Reminder that shadowlord did nothing wrong.
Reminder that shadowlord did nothing wrong
Other urls found in this thread:
Reminder that Shadowlord is the real Nier whom you play as in the game's prologue.
so all the humans (who didn't split them self up or whatever) died within like 20 years of the WCS showing up, right?
Is NieR unironically the modern equivelent of Planescape Torment? Except if Planescape actually had a well written story & characters?
>when you realize the book in the prologue is actually grimoire noir and not weiss
updated my journal
> Horrible gameplay
> Horrible graphics
> Horrible pacing
> Horrible mission structure
> Horrible overworld
> Amazing storyline
> Amazing Soundtrack
> Amazing characters
> Amazing world-building
> Amazing storytelling
It's absolutely criminal how much porn there is of 2B when the superior android waifu is A2
>dude, just let the human race die off just for a feel good moment with your fake self and fake daughter, lmao
I bet that yoko faggot would let all immigrants flood in, all because of that little Mexican girl crying.
No wonder japs are going extinct.
Instead of FF7 Remake, Square should have used the budget for a NieR remake with the option to play as Young Nier or Old Nier. It would easily be the best Square Enix game behind the Chrono series & FF6
This is the wrongest, stupidest nonsense I've seen to date on this site
>It would easily be the best Square Enix game
>Projecting American views onto a Japanese person
You're a retard.
I just want a game set between DoD's ending E and the first Nier
Maybe DoD4, Taro please
He's right though faggot, Planescape is only praised because of nostalgia bias & how low people's standards for PC gaming are. If it came out today it would be a complete failure & cult classic at best. NieR is literally superior to most games every way that are praised only for their story, yet it suffers from most of the same flaws that Planescape had, but people love to blantantly ignore because "Le endless dialogue"
I'm not falling for your bait, faglord. Next time don't stoop as low as using "&", it gives your game away.
2B fair yoko taro is literally just a 16 year old weeb white girl
look at his recommendations list
> Waaah mommy he doesn't like my game, it must be bait that's the only way i can cope with someone having a different opinion then me
Pathetic, boomers are retarded
>playing nier for the first time
>weird looking monsters poping up
>did a mass genocide on them
>later I found out that these monsters were humans beings
I'm not a boomer, and I don't care what you think about Planescape Torment, Nier is just not well written. No, not even in the context of videogame writing. The vast majority of the plot is retarded nonsense that barely functions unless you write entire books of headcanon based on vague details, and the only thing it has going for it is going time after time
Like, Oh no! The wolf actually wanted to be friends with humans, nevermind the fact that when you meet the wolves the first time ever they start attacking you unprompted. If only Roc's human policy wasn't a completely hackneyed attempt at framing the situation in a different light! So sad, hashtag Roc was a bro, colon open parenthesis
Or, oh no! Gretel only wanted to protect his smaller friends and you mercilessly killed them! Oh wait, most of them died just because Gretel smashed the ceiling of the arena for ABSOLUTELY NO REASON (aside from the writer being garbage of course). Didn't your self righteousness turn into ash in your mouth? ;^)
>Tfw Nier threads are either super dead like this one because secondaries won't recognise the characters
>We could have a massive thread but filled with shitposting if you use a 2B OP
>Picked up schoolbook
Please god stop shitposting
he looks like Chinman from that Sims Greentext
>Stop talking shit about by entry level subversive garbage ;_;
Weird, you like Nier so much I thought you'd get a boner when I told you that you're stupid and wrong.
God I fucking hate secondaries like 473593554
I played Nier before Automata. It's ok though, I didn't expect you'd be able to get anything right.
Sure you did secondary. Fuck off and shitpost somewhere else
Damn, didn't expect to be reminded of that today
Oh, you wound me so much when you assume I played the latter poorly written overrated game over the former. It's not like you can actually make a real argument, just name calling over some of the most retarded gate-keeping imaginable.
Automata was fantastic but unfortunately let secondaries think they can come in and do whatever they want
Solely in terms of Story, characters & Music is NieR one of the 10 best games ever?
You know it
What's criminal is how forgotten Kaine has become.
Didn't catch that when I played, user
This game actually changed my moral compass a bit. Made me realize that those who look at the world in black and white tend to be the evil ones.
So thats what sub-average IQ posting looks like
I actually got into taro's game after Automata, but I feel like I redeemed myself by playing drakengard, drakengard 2 and nier. Still gotta play drakengard 3 tho
I feel like there had to have been some way for either Shadowlord Nier, or the Twins to just explain the actual fucking situation to Nier, I feel like if they actually made him understand what would happen when they merged Weiss and Noir he would probably go with it, but instead they just kidnapped his daughter and pissed him off so he would come back and kill them.
port to PS4 or PC fucking WHEN
I like drakengard 3 the most
Why the fuck did you play drakengard 2?
Yoko Taros manga series MIGHT be set in that time.
NIER OST has so much fucking soul
>He wanted to make a game called Drakengard 4: The Search for Drakengard 3 about where the missing game has gone
Nobody told him Taro wasn't involved in 2.
I don't think people had a choice about the White Chlorination. Once it happened and Red Eyes appeared it sort of turned into a grey goo type event.
Underrated and deserving of recognition.
Such a shame he wasted his time and money. He needs to go play drakengard 3 right now to fix his mistake.
the underground dungeon was super tight, wish automata had something similar
Yeah, NieR is 9th in my Top 10 storyline list
Neither did Nier.
It's my top for characters, that is certain.
>doomed all of humanity
>did nothing wrong
ok bud
I knew drakengard 2 was not made by taro, but i am autistic. You need to play the bad ones to realize how good the other ones are
strange how i only beat this game one time after borrowing it from a friend and i didn't remember this song until the vocals came on.
Blu-bird best song.
Don't @ me
>thinking humanity was salvageable in any way at that point
They could have come back from being shades but whatever "humanity" was was gone at that point. They would have been some type of nu-man that was alien to humanity as we know it or value it.
Let go. Its kind of the central theme going on in Nier.
The human race was already doomed. The entire thing was far past mending by the time the events of Nier took place.
If you can beat machine life forms with a stick how did humans with machine guns lose
>shades start rejecting their gestalts
>thinks there will be a way of going back
remember how the hidden endboss assults you with ALOT of [things]?
remember how he still got overwhelmed?
The machines probably blotted out the sun when they arrived.
>grimoire weiss
wtf were they thinking
what a stupid name
By the time you are beating the machines with 2 tons of robot ass the machines left are just a small remnant that the "host" machine armada literally forgot about.
remember when 92 sees them sending supplies down to earth and that is what 2B tells him it is? Its really other Bunkers and copies of not-quite 2B/9S doing the same thing you are doing in different zones of the world. what you are seeing is 1 iteration of many happening all at once on earth. There is no way to contain it.
Thats my headcanon at least.
When is Caim returning?
Purposely vilify him from the outset so you do what you think is right. To both Nier and you the player.
