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What mods do I need to make the guns in this game bearable to play with?
I have no idea for I have only made it to the barkeep
You have to play on Master difficulty
That makes guns lethal and fun
Lower difficulties make both your guns and enemy's guns weaker
Survival minecraft with friends.
Shit's so comfy it's insane.
I still miss every shot though
Apex Legends
install the git gud mod then
hearthstone, whizbang is fun
Hotline Miami, Oxygen Not Included, Overwatch
Recently bought Skullgirls, but it will take a lot of practice to be able to fight with real people.
get better guns, learn to aim, hit head
This and a Nord Lead A1.
Pretty dank shit.
Git gud.
>Lower difficulties make both your guns and enemy's guns weaker
It's worse than that. What the lower difficulties do is just make some of the bullets not do anything. You shoot the enemy, you hit the enemy but you don't do any damage. Who the fuck thought that was a good idea?
Hoi4. I am just starting and learning it. It's really comfy to be honest, but I can't really get the hang of combat. The UI is my biggest challenge and frustration. Seems like making general plans always fucks up my troops when it comes to any kind of micro
Really? I played plenty of staker and i did not remember anything similar.
Brilliant, those Ukrainians were onto something
Based Slavs.
pretty comfy so far
Is this some russian chan site?
Should I play the new batch of Shadowrun games in release order or can I just jump into the good one?
I just finished Project Warlock tonight. Looking for a game that will tide me over until the 15th when Ion Fury releases. Either gonna go with Vampire: The Masquerade or Deus Ex 1. Both are games I know are exceptionally good, but I got to decide which one to play first and if I do play Deus Ex out of the two, what mod I'll use to play it.
That's bullshit. The player character never suffers from chance 'miss' hit nullification, only enemies do and they're all stuck on the Novice chance.
>And no, the difficulty setting does NOT determine how often YOUR shots hit the target. In fact, the game's difficulty setting does not affect accuracy at all, yours or that of the NPCs. According to TKGP in this "Damage and skill levels" GSC forum thread, the only probability difficulty value that is used -- and only for NPCs shooting you -- is the novice value in gamedata\config\defines.ltx, which is not affected by any difficulty you select on the game's Options menu. Alundaio observes that this probability applies to any NPC shots that would otherwise strike your hitbox.
yeah, it's from 2ch (not the japanese one)
>Garbage Descent clone
It’s shit
Oh well, that's what I get for parroting something I heard on Yea Forums. I should have known better.
Master difficulty, don't spray, use crouch, aim for the head, and be patient. The start of the game is the hardest/slowest. Once you get an ak and your first not-shit armor, the game really opens up.
>t. Someone who dropped the game too early like 4 times before really sticking around long enough.
The game is pretty solid even without mods imo.
A banner with that would be too good for this pajeet latrine
>Baldur's Gate
A wee bit at a time. I'm currently just dicking around searching for Cloakwood to try to knock out the last few Beregost sidequests before getting to the Naskhel Mines.
Then I ran into some Elite Black Talon mercs apropos of nothing and got slammed.
>Gothic 2
Real empty compared to Gothic 1. Classic Gothic pacing otherwise, look around for the next bit of the map that you won't get immediately throunced by until you're "over the hill" and hyper-murdering everything. As long as you don't skip content before advancing the plot, you're usually dandy.
Yeah I don't have a good reason for not having already finished this.