was this really as bad as people say it is
it seems like what most people say because they haven't played it themselves is ''go watch gamegrump's videos on it.''
Was this really as bad as people say it is
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If they fixed all the bugs and got rid of the kiss it could have been a good game
it was pretty hiliariously bad. That is, it's a pain to play half the time because of the bugs, but it's golden because when the game isn't buggy, it's just poorly written, has comically bad level design, and takes itself way too seriously. It's sorta campy but not really.
my copy refuses to save past the first Silver fight so
i never beat it. Honestly I can feel the adventure 3 under all the bugs.
Any opinion based on "go watch the Game Grumps series" can be safely discarded. That's not to say that it's impossible to get an idea of a games content via LPs, just that the Grumps are a shit resource for it. In this case, pokecapn's LP from back in the day is a pretty good showcase of what's up, and as much as Yea Forums shits on these guys, the one that Liam and Matt did recently is worth checking out, considering their experience in QA. To answer the actual question, though... not quite. It's very rushed and unpoloshed, but its reputation has indeed been somewhat exaggerated.
I had it. It's bad.
It's Cheetahmen-tier, OP. I completely respect and understand the question, but as early as this game's release I had a friend tell me how grueling it was to sit through every character's story to 100% it and get every achievement.
I really wanted this game to be good. So I loved it and I finished it and I tried to "fix" the bugs by imagining they don't exist. I was in denial throughout the entire game and when I finished it I felt reborn in a good way. I realized I had been very fucking autistic while playing the game and I never looked back at it ever again. It had fucking potential. It was going to be the best sonic game. But they just.... fricked the frick up.
the biggest issue was that the version that was released is actually an early build version. Apparently the later versions that had a lot of new features shown off and some of the controls fixed and the actual magic bar actually working was actually very unstable and crashed even more. A real sad irony in the end that in order to actually release it within the time or release date they had to convert to an older buggier but stable build.
The best course of action would have been to just delay to fix them but Sega being Sega...
more info/footage of this?
I'm pretty pissed. If anything this was the one bad practice that has led Sega into the dark abyss of failure when it comes to sonic games.
It was terrible, but it can be be fun in a sadistical way such as not knowing or forgetting there's no auto-save while you play mindlessly.
I've played it.
It's hilariously bad. I genuinely enjoyed it just because of that. How? Just the challenge of getting through it, to see how many interesting glitches I could encounter, to watch the cringeworthy story take place, and the challenge of battling the controls/gameplay on its own in itself is something else.
It's just amazing to think a company like SEGA and Sonic Team would allow a game like this to exist.
You could probably wait until like 2022+ when the Unity Community Project Version gets finished (as if it'll ever get finished) for a more stable game.
i got this game for $3 from a mom and pop. the controls and momentum are fucked up and it's not fun. you can be holding forward, jump, let go of the stick, and sonic will still move forward at max speed. if you just flick the stick backwards while moving forward all your momentum is fully shifted backwards as if you started your jump backwards. it just feels not that fun to play
Check out some of the old E3 demos and builds. There was a day/night cycle.
The original demo version also had the magic bar system working as played here.
The game's troubled production is a pretty interesting story. It may be some of my own 'tism showing through, but it frustrates me to know that so many people claim to care about games as a medium/art form/whatever, but ignore such stories in favor of "hurhur it made arin scream a lot hahar"
The most fun I got out of it was using one of the gems to clip into buildings in the hub world
It's pretty fucking bad dude, this consensus predates zoomers being fed opinions by ecelebs
it really shows just how complicated and difficult game development can be especially when it's not managed properly or given the artists, programmers enough time to fix and work on things.
Because of how many game studios are out there people have this overly high expectation you must churn out new games every year. And easy to make fun of bad games. Unfortunately if you've never been in the process of actually working on these things, most people don't appreciate just how hard it can be.
Hell I work in software and even working on just business applications vs video games is just freaking daunting.
it was shit and all you mentally ill furries need to face the reality that sonic is a dumpster fire of a franchise and it will never get better
I played the game when it first came out.