How you don't see that when everything Taro does is to fuck with you the player is beyond me.
It's thematically consistent with the despair and tragedy of Nier's story.
All the villains and conspirators have human, sympathizer-friendly names. The actual protagonist/good person/only real human is labeled with a hateful title.
Its a yoko game, its just a big bunch of attacks on the human character and decency in general.
I think people try to overthink Taro games now due to memes and sort of miss the most basic of basic literary techniques. They all think there is some other hidden motive underneath.
And I think Taro knows that. His next game is going to break the internet.
I keep seeing Gary Busey in his face for some reason
nier ending c and d are stupid
drakengard 3 is the most fun game in the series despite being shit in literally every other aspect
nier automata should not have been an rpg
Ending D is one of the most impactful endings to a game ever.
The way the Grimoire Nier timeline tells it it sounds like everything was fine, there were areas where the androids just had a chat with the replicants and they merged no problem.
Shades are gestalts, relapsed ones.
okay, they refused to go back into their replicants then. Why did you the player think they wanted to go back to pre-WCS?
Are you retarded? The point of the story is that Nier doesn't know he's dooming humanity and just wants his daughter/sister back. The road to hell is paved with good intentions and all that
pretty sure he hesitated before landing the final blow
Gestalts didn't refuse to go back into their replicants, SOME replicants refused to accept their gestalts.
Reminder that the entire point of the story was basically to explore what might drive someone like the 9/11 hijackers to do what they did.
Because you didn't farm the area for countless hours to upgrade weapons for the Plat trophy
Technically he most likely understands after the Devola/Popola fight, but can't back up after going so far and Emil's sacrifice
By the end he knows full well what he's doing.
He doesn't care is all. Yonah is more important.
yeah, the oldest of them refused. The ones that lived long enough to learn to think for themselves. They themselves reject every notion of going back to the player.
>Nier kills the Shadowlord by ramming his boar into the mansion yelling "for the glory of mankind"
yeah literally everyone during the final act were in too deep
something about not stopping
I love Nier threads, the only discussion threads we have here.
Every time i learn something new.
You aren't a true fan until you do the true ending of Drakengard 3
so was song of the ancients just a bunch of made up gibberish d&p came up with? I kinda liked the prophecy angle at the start but then the final act happened and it's never brought up again
I can't believe my favourite track is just a bunch of bullshit
TES threads are great too as long as the waifufags stay go.
You aren't a true fan until you rape and kill your sister. Taro said so.
its close to Esperanto. Its a made up language and they use it in all the soundtracks. A gimmick at this point. I love it. I don't know what the word for vocals that sound melodic is, but its great.
Go listen to Memories of Dust. 100% gibberish that she can somehow remember.
No shit, I thought this was obvoius?
>song of the ancients
>ancients are pre-WCS humans
>no one in nier's time speak any of those languages or even know of them as a concept
>so all the words are gibberish
You feel next leveled now lad?
I meant in context of the in-game world and setting, the twins said that the song was an ancient prophecy where Nier sets out to cure the black scrawl but we all know how that turned out
was it an actual song/prophecy or did they make that shit up is what I'm asking? considering the twins lied their asses off
"Your life is a lie and you everybody you know need to die in order for others to survive" is a tough pill for anybody to swallow.
I prefer the "Chipmunks on 16 speed" version.
Have you played Automata? In-universe the melody is more important than the words I think. The fact that there is a song commemorating something forgotten and so long ago is sort of the point.
D&P were around since the beginning, they would know actual human culture. But they won't reveal it to Nier because reasons. So they sing a song that expresses all the atonement and sacrifice and reverence for that mindset without actual words.
There is a term for non-words that sound more like a musical melody than lyrics. I don't remember it. Whatever that word is, that is what is trying to be expressed in the song. Doing so somehow transcends vocals and hits you more primally.
what the FUCK were their predecessors thinking
I need a game where we play as Popola and Devola. Yoko Taro please make this happen I know you are in this thread.
Nier Gestalt is literally unplayable, the main character is a freak of nature, his ugliness is a fucking sin to mankind and whoever designed him should be castrated.
Nier Replicant MC is TRUE Nier, borther sister dynamic works much better and his character development makes more sense, even the timeskip character design change works better to show how he matured in during the timeskip and how his personality changed due to Kaine's sacrifice.
Actually everything in the story makes more sense with canon young Nier and the only people who don't realize this are Gestaltonly faggots.
They were broken. maybe made wrong as a joke.
Papa Nier is fucking based you wapanese piece of shit. Go fuck your little sister.
Just so you know Gestalt was the original in Japan they only made Replicant cuz snoyfags were crying.
My headcanon is that the Replicant is Bro Nier, and the real one/Shadowlord is Papa Nier. Just gives the appropriate gut punch on both ends.
so why didn't tyrann just do his thing earlier
Taro said he liked the father/daughter set up more than the brother/sister one. Had more impact for him.
> Gestalt was the original in Japan they only made Replicant cuz snoyfags were crying.
stop lying you westacuck
>Nier was originally intended to be exclusive to the Xbox 360, but after deciding to also develop the game for PlayStation 3, the developers decided to further divide the Japanese release of the game. Nier Gestalt would be released for the Xbox 360, featuring the adult Nier (as in the international release for both platforms), while Nier Replicant, for the PlayStation 3, would feature the young Nier
Nobody fucking bought 360 in Japan, the young Nier is the canon Nier which is why all the novels have him as the protagonist and is why Taro himself said young Nier is the canon protagonist and his story is the story he intended to write.
Well the canon is both are canon. Also they take place in different years. Think about it.
Why would the replicant be a different entity? that goes against what gestalts are. Even if there was a vanity angle where he wanted to look younger he would still have the mentality and personality of the father he was.
You literally just said gestalt was the original game in your post you fucking retard.
>Yoko Taro said that Father Nier would choose to stay with his daughter, meaning ending C would be canon for the US version, while Brother Nier would follow ending D
Guess which ending Nier Automata follows from... it's ending D you cuck.
Young Nier is confirmed to be the canon MC.
>you cannot escape your cycles of guilt
>even if you delete yourself we will bring you back
>automata follows route D
>things reference Nier in automata when he should be completely erased from reality.
Uh oh the retards found us time to abandon thread.
Is papa Nier the ugliest JRPG protagonist?
Actually automata doesn't follow any specific nier ending you stupid fuck. Also nobody should know who nier even is according to ending D. Maybe look shit up before you start talking out your ass.
why are you upset people are disagreeing with you? just ignore it or refute them. Crying like a bitch is what an android would do.
You are a human right?
Explain how 9S's best weapon (Beastmaster I think) is a direct reference to Nier by being one of his swords. Explain how any of his weapons exist in Automata.
Why would I argue with retards that can't even read a wiki and spout their bullshit as fact?
I want to call him "rugged" but he isn't. He is downright ugly as sin.
If you think about it as his replicant sort of changing to reflect how he sees himself the ugliness makes more sense.
Really makes me think.
