even when modded?
Does the Wii still sucks?
The Wii was possibly my favorite console of all time. Yeah it was underpowered but it had decent games and was great was playing with casuals (a.k.a women).
For me it was Netflix and chill before we had Netflix
zoomer detected. the wii was a stab in the back, the wii u was twisting the knife.
That's a Wii U dude
>Does the Wii still sucks?
No, it's fucking great. One of the best systems of all time, once you ignore the shovelware
>even when modded?
Dude even better. Every game and Gamecube game for free. If you get one of the Classic Controller's you can comfortably play every NES/SNES game too
Yes the Wii came out in 2006 and I'm using it to get sex and that makes me a zoomer.
Were you born a fucking idiot or did you have to go to a specialised school to reach such levels of stupid?
the wii was in my opinion the best consoles ever made and when modded was better, almost like if it was an open source console.
nowadays you can just download dolphin, you don't need a wii anymore.
Not him but did you ever get laid by inviting girls to play mario kart? I've been doing that with my sister for a while now
You've been banging your sister?
> I'm using it to get sex and that makes me a zoomer.
nigger, you can't get laid with an outdated fucking console made for kids that only does bing bing wahooo with motion controllers, you're just another pathetic neet that has never get laid, trying to defend his shitty console by pretending to act like a chad while in the end he's just a fucking loser.
>you don't need a wii anymore
B-b-but user, the WAGGLAN
So I can tell you that back in 2006/7, when the Wii came out there was nothing like this at all. Smart phones didn't exist yet and games were still a niche, so it was great to just take it around to a girl's house, play some games with some drinks and then take it from there.
I'm sorry that you missed out
you haven't?
holy mash potatoes bamham
so you're not a zoomer, then I don't believe on what you're saying, if you were a zoomer you wouldn't be drinking since you supposed to be a kid.
yes but thatsbecause the wiiu is everything the wii is when modded
>if you were a zoomer you wouldn't be drinking since you supposed to be a kid.
user, next month, people who were born after 9/11 will be able to legally post on this site.
>games were a niche in 2006
you want to know how we know you're a fucking retard?
zoomers didn't had the to drink when the wii was the biggest shit, so everything that you say is false
>nigger, you can't get laid with an outdated fucking console made for kids that only does bing bing wahooo
I'm gonna give you some life advice, and let you know that what you just described is literally the only type of console that will get you laid.
I don't know your sister, user.
No i've been playing mario kart with her.
Disagree, lots of good shut on the wii. The gimmick was fun for a few years .
Sweet, tell me how many females played video games in 2006?
Maybe niche was the wrong word, but the point I was making was that in 2006, not many females played video games and there wasn't much that catered for them or casuals in general.
The Wii changed that, and made gaming more accessible for them, which meant I could share a hobby I enjoyed with them rather than doing boring shit and they enjoyed it because it was fun.
Wii is everything that makes the gamecube great raised to the power of motion controls
It's fantastic and fuck anyone who says otherwise
it has a ton of good games
mario galaxy 1 and 2
donkey kong country
fragile dreams
mario bros
mario party
and so on
one of my fav consoles ever, just ignore the shovelware
the gimmick was never fun and if it weren't for a handful of third party hidden gems it would be a complete failure.
so you're telling me that someone like these guys can get laid?
do me a favor, go back to plebbit you mother fucker and never comeback here, I don't believe your shit you stupid delusional fuck.
What's wrong with the bottom right?
yeah, you can get all these good games for free with better graphics on dolphin, don't waste your money on a shit console.
I forgot how moronic /v truly was.
The console itself doesn't have magic powers.
Also all Wii players don't look like that.
Next you'll be telling me that all blacks are the same and you wouldn't have such outdated social views like that would you?
The Wii was a tool, for want of a better word, that helped you get closer to a female, but it wasn't a love potion that made you irresistible. If you were a total douche like the guys in those photos you'd still get BTFO, or probably not even invited around in the first place.
The bottom right is wholesome fuck you for grouping him with the betas
I'm not against piracy or emulation, I'm just saying the wii had a ton of good games.
you just can't get it because you're one of those
you're just proving me that you really came from reddit.
Are you reading what you're posting nigger? you sound so fucking retarded, you should stop embarrassing yourself, just saying.
If you don't like Yea Forums then you can go back to plebbit, I don't like you kind
I just feel bad for you now. Carefully reread the post you're replying to and maybe you can help yourself.
Nice retort to my argument lol
>asking for a switch if you were old enough to own an N64
how had he not given up on Nintendo by then and why is he still getting such expensive presents?
what the hell is this thread
the wii never sucked, what are you on about?
You can't explain it because you're one of those as well.
>Were you born a fucking idiot or did you have to go to a specialised school to reach such levels of stupid?
holy cringe
ok, i have a modded wii, what should i be doing with it that i couldnt do on dolphin emulator?
That's a wii U
why don't you explain to us what is wrong with him?
if not, then shut the fuck up and keep sucking dick user.
>2.5" drive
gay, use a 3.5" in an enclosure with wall power
nothing wrong to my post, you just got triggered because you know that is true, that's why I don't feel bad about my post, you should feel bad for yourself since I won't feel anything for you since you don't deserve my empathy you scumfuck redditor piece of shit.
you're one of those, keep sucking cock bitch.
t. 14 year old edgelord
>use a 3.5" in an enclosure with wall power
not him, but none of the ones i tried worked on the wii, ended using a 2.5" drive too, so maybe he is just using whatever worked.
All I see is someone in denial.
You're saying the dude is a zoomer. Clearly he is at LEAST 30, if not more. I was 17 when the Wii came out. What the dude said about phones and games and gorls is absolutely true. I kinda wonder how you can't visualize this. It was such a surreal moment, waiting in the Best Buy parking lot at fucking 2am to get my Wii in 2008. I remember it was 2008 because that was after I built my first computer. So yeah, adults with nothing to do kept the Wii sold out for fucking 2 years. It was a thing.
>he didn't drink at any high-school parties
Your naivety screams childish.
It's a better option than a Switch. For $200 you could have every Gamecube, Wii, and WiiU game ever made. Plus emulators for all old systems. That's everything Nintendo released from 1983 - 2017.
The wii sucking is a new revision of history by from sonyfags.