>Video Games cause violence because

Attached: brainlettttt.jpg (800x450, 44K)

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I'm aldready violent

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Video games
>mental illness
cutting your dick off and pretending to be a woman

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>d-dude playing realistic games in first person where you kill people doesn't inspire people
lol people get inspired by all media, you're delusional if you don't think violent media can influence real violence
It ain't their fault but it should be discussed at least.
>violent movies don't make psychopaths, it makes psychopaths more creative!
- Jamie Kennedy

>Videogames perpetuate the rape culture because...

there could maybe be made a case for video games contributing to the problem of social isolation which probably causes all these shootings because nowadays they're aimed at making you play 24/7 so the chances are higher you buy all those lootboxes

So films and books also inspire people to shoot up their local Walmart? Good to know.

J.D. Salinger is directly responsible for multiple murders inspired by Catcher in the Rye.

Ban violent books

If playing video games is now considered wrong because of a few schizoes then I'm just about fucking done
If looters make me a murderous nazi, then why doesn't Mario make people arsonists and Sonic make people go past speed limit, why is it that when people sit down and watch Revue Starlight and Queer Eye they don't become a faggot, and when they sit down and eat a tender ass steak they don't want to slaughter a fucking cow?

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America seriously should stop glorifying violence.
And start glorifying sex instead

They tried that, worked too well, now nobody reads books.

The right doesn't like people having fun

video games are an easy target, they're just shifting the blame to vidya so they don't have to ask difficult questions. And I don't mean the gun laws because those are pretty much the same over the last few decades yet mass shootings have skyrocketed.

Violence bad
Sex bad

This. The problems are not with any laws but how modern society functions.
Mouse Utopia is real my dudes

Get it right, the narrative is "video games don't cause violence, BUT..." youtube.com/watch?v=XpbO85iasZw

in other words "we disagree with trump but gamers are still toxic and gamers cause mass shootings"

stop shilling your youtube

that goes against the 1st amendment

What are you going to do about it, bitch?

we...live in a society...

banning guns will obviously reduce the amount of victims but probably not the amount of mass killings. So if that's what you're going for, eh. But it's not like guns would vanish over night, you'd just make everyone a criminal for owning one.

Did you even read my post?

I was just further expanding on your point friendo

Mass killings are as such qualified because of he number of victims. If you reduce the number of victims you'll implicitly reduce the number of mass killings, brainlet.

oh, my bad

>banning guns will obviously reduce the amount of victims
Conveying opinions as facts.
Good one.

>tfw gamergate 2

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Unironiclly based

Videogames doesn't cause violence, but it sure as hell influences it.

Testosterone influences violence too. The real solution is for every man to cut off their balls and become a tranny. How am I wrong?

You're wrong because there exists effeminate men who haven't the balls to hurt nobody and are doormats already without the need to cut their balls.

it's much harder to kill people with a knife then it is to shoot them from range. if you're lacking that much common sense I don't know what else to tell you.

>I don't know what semantics means
Save yourself the effort of posting next time moron

I think he just means that the number of isolated deaths will be reduced.


>banning guns will obviously reduce the amount of victims
why exactly? people that will commit violent crimes won't bother themselves to get them legally anyways

>no u
It makes it harder to get them, in theory at least. But that would take decades because the US is swimming in guns and you can't retroactively criminalize all gun owners. Countries where guns are severely regulated don't have as many gun related deaths despite illegal guns being available pretty much everywhere.

When it comes to mass shootings, the perpetrators usually don't expect to get out alive so it doesn't really matter if it's illegal or legal guns because they don't care about getting found by the police like say, a serial murderer or robber would.