What obscure or classic game is he going to tackle next?
What obscure or classic game is he going to tackle next?
Other urls found in this thread:
he'd like to do dominions, but doesn't know how to deliver it yet
system shock 2 maybe
and maybe arx fatalis
lobotomy corporation, he referenced it a couple videos ago so I'm hoping it's coming
also dominions
Planescape Torment
I hope he does more H game reviews, something like evenicle
Is Yea Forums bumming anything in particular for him to latch onto? If not he'll probably pick something he's seen on a retail shelf or in games only you played threads
inb4 Hostile Waters, Soulbringer or Theocracy
7.62 jankshit
It'll be some tedious unfun bore-fest that's cheap and been out for years like always
ecelebs (no matter how "based" you think them to be) go in the
you're right I should go bother the furfags, they might talk to me about video games other than fucking smash and mario maker
yfw you heard mandalore died
I want him to to Thief 2 so it might revitalize the modding scene.
Game's too dark for YouTube.
It's nice to see he made it out of that country
He made a Deus Ex video.
i unironically liked star sector when he introduced it in his last video. its legit fun.
so your just fucking wrong bro.
So which nog's mug did he pinch to be his persona, anyway?
Are they anyone important or even alive anymore?
>tfw constantly preparing myself for Sseth's inevitable de-platforming
it's about the only vidya related shit i enjoy on youtube
IIRC it's some nameless Congo soldier from some news story
I hope he does EYE
Remember that Pewdiepie situation where he promoted some edgy youtuber's video and he got shat on by the media for promoting "anti semitism"? the channel, E;R, despite being way worse than Sseth, is still up
Make sure you're subbed to his alt, I'm pretty sure he said he'll be reuploading any content that gets flagged there youtube.com
Is this true?
Who knows, I mean he hasn't updated in some time so it wouldn't be surprising but I doubt it.
Disciples II
more like pandercore
My nigga that game is fantastic.
I just checked his twitter and he was doing a stream for Mystery of the Druids which he did talk about doing. He still seems to be sick though, hope he gets better. Mandalore is great to listen too.
That's not the best example, Pewdiepie is literally the biggest Youtuber on the platform and wields a great deal of influence and rakes in the dollars for Youtube, Sseth is a poor helpless merchant
I could see a Kotaku article or something like that sinking his youtube channel then his patreon etc. Fuck this culture war shit is tiresome...
>people ITT asking for the typical 3x3 shit that people already ask him to review
No, but he was in a rather serious situation. Intense hernia to the point of back injury. He said he didnt want to operate because that would make him bedridden for months.
Also he obviously cant edit videos with a fucked up back.
Masters of Magic would be nice to see him do.
If not that then maybe SMAC.
I'm not talking about Pewdiepie, I'm talking about the channel he promoted, E;R, despite being the center being a huge controversy, youtube did anything about him
nigga, he aint going nowhere.
at worst hell just get demonetized, and even then he not even dependent on his patreon bux, with the way he dropped that $1000 he got from his supporters.
If the game doesnt involve m human skinning or organ trafficking, its not worth to be covered. Unless its porn
I hope that he does Free Cities.
RCT please
He confirmed he's doing sengoku at some point
Operation Flashpoint Cold War Crisis
Yakuza 0
Maybe Daggerfall now that its playable and more accessible trough Unity.
Unreal World
What obscure or classic youtuber is he going to steal footage and stories from next?
Dragon Commander
the rts part of that game was pure cancer. what a shame, everything else was so fun and engaging
He should review Daggerfall and recommend Daggerdall unity
He'll be covering an old game from his childhood/a cult classic
original war
He should cover roguelikes.
I'd rather see him review obscure shit I haven't heard of than games that everyone has already played.
Could do Barotrauma, that was pretty big on Yea Forums for a long time.
>this culture war shit is so tiresome
YOU ARE DOING THIS TO YOURSELF, no ne else brought this up, out of nowhere you start going B-BUT THE LEFTIES ARE GOING TO RUIN EVERYTHING despite nothing happening, the fact that all you people do is bitch about how everyone else's stupid culture war is going to ruin your fun despite nothing happening always fucking amazes me
go outside faggot
That seems decently likely since he seems to like roguelikes with expansive world maps. Could also do Cogmind, Caves of Qud, or Zangband.
God, I can't wait for the hordes of newfags to crush. Unless they all end up being stalers. That'd be fucking awful.
What's the deal with guy?
He's a humble ugandan refugee in Denmark who happens to love vidya and loves giving back to the people
He reviews a lot of obscure RPGs and he is amusing.
Yeah true he did make a Desu Ex video, I cannot refute that.
He browses Yea Forums and /pol/ and likes to advertise it
Also Gangsters
I would like him to revisit Cataclysm. Many changes, the game even starts a couple days after the start of Spring, which means no fucking frozen food and freezing your balls off.
freelancer would be nice.
>still hasn't done a Runescape video
*flashes cropped furry porn*
I cant wait until these threads start talking about his personal life like every other e-celeb.
