Do you like the little clone survival simulation game? I'm not very smart so I'm really bad at shit like automation programming. There feels like there's almost too many systems for me to work with in this game, and I haven't even gotten past the mid-game where I start refining materials and have to deal with heat. Game is super cute though.
Oxygen Not Included
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it seems like you spend 90% of your time managing wires and pipes
I'd like it a lot more if there were more options for creating items. Everything is the same in subsequent colonies because there's only a few ways to create X resource and there's clearly an efficient way to do that. For a sandbox game you're severely limited with what your progress can actually do.
It depends on how your map wants to lay out. There's a point where you need to start making Plastic but the normal way to do that is to dig towards the bottom of the map where oil deposits and geysers are, and refine Crude Oil into Petroleum into Plastic. Slicksters are an alternative (they consume CO2 and make Crude oil) but they're typically found at the bottom of the map where the oil is located anyways and can only be caught with traps (which require the aformentioned plastic), so early on you'd have to be lucky to get like, a Slickster Egg/Larva in the printer and get it in the proper environments before it dies from lack of heat.
You could also try making Glossy Dreckos but that requires a more specific room (They require a Hydrogen atmosphere to thrive and make resources but you need to feed them Mealwood to get glossy dreckos, which can't grow in hydrogen), or if you get lucky you could get "irregular oil" as a world trait which can put oil deposits/geysers in way earlier locations.
My brother gifted me this game several months ago as he knows I like sim/building games. I played for about 10 hours or so, it was fun but I got bored pretty quickly. I saw it's moving out of early access, might pick it up again and see if they've made any meaningful additions.
it's not so much survival as pipe/wire autism simulator.
automation isn't really necessary but helps improve efficiency of stuff.
at the very least learn how to set up your coal generator with automation (ie: connect it to a smart battery, set the battery's bottom slider to 50%) so your coal lasts 2-3x longer.
other than that the automation wires are useful to say "automatically turn on pump when pressure is above X".
just make sure you recycle your water well in advance. the flushing toilets & showers produce more water than they take, so learn how to set up a closed system so they re-use the same water over & over and excess that's spawned out of thin air gets sent off to another place.
temperature management isn't as bad as people make out. just get a good igneous rock Insulated Wall around your base as soon as you realistically can and get a couple of wheeze worts in your base.
if shit gets really hot just put a bunch of ice temp plates or throw some ice in a storage container somewhere.
but you shouldn't be getting any crazy heat in your base even after 100's of cycles unless you're retarded and building shit like your power generators inside your insulated walls.
also use the fuck out of the ice cooler thing in the cold biome. It takes fuck all hydrogen to power but will cool your gasses/liquids super efficiently and with an electrolyzer setup can be easily set to run and feed itself, powered by your excess toilet water.
they've added like 8 or 10 totally new maps with unique biomes or challenges associated with them.
all the non-default maps also have random modifiers added to them to spice things up.
definitely give the game another go, there's 1000's of cycles worth of gameplay in it.
I definitely suggest running some QoL mods, Sure you can just make the game easier with certain mods but I like the blueprints mod which lets you copy a build you've already done or laid out(useful for complicated automations or living quarters you want to make a lot of) and paste the plan somewhere else.
There's also the 'chained deconstruction" which is useful for if you use ladders as building scaffolding and need to tear it down. Duplicants are pretty fucking dumb and have a habit of trapping themselves when deconstructing shit so this mod lets you select a range of Ladders/tubes and tear them all down at once
I know. It's not enough variety. It might be for you, but not for me.
just easier to let your co2 fall to the bottom of the map and pump the oil back up rather than trying to move them anywhere or set up a climate for them.
What's the best way to decontaminate bathroom water? Should I be feeding into a liquid storage submersed in Chlorine gas? I haven't really experimented much beyond putting my food rations in a room of chlorine because why refrigerate anything when you can just sanitize it with the sweet taste of caustic gas
>What's the best way to decontaminate bathroom water? Should I be feeding into a liquid storage submersed in Chlorine gas?
Personally I havent played in about half a year but this was still the most efficient way of decontaminating shit. I used to do the old "boil water till clean" strategy but then you had heat issues. Could probably set up a series of automation switches for disease thresholds when moving the liquid out of the room.
>decontaminate bathroom water?
dont really need to.
you could send it to a liquid tank in a chlorine gas room if you really want to use it on your crops.
best use for your leftover toilet water is electrolyzer to make oxygen and hydrogen. dupes breathe the oxygen and collect/use the hydrogen to power the machine in the ice biome.
>putting my food rations in a room of chlorine because why refrigerate anything when you can just sanitize it with
dont need to even do that
if you want to keep your food fresh just put the fridge underwater or in a room full of co2.
you dont even need to power the fridge.
food will keep like that nearly indefinitely.