>wikis are authoritative fact
wew fucking lad.
Devola and Popola make cryptic remarks regarding Nier in Automata. How would they know of Nier at all if he self deleted?
Maybe read grimoire nier.
because following the events of ending D doesn't mean old Nier never happened, their timeline isn't a parallel one.
Straight from Famitsu
>The Replicant and Gestalt stories are not parallel worlds, rather they are segments of a world stuck in a loop pattern. Sometimes Nier and Yonah are siblings and other times they are father and daughter.
Old nier exists in the timeline, but the events and decisions of Brother Nier are the ones that are canon in the next games.
You literally just said the 360 version was the first version. And the Novels have Shota-Nier since they were never translated and only released in Japan so they needed to have the Japanese version of Nier.
I think you think you are arguing with the wrong person. I don't think nier ending d goes into automata.
They’re technically both nier though, replicant is better version btw
seeand seefucking retards in denial, young Nier is the canon plot Nier you dumbfucks
Thanks for quoting me twice. Learn how to read a flowchart, retard.
did you forget about the part about how all reality forgets Nier? He completely blinks out from it and no one remembers him. At all. They lament the fact that they know something is missing and they can't place it. An unknown loss.
And then DandP talk about him to 9S when doing their last stand. When they shouldn't even know he was an entity at any point.
oh you're retarded okay then
Nice rebuttal retard get the fuck out of my thread and read a book.
they forget him but his decisions are the ones who affect the world of Automata, it's from young Nier's timeline that the plot of Automata continues on, it's young nier's timeline that aliens invade etc etc, not old Nier.
Works every time
young nier's timeline just happens like 20 years before old nier's I thought. I thought the events essentially repeated to highlight to futility of it all.
Not that guy but how does the flowchart prove you to be right when you posted before about how the 360 version was the original one.
I can't believe you are all bickering about a videogame series made to promote a jpop group that kept a videogame writer as a pet
Is it to the benefit or detriment that the canon and lore is spread out so wildly across so many types of media?
The flowchart proves automata doesn't follow any specific nier ending you fucktard. Doesn't matter which game. Read a book nigga.
Okay how does that prove Young Nier to be the Canon Nier?
and I can't believe it would upset you so.
Pretty much, but it's why I like to think that both Bro and Papa Nier existed, and with those specific roles in mind.
>Why would the replicant be a different entity?
Taro literally gave an answer to this while rationalizing Papa Nier's canon existence. He used Kaine's case as the main example for this discrepancy.
It doesn't?
Why not?
>jpop group that kept a videogame writer as a pet
That sounds very lewd.
so he's a different entity solely because westerners don't like gaybois?
>gestalts are human souls
>repilcants are empty shells
>people still debate which is canon
don't know. I just can't. you are a woman seeing men in a corner discussing stuff as men, turning our intention into actuality.
And you got up, came over here and just ruined it. Just ruined it all like a cunt. Because you are a woman and it is worth it.
>Actually everything in the story makes more sense with canon young Nier and the only people who don't realize this are Gestaltonly faggots.
I played both so I can objectively say you are right. Papa nier is still a based character tho.
>trying to discuss yoko taros universe on an anonymous basket weaving forum
No wonder people always just post 2B butt instead.
And androids are made of machine parts. It is purposely meant to be muddied.
You sound upset about something.
I have and always will prefer Kaine bulge.
I think on some level it is appropriate people get the canon mixed up and wrong. In the long run it doesn't matter. None of this matters.
The next game will absolutely decimate the lore as we know it just like the last game, but have a touching quest about the Operator bot planting pretty flowers somewhere just to emotionally manipulate you.
It's because Square thought Bro Nier wouldn't be appeal to a Western audience so they mandated a version of Nier catering to the God of War crowd.
I personally like both versions, but I find myself favoring Bro Nier as the MC Replicant, and Papa Nier as the Shadowlord. Bro Nier makes more sense with main cast and their story development/interactions (as originally intended by Taro). On the flipside, I thought that turning the Shadowlord into a father proved to be a more grueling and tragic story for the "enemy" when you frame it as a father that painstakingly tried to preserve his daughter's life in the post-apocalypse.
Except dad nier existed before bro nier.
Still mad about the flower quest from Route A, huh?
>wanted to play this game for years but never really went out my way to look for it see that Nier Automata is announced so I pick it up end up absolutely loving it comepleting it 100%
>suddenly all my friends are excited for Automata none of them play Gestalt and none of them care
what a shitty feeling this was and they feel great because they played something that made them feel big brain because big ass
>people talking about linear canon authenticity
>when the entire Nier timeline came from what was originally a low-budget joke ending from Drakengard
The "lore" is pretty loose. The games are pretty self-contained anyway and don't require additional stories or even other games in the franchise to be understood.
I remember when people were legitimately Mad about that ending.
I like that set up, I just don't get why papa would be different than brother in any measurable fashion outside of PR reasons. There is no in-universe reason for it to happen. The gestalts are trapped as their former selves to such a degree it is actively harmful for them. No reason for only Nier to change.
>there are people itt that never did the Lunar Tear achievement for kaine
Why is drakengard 2 so fucking bad?
The parts with Caim/Angelus are kino but everything else sucks ass
I didn't play 3 because I don't have a playstation but I can get a friend to lend me his, is it any good or just waifu bait?
>he thought it was a joke ending
No. Its just the only semi long quest chain that had any emotional impact. Its the clear thing to reference in the next game.
That is probalby why Taro won't. It'll probably be the fighting bot starting a dojo or something. That will be the guy that teaches you new moves.
generic JRPG boy never finds out he was born from a corpse and his dragon uncle killed his grandparents
imagine liking the penis girl
Did you do all 4 endings? If you did and can articulate how it is unique without spoiling it to your friends they might try.
literally because Taro wasn't involved. It sounds fanboyish, but its the one he wasn't involved with and the quality is starkly different. Put 2 and 2 together.
DoD3's alright. Story's good (though the twist can be seen from a mile away), the gameplay is meh but it can be fun sometimes. Dragon sections aren't as good as in 1. Also, I think 3 can be emulated with RPCS3.
Even better, that particular ending was meant to be a joke ending rather than a proper one. Taro had originally planned for the goddess-statue to manifest as a literal Japanese idol (hence the rhythm game final boss) but couldn't pull it off due to budgetary reasons and just stuck with the creepy statue they had already modeled.
Speaking of goddesses turning into singing idols, I have little to no doubt about this idea being the basis for the entirety of Drakengard 3.
This. People call it a joke and Taro dies inside every time.
>nier ending c and d are stupid
C I think is fine but D is stupid becomes it relies on a power that just comes completely out of nowhere and isn't foreshadowed at all. People only like it because it's a gimmick.
What's with the replicant version being all bug infested? I played this game 2 times from start to finish. The A ending achievement never goes through
>thinking the Grimoires have a powerlevel with a cap
>especially one like Weiss that is raging against the machine.
