Can something be great if nobody actually likes it?
Can something be great if nobody actually likes it?
No, even the most niche games are extremely popular within their community. Most normalfags have never played it, yet Reddit loves Trails in the Sky for example
Trails in the sky seems so mediocre. It's also popular on here to
But I love mgs4
The less sales + More acclaim = higher quality
MGS4 is a pretty wild ride. Worth it, changes genres a few times for thematic purpose and shenanigans.
Nothing else like it.
MGS 3 is peak form though.
>tfw this was my first Metal Gear
What a fucking wild ride that was
That shit had 3 disks on xbox 360 because HD-dvd was garbage. The extras timeline that ties together all the Kojumble craziness is a real treat.
>there's so much shitposting around 4 and V people legitimately think they're bad games nobody likes
the power of shitposting
4 is a blast, its one of the few games I would truly and without irony describe as epic
I laugh every time I think of Snake looking at a once shit in metal barrel like its a tricked out hotrod.
Not the bees!
I liked some parts of it.
giving context and explanation that was the clusterfuck known as MGS2's ending
resolving the Patriot cliffhanger from MGS2
making Raiden not shit
Rex vs Ray boss fight
The middle east conflict zone is so chill. Getting in disguise and laundering guns while slowly helping the militia push the pmc's back was a great sequence.
full stealth in that section was great too plenty of chaos and items in nooks and crannies.
Cant leave out the Tekken style bossfight on the sub stack with Ocelot, you know that was some weird and refreshing shit
My problem is that it was setpiece: the game.
I want a MG game in a city, infiltrating buildings and shit would be cool. Will never happen though.
>chapter 1 and 2
decent. is in the middle of a warzone between 2 factions and it works
>chapter 3
they made an entire london map that has nothing in it and you just follow a guy for a while. boring as shit and not challenging at all. rest of chapter is onrail shooter
>chapter 4
great to revisit shadow moses but you barely get to see any of it. mech fight was okay
>chapter 5
literally a couple rooms linked by a hallway and quicktime events
MGS4 remains one of the best PS3 games
kill yourselves
it's a piece of shit that ruined the entire lore for the rest of the series
every scene drags on way too long with old snake grunting and straggling along taking half an hour to process everything that's been said to him
none of the supporting characters are very likeable, even though they were in previous games
that forced romance scat story we were forced to sit through
the whole hallway section were you had to torture yourself tapping that button is pretty cool, if it weren't for the fact that the little metal gear could've just gone alone, snake literally served no purpose there
the game gives you all these gameplay options but doesn't actually utilise any of them (like the whole 'emotions' thing)
and like this guy said
only 2 first 2 acts play like a MGS game + one room on the ship
ok I dont care
ya cared enough to reply lmao
true, true, but beyond that I dont care
Is this a zen koan?
>kill yourselves
MGS4 received so much bullshit upon release. The hype over this game was unreal. So many people including me hated the cutscenes at the time because we wanted to just get to the gameplay.
But years later I realized how well made the game was and how fan servicey it was. I really soaked in the cutscenes and it was quite entertaining.
Kill yourself you little motherfucking son of a CUNT Holy fucking shit talk about a fucking stuttering retarded piece of dog shit.