It's shit. It's amazingly and hilariously shit, almost to the point that I recommend it, just so everyone sees how shitty it is. The story is cringey as fuck and reads like bad fanfiction, the voice acting (at least the English version) is godawful, the load times can take over a minute just to load a few lines of dialogue, the glitches are way too numerous to count, and the gameplay feels like trying to fight against said glitches the entire way through.
The game promised to be the best thing for Sonic. There were THREE builds of this game that was better/more finished then the final released game
It was so bad and unfinished Sonic Team disowned their own name from the game's title screen unlike any other Sonic game they made
It. Is. FUCKING. Shit. Deal with it, stop making these fucking threads.
But apparently it's ok now because it's "Underappreciated Kino"
Underbaked games don't just magically get "amazing" with age, now we have all these kids who grew up with it finally getting old enough to post online. And people say this board isn't infested with underages. I'd sooner take the Heroesfags than this.
>And people say this board isn't infested with underages.
lol no one says that
It was a figure of speech, but you're right.
There sure isn't a small supply of denial from them though.
yeah I was mostly just fucking with you
but I agree tho
>digital 360 version was only available for a few months before being delisted
makes me sad
its so bad, its truly incredible how many things they messed up.
Watch clement's autistic in depth 6 hour review. he discusses absolutely everything about the game.
fans recreated the entire fucking thing and blew sega's heap of shit out of the water
Not even that. The level design in some parts is ATROCIOUS. You would still have the "three trials", the ball puzzle, the unfair End of the World, the shitty overworld, the uninteresting side missions, etc. etc.
I honestly didn't run into any game breaking bugs when i played it, the loading time between zones it was what introduced me to watching shows while playing games
It's a janky piece of shit but it has far more heart than any 3D Sonic game after Generations.
if it's so bad why does everyone play it still
I never hear anyone bring up Sonic Colors ever yet this game is still talked about
No one cares about the development of the game, because its irrelevant to the fact that this unfinished game (which would have still been bad even if it was finished) is the final product and was sold to people for $60.
if the bugs were fixed, you'd still have the laughable story however I don't think people would still call it "one of the worst games ever"
Well it's easy to do that when you've already got the game as a basis and no time restrictions.
Anything in this game that doesn't seem bad only seems that way because it was already done better in Sonic Adventure
Because Sonic Colours isn't very good. It was the worst boost game before Forces, it's story/writing is awful, and the level design is lazy.
Then why do people still play and discuss this 13 year old game in 2019 still
It's infamous and honestly borderline a meme at this point, what did you expect
Colors was a mistake that led to Lost World and Forces and Pontaff becoming too influential
nope. shit meme. story would have had to have been entirely re-written, and the gameplay/levels completely re-designed for it to be even considered decent.
why do people still talk about The Room?
>inb4 someone says the room is underappreciated kino just to look like they're winning the argument
Because 06 is at least interesting. Colours is boring.
The show Part was decent at least and sonic himself was never really the most compelling part of his 3D games story wise
Elise and Mephiles and Silver's time travel on the other hand need to be heavily rewritten
levels are boring, bland. Even if they were bug free, the levels designs would still be trash. Bosses would still be trash. Shadow driving cars would still be retarded and Silver would still be boring.
It would be a better game, but t would still be shit
Go watch AVGN's video on it.
There's a lot of things where you can clearly see the potential, but it's so rushed and poorly designed that it doesn't work.
Like End of the World. Awesome idea, cool visuals, creepy music, nice atmosphere. Nigh unplayable and badly paced, like how you play as Knuckles for 20 seconds and then Silver for 2 minutes plus.
SomeCallMeJohnny is currently playing Colors as we speak and not 06, the game people called him out for playing so much he must of secretly loved it.
Most loud Sonicfags, mostly the ones making Sonic threads today, are zoomer Adventureniggers and actively hate boost games for "killing" their Adventure series, while real classic era Sonic fans just stuck with Mania or the other fan made community classic Sonic games.
there' nothing wrong with the kiss