>cant even spell seethe
>its bait because I dont like it!!
dilate and cope, BBfag
he's right though, i mean what kind of fag sits in a thread about a game he doesnt like just to shit on it? a seething one
Bro, you're posting cringe bro.
I put 300 hours into Bloodborne, doesnt change the fact that all its fans are horrendous retards pretending to be educated
>lel >/reddit/ meme that lets me meet my normalfag bro quota
figures desu BBfags are basically new-age CoD kiddies
Absolutely boiling
Because they all have 99 in every stat. The only differences between them are their weapon level, gems and runes.
Lets you parry from a safe distance where you won't get hit if your timing is off, which combined with the lack of shields and the variety of enemies/bosses that can be parried means that everyone learns to parry on their first playthrough.
In DeS/DaS, most players read the tutorial note about parrying, try it once, get hit, and then never try it again because it's safer to just hold L1.
Bloodborne has the most useful and satisfying parries in the series. Sekiro almost did it even better, until they introduce the "you lose posture on a successful parry because we can't think of a way to make the game harder" mechanic in the second half.
>I'm upset because some people like thing more than I like it!
Fuck off retard.
>h-heh >>>/reddit/ taught me how to (You) d-deprive you s-stupid 4channer!
>t-take this!
pathetic, dilate and cope
>meme post fails
>F-Fuck off r-r-retard
lmao brainlet BBfag
>Lets you parry from a safe distance where you won't get hit if your timing is off, which combined with the lack of shields and the variety of enemies/bosses that can be parried means that everyone learns to parry on their first playthrough.
That doesn't hold up when the majority of parries are still only possible when an enemy is about to attack and most enemies only attack when close in range. I found BB's parrying harder than DS parries.
You're not yourself when you're hungry. Have a Snickers bro.
Post some cool Eileen art
>probably some smelly filipino kid
whats ESL
Actually evaporating
Yo respect for the stylish finish.
Is there a better feeling in the game other than doing a vit build and tanking everyones attack like its nothing?
>retard BBfags sputtering around in confusion in the face of being called fake smart
Project more you sad, blatantly underage, lonely boy xDlawl
whats an ESL
read the image, you idioto
>facebook meme
>obvious mad tranny posting mannerisms
average BBfag raging hard
holy shit this kid really does take the bait every time doesn't he
>h-haha im f-f-fucking b-baiting you
self-deception is a slippery slope, underage ESL
how come all BBfags are this retarded?
to balance shitty ai, at least for a bit
I either kill them in the spiral stairs or sprint towards the elevator and they all chase me down the shaft as I ride it up and they fall to their deaths
Yeah and he's not even creative about it. I'd continue pulling him along but it's not worth it when his responses are all the same.
Kinda sad, really.
>tranny passive-aggressive butthurt posting
>obvious ESL
>obvious underage
what a train wreck BBfags are collectively, Yea Forums really is just a collection of children raging all day
( ( ( p r o j e c t m o r e ) ) )
lmao @ sperg soulsborne tranny
Thanks user, it's about time someone came forward to maintain and honor the tradition
Because rather than improve the AI, FROM just decided to give them overinflated stats.
There's literal children in this thread, at least be old enough to buy the game before spouting shit, you don't even know what you're talking about