See It was, for all intents and purposes, designed to be a joke ending. It's why Drakengard's Ending A, B and C match closer to the narrative beats of the story, while the rest of them was basically a clusterfuck of characters dying off in horrible and unceremonious ways.
If it was bugged wouldn't the percentage be waaaaay lower instead of being the highest?
>I have little to no doubt about this idea being the basis for the entirety of Drakengard 3.
everything makes sense no
the 5 girls doing everything with music kind of makes this obvious as shit. Same thing with the prequel play of automata being essentially sailor scout idols fucking up hardcore.
I am quite certain that Taro made a sequel to that ending because people sent him letters complaining about how all the effort to get it made it fall flat. Taro's other joke endings are much less punishing to get.
>game tells you to go left
>go right
>joke ending
They were too easy in Automata.
>Taro's dream game is going to be idolmaster meets this war of mine
>it will be played as an idolmaster game for 99% of the playtime
>everything you do will be a warcrime of some kind but framed as cute idol shit
>by the time its over your sins will be so compounded he will get a Ending D out of us all because we will willingly self delete the files, then ourselves
>he'll mail a letter to kojima calling him a hack
Reminder that Taro originally only planned for Nier's Ending A and B since he just wanted to tell a genuinely wholesome story about a brother and sister. Nier's Ending C and D were written for the sake of the player on a meta level by hinging on whether or not you were closely attached to Kaine by the end, enough to willingly save her or not.
As an aside, I can't help but think he wrote Nier as a response to how brothers and sisters should act, especially after creating Drakengard to shit all over Japan's pop cultural notions of incest.
When you finish the last ending of the game a man from the post office will knock on the door and give you an envelope filled with Yoko Taro's own dried semen.
>all the fake ass gamers that didn't actually play it don't kill themselves
>This is the actual play being performed
>Taro goes on global tv to call them all casuals
>they ignore him and still don't play it
>he considers this a triumph and retires
Fuck off Automatafaggots. Your trash heap of a game is an utter disappointment an unfitting of the "Taro game" moniker. Even DoD2 is better.
DoD3 >= DoD1 > Nier > DoD2 > eating cat shit >>>>> Automata
>Reminder that shadowlord did nothing wrong.
Wrong, he did everything wrong by not fucking communicating like any one would expect from such a major project that was intended to save humanity.
Did you actually play Drakengard? It's not a very fun game these days. It wasn't a very fun game at the time either.
I think the guy is just a manic depressive or something and has moodswings. Intense ones where he either wants the most heart warming thing possible or the most barbaric. He has enough foresight to see this as good and leaves it in no matter how he feels about it afterward. Seeing what the players think of it is just as important to him as them actually playing it.
You are just wrong and petty if the successful somehow detracts from your own personal enjoyment. Absolutely childish when talking about a series about maturing and accepting reality for what it is.
He wasn't a major project though. He was just some guy the government gave a welfare check to so they could collect his cum.
Jesus Christ, stop posting.
>not communicating
He literally couldn't. They didn't speak the same language and the way Nier thought about the situation anyway by the time you meet them no matter of communication would have stopped him.
>He literally couldn't.
Devola and Popola could and they knew everything about the project.
if all the replicants had become sentient and that was causing the black scrawl to happen, why didn't they just make a new set of replicants closer to the "all clear" sign so that the now sentient replicants weren't overwritten? Sure, everyone now has an identical twin, but it's a lot better than the alternative.
Neither is canon, retardo. You can find items in Automata that reference both Papa Nier and Brother Nier
and they were literally broken and insane. Why are you trying to apply logic to them?
Devola and Popola were huge bitches and everyone knew it
it's almost as if the consequences of a lack of communication is a theme of the game
>literally broken and insane.
>that's how programmed Androids work
So what you're saying that Taro can't write for shit?
I mean Shitmata already exposed him as a hack.
The experiment was already going for over a thousand years at that point and only Devola and Popola were left to oversee it as it was. And that was their job, to oversee it. Not to fix it.
When trying to operate outside what they were designed to do they went insane.
>Error: You cannot delete a post this old.
Fuck me
>trying to change history
who the fuck do you think you are?
The Scrawl wasn't caused by replicant sentience. It was caused by gestalt relapse. The process was just flawed from the very beginning.
That doesn't excuse the wolves, though. They were fags and deserved to be exterminated.
yeah, it doesn't excuse anyone really
>When trying to operate outside what they were designed to do they went insane.
Robots/Androids don't work that way.
Even though Wall-E had romantic feeling for the other robot, he fucking did not forget his task he was given to.
Its a fine thread. Its a little aggressive from all sides but everyone is learning something and still conversing fine.
In AI terms they couldn't reconcile their operating directives with actually running the experiment. Trying to do both is at odds with itself and leads to a contradictions.
Now think of gen1 androids that are over a 1000 years old trying to reconcile an internal contradiction in their programming.
in laymens terms and not knowing they are machines: insanity.
This. It was a shitty hail mary plan that once started there wasn't anyone around to tell them they fucked up.
>Robots/Androids don't work that way.
These ones do. Wall-E is from a different franchise you see
But the other Devola and Popola androids did not go insane, but were then somehow reprogrammed by somehow already dead humans because of the OG Devola and Popola going insane who fucked shit up.
That's fucking stupid.
I have no idea why they didn't just stick all the gestalts into cold-storage until the war was over.
It is stated Devola and Popola were designed SOLELY for their role to oversee the experiment. They weren't all purpose androids. they were very very specific models, and very old early gen ones to boot. My cell phone can't print documents even though it is stronger than a shitty IBM from the 80s. Because it is a specific type of tech and printing on paper isn't a part of its OS or intended purpose. I can try to mod the phone to do it and succeed. The phone of its own volition can't.
Yeah, but what about these ones?
I only played enough to get Ending A in Nier, suck my dick
>how come all the bugs from the 1.01 build aren't in the 1.02 build
This is you right now.
What war? The gestalts were created to sidestep WCS. It worked in that regard. Once they realized that they were already all gestalts and there was no going back. I think it was sheer chaos going on from the era from Red Eyes, I don't think there was any actual rational thought happening. Just get it done as fast as you can.
All other devola and popola models didn't oversee the experiment and interact with Nier. There was a good 8000 year gap between when we meet broken DandP and the others.
>aren't in the 1.02 build
And who was responsible for updating them?
The dead humans?
And don't say that there were actually humans in other places without any knowledge of anything that happens in Nier.
>because of Automata, some people ''went back'' and played first Nier
I'm not even mad. Also, was anywhere in the game stated how many Devola and Popola models are out there? Only after playing Automata I found out there are more.
BTW, one thing I didn't understand right; it's about relapse. What exactly causes this? Does relapse ''starts'' when Replicants become aware? Also, if you kill Shade (aka huma), will his/hers Replicant die immediately, die slowly, or is not even affected by it?
>how many Devola and Popola models are out there?
Nope, nothing about rest of world.
No, there's a secret android shadow government that never comes up in the games. Even then the human race did not go properly extinct until a few centuries after Nier.
