This is Buddy. She is the last girl on Earth. Say something nice about her!
This is Buddy. She is the last girl on Earth. Say something nice about her!
Pretty hard to say something nice about an Edgeomancer.
Brad was wrong for the right reasons.
I shouldn't of laughed so much at Horrace Finkle.....he had a rough life.
Literally lets Dusty, who never did anything wrong in his life, die horribly.
>who never did anything wrong in his life
He helped Buddy.
There needs to be more lewds of her.
why didn't they just get a gun and shoot her lmao she's like 9 years old
Rando did nothing wrong
Monster Update never ever.
Chapter 2 never ever.
*loads bullet menacingly*
So sequel where it's on the otherside of the world but instead of all the women missing it's all the men and nobody's bothered to go look elsewhere?
Wanna fuck?
No, she's a bitch
Lisa's mean-spirited enough I could see something like Olathe being probably about the size of Kansas state (since Olathe is named after a town in Kansas) and as soon as one of them ventures too far out, society is fine
Is it any good?
You've brought nothing but misery and heartache to those around you. Yet, I have no hatred for you. Only pity you and the doom world you love in.
she should've been slaughtered by mutant brad at the end
Played it a year ago and from what I remember it is (it's even better then original in terms of spritework), but it's also somewhat hard due to scarce saves/healing items/resting points. You can really easily screw yourself over if you can't manage those.
But I'd say it's worth a try, it's free and about 5-6 hours of playtime.
The Nobody hates itself
yea, wait for the monster update
considering the weird lab in the mutant town and some of the comments buzzo makes about other women being out there, you're probably not too far off
She'll make a nice breeding slut.
I'm going to beat you to death.
>want to see a magic trick?
I don't like where this is going.
Oh thank god.
>tfw you will never team up with her and make Columbine look like a fucking joke
Unironically superior to painful. And painful is one of my favorites of all time.
>there was no apocalypse
>the game just takes place in normal Kansas
big if true
Best character in the series.