>muh immersion
Immersion shouldn't matter as long as you have fun.
Agree y/n
Muh immersion
You can't have fun without a certain % of immersion
And some people have fun by getting immersed. What's your point, exactly?
Install whatever retarded mods you want, I don't fucking care, retard.
Go back to shitposting in your dead vg thread lol
Just pointing that out means you go there
Immersion is a buzzword.
It's one thing if something takes you out of it by not making structural sense within itself but I don't know what it means to be immersed.
I've read thousands of books, played hundreds of games, watched hundreds of movies and shows and there is no such thing as immersion.
When you immerse literally you'd feel the thing. I don't feel like I'm there nor do I wish to.
immersion is part of the fun tho.
>I've read thousands of books, played hundreds of games, watched hundreds of movies and shows and there is no such thing as immersion.
that just leads me to believe you may be an autist t b h
>Kumbrain is autistic
What a surprise
Fun doesn't matter, i don't know the right word in english, but fun is for retards who can't enjoy things in a more complicated way with much better pay off in terms of received emotions.
unironically what did he mean by this
FUCK fun.
Fun creates immersion
fun IS enjoyment retard
>When you immerse literally you'd feel the thing. I don't feel like I'm there nor do I wish to.
this is not a qualification for being "immersed" at all, it means simply to be mentally absorbed into something. when you read a good bit a literature and imagine the scenery and mood of a page, and partly forget you're reading a book, that's immersion.
Lack of fun ruins immersion.
immersion is part of the fun retard
Immersion is one of the factors of having fun for me.
If it isn't for you, that's fine.
>I don't know what it means to be immersed
>there is no such thing as immersion
reading your own words can save you, you autist
If gameplay mattered most, then it makes the context pointless.
Immersive games can be fun and non-immersive games can be fun, but I dont want the immersion pulled from my immersive experience and I don't want immersion and story ham-fisted into my mindless-fun games. If I want sweets, I order pancakes, and if I want something meaty and juicy, I order a burger, but I'm sure as fuck not going to lather my burger in syrup or grill my fucking pancakes.
Im addicted to skyrim porn, it's not even about fetishes, i just like big titties and asses and the control it offers, im forcing myself to stop this shit, it's consuming me, fuck
what the fuck do you think fun is?
You're just retarded, sorry user
maybe it is in your shitty language with lack of words, idk.
But in russian there is difference between вeceльe и paзвлeчeниe.
immersion is just another generally good facet of a video game
You don't even need to have gameplay to make a good game, as evidenced by visual novels which are just fucking WORDS
Anyone can visit there
>Backpack mod and visible weapons
>Subtle ENB?
>Atmospheric lighting
>Weather shadows
>Extra weather
God bless.
Some people get their fun from immersion you stupid fuck
>Russian thinks his culture is sophisticated
Look at this nigga eaten well-done veggie burgers. Bet you stuff your face with that barnacle-burger lookin ass nonsense you penny pincher Krabs.
Those people hardly ever play vidya
who gives a fuck, you're speaking english here, oɾǝpuǝd
Thanks. I just can't stand the super over the top looks, so I made my own ENB to suit my tastes.
Enjoyment and Fun aren't synonymous.
Something enjoyable can be fun, but enjoyable things aren't necessarily always fun. That user is a retard.
I enjoyed watching the TV series Chernobyl, I wouldn't call it fun to watch though.
>who gives a fuck
Obviously not a braindead westerner, лoл блядь.
You physically can't give a fuck about something more complicated than "m-muh fun" due to lack of cognitive ability.
Immersion is a factor in having fun, depending on the player and the game genre
Immersion is how long you can play before your attention is broken.
Agreed, but aesthetic cohesion is more for me. I like seeing a functioning, cohesive, designed world.
It gives you the same pleasure that looking at a well constructed machine or diorama. That's fun. Virtual worldbuildings are very negatively impacted by elements that stick out like sore thumbs.
>Something enjoyable can be fun, but enjoyable things aren't necessarily always fun. That user is a retard.
So there is actually someone adequate on this board.
>I enjoyed watching the TV series Chernobyl, I wouldn't call it fun to watch though.
That's what i'm talking about, things can be enjoyable even if they cause mental/physical stress, and this kind of enjoyment give you much more emotions compared to "le fun" activities because almost everything in this world works on contrasts, there is no fun in gaining something you can't lose, some peoples are too dumb to understand this and they're not ready to invest themselves emotionally into something, even if it'll pay for itself later.
>you not know Russian because you stoopid
that was fun snow monkey, you can go feed your goat now
You are, unironically, possibly autistic.
Holy shit, this post reached 43 posts? I abandoned this thread hours ago
Post more pics you faggot
Good lord that skintight suit
Name/Link to outfit mod? I want to save it for future endeavors
Just search zero suit in the search bar
Depends on the game.
Every fucking god damned time I request for new skins I always get this fucking retard who just wants nothing but "lore-friendly" skins. Fuck that. I want some crazy shit like Juanito's Burrito shop skin for an example. Or a gay stripper skin.
Melodic zero suit
Strongly agree.
Games are about gameplay.
Immersion is for people who want to flee their lives, it's a symptom of addiction, not a feature that developers should ensure
I'm waiting for an update or expansion to the anime skin mod to bring in male characters.
What a shot opinion. How do I have fun without immersion? Kys
To some people immersion is how they have fun, tardo. And lots of things can create immersion. Lighting by itself can. Or music. Or a consistent and uniform art style that sets a mood. The best games combine several. But if fun for you is putting Randy Savage on dragons in Skyrim then go for it. It's dickheaded to think anyone in a SP game is playing wrong.
when you are having fun you are immersed, it's rpg faggots that think a game has to be a flawless simulation for muh peak immersion that have ruined the term.
immersion is fun
for some games, immersion is the whole point, the sources of the fun.
if they have no immersion, they fail at inducing fun.
of course, some people can still have fun with the game, but we call them retarded bethesda fans.
It's not mandatory but when a game is immersive and then it pulls you out of it somehow then the experience is ruined.
Recent example: was playing the Ghost Recon: Breakpoint tech test and the game does a pretty good job at giving you a feel of being outmanned and outgunned. You have to manage stamina, fatigue, taking care of injuries, you have prone camo, you have to manage your resources (nades and other gadgets). Overall I was pretty immersed.
But then I got to the main base and that illusion was broken because it acts like a social hub. All of a sudden I'm surounded by dozens of other ghosts, they sit around quest NPCs and vendors and it feels like an MMO.
Hope they add a way to male it friends only.
Fallout can get away with crazier mods imo because the game's theme is all over the place sometimes. TES on the other hand is the opposite where almost every mod is unimmersive.
Shut up
no u
Immersion is a method in which fun can be achieved.
Destroy the immersion and that method is removed.
wrong, it's always about what you're immersed it
>muh fun
Immersion can be part of the fun you dolt.
Why do people who mod tacticool shit into Fallout get really defensive when you tell them it looks bad.
you're right but it should at least be first person
third person is pants on head retarded and needs to be made illegal
There are amazing games that are fun but not immersive. Immersion is just engagement, fun is one form of that. If you're scared because your character is, or you feel like a badass because your character does awesome things, it's all immersion. All that's important is that a game makes you feel something, whether that's fun or something else.