i'm a 32 year old virgin spending my friday night on a stupid video game forum. where the fuck did it go wrong?
I'm a 32 year old virgin spending my friday night on a stupid video game forum. where the fuck did it go wrong?
You didn't go wrong in any way. In today's social climate, even if you were to get a girlfriend she would just file rape charges and ruin your life even further than what you have right now.
When instead you made this thread. Quit being a fucking whiner and do something about it if it bothers you so much.
When you started believing it was a problem and started whining instead of doing something about it if it's such a big deal.
Imagine making these kind of excuses to justify your social failures.
t. virgins sitting at home alone on a friday night
Name ONE (1) thing wrong with that without resorting to virgin-shaming.
honestly, just go out everyday, enjoy the weather, work out if you don't, groom yourself if you don't and basically if you want to talk to someone go to various events. there's bound to be someone who'll talk to you. or if you want to hang out with someone become a member in a club, like a biking club or like a club about your hobby (vidya in that case).
stay away from women or at least approach them in a defensive way. it can be alright but usually they're very boring if conversation do function normally with them.
it's this easy, hypothetically speaking.
I usually hate hanging out with others. I wonder when I'll start feeling like I have wasted my life in a bad way.
my depression stems from thinking too much about if there's any reason even though the answer's pretty obvious.
chin up bro.
Yeah because posting on your phone on fucking Yea Forums while at a bar or a club is much better
I'll be a 32 year old virgin in 4 months. How do I prevent this outcome?
Your libido will probably start dropping pretty fast in the next few years.
You can just stop worrying about it desu.
You don’t.
Embrace who you are. Belief in you dreams
It went wrong when FFFFFRIDAY NIGHT threads left the building
That's sad as fuck
Nah it's liberating.
Same but 21, I have a full time job as well as my own car/license but I can’t seem to find a single girl who isn’t already taken for the life of me. I have a female co-worker who i think is cool yet she’s already married.
>having no luck finding a job
>not even part time
>still have a decent amount of money so no poverty for me yet
>time is ticking
College really is a meme huh? But right now family might recommend me to someone so I’ll hold out a little longer
To tell you the truth I never even went to college because I’m scared of being in debt, i just did some IT work experience early on and managed to land my current position through my old boss. So yeah I guess college is a meme.
I hate living
If you're happy, it didn't go wrong. It's ok to be a virgin, even if you feel awkward about it.
If you're really not pleased with your life, take steps to change it.
Oh boy do I have a simple and easy fix for you, just fucking don't worry be happy.
based and nicepilled
Nigger you're where you want to be, embrace it.
fuck u
how do I stop coming to Yea Forums?
>it's not Yea Forums it's you
no it definitely is not. Yea Forums is addictive as fuck and stealing a huge chunk of my time
I want to immerse myself to a game but I just come here for the quick dopamine hits
Nigga just stop. You are here because it is filling a gap that exists in your needs. Nobody besides you knows what is being fulfilled by your time spent on this website. Give it some thought. What keeps you here? What rewards you? When do you feel no urge to open up a tab?
I, along with many others, feel a sense of belonging here and enjoy the pressure free human interaction. You may experience something different.
It could be worse. You could be me. 35yo virgin on Yea Forums, working 11 years in the company I dislike.
It's not too late bro, we can rebound to get girls with daddy issues.
I wish I could just stop being attracted to women, my life would be so much easier
You can stop being attracted to 3D women.