The war against the horrible red eyed creatures that sprouted from the sick of mankind? The one that lasted half a millennium? Which the combat robot factory in Automata was built for? That war.
They weren't just cleaning up dead god dust until the reunification process could begin.
They could have dodged the entire problem if they just froze all the gestalts.
Yorha or whatever Yorha was before. They explicitly state this.
There were no other humans, but only 2 units oversaw the experiment. And there was a flaw. So they fixed the flaw in later models.
The real question is why they made more models at all considering the program ended.
>there's a secret android shadow government that never comes up in the games.
>it's another, the important plot shit is happening in other forms of media
I fucking hate this.
Good thing I gave money to Taro only for Nier alone.
You think the Red Eye outbreak is related to the robots? The robots in the factory are a part of the machine wars and don't involve red eyes at all I thought.
The robot menace shows up thousands of years after the red eye outbreak ruined the world.
I don't know. I kinda like how the canon to the story spreads over a game, a manga, a book, and a play. The guy is a nutjob troll. It's not ideal for fans but man is it unique. Find two other games that have plays based on them that are also canon
Why do you think the robots in automata all have red eyes when they attack? Why the pillar they make at the end is made out of salt? The virus that destroys the bunker?
A Famitsu poll saw Nier Automata coming in at #3 at their best video games of the era
chrono trigger was #1
It's an 'old world factory' repurposed for machine production, not a 'machine factory'.
This is ambiguous.
Kill yourself
Nier has great atmosphere and a deep story in the surface but it's actually full of cliche shit I've read a billion times in books from centuries ago
>well written story and characters
there is a character named shadowlord
Fuck off you weab.
>muh superior setting
We all know you just want to fuck your sister, so you can stop that shit right now bucko.
You can work out all of this from in-game knowledge.
Who do you think made YorHa? Who do you think set them to be disposable? Who made all those android resistance members?
japan doesn't agree with you
NieR is the convulted weebshit equivalent of Spec Ops: The Line, nothing more
I thought the redeye outbreak happened fast as fuck in Tokyo and they turned it into an exclusion zone. Then it started appearing outside of the EZ with redeyes showing up personally and them starting the gestalt program to stop the WCS.
I thought it all happened in the span of like a year.
I gathered all that but I figured the resurgence was almost like a cloned computer program instead of the actual entity living on in them. So what, redeyes is an universal concept and come from without thousands of years later or the redeyes somehow got off earth but then came back. Or am I a luddite and the redeyes never actually left and the bunkers and shit were the new quarantine trying to keep it contained on earth and I'm just realizing it right now?
I'm fine being wrong about stuff. I've only played Nier and automata so the lore fromt he other sources are largely unknown to me.
That's like asking murricans which their favourite mcdonalds burger is.
Nope. There's an entire game's worth of material in between the flashback in Nier and the game proper. It's hilarious.
true, chrono trigger being #1 is criminal, it was a shitty game
>Who do you think made YorHa? Who do you think set them to be disposable? Who made all those android resistance members?
Nothing of that is even mentioned during Nier.
Nier established that humans are fucked and that there is nothing left anymore.
You can't just pull shit out of your ass in your sequel retconing everything.
a game on the SNES and one on the PS4 being on the same list of games from a single era is pretty fucking weird.
Reminder that the Earth in NieR is actually tidally locked, as NieR states just after the prologue.
it's the previous japanese emperor era, so it is pretty much just every proper video game released
Explain how Devola and Popola exist and have directives if there isn't some organization running things that you never see.
You think they built themselves?
oh yeah I forgot they just changed into the Heian era or something from the Tokogawa one.
Both of those names are probably wrong, I don't care.
my nigger
There's like twenty years or so before most of humanity dies after caim is shot down. They nuke Tokyo and it ends up spreading the particles all over, turns into a big war, most everyone dies pretty quick.
I guess I'm not actually sure if it is the wcs but for robots, again, or just very similar. Seems that way, given shit like Eve's tattoo and the symptoms, but I'm not actually sure if it is or not
Heisei and now Reiwa
Do they ever explain why? Would be interesting if it was locked because the bunkers were already up there and there were so many of them to stop the rotation.
Or if it was all a simulation at some point in the story but they never stuck with it and it was left in.
People are also forgetting that the Shadowlord more or less forced D&P's hand by kidnapping Yonah, but combined with the dying prospects for the project and the two having their own deep-seated insecurities towards the Replicants, they couldn't help but go through with all of it anyway.
So while they weren't the sole catalyst of everything going to shit, they still played a huge hand in it.
>DoD3 >= DoD1
Shit taste
DoD1 = NieR > Dod2 when caim is onscreen > automata > DoD3 >>> DoD2
Deepest lore.
Yes you can. Also, we're talking about the games in context with Automata. Nier is standalone in itself.
The android shadow government is not a factor in Nier. From Nier you can presume that the Devola and Popola androids are the sole administrators of the program, not one of many.
Them being one of many is a logical choice from the information in Nier, and is presented at thus because Automata because Automata is about androids, but from the information presented in Nier itself, you can assume they are simply remnants of human designs.
So is redeyes and all variants of it some universal reset switch? no matter what happens it manifests somehow to reset reality? The whole series just being a long futile attempt to stop it and we actually fuck it up each time in a more spectacular fashion than the last?
So much of the lore is a mystery to me.
It was contained until the japs nuked the Shinjuku exclusion zone to try and eradicate it, that spread it all over the world
Nope, but the night scene before the wedding is in the middle of the day, and all of the weather effects are just varying degrees of cloud cover. Never once in the game does the sun actually set.
I'm sorry what is this?
and it all stems from them being androids and fundamentally not realizing the human left in the Shadowlord would act like it and not operate according to their projections.
It's ambiguous. I like the idea of the gods of Drakengard being aspects of reality that can interact with all forms of sapience (and they hate the human form of sapience in itself) but it's not written in stone. Eve might just have liked the design.
I assume it happened during the Red Eye War we never see.
Damn I really am the only one who liked dod2 apparently.
sounds like a clever throwaway line to just not have a day night cycle then, from a dev standpoint. Fits in line with the weirdness of the series nicely though.
No, no, the Americans did that. The pure Japanese would never do such a cruel thing.
>All of this will soon be a creation by Ascians
Drakengard 1 is mostly trash with a few wtf moments thrown in. In desperate need of a remake.
dod2 is not canon
Wretched automatons > Wretched weaponry
Nah, it's not like that. In D1 this guy fights this mega demon God (the grotesquerie queen ,(zero, right?))basically, and they fall through a portal to real life Earth and get shot down by f16s. The god dissolves into magic particles that infect people, forcing you into a pact with the god that either makes you serve her as a red eyes zombie or die, which turns you into a pile of salt. The magic particles can't be destroyed though, so I just kinda thought they figured out how to infect robots circa automata
we told them the outbreak was because a korean was spotted in shinjuku. A nuke was the only option.