Huh? Etika got a sticky here on this very board, e-celebs are Yea Forums.
Nobody's impressed, faggot
Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri
Dungeon Keeper
Zoo Tycoon
The Guild (I am surprised he hasn't done this one yet considering all the shitty merchant memes)
Capitalism (Same reason)
Fun obscure ps2 game like metal arms or goblin commander. Even better let people know what the hell is battle realms since kenshi is apparently the canon sequel of that game.
pls don't let him bring cancer to Lionhead discussion too
>Obscure/Classic game
My boy etika... i cant believe he actually did it shit feels surreal
Thank god for nibbas like ssseth tho
Who do you think he'll steal footage from this time?
probably me
Master of Magic or Master of Orion 2.
MMOs are inherently shit.
>implying lionhead fans aren't cancerous enough already
The only Lionhead game worth a damn is The Movies and no one ever talks about it. Black and White was mediocre at best and Fable was complete dogshit from beginning to end.
Is there any source for footage he's stolen or is it just a meme?
Cold Fear. I want him to review games that evoke fear at horrific monsters that aren't the ones I become in the pursuit of so much profit.
I recall hearing that it was the Dorf Fort video. Believe he apologized for it, so at this point it's just shitposters whining.
Arx Fatalis.
Lobocorp is fucking cancer, same as Risk of Rain, 7th stand user, UNIST and SCP. They have a shared discord that spams threads for them all the time.
He didn't apologize, but he credits footage now
Did you play a game because of him? I got kenshi, didnt even know it existed and it was worth it.
Aye, aint that the truth! I HATE those fuckin' VIDEOGAME threads taking up precious space my Nintendo, Smash and gacha threads could be using!
Imagine being this autistic.
Ys 1&2 hopefully
Why so defensive? Afraid of the truth?
I got Kenshi too, I think he oversold it, but it is bizarrely absorbing. I had heard of it before but his review made me curious enough to try it out.
Don't you have some console war thread to shitpost in?
I'm afraid of my balls getting lost in your throat, bitch boy
His Starsector review was pretty much perfect, I'm enjoying the Yea Forums threads very much. I've been playing this shit for years and I've never seen such active threads.
I really hope not because this game is seriously amazingly bad. I can't believe this mobile game-tier shitfest is so popular here. It's objectively terrible. The only good thing about it is the abnormalities.
I hope he will do Jade Empire
Hey hey Sseth why don't you tell us
Maybe some Shiny games like Sacrifice or MDK would be cool.
He should do classic Albion.
Most of Yea Forums is too underage to know that game.
Should I get into Starsector? He makes it look fun but I don't know if it actually is.
That would be cool. Felghana as well.
hope so
Did he made a HOMM 5 already?
Jade Empire was pretty mediocre. It had a cool setting and twist but not much else.
None. I’ve been reporting this /pol/tard’s Patreon for anti-semitic content. He won’t have a place to spread his hate speech anymore. The moment Patreon acts YouTube will soon follow. We must stand up to bigotry. Together.
Ever played M&B? It's kinda like that but instead of a large army you have a small space fleet. The gameplay loop is very very similar. Battles have a good mix of action and tactics and if I recall correctly you can even pause at any moment to plan your trajectory.
It's a very cool game. I haven't even watched sseth's review of it desu.
I wish he'd cover a good Shmup, like Zero Ranger or Devil Engine or something. Maybe even Monolith.
Sure, but it was weird. He did fable which similarly was weird but mediocre at the end.
Well since it's free I've got nothing to lose.
>it's free
wait really? i lost my key so this would be good
It's fun when you get the hang of it's learning curve and find what works with for you, but that could take ages. Though, I'm not a huge fan of it due to some personal gripes I have with the game. Definitely a good game though.
All games are free, user.
I don't know why you think he'd be into shmups, it's not like every genre appeals to every person.
i gotcha user, yeah i'll probably just do that
Because I like shmups and enjoy seeing people talk about them. Same with puzzle games like Puyo Puyo.
It's not free.
Knights of the Chalice or Temple of Elemental Evil would be interesting things for him to review, really combat-centric D&D 3.5 RPGs. I think he'd probably get a kick out of them (and mocking the developer of Knights of the Chalice for being such an autist).
Still waiting Sseth, get to it.
alternatively, Baldur's Gate
Another redditcore title:
Fallout New Vegas
Thief 1
System Shock 1
Giants Citizen Kabuto
Random GSG title
Warlords Battlecry 2
La Mulana
Dungeon Keeper
here you go
There's nothing interesting about Baldur's Gate.
>You want to play game for first time? Read this long ass infochart and exactly follow the instructions and download those mods!
Those guides are fucking cancer.
Why are you framing that as if it was a problem?
The bread and pie simulator.
That is actually correct.
How many people that played it actually did that though?
wew i believe this worked? I just entered it in and it went straight through, no real confirmation. Thanks user.