I still find it funny that something like that works, when it shouldn't. Ration and storage containers I guess I would get because they're not air tight and the latter can have issues with certain items offgassing byproducts, while a liquid storage would HAVE to be airtight (or watertight, I guess) so why the fuck would a chlorine atmosphere be able to decontaminate it
I assume I need to run it through filtration to make it unpolluted (but still with germs) but does Electrolyzing germy water kill the germs or something?
I know CO2 works but one time I noticed I kept piling up food with food poisoning for some reason so I said fuck it, Chlorine. It's not exactly the hardest gas to work with since caustic biomes are common enough and it's not like it's dangerous to your duplicants in any way besides just not being able to breath it
At first I thought it was very neat, but as I got into it I got really bored. It was the worse kind of planning, not Factorio 'your spaghetti will work but you should probably fix this' and instead just 'you fucked up 3 hours ago and you're going to die eventually because of it'. And ive kept thinking I had a great idea, testing it, and then realizing the game wont let me do it. I had a spawn with 2 steam geysers next to me, so I rushed steam power thinking I could harvest it and it doesn't work because the temperature isn't high enough. Little shit like that which is just annoying.
Also the entire gas management system is a real pain in the ass. There is also just endless annoying shit which gets in the way, like your people trapping themselves, taking forever to do any tasks you set for them and generally being inefficient.
I dont know, maybe I dont have the patients for it, but I would rather play factorio.
this game is honestly doubly autistic to play compared to even DF
tons of tiny things can screw you over so hard, everything takes fucking forever to do and there isn't a single point of the game that isn't a huge pain in the ass
oh yeah, what is it? I think you need a HOT steam geyser to use it for actual steam power while a cool steam geyser (which is more likely what you're going to get around your spawn) is just hot water that makes living harder because lol heat
>tons of tiny things can screw you over so hard, everything takes fucking forever to do and there isn't a single point of the game that isn't a huge pain in the ass
Its funny because even in Rimworld you get moments where you think
>Thank fuck thats done, now I can focus on X
Whereas in this you are perpetually getting fucked on every front and never feel like you have anything under control.
>i was like fuck it, use chlorine
that's a fair enough call, i might give it a go myself just for some variety i think.
>I assume I need to run it through filtration to make it unpolluted
yeah, just run it through a sieve and then send that water to where-ever. it'll still be full of germs but it's fine to use for whatever, just dont use it on your crops.
try to have duskcap mushroom farms set up by the time you start to run out of fresh, clean water. sleetwheat is great early-mid game food too. just leave it growing naturally in the ice biome and have your guys set to harvest it whenever it's ready.
but even then you'll probably have at least a water geyser or steam vent somewhere. can eventually collect that water, send it to the ice biome to be cooled down and then use that.
>I still find it funny that something like that works
there was a lot of that in the game, especially until full release when you could magically turn 90 degree water into 40 degree water by sending it through a sieve.
>taking forever to do any tasks you set for them and generally being inefficient.
Gotta use the priority system. There was a second one added where you can set individual dupes to focus on specific tasks, like giving a miner a higher priority on actually digging shit, or someone with a build skill higher priority in building shit. It's defiantly an autism simulator though, so no worries if it isnt your thing.
>I think you need a HOT steam geyser to use it for actual steam power while a cool steam geyser
They were both cold steam now that I think about it.
Again, its just the sort of thing which was annoying as shit to discover the hard way and it feels like the whole game is like that, there is no room for maneuvering you either do it this one way or you get fucked eventually.
>It's defiantly an autism simulator though, so no worries if it isnt your thing.
The thing is I like autism simulators like Rimworld, DF and Factorio. Oxygen is just not a fun version of it. Its tedious to work with rather than fun to figure out.
Yeah the priorities you can modify either to be neutral (default), Super Low, Low, High, Super High, or never ever do. The darker pink the box is for that particular Dupe, the better they are at that job too so it helps figuring out priorities too. There's options for each dupe and also incoming spawns so if you never want any other duplicant touching farming besides the ones you've already made, you can set it to X so no new ones will ever do it
DF's not even autistic. DF's piss easy.
>tons of tiny things that can screw you over so hard
when you're new, yeah.
but after 2 or 3 colonies you learn all the shit that will end a base and you're fine after that.
>have slime ready for when you run out of algae
>if you run out of sand for your filters you can crush sandstone
>dont let your farms get hot. everything else is fine though
>keep your power and heat generating machines out of your base.
>supercomputer uses a shitload of water, if you're low on water stop researching.
>never make mush bars unless you're totally desperate. just go straight to mealwood farms, you'll be sufficient on those before you run out of starter food
>set up your toilets/showers so you filter and store the extra water that's generated out of thin air.