Oddman 11
Never read it, so I don't know the context.
Yeah, it's played like a throwaway line since it's during NieR's "The world is dying" monologue/exposition, but I think it's meant literally coming from him.
it's funny that canonically that's how Nier ages. A Fuccboi, an anime protag and then an ugly as fuck old man. Nier Gestalt is his diary from when he was younger (where you play as brother nier) while in Nier Replicant it's his father's diary, where you play as Father Nier instead.
maybe it can only affect living things. But life not as in flesh, life as in a mindset. The robots had advanced just enough to get afflicted by it and be considered "living" by the particles.
So seeing it infect the androids has a silver lining. It means they actually are achieving sentience. But great horror comes with it.
I keep hearing french words in this and it's driving me nuts. They really cut up various languages for these songs.
They swept all the god particles into another dimension. They did learn how to use magic though.
That's why all the robots in Automata use magic fusion reactors. You think that MP counter in the loading screen is an easter egg?
I meant to say the DLC was about this, for context, and the diary was actually his wife's/mother's or something? but for gameplay context you're playing as the opposite version Nier.
Haven't played Automata but i know they're in that game, but Devola and Popola ruined Nier for me. They're cool characters until the ending then become absolutely fucking retarded and nonsensical.
yes. It has french, japanese, and german I think. Its a gimmick or motif in all the music from all the games.
>MoNACA would send me very rough arrangements of the songs, 1,2 or 3 at a time, with instructions of what sort of language they wanted me to write in. For example “Kaine,” they asked me write in a Gaelic sounding language, “The Wretched Automatons” in futuristic English and “Grandma” in futuristic French.
I think there is a line in the loading screen that hints to 2B really being 2E too but I forget it.
they swept the Grotesqueries Queen's Maso entirely to another dimension but they still used the Maso derived from Angelus' corpse to develop magic which I don't think her Maso had any negative impact like the Queen's. No reason to banish it, I guess.
>saw only ending A
When did that happen? Removing all the grotesquerie shit?
Isn't the queen zero? Never finished 3, saw the ending but never quite understood, is she the one who fights caim?
And yeah, that's what all the Emil and nier shit was for
They absolutely redeem themselves in automata. Intentionally so by Taro.
You'll like them, but I spent the entire game not trusting them because of what happened in Nier.
No, i played through all of them. It doesn't stop them from being fucking retarded.
that's probably why the made-up language songs are listed as "Noveau-FR" version in Automata's soundtrack
I see the Grotesqueries Queen as a sort of original sin allegory. Something that by all accounts shouldn't exist in our reality but once does can never really be erased/forgot/mended.
That is why her plague or outbreak keeps coming back. Its an original sin to keep biting you in the ass.
they're not even the same Devola and Popola, just the last remaining units of the same production line that were forced to feel never ending guilt as punishment for the crimes of another, while being wholly unable to know WHAT they were being punished for. It's fucked.
But Weiss isn't the one who does that. It's Tyrann.
Dear Dad,
Today was awesome! Popola made me this HUGE cake that was really yummy, and everyone in the village has been wishing me happy birthday. It's fun! I feel like a princess or something.
I don't feel sick at all today. In fact, I almost forgot I had this disease! So maybe you can forget about it too and come back home now?
I like how the Drakengard OST has slowly evolved from experimental claptrap to something you can actually listen to.
I wish Drakengard 3's was more like Nier's but he purposefully want experimental and didn't want to make a soundtrack like Nier's except for a few songs (like the final boss theme) which is why stuff like the Intoner's tracks were weird shit
At the very least I don't want to die when I listen to Drakengard 3's OST. Very different from 1.
yeah and I know this is a bad excuse, but I think it was meant to be chaotic mess because they were in a very chaotic world.
Is this game worth playing? I see it for really cheap at FUCKING GAMESTOP alot. I heard it runs like shit.
Automata gave them a redemption arc of sorts.
They know why they're being punished though, but they think of themselves as separate from the other pair and thus can't understand why they're being treated in such a way. The irony lies in their personalities being near-identical to the ones from Nier, which reflects a lot of Automata's dilemma with the android models anyway.
It's only at the end that they finally accept their predicament and decide to atone on behalf of the previous Devola and Popola's sins.
They actually don't. They don't have their previous access rights.
What were the parts on the intoners that would grow without end? I remember it was like
>One: her senses
>Three: her hair
>Four: her..nails?
>Five: her breasts
>Isn't the queen zero? Never finished 3, saw the ending but never quite understood, is she the one who fights caim?
not to say for sure because all endings are canon in yoko taro's mind. The queen beast could just be the form that the flower takes when fused with zero.
I was happy that Drakengard 3's OST stayed away from Nier. Kept it fresh on both ends.
Yes, but only for really cheap, because you have to spend a lot for the DLCs.
But it is? Why do you think that twitching nerves aren't cute? If only i didn't lose the "birth from flower" webm i would call that cute too.
>DoD Ending A
>>DoD 2
>DoD Ending B
>>some horrific flight sim
>DoD Ending C
>>kino Kill All Dragons Melee that we'll never get
>DoD Ending D
>>some all in the mind shit???????
>DoD Ending E
They don't know what the crime the original Devola and Popola committed for them to be punished. They just know that they feel guilt for a crime and are trying to atone for it
Only the first area drops frames like crazy. The rest is alright. I did hear that emulation achieves a better framerate, but I don't know if the game is fully completeable yet.
Do you have to call it DoD? Just call it Drakengard.
Do you call Japan Nippon too?
They don't know the specifics. They just know it isn't for anything they did and they are smart enough to know how fucked that is.
When does he say the sun never sets, I don't remember that at all?
I have no idea how anyone who actually listens to the original Drakengard OST unironically survives. I work in a power plant, and if I want this experience, I would just walk into the engine room without ear protection.
>C matches closer to the narrative beats of the story
Ending C was just the writers wanting to have an Angelus boss fight but they weren't sure how to actually do it. It literally makes no sense and raises several questions.
>Drakengard 1 ending A leading into 2
actually they redacted that and Drakengard 2 is entirely on its own timeline now lol. They did this at the same time they decided Drakengard 3 doesn't lead into Drakengard 1 at all but at best another version of it without Pacts referred to as 1.3
In that, everyone gets dragons, Furiae doesn't commit sengoku basara and instead doubles down on wanting to fuck Caim.
>why don't you type 10 characters instead of 3?
Who cares, autist?
You do.
Nevermind then. Thank you for saving me time and money.
for the story yes. These are the few games where the story out weighs terrible game play.
I remember it was One who had her senses grow to the point that everything would give her a headache, I do remember Two being retard strong now though
Zero got the flower and reincarnation, 2 had retard strenght.
I don't mean that they understood exactly what they're being punished for, rather they understood it's because of the original Devola and Popola"s actions. It's why in their internal monologues they keep insisting they're different from them. Again the irony of which is their personalities are still very similar despite being innocent themselves.
Favorite DoD/Nier songs?
Mine is
I unironically love the how disconcerting most of the songs are. I also love NieR's OST as well.
here's a second (you) for you
True. I thought to exclude C at first since A and B had the most solid endings, but decided to add C since it still "tried" to have a semblance of an ending, even though the lore reasoning for it came out of left field.
>the vocal versions of the Intoner songs that sound like actual good songs aren't on an official soundtrack or anything
Blu-bird bar none. Just the opening 5 seconds is better than most of the rest of the soundtrack.
the dod1 ost is pretty good to be honest
>weird shit
>haha let's just add some baby noises
Joke is the wrong term, it’s obvious it was him emulating NGE third impact
>song starts with Two's retard moaning
Replied to the wrong guy, retard.
>3:35 hits
that's better
>think my emulator glitched out
>it's actually the song itself
The End of Yorha, this version specifically.
Call me a pleb all you want this song still hits me in the feels like it happened yesterday. It needs the pod babble and it needs to be 17 minutes long for the build up. the cleaner soundtrack version is nice but this is the fucking jam.
Fate version is definitely the best one for Song of the Ancients. I also love the Shadowlord theme, really sets the mood the moment you enter the theater room for the final boss.
Beyond that, I'm a sucker for all the Intoner boss themes and Sound of the End from Automata.
My only grievance here is that I wish it kept the crazy instrumentals of the boss music (even if remixed) instead of making it too clean and proper altogether.
>Devola and Popola's exposition at the end
Taro still said it was all a joke though, especially when he originally planned for an actual idol to appear in the end but couldn't. The horrific nature of it all just stems from the fact that he was very spiteful when he made Drakengard, so it bled onto the characters getting really horrible fates.
Name 5.
DoD's OG composer doesn't get the credit he deserves
I ran into my first joke ending because I refused to leave their side.
Nah it still hits me every time I listen to it.
You know what I always thought was cool? When they do their supercut trailers with random voice acting clips. Those lines really resonate.
not him but entire areas of the game are just a fairy tale of a princess held in a castle. With dressing.
Fug, how could I forget the main theme. Still so good.
I'm really confused about dod1 did caim have a crush on his own sis?
kuroi hana
ano koe ga
other way around. Furiae wanted to fuck Caim, he was disgusted by the thought and she commit suicide in shame.
>Don' me...
Other way around. Furiae had a crush on Caim and didn't care about the world burning and just wanted him to whisk her away.
Caim really only wanted one thing, really.
>Friend keeps bitching about how there is no remaster of DoD
They would have to completely remake the entire gameplay, that shit wouldn't work nowadays
I almost wish that part in Route C was actually part of Ending B. It would've rounded out the fucked up incest plot nicely and how Ending B finishes with the main theme of Furiae singing her thoughts when the credits roll.
blood and Angel
Jokes aside DoD's soundtrack is one of the most thematically accurate i've ever listened to. One has to have the balls to make a masterpiece.
Truly the only OTP that matters.
I played ending E for the first time blind and was convinced if I answered yes I'd lose and it would boot me out. When I finally did and the things happened I actually weeped like a child.
Tears of happiness that is.
Keeping myself in the dark while playing it was such a good choice. It was a great experience.
I'd rather have them make Drakengard 1.3 and see what else gets fucked up
>No pacts, but everyone gets a dragon
>Leonard makes a cult I mean a choir of young boys
>Arioch isn't AS crazy but still crazy
>Seere is a sociopath who would disguise himself as his sister and do things to get her beaten and is secretly happy his mother died
>Furiae still wants to fuck her brother but instead of killing herself she's like damn I reaaally want that dick so she chases him to the ends of the earth for that incest dicking
>Angelus becomes a humanoid in an ending
imagine being a big tittied priestess gf and your brother leaves you for a flaky-scaled snake bitch with ragged wings
>replicant is better version
except no
Most of the sky music is actually alright. It's just the ground missions that are bad since the levels go on for way to long and the songs loop terribly.
>plat NieR
>holy fuck, what an amazing and, at the same time, mediocre experience. what is this incredible bittersweet sensation I'm feeling? is that all there is? all that there ever will? damn you Cavia!
>NieR: Autamata
>cool game, that was fun hehe :^)
Something about robutts being doomed just doesn't jerk my tear as humans being doomed tbqh.
I wish the next big sequel will be something completely new
>Angelus becomes a human
>instead of being a woman she ends up looking like a clone of Caim as they are soulmates and that is the only human form she thinks of like that
>A-are you u-upset, is this not to your liking
>Caim's face is pic related
did they ever say which one is the canon-canon one? Because sure, they've explicitely gone on record to say that there's been hundreds of iterations of replicant Nier and Yonah and the relationship changes depending on when they're born (So some version is Nier as her father, other as her brother), but Shadowlord has to definitively be brother or father Nier.
Unfortunatly the secret ending of Nier didn't move me because i wasn't attached to Kainé. I didn't like her or anything, she's rude.
Playing Drakengard 3 made appreciate me Automata more. Not only was Taro depressed when he made DOD3, but the story very much reflects his attitude at the time. So really, Automata being much more positive overall felt like a such an emotional relief by the end in comparison.
it doesn't matter
Hated this part. Cyclops are probably some of the most annoying enemies in the game.
>That one Free Expedition where you have to fight two at the same time at the very edge of the map and get fucked by the invisible wall
There's no canon one
Make it yuri incest and I will now buy your game.
Creepy but I love it.
Not that user, and while I loved Kaine's character, I actually found myself sympathizing with the Shadowlord a lot more. So Ending B was the one that did it for me the most.
that's fine because they've said that the kind of ending would really depend on the nier doing it. I think Taro said that Father Nier would sacrifice Kaine to save Yonah because he'd do it to be with his daughter but Brother Nier would be "tired" of taking care of Yonah and would take the route where he sacrifices his existence instead.
Absolutely agree with everything you said in the posed
Unironically based.
>when onii-chan/aniki gets translated literally as big brother/big bro
>I actually found myself sympathizing with the Shadowlord a lot more.
Is that supposed to be weird? Everyone but Weiss become cunts when the truth is revealed. On playthrough B you can't not sympathize with the shades and start hating the characters. And most of all Kaine is the worst in this because she knew the whole truth AND could hear the shades's real voice.
can someone explain the design theory behind giving dragons giant dick wedges to hook their feet on
I actually got the most emotional impact not from the androids but from the pods at the end. Realizing they were there the entire time learning from us and the cycle finally broke in a manner they could learn from really hit home.
There was this big battle between robutts and androids and they were both vying for supremacy while evolving. But they both fail and the faithful little servant you had the whole time turned out to both be the beneficiaries of all your struggles, but had been purposely sitting there with knowledge it would happen like this. It was just this time you pod chose to break protocol, bringing new life from the most unlikely of places.
All eyes were on 2B, 9S, Adam, and Eve but the real characters were the pods. They were us the player, seeing the events unfold and trying to make something out of it. It really makes the little segments where they are talking to each other about linking up have meaning. It really adds impact when the pods start acting WILDLY different and you realize they can see the same thing differently.
