Why is there no online multiplayer insect pvp game?

Why is there no online multiplayer insect pvp game?

I would love something like team fortress or mordhau with insects of all kinds, and all sorts of arthropods as well.
Imagine how fun it could be, you could fight in all sorts of areas, the verticality would be amazing and there are so many cool possibilities, whether it'd be stealth, attacks, mobility...
I can already see myself grind for hours on the wasp flight agility courses or setting high iq web traps as a spider.

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For me, it's the Mantis.

Attached: close-up-of-a-praying-mantis-jack-goldfarb.jpg (894x900, 48K)

They're all melee

You best be including arachnid dlc.

I want to main the Black Widow/Wolf Spider.


Attached: Brachinus_spPCCA20060328-2821B.jpg (512x366, 19K)

What about bombardier beetle?

No idea what those are but 90 percent of the classes will be melee

Well I would be alright with making things unrealistic and have some sort of needle projectile or acid spray on insects.
The greatest part would obviously be melee but some projectiles would be okay honestly.

I want to main centipede and spec entirely into legs.

Could anything beat "Horde of Ants" class?

Attached: antsOP.jpg (242x208, 15K)

No I want complete realism down to the weight and strength of the bug

this would be sick. Just apply mordhau melee mechanics to pincers/limbs and have adaptive animations for dismemberment

because it's too much of a risk for investors and stock holders to want to put development money into and indie devs dont have the time, patience and autism to code anything online multiplayer pvp.

have them be a ai threat

Ooh I like that, "Ants" could be a whole game mode to itself. All sorts of different ants could attack in waves, worker ants, warrior ants, big juicy ants, flying ants, queen ants, fire ants, carpenter ants, etc.

Attached: Juicy.jpg (500x338, 71K)

why would queen ants come out in fight, there hauled up in one room

>it is your throne your life and your tomb

Like some kind of Ants Sim

End boss, maybe you find her! You need to crash through her entourage of the strongest ant warriors while she's constantly spawning endless waves of worker ants to slow you down and overwhelm you.


>Insect Musou

I feel like it would work better as a strategy game, RTS or TBS, either way is fine.
>ants as fodder troops or worker units
>bees as higher tier worker units and base defenders
>beetles as tanks and siege units
>butterflies and moths as buffers/debuffers respectively
>mantises and wasps as shock troops
>spiders as ambushers and trap layers
>dung beetles as a joke unit that gets stupid powerful if you give him time to build up his turdball over the course of the game

and bombardier beetles as arty