I just got called a slut because my gta online character is female and I continuously 1 tapped this retard rushing me and my crewmates trying to destory our cargo
what the fuck?
I just got called a slut because my gta online character is female and I continuously 1 tapped this retard rushing me and my crewmates trying to destory our cargo
what the fuck?
Well? Are you a slut?
Maybe when you will grow up, your voice will be a little deep.
That would get me horny if it happened to me
I miss her
>family reunion will never be finished.
me 2
Nice blogpost faggot, you wish you were a slut
I know I do
didnt voice chat at all, thats what confused me the most lmfao
correct, she is a women
>being surprised at people being frustrated when they repeatedly lose
You're the only retard in that situation.
dumb slut
What kind of woman draws a woman and her 3 year old daughter getting fucked in the ass. Haha.
shut up and post more Kali
>no pubes
Shut up, slut.
you are playing gta online, connect the dots nigger
Hey isn't that the same catgirl who got her brains fucked? Like literally sticking the dick in her ear and murderfuck that lmao.
Time to teach Blake what it means to make a pussy purr
Post your tummy slut
It's always great to see mother-daughter bonding.
so is this just a rwby slutposting thread
It's fun calling you retarded because it takes no effort, vents frustration if there was any, and actually makes retards mad.
If you're a guy and always pick female protags, you're an estrogenous potential tranny(even if you're in denial about it)
What's RWBY about anyway? I've never seen it and probably never will.
It was about anime high schoolers fighting monsters but then they destroyed the school way too soon and now theyre just making shit up as they go along
These RWBY bitches set off my autogynephilia like nothing else.
>just recently finished Volume 4
>all those Kali scenes
What a cutie. The Ren and Nora episode was great too.
Bunch of kids with powers in a fantasy setting go to school to become warriors. The setting and character concepts are all very fairy tale inspired.
If you've ever watched a few shonen anime like Naruto, Bleach, Soul Eater, etc. then it's effectively very similar to them in terms of story beats.
Youths train at one of four academies to become huntsman/huntresses to battle the Creatures of Grimm. A seemingly infinite horde of mindless monsters that control most of the world's territory. They kill without remorse and possess no souls. They hunt beings capable of complex thought and emotion exclusively. Ignoring wildlife and the like.
Where did they come from? What are they? The answers to these questions are revealed in the series. There's a very nice narrator lady to help you ponder on your way there in the World of Remnant info series.
Also for anyone interested in watching the series you should know it rapidly improves after the first season. They had a really small team with no budget that gets improved as the seasons go on.
Also before the first season you should watch the trailers for each main character.
Dont bother listening to this shill. The show is deviant art writing tier and the animation is beyond garbage.
Same, loved how they made Salem and Cinder look so beefy
Whenever I hear a dude who uses the word slut all the time to describe a girl is always the type that think girls are easy but never has sex himself.
Are you retarded? All the most vile mangaka are women.
I know I was joking because I want that to happen to me...
Nah, the animation improves greatly as it goes on. It gets full 20+ minute episodes. The writing isn't perfect but it's still fun.
Nope. You're just gullible and believe shit that isn't true.