>have an electrolyzer set up for when you're starting to run out of slime (or you can put some pufts into a room full of polluted oxygen to generate free slime if you want)
>coal generator will be your workhorse for a long time. automate it with a smart battery to make your coal supply last way longer. you can also catch a hatch or two, fill a container with sandstone, drop the sandstone and have coal for 100's more cycles
>cold biomes are awesome. use the AETN in there to cool liquids/gasses, free food from sleet wheat, use wheeze worts to remotely cool stuff like machines or warm parts of your base
the game doesn't actually throw you any outside difficulty or anything like DF or Rimworld does.
the only things that can kill your dupes is your own retardation or lack of forward planning.
it'll take a couple of tries getting to 200 or 300 cycles but once you know what shit to prioritize and what to plan for in advance the game's pretty straight forward.
Well with shit like, oxygen, water, heat, disease, stress, ect. There is just a massive check list of shit you need to handle first before you can fuck around with anything. Then you have to deal with the general world layout. It can be a lot of shit you need to work through with trial and error to make sure everything works out.
So how do I use the Thermo Nullufier? just feed Hydrogen into it and bam, free anti-energy?
just dont touch slime much until you've got an exosuit set up.
dont go too nuts assigning skill points to dupes. I try to never let my stress requirement go above half of their actual current morale
hard when you're new but eventually in the game oxygen is the least of your worries. usually if this fails it's the result of something else, like lack of water/power or too much heat screwing things up.
to be fair though I haven't gotten more than a couple hundred cycles in since they removed a lot of the "instant heat removal" cheese from the game like water sieves and such, so shit might be harder now.
yeah pretty much. it takes fuck all hydrogen, like 10g/sec or something and the Nullifier cools it's surroundings down massively.
like 1 or 2 electrolyzers will produce more than enough hydrogen to keep it running, and then you run the oxygen they produce around the nullifier to cool it down before sending nice cool oxygen back to your base.
>never make mush bars unless you're totally desperate.
never eat raw mush bars (disable them for eating in the food menu) always cook them to both remove the innate food poisoning and increase the kcal value. one of your starting dupes should be a cook in order to speed this along.
use the skill reset machine if you desperately need to get a cook and can't wait for the next skill point.
Was playing it yesterday. It seems charming but it feels like very convoluted for no reason, like even the most basic mid game base requires a lot of BS
I've never had too much of a problem with diseases. Food Poisoning is easy to work with so long as you put wash basins/sinks where you need to (Ideally you should have as many sinks as you have toilets because dupes won't wait their turn to wash their hands and will just walk past without washing if there isn't a free one available). Slimelung you just have to make sure not to touch much and chlorine decontaminates it just fine so you can just make a room with chlorine the dupes have to pass through between going in and out of the slime biomes. That being said it can't survive in pure oxygen environments so you can just fill a slime zone with decontamination to suck up the polluted oxygen. Floral Scents is only bad if you have a dupe with an allergic reaction as their stress thing, otherwise it's a helpful 'germ' that can relieve other dupes' stress. Not sure about Zombie spores since I haven't gotten to that point yet.
Also the Buddy Buds can be useful in repelling other germs because no two germ types can exist in the same place, so you can use those to drive back slimelung with floral scents for example
This, there's too much autism in what should be a comfier and marketed as such game. There's better games for retard levels of autism.
eh i find the game comfy. i play on speed 1 while watching something though.
just spent the past 2 days doing some 80+ cycles runs that I called end on because of losing focus on projects. I always fuck up my water treatment plans
I can't exactly pinpoint why I don't like this game
It's not autistic enough for my tastes and at the same time it feels overly complicated
Like if you know what you are doing there is literally nothing to challenge you and is just a chore to set up your base properly
I agree with this. Factorio tickles my autism but this game feels a little bit like a chore.
personally I really like the characters being voiced by a theremin, they're super cute. I wish they'd do more of these shorts.
I think its best compared to ss13's engineering department. Some people like Regular Engineering autism, and some people like atmospherics autism. You'll usually prefer one over the other
puddle of water works as a better airlock than anything else, I have them everywhere
with people doing this I just decided fuck it and just installed the mod that makes airlocks work perfectly so I don't have to shit up my base with wonky water airlocks
It'd be nice, but, you end up being stuck with like 10 nigger clones who don't do shit whilst your few white colonists do 90% of the work.
Be nice when they let you customize your duplicates so you don't get stuck with so many niggers.
I hate that all your bases will end up looking exactly the same, I wish this game was in 3D for more options in how you build your base but I don't know if going 3D is even possible with all the fluid and gas calculations
all my clones was die, because all my base was too hot +45C and no my farm work properly
Pipe management is literally hell.
What is everyone else doing with their pipes?
>Got to about 320 cycles on my second try
>I over expanded and the heat, lack of power, germs and high pressure air got me
Honestly the game is pretty easy at first but the longer you play the higher the chance you'll fuck up, it's actually tough to create a self-sustaining colony