Then a machine talks another machine down using logic and emotions about how just letting this happen could be fun. Not our fun, their fun, the androids. They could give them that future by just... not following a single order for good reason.
I think alot of people got caught up in the last few hours with what was happening and didn't see the real story unfolding. So the ending just feels hollow if you keep thinking of the pods as side characters. A weird Dragon Quest 5 vibe.
You're not exactly meant to root for either side, but the intent was for you to understand the different perspectives on both sides. So really, sympathizing with the Shades and the Shadowlord isn't wrong or weird.
whats makes things worse is that maybe thos is where the black flower comes from and where everything came tumbling down.
there are just timelines where they focus the sequel on, and continue from there.
Ending A is just supposed to make him a voiceless bad guy but once you do Ending B it should cement in you that everyone you're killing actually was and is a human soul, Nier is doing it unknowingly but Kaine and you as the player are fully aware of it. It really sets in with Goose because you're murdering actual babies.
Being attached to the Pods definitely became a huge factor in selling the ending for me. It helped that I personally loved A2's ending and how she acknowledges Pod 042 by the end, so Ending E felt even more of a gut punch for me.
>we play and discuss this franchise so much we are actually getting a glimpse into Taro's fucked mind
>this might be a blessing, it might be a cures
>Taro is happy either way, everything was just a medium to get here
>"I don't want to suffer alone" -Yoko Taro
call it bad taste but the eerie ground music was really fitting and it didn't bother me as much as it did for you when 100% this game.
no its really to show you how things are terrible and things play out anyways. Earth still rotates around the sun but human race can be considered the only race that would kill itself on a massive scale.
>you now realize even Dragon tails resemble the Space Battleship Yamato because Japan can't help it
There is your reason. Not joking. The fuckers literally cannot help themselves. They love the naval design.
this is why I love the guy. He knows we see it from his perspective now, and he is hurting still but at least he isnt alone on that. Only thing was I think he didnt mean for this to be a cry of help on his part, but it did.
>old schoolbook
I don't see it as a cry for help really. I think he intentionally makes the games as a therapeutic self help thing he administers to himself and is grown up enough to not lie to himself about it. So when people ask him or make allusions he is honest about the person asking the question being right.
Him hiding his face probably gives him strength we don't fully get for him. He is probably very honest about what he says, probably brutally so because the mask.
I think he is profoundly smart and gifted and a certain level of depression is always inherent with that from a general sense of alienation to your fellow man. It comes with the territory when thinking about the topics he does.
I don't think a guy like Cliffy B is ever going to be able to even conceptualize Taro's vision. He just isn't trying to make that kind of experience. He can't if you ask me.
Taro is a genuine gift to the world.
I do find it interesting that both Drakengard games had Taro at his low points in his life, and both Nier games had him during his upswing moods based on interviews.
Does this mean we're in for another Drakengard soon or did Automata finally cure him?
I think he is a very honest guy dont get me wrong but I do see your point though.
its pants on head retarded but I think you are right.
The colorscheme even matches for fucks sake.
we are going to get android dragons forming a jpop band against slanneshi noise marine proxies.
Taro just has a way to put his ideas in to visual terms that make it compelling to keep watching. You are right
there is no cure and i think this series is proof of that, there is only living with it and moving on.
aren't the mother grotesque and the intoners embarassed when they're naked as statues
why is exhentai back
He understands how important music is to the visual pairing but doesn't want to cheaply manipulate you with basic music motifs like a swell at a touching moment or ominous at uncertain moments. So he creates a soundtrack that somehow pairs with the visuals, but not in such a rote way were the music will instantly inform you on what emotion you should have.
It build a complex emotion in its place that is slightly different from person to person. A much wider pool to pull from.
i think it has something to do with the whole flying ships battling in the sky thing.
nothing is ever truly gone
haha only when people look at them but that would be rude so they fart to keep people away so it doesn't happen, which isn't rude.
because god isn't dead
Because other anons helped in carrying the weight of the [hentai] world.
It's absolutely criminal those two overrated pieces of garbage have so much porn
And then accepting that wide pool of emotion all equally valid. You are never actually forced into being told how to think. It is all subjective and as the player there is a level of respect you understand when someone treats you like that. It elevates everything you judge when dealing with it. Or it should.
yeah he doesnt rely on stings and building specific perspective on the characters when it comes to his music, its just ambience like you would a florescent light
song of the ancients > the rest
And then people get mad at Nomura for spreading KH
nomura runs on a fan fiction mentality. Taro is on a level of creating the multiverse theory before it was re-popularized now.
Don't think you know something about the commander. Here's a picture.
Is that a penis?
Honestly, there aren't a whole lot of games out there that features suffering as its main theme. Automata was a pretty disappointing game in that aspect.
i would say its tamer, but that's maybe because they were androids, the world ended and now this new world they are building seems too new to really care about for it to make such a larger impact in terms of depression.
I want to cross-pollinate with that flower if you know what I mean.
It's because Automata was meant to be more optimistic as a whole. Drakengard 3 was meant to be the suffering game.
you know I just realized!?
gif related to birth of eve
It is.
>nothing is canon and yet they are
no they are all canon. all of it, its almost like a multiverse theory but to a point that its insane to take it that far in realms of probability and details of each canon ending.
Because liking Taro is cool and means you're deep
Or at least that's what they think
That face always gets me, it looks so ugly.
Wasn't magic supposed to be gone in that world except for the emil fight? I mean, your pod literally says during the secret boss fight "the enemy uses magic from the old world, blocking won't work, it is strongly recommended to avoid it"
How the fuck does that thing generate from nothing and why it bleeds
Pod might say that but your fusion generators are obviously magic based.
Even if magic attacks aren't in fashion anymore, they're still used.
Equivalent because they both have old-looking dudes with medium length hair?
Andriods didnt have the technology to use magic because simply put they androids. Evolution seems to be the key to magic here, and is the downfall of their own species. Magic is something that is gifted from god like beings. In short is that Humanity is God and God is humanity. The idea of the devil is simply Humanity trying to destroy itself, and by such continues to solidify my hunch that the Black Flower, Magic, Guardians, andriods, the watchers, dragons, everything on earth that could think Was once Man and Humanity birthed its own Destruction. The Machine Life Forms copied humanity on everything even their mistakes, but when it reached God Hood it left.
>How the fuck does that thing generate from nothing and why it bleeds
Because taro is a fucking hack, no need for magic when you can be too deep
it bleeds because the Machine lifeforms evolved to combine andriod features which could be considered flawless to the flawed idea of humanity.
It was a God that was Created.
neck yourself
I don't want to sound cringe, but DOD1's soundtrack sounds like the literal definition of insanity.
Exactly. It's the music of the gods, everyone in Not-europe hears it in the back of their minds.
Now is the time to feel the love of the gods!
A great love
a love powerful and formidable