Boot lickers will defend this

2K sent hired goons to a YouTuber over Borderlands 3 info leaks

>Borderlands 3 publishers 2K Games have admitted they sent private investigators to a YouTuber’s home for a friendly chat. 2K say it’s part of a ten-month investigation into YouTuber “SupMatto” for leaking “confidential information” and “infringing [their] copyright” by sharing unannounced details about Gearbox’s FPS-RPG.

Where were you when the video game industry said fuck you to their consumers?

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Just going on what you quoted, leaking confidential information is bound to be investigated. Its nothing special.

The information was publicly available on the internet, he merely put it in a youtube video. Also you can't send hired goons to interrogate someone over some copyright breach.

Yes, I defend this. Fuck everyone that isn't 2K or gearbox.

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Sure you can, the dumbass should have told them to fuck off instead of letting them in and talk and talking to them.

Shills in suicide watch!

Of course you can. I bet you also think someone running for president can't destroy evidence of wrong doing with bleach bit. Fucking idiot



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you mean subhuman gaymer like you who spends his weekend to spam this bullshit on an anime image board.

>Also you can't send hired goons to interrogate someone over some copyright breach.
You can, they just have the right to chase them out

They went out of line to harass him like that but I fully expect companies to do dumb shit like this if they think they can get away with it..
His family and him have my sympathy nothing more.

He fucked up and got what he deserved. Why give him sympathy?

Hired goons?

>caring about some eceleb or some leaker faggot

Who gives a shit what some clown did to leak information? How would any of this effect my enjoyment of said game, or any game? He knew the risks of doing this shit and it caught up to him. Even if the company is pure scum, of the 30k people or so that know of this and don't buy it, BL2 sold over 49million copies over it's life time. I'm pretty sure BL3 will do the same.

If Matto had any brains he would have walked away and said nothing instead of trying to play the victim, but he wants to keep them youtube clicks for making 5 minute videos repeating the same sentence in different phrasing to tell you "game has X thing in it." lmao

It's moreso for his family must have scared the shit out of em.

Go home Randy. You're drunk

is this some falseflagging shill attempt

Leaking information about an unreleased game can affect sales.

I don't need to.
I just don't care.
I will still buy, it doesn't affect me.

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this. he should have told them to fuck right off and called the cops on them if they stayed

This. Who are you? Nag get fucked fake cops.

That tells me by him leaking information he's basically causing a bunch of people to either make money or lose it. If they lose money, he will be one of the reasons. Pretty sure the livelyhood of the people working on this shit > some e-celeb clown who was spoonfed info by someguy within the company. After that guy was outed he started to just copy shit off people. He figured since he came into a stream he tried to make a few dollars sucking in retards to get a scoop, and that fucked him. GG.

Also What this guy said. He coulda just said nothing and continued on instead of being a bitchnigga about it.

>I will still buy, it doesn't affect me.
>supporting randy at all

Don't America have "stand your ground" laws? Why didn't he just shoot them?

>doesn't know how hype is generated
>doesn't know that hype equals money and that those leaks might result in the loss of a couple of million units sold
>defends a company that makes lol random kids' humor shitty loot shooters that have never been good


>walk to your house and knock on your door
>first reaction is to shoot them immediately
yeah that would go well

>thinking some literally-who youtuber with under a mil subs is going to have an effect on this worldwide.
>doesn't realize that it could be any company and i don't give a shit either way because e-celeb shit on Yea Forums is fucking boring and doesn't belong here.


So.... what did he leak?

bl3 info

You joke but I do have a knife hidden behind a small painting right next to my front door. It's been there for years ever since the drug cases went up in the neighborhood next to my apartment. I've only pulled it out and hid it behind me while answering the door about five whole times in my entire life.

But anything specific/interesting, or just random screenshots?

Didn't they threaten him in some way? Why else did he let them in?

Leaking that the game is shit.

Hired goons?

screenshots that were the thumbnails for private bl3 stream videos. yep thats literally it.

>Why else did he let them in?
Because he is a dumbass.

You know breaking and entering is illegal, right?
A quote in the article has the leaker claiming they were trespassing, though.

> "two people trespassed my private property (ILLEGAL) and questioned me (ILLEGAL). I thought I had nothing to hide so I went along"

yeah, this guy is a complete retard and cuck. hope he deletes his youtube channel.

no, he should have pulled out his pump action.
this is america.
trespassers are deathpassers.

That only applies in Texas and similar shitholes.

was he right

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No because the guy he shot wasn't trespassing.

>guy throws bat at father for shooting at him
>time to blast him with a shotgun

Do they really think leaking Boringblands 3: Randy Bobandy Gives Me a Handy is that serious?

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>and got what he deserved
>mmm tasty shoe shine

He should have shot them for trespassing.

I guess these things will become more common as defending yourself slowly becomes illegal.

okay I just watched the video. absolutely disgusting subhuman trash

>durrrrrr no step on snek!!!! muh second amedmeng!!!!

The absolute state of Amerilards. I'm glad they're going to take your guns away because of El Paso and Dayton.

Im european. but this guy is a fucking cuck. its the equivalent of offering tea to someone that breaks into your home.

again, hope he deletes his youtube.

People who actually buy and play Gearbox garbage should kill themselves. This is an unironic message.

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Didn't you hear? They're going after the high capacity assault [video games] in civilian hands.

SupMatto sounds like he might be Borderlands biggest fan. A shame Americans no longer have a sense of community. Everybody is alone against corporations that can do whatever they please using their obligation to shareholders as an excuse. I guess he should be grateful he didn't displease a pharmaceutical or oil giant.

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Can any of you faggots burn this epic down already

The dude was selling access to leaked information, aka profiting from this shit so there are certain legal grounds that 2k has. Both parties are dumb as fuck

>Where were you when the video game industry said fuck you to their consumers?
Playing pirated Borderlands 2 probably.
I'll still pirate the 3, you can't stop me.

Send people to my door and if they make another step forward, I'll shoot them.

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>The dude was selling access to leaked information

That's the fake claim they made to take down his discord. All he's done is make a youtube video of publicly available information that they accidentally let out.

>fake claim
Anyone can imply it's fake ofcourse, but the fact is that we don't know all the details yet. It's a whole lot of he said, she said BS currently and people would rather take the side of an e-celeb than 2k. I don't really care either way, both parties are dumb cunts

He made a youtube video of all the information, what would he even be selling?

Imagine buying overpriced 30 year old consoles to play some bing bing wahoo
also, BASED

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He has an inside source in the borderlands dev team and he had a secret paid discord with more leaks, again allegedly. All the dude had to do was not talk to these goons in the first place, he played himself.

Boycotts don't work, let alone these pointless boycotts, it's just another chance for steam fanboys to have a winge.

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>Boycotts don't work
american education
>it's just another chance for steam fanboys to have a winge
i dont give a shit about steam lol
im not brainwashed into paying for fucking software kek

I'm Australian, and you are part of a vocal minority no one including 2k/gearbox give a fuck what you do.

Does Wind Waker HD have a good emulator yet? I heard its basically Wind Waker but with much more quality of life shit and fuck buying a Wii U.

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you all looked away when taketwo did shady shit in the past, you will look away again get the fuck over yourselves you mouth breathers

This is not only the right answer but also based and redpilled

Noted, in that case we are going to nuke you and your entire family

What could possibly be leaked about a game like that? What stats are on what weapon? Nobody gives a shit about the story of those games, just the shootan and lootan.

Back when i played it in CEMU like 2 years ago, particle-heavy scenes would cause significant slowdowns. Other than that the game would ran perfectly.
So four bosses couldn't be played at full speed and some room in Dragon Roost Cavern would also be slowed down, the rest was perfectly smooth and working.
Might have been fixed since but personally it didn't bother me too much.

What does Randy's cock taste like

You're a big man online

stay mad faggot


Report this post as an advertising attempt for RPS and move on.


Which character are you maining? Going with Zane first playthrough

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If the mech is satisfying to use, then mech-girl will be my choice

The guy who leaked the HL2 beta got sent to prison after Valve lied and told him they were interested in hiring him to bait him out of hiding, I don't see how this is any worse. Corporations gonna corporate.

I don't understand people who defend big corporations. How do their brains work? Are they hardwired to be cucks?

I don't understand steamcucks. How do their brains work? Are they hardwired to be cucks?

Its not leaking tho, leaking means they gave him the information that he was not allowed to share. What he did was literally investigative journalism. And the best part is that he investigated it in a 100% legal way, he didnt use any insiders, or didn't break into anything.

All he did was collect thumbnails 2k leaked on twitch. Oh and some started speculating that the reason why they went soo far is that some thumbnails might have included loot boxes of some sort.

being able too use two active skills sounds pretty op so i be going with him.

Fuck off TheQuarterning, nobody gives a shit about some youtuber

Cope cuckie, 2k are faggots, and didn't the quartering quit youtube because wizards